Political discussions about everything
By snakeoil
The Orange Baboon has decertified the Iran Deal and levied new sanctions. This opens the door to a new and more dangerous confrontation with Iran in the near future. If Congress goes along with him all hell could break loss. This ass has no idea at all how the world works. I tend to agree with Tillerson, this ass is pushing us toward World War III.
By snakeoil
Stupiddaddy..Thank you for the slam, it proves my point about Trump supporters. Why do you feel that the Orange Baboon is right when many diplomats and USA personnel charged with monitoring the deal have said that Iran is in compliance with the deal? Why would several of the world's leaders contact him and ask him to reconsider?

I feel that the reason for this action is to continue to erase all of the actions of the Obama Presidency. I was no fan of Obama but to base your Presidency on the reversing the actions of others is insane. There are so many problems in this country (and the world) that cry out for sensible solutions. Please, Please...abandon the party rhetoric (both Parties) and begin to investigate the situations in the world and the actions necessary to solve the problems.
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By namngulfvet
Tells Snake how can this deal even be legal. Was it approved through Congress? NO! So Ojackass pulled it out of his ass to cover his Muslim brothers at the last min of his reign of terror and lawlessness.
An now your whining about it. It was a billion dollars of US taxpayer dollars he gave a way. How many famlies could that have fed for a few years or so. Not to mention there wasnt one security measure in the deal to make sure they were upholding their end of the deal. How do we even know they aren't building a fucking bomb.

Ojackass set up to where we have a ask them permission to come in a check on them.. And if they decide no the guess what you moron. How fucking stupid can you get Snakeshit...
By snakeoil

a. The Iran deal was approved by Congress.

b. The money was Iran's money that we had impounded. Not one penny of the money that was returned came from American taxpayers.

c. The deal was perfectly legal and the negotiations were monitored by Congress.
By Clownkicker
You conservative imbeciles should be ashamed to have this ignoramus namandgulfdumbfuck speaking for you.

It's hard to believe anyone could be 100% wrong on everything he believes. Not one thing he said is true.

Who fed this moron all that made up stupid shit? And why did he eat it so cheerfully? It's like he licked it directly out of Trump's ass or something.
By Intrepid
It was a bad deal pushed by Obozo who wanted to placate his buddies the mullahs. It needed to be scrapped.
Take a Midol and calm down.
By Clownkicker
So what's "bad" about the deal, Insipid?

Not one of you tools, including Trump, can tell us what's so "bad" about it. :lol:
By sillydaddy
Dated Sept. 6, 2016

The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction continued to denounce the payments.

Treasury Department spokeswoman Dawn Selak said in a statement late Tuesday that the cash payments were necessary because of the "effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions," which isolated Iran from the international finance system.

Obama violated the Sanctions !!!
By elklindo69
sillydaddy wrote: Dated Sept. 6, 2016

The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction continued to denounce the payments.

Treasury Department spokeswoman Dawn Selak said in a statement late Tuesday that the cash payments were necessary because of the "effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions," which isolated Iran from the international finance system.

Obama violated the Sanctions !!!
Someone quick!
Please Teach Silly how to summarize an article and/or post a hot link... :lol: :lol:
By johnforbes
The Iran deal was perhaps the worst in the history of American foreign policy.

Iran got what it wanted, and we got nothing.
By Clownkicker
Again, that's just a flat out lie, johnny.

We got 98% of their enriched uranium. Can't build a bomb without it.
We got to pour epoxy into all of their high speed centrifuges, permanently disabling them. Can't build a bomb without them.
We got to pour epoxy into most of their low speed centrifuges, leaving them only enough to enrich the reactor fuel they need.
We got monthly inspections of their nuclear sites, which they have complied with completely. Can't build a bomb without them.

Repeat your lie again, johnny, you hypocritical conservative tool.
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By namngulfvet
snakeoil wrote:Namgulfvet

a. The Iran deal was approved by Congress.

b. The money was Iran's money that we had impounded. Not one penny of the money that was returned came from American taxpayers.

c. The deal was perfectly legal and the negotiations were monitored by Congress.
OH you mean the Dummycrap congress. ya those idiots. They are as stupid as you and the rest of your ilk
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By RealJustme
Trump is merely following the law, let Congress decide if that's what the people want, Obama's executive orders are being reversed to allow the laws of our country to be followed. By the way the clock is ticking for Congress to act on Obamacare, watch for executive actions by Trump to undo executive actions by Obama. :D
By johnforbes
Iran violated that "agreement" over 30 times this year.

Again, this was the worst deal in the history of American foreignn policy.

Kerry and Obama got nothing out of this deal, but then neither of them were actually representing American interests therein.
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