Political discussions about everything
A Korean should step up for their fellow Koreans and be a Claus von Stauffenberg. Claus failed but he tried, Koreans, North and South, are putting millions of Koreans at risk of death by not manning up. If a war starts it'll be a result of Koreans inaction. The fighting should be kept confined to Korea.
You're spot on, Europe an Asia use us as they're police force who are expected to rush to the violence while they retreat from it. For the moment Kim is North and South Korea's problem that they should deal with him before we have to. If we have to deal with him and it comes to whether Koreans or Americans should be put more in harms way...well you know my vote. Keep the fight confined to Korea.
If the Koreans fail to act and allow Kim to continue his planned nuclear attack on the United States, millions of them will die as the battle quickly escalates to the use of nuclear weapons by both sides. None of them will reach the United States. Your choice Koreans, man up and deal with Kim or prepare your families. Kim still thinks he's dealing with Obama style leadership expecting the only response from the United States if he did hit us with a nuke would for to strike the site the nuke was launched from and then call for talks giving Kim everything he wants.
Heard a bit on the news yesterday that China has been monitoring seismic activity on the Korean peninsula during NORK nuclear testing. All of the testing has been done under one mountain that is uniquely suited for such testing.

The Chinese fear the mountain may collapse, spreading radioactivity throughout the region, including China.

So either the NORKS may bring down the house on top of themselves or China could step in and take some sort of action. Regime change for example.

Who knows, but those are options.
Trump hinted at a ban on China made goods if they don't put their dog on a leash. Makes you wonder if Kim is a member of a union, because they've been calling on bans of China goods for years, without the competition from China unions could raise the prices to what ever they demanded.

Sounds drastic but it's better than a war that would kill millions of Koreans and possibly thousands of Americans.
State Department says they've reached the end of the road, no more time for talk. LET ‘MAD DOG’ HANDLE IT.

Haley: ‘No problem’ letting Pentagon boss Mattis deal with North Korea moving forward. "Diplomacy has failed, I have no problem kicking it to General Mattis because I think he has plenty of options,” Haley said at the White House briefing, where she and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster previewed U.S. efforts at the U.N. General Assembly next week.
North Korea officially announced at the UN that they are only a few steps away from the final gate of completion of the state's nuclear force and that their rocket's visit to the entire U.S. mainland is inevitable.

Well dudes, that sounds like a declaration of war to me. They couldn't make it more clear that they will be launching nuclear weapons at the United States as soon as they can, which is in the near future. Pelosi responded by saying we need to give diplomacy a chance.

I find it REALLY hard to believe that we can't hack into their communication systems and either cause the missiles to explode upon launch or to circle back to North Korea as a target.
Things are going on behind the scenes none of us know about.

I have faith in the Aegis class guided missile cruisers currently on station off the Korean peninsula. And the satellites watching, and listening to everything that is going on.
Nah, then we would have feed, house and provide medical care to all those North Koreans like we're doing for illegals in our own country. I say lay waste to it and let China deal with the millions that will be crossing into their border. The chickens will be coming home to roost for China. It's actually China's biggest fear.
"Do you really think NK will lob rockets at SK and Japan?"-elklindo

Well, he might NOW with Trump 'double-daring' him to do it.

"Elkin, do you favor letting North Korea continue lobbing rockets?
Surely no sane person really wants that, even a liberal Democrat."-johnflops

The sad irony is that the one thing that might make Kim actually lob rockets at anyone is if he is feels cornered with nothing to lose, which is the position Trump is intentionally putting Kim in. Only an idiot thinks a posturing childish bully like Kim will back down in the face of another posturing childish bully like Trump. Dimwitted conservatives don't understand what drives megalomaniacs. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Trump doesn't believe he will personally suffer in this scenario. Nothing is more dangerous than a bully who thinks he can't be hurt.

johnforbes should read his own comment about what "any sane person really wants" and then he needs to reconsider the likely effects of every belligerent threat Trump is making.
I wish I could say "not even a conservative Republican really wants that", but we have conservative Republicans here literally calling for nuclear war, and I never thought ANYONE was stupid enough to want THAT. Obviously I was wrong.
I have read my own comments. They were wonderful, noble, and filled with insight -- golden moments in western culture.

As to North Korea, nobody knows what that little nut will do.

Appeasing North Korea didn't work; spineless leftists like Clinton and Obama already tried that.
"As to North Korea, nobody knows what that little nut will do."-johnfibs

And the same could be said for Donald Trump, johnny; nobody knows what that big fat nut will do.
You never bother to think about the implications of the stupid things you say, do you?

But everyone with any life experience or who took a Psych 101 course knows it is far more likely that either will do something terrible if his perception is that he has been threatened than if he doesn't feel threatened.

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