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By Jbe
JoinUs, yup... this is the place. The topic never stays the same for long though the towel and bed pics seem to be doing well. Feel free to add your own towel or bed shot. BTW, my towel pic from a few pages back IS a selfie. A DSLR and a tripod... and Bob's yer uncle. :D
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By HappyGal
Hi join us! Thanks and yes do look back a few pages . There are a lot of great pics of the men and the ladies.

Turtle and Jbe, as long as the weather holds we will be out there ... Will definitely try for some pics. Can't wait!

Jbe! Another new sexy propic...I just licked my phone. Yum :P here's to hoping you will be eating peach pie...and more... this weekend.

Thanks for your sweet comments about my pic...makes me want to post another but its someone else's turn first.
By Jbe
HG, so that's I felt on the back of my neck! :mrgreen: :shock: :shock: :oops: I too am hoping to eat some peach pie... and the euphemism for peach pie as well. :D :D :lol:

Happy, feel free to post another. I'm going to try and post one tomorrow... though I'm sure the guys are all saying, "NO, please don't!" Hey, it's all in fun!
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Skittles anyone....?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr1aflI ... e=youtu.be

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Happygal if it takes a selfie to get you to flash, then step up we shall!

First, I'll "moon" you....

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'll see your Pie and raise you a Moon.....  The Dark Side no less....!!!
I'll see your Pie and raise you a Moon..... The Dark Side no less....!!!
10409404_10152958156363943_2087107474874854529_n.jpg (164.91 KiB) Viewed 14247 times
By Jbe
Actually I meant I am hoping to eat what "peach pie" is the euphemism for. :oops: :oops: :shock: :mrgreen:

Wow Rock... a full moon for sure! I don't think that's quite what HappyGal meant. :roll: :roll: But... whatever... :lol: :lol: :lol:

That vid, Rock... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By FastFive
That vid belongs in the Groaner thread. :|
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By FastFive
Share the rainbow... :lol:
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IMG_20140829_172139 (2).jpg (1.76 MiB) Viewed 14236 times
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Well Happygal says one of us needs to step up, so....

As it happens I did take one a few days ago...

[color=#FF0000]honora[/color] wrote:
Rock, you got so philosophical there! My eyes are blue and green, and even turn grey if I'm wearing that color. Anyway, your poetry is something else!

....how about an overcoat theme, or something that covers up just enough to leave lots to the imagination hehe

OK, In keeping with the Themes.... One for the weekend Leather Trench Coat.....Check!

(Poetry in the siggy below is mine btw....and Thank You, Miss H,) enjoy the weekend COFFers and COFFettes!

Trenchcoat and silk tie, check!
Trenchcoat and silk tie, check!
IMG_20140829_173651.jpg (776.24 KiB) Viewed 14231 times
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By HappyGal
yuk yuk yuk - good one! I had to mute it quickly though because it came up super loud, LOL! Whoops.

I knew what you meant about the peach pie - I hope you make peach pie for your female companion then eat it off her naked titties and she returns the favor on your pie stick! :!: There's an idea worth recreating!

Going over to friends for one last dip in their pool before they return from vacation. Not sure which room in their house we will defile this time. Careful who you ask to house-sit, people! :lol: terrible! (but we always clean up thoroughly)
By Jbe
HG, if she comes over tomorrow I will make a peach pie. I make her pies and cheesecakes and she makes me tamales and salsa. It's a good trade. As far as the rest of it goes, we'll just see what happens. :D

Rock, is that your "50 Shades" tie? ;)
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By HappyGal
Jbe, sounds like a great trade to me!

RC.. Your pic is great! I love the tie, classy touch. Do you wear a suit and tie often? That is so sexy.

Also, thanks for the moon pic...
by the light, of the silvery Moon, I want to spoon with my honey I do da do ;)
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By FastFive
Heh... one for the music thread:
" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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By honora
Hi Jess , nice to meet ya! The Snapping Glove? :lol: I'm sure the guys would just love to hang out at that place!

Thinker, I was still feeling very sweaty so I'm not sure you'd want a taste :mrgreen:

HG that is a HOT towel pic! Yay thanks for joining in! I love the look of tan lines too.

Jr, compare notes with you? Sounds interesting but I don't know how long that would last before we would feel the need to find other fun stuff to do ;)

Rock, great pic! I remember as soon as you joined here you have always been the poetic one :D
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By Turtle
honora wrote:Now I can't get that song out of my head! Thanks Fast!! (insert emoticon of sticking tongue out at you)

Once that song gets in, it could take 3 days to get it out of your head. :shock:
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By honora
Turtle very true, that song is just way too catchy...

No plans for the long weekend because I'll be working, woo hoo! I'm starting an overnight rotation on Sunday that is sure to screw with my internal clock; if I end up writing a bunch of nonsense in the coming weeks then you will know why!
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By FastFive
honora wrote:Turtle very true, that song is just way too catchy...
It's one of those that simply has to be sung at the top of your lungs, no matter how off-key you may be (or is that just me?) while driving along, no matter how the other drivers may be looking at you. :mrgreen:
No plans for the long weekend because I'll be working, woo hoo! I'm starting an overnight rotation on Sunday that is sure to screw with my internal clock; if I end up writing a bunch of nonsense in the coming weeks then you will know why!
I'd honestly love to work nights, but not as a rotating schedule... that would screw me up so much. I'm a night owl at heart though. Staying up 'til I see the sun feels normal for me. Waking up to see the sun does not.
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By honora
Fast I am so with you - I am definitely not a morning person. Just the nature of my work that I am all over the place though. Staying awake to see the sunrise? Heavenly....
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By FastFive
Tomorrow (which will be "today" in about 90 seconds) I have to be up just after 4 and on the road by 5. :roll: Normally on a Friday evening and Saturday evening I'm awake 'til 2 at the very least (it would be even later, but then it starts messing up my Monday mornings if I go too late), sometimes 'til 3 or 4.

Working nights is great though. The few times I've done it have been nice.... the world is a calmer, quieter place during those hours. (Though maybe not in the medical field... :? )

I'm off to sleep now... a 4 hour nap. :lol:

G'nite. ;)
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By mandadees
Hey there,

Happy weekend!

That's a sexy picture RC, I love the leather trenchcoat and pants, sexy you! I need skittles now, lol!

Hi Turtle! I love that propic!

HG, hi sweetie!

Hi Five! :D :D :D :D
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By FastFive
I wasn't exaggerating when I said I had to be up early. :shock:

Out to door in a few minutes (5 a.m. Is an ungodly hour) and on the road until I get back home for supper. Thankfully this only happens 2 or 3 times a year. :lol:
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By HappyGal
Good morning all...thanks honora..I do weare sunscreen just seem to have permanent tan lines now!! Good luck with your new schedule. It sounds really tough. Do you have a good sleep mask? So great for sleeping and more...

I think I'm a morning person but I like late nights too...but dang FF that's so early I feel for you!! The early morning feels reflective and calm...the late night feels like anything can happen...plus god how I love summer nights!
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By rockclimber
Going to be out tonight with friends from VW and the topic will be VW and a wish list. :?:

So speak up here or pm or email if you have ideas etc.... :ugeek:

Be well COFFettes and fellow COFFers.. ..

John, bold move. You're blushing. So this theme thing continues eh? Where's Skeetz that tie die shirt shot was classic. :lol:

I think Jess is ready with a glove, she promises she'll be gentle I hear, ha ha. :oops:

I better shut and alert Winston to do guard duty in case y'all come gunning for me! :o

Speaking of, he's been at the beach a lot this summer, still afraid of the surf though...... :lol:
By Jbe
Rock, it's a bed AND towel theme. :roll: Actually, I'm not really blushing... it's pretty much my normal complexion. It's all the Scot and Irish blood coursing through my veins.

VW wish list:
1. Still looking for more smilies- same old request
2. Larger propics- same old request
3. Admin being more proactive on reviewing and approving new account comments for posting. Taking a week or two sometimes is ridiculous.
By Jbe
One other thing, Rock... it would be nice if VW advertised the Forums a bit more. There are a lot of lurkers but I bet a lot of people just don't know about them.

I know VW can't do anything about it, but if more ladies commented on their contris that would be nice. Personally speaking, I very rarely will start a thread unless the lady DOES comment back on her contri. There are quite a few that post every month but never comment back to their fans. I call those "professional amateurs"... the ones that are just in it for the prize money.. and who also post on a multitude of sites.

Give Winston a scritch behind his ears... and perhaps a doggie treat.
By Jbe
Damn... I keep thinking of things, Rock.

I don't know if anything can be done about it, but there are some numbnuts that cut and paste the same stupid comments on practically every contri every day.
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By rockclimber
Possibly. Also keeping an eye to increasing participation a d revenues from RC. Any thoughts there?
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By FastFive
And I'm back.

Where's the 'dead tired' smiley?
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By holliebaby
I love the towel and bed shot John! You are so creative!!! And still a sexy man!!!!! Keep it up!!!! (and I mean that in so many ways!).
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By FastFive
mandadees wrote: Hi Five! :D :D :D :D
I see what you did there. :geek:

LOL Hi manda! I guess I missed this post the other night... sorry, I wasn't ignoring you. Promise.
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By Coffjr
Honora - I'd say it wouldn't be too long before we started to explore more exciting stuff but saying it wouldn't be too long is misleading. ;)

John - I think I saw Manda with a straight razor in her hand looking for you.... :lol:
By JenySmith
Hey FastFive im just thinking about your bed pictures whole week long and now i know why! your remind me Quqmayer of family guy :lol: do you know what im talking about? your red love boxers suite you so well! nice tripod job :lol:
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By FastFive
JenySmith wrote:Hey FastFive im just thinking about your bed pictures whole week long
I wish you would have stopped there... :lol:
and now i know why! your remind me Quqmayer of family guy :lol: do you know what im talking about? your red love boxers suite you so well! nice tripod job :lol:
Thanks. I think... :?
By JenySmith
FastFive wrote:
JenySmith wrote:Hey FastFive im just thinking about your bed pictures whole week long
I wish you would have stopped there... :lol:
and now i know why! your remind me Quqmayer of family guy :lol: do you know what im talking about? your red love boxers suite you so well! nice tripod job :lol:
Thanks. I think... :?
hey common he's so cute! i love Quqmayer! He and Peter are my favorites! Quq knows how to treat women right )))))))
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By FastFive
In that case I'l take it as a compliment. :D

(Just to be clear everyone... those shorts were a joke. I don't really wear underwear like that. :lol: )
By JenySmith
FastFive wrote:In that case I'l take it as a compliment. :D

(Just to be clear everyone... those shorts were a joke. I don't really wear underwear like that. :lol: )
or you wear it when you go to the dates :lol: love the guys with the sense of humor like that :P
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