A place to share your sexy stories
By Jocko64
Hey Froggy , hang in there, keep it going at 72 my wife still like a dick in her mouth or pussy, Guy that used to do her ass died! I am to big for it she tells me.
By FDupp
Hey folks - Ohler, Froggy, and Jocko - thanks for the comments. I'm glad to know that I'm not just writing for myself (although, admittedly, I'd probably keep writing these posts even if no one read them or replied).

Yoga class last night (Wednesday). As is my habit, I got there about a half hour early to do some warm ups and stretching. I like to break a sweat before we get into class. I was wearing my trusty ten-year-old gray USMC sweats - stretched, did some jump rope and body weight exercises. While I'm getting my heart rate up, Natalie comes in and comes straight over to me and says "Hey Fred, good to see you. Think we could talk after class?" Of course, before I can answer J.D. and a couple of other folks come into the class. I say "sure" and Natalie goes to the front of the class to start getting ready (she's wearing a very, very hot canary yellow yoga outfit - the outfit that she was wearing the morning that we visited the yoga studio and sauna in her basement).

Class is uneventful. J.D. was wearing her peacock yoga pants again, green sports bra under an oversized white tank top which gave a nice glimpse of her cleavage, especially when she bent over to stretch. I have to admit, throughout the class I kept glimpsing over to watch J.D. and thinking about last Saturday night - thinking about the curves and details of her body in the dim light from her bathroom, of the feel of her as I slid inside her... made some of the yoga poses difficult, especially the "wheel" - if you don't know what that is, Google it and you'll understand why it was especially difficult for me last night!

After class, J.D. comes over and says "let's shower up and meet at XXXX (a local pub)" - I say sure. Meanwhile, Natalie's eyes are boring holes in me. Now, to be honest, J.D. is an interesting and intriguing woman - although it appears that there is a considerable shell for me to break through to really get to know her. However, Natalie is unlike any woman I've ever been with before - confident, strong, in control.

J.D. and I meet up at the pub about a half hour after yoga class. I'm there before her and she kind of takes my breath when she walks in - black knee-high boots, long black skirt, white silky-type blouse, and a black button-up sweater, her strawberry-blonde hair down below her shoulders, an onyx pendant resting just at the top of her cleavage, modest but confident make-up... fucking hot.

Cut to the chase - we have a grand total of two drinks (J.D.'s limit, evidently), and talk casually about our date last weekend, my trip coming up this weekend, and how J.D. wishes I was staying home. I joke that she could come with me - she says "I'd really like that, but..." First off, I wasn't really serious, but she seemed truly disappointed. I'm gone Friday through Tuesday. We make a date for Wednesday after yoga class next week. As we're leaving, we kiss and J.D. takes my hand and says "Fred, Saturday night was, well, it was fantastic." I said "yes, it definitely was - we should do that again, soon." I told her that she was beautiful and that I'd never been with a woman quite like her. She tells me that I'm flattering her and then starts to minimize herself, saying that she's sure that I'm exaggerating. She then starts to apologize and I shush her. I suggest that we could pick up where we left off tonight, but she declined and said "maybe next week, when you're back." We then kiss, she presses her body up next to mine and whispers "you're an incredible lover" - steps away, gets into her Jag convertible and peels out of the parking lot, leaving me standing in the frigid night air. It's a couple of minutes before I realize just how cold it is and head for my truck.

Okay, so there's that.

J.D. is a very interesting woman. She's smart, funny, and very sexy -- but definitely has some sexual hang-ups. I look forward to getting to know her more deeply and getting her to come out of her shell. On the flip side, there's Natalie - absolutely the most amazing woman I've ever been with - but married - married to an asshole in a shitty marriage, but married nonetheless. Unfortunately, I can't stop thinking about her, even when I'm with J.D. Pretty fucked up, eh?

I guess, when it rains it pours - and this is what I get for getting involved with a married woman.

Life is, well, interesting... Cheers!

By Jocko64
Hey man not FU, I always went for the married ones, my wife same way, no strings attached and always clean. Over years she only had one guy that went goo goo on her, luckily I never had wife that went Goo goo. WE have some fabulous memories
By Ohler
Well Fred, if I read your last account correctly... you said Natalie wanted to talk to you about something after yoga class but yet you talked to JD and then took off. If you told Natalie you were going to talk to her and then ignored her - you may only have one woman now to deal with. Natalie is probably pissed that you said you would talk and then took off with another woman. Did you talk to Natalie and just leave that conversation out of your last entry here , or did you forget to stall after class in order to hear what she wanted to say? If you forgot or ignored speaking to Natalie after class , then take out of town on business and not come back for several days - I would say there is a woman who will really feel as if she's been ignored for another woman.
What seems unobtainable is often very attractive ( in this case Natalie) but there's a good reason to be careful there.If she left her husband for you , you know the husband is going to recognize you as the one that's been to his house a few times. He sounds like a person who could afford and might do anything to get back some revenge.
You've got me hooked on the events. I'll watch for something here by next weekend.
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By froggy007
Hey FDupp,

You have close to 13,000 reads, so rest assured there are lots of people reading and following your story besides myself, Ohler & Jocko.
By FDupp
Hey folks – it's been a while since I've been able to post, but I've been keeping a summary going over the last several days, so here's a quick update. In order to keep continuity, I've put in a header of what day I wrote these.


I spent the weekend in Chicago for business, so J.D. and I didn’t get together over the weekend. We did go out after our yoga class last week, but it was a pretty casual date – a couple of drinks, a little teasing and flirting, a passionate kiss in the parking lot and then we went our separate ways.

To catch up on a few things – Ohler, regarding last week and not speaking with Natalie after class, I had started over to speak with her when we were done, but her body language made it pretty clear that she didn’t want to speak with me, so I decided to let it go. I did speak with her briefly this past Wednesday before other people showed up for the class, and she was civil, cool, and professional – my buddy Mike (Jenny’s husband) comes home next weekend, and Natalie said that she and Dave wanted to host a party for him, and she said that Dave wanted my assistance and input. I said that I’d be happy to help, and suggested that we wait at least 3 or 4 days after he gets home before throwing the party (he’ll need that much time to decompress and get to know his wife again!). She concurred and said that Dave would be in touch (now, this really threw me for a loop – I figured that she was throwing the party. Knowing how Dave has treated me most of the time, he probably wants me to bartend or work the party!) I asked if she was doing okay, and she softened for a moment, smiled, and said “I’m about as good as could be expected, considering all that is going on.” I asked her if she wanted to grab a cup of coffee sometime and just talk. Her reply: “I’d love to, but that wouldn’t be smart.”

By then, several other folks had come into the room and started warming up, J.D. came in wearing her white yoga outfit – she’s an attractive woman, but there’s something about those white yoga pants that don’t do her any favors. Again, she did her usual warm up, including those straight-leg-face-to-the-knees stretches, but no longer putting her ass on display in my direction. It was a pretty tame class, so we agreed to meet up for a drink after we showered. As J.D. walked off to the locker room, I went back into the yoga room to tell Natalie that if she ever needed anything, needed to get away, or just needed to talk that I could be discreet and would be there for her. She teared up a little, smiled, and said “that’s sweet Fred, but I just can’t right now. Dave is super paranoid if he doesn’t know where I am or what I’m doing.” I told her that I was worried about her, thought of her often, and that she was a beautiful woman and a beautiful person who deserved better. She smiled, teared up a little, and told me to get out.

J.D. and I met up at a local pub and had a couple of drinks (well, I had a couple and she nursed a glass of wine for a little over an hour). A lot of small talk, a little flirting and innuendo, and we made plans for Saturday evening – visit one of the wineries that we missed previously, dinner, and then check out a local singer/band that she really likes... hopefully followed by another great breakfast!

Life is good – cheers!


Went over to Jenny's Friday evening. Her husband Mike is due home Sunday, so things were a little hectic. I helped Jenny clean up and get things ready for him to come home - needless to say, she was a bit of a wreck. We cleaned up inside and out - things appear to be ready. I took Mike's truck out, got him an oil change and a full tank of gas, stocked the bar and the beer fridge. Jenny and I stayed up late drinking and talking. She's so anxious to have him back. We talked briefly about Natalie and Dave - things appear to be pretty f'd up between them. Jenny says that she has started going over to Natalie's around lunchtime a couple of times a week - it's about the only time they get to talk anymore. Seems that Natalie is convinced that Dave is having her watched and followed - I think it's just paranoia, but Jenny says that Natalie is pretty convinced. I reiterated to Jenny that if she thought that Dave was hurting Natalie, or if she felt that Natalie needed help, to call me - whenever - and I'd be right over.

Jenny asked about me and J.D. I told her that we were largely just taking it easy - that J.D. was nice, intelligent, and funny - and that we enjoyed each other's company. I didn't say, however, that I just didn't feel much of a connection - but hey, it's early yet in this relationship!

Yoga class was uneventful this morning. As usual, I got there early and broke a sweat before class. At about a quarter till seven, Natalie shows up in her sky-blue yoga pants and a black zip-up warm up jacket (unzipped). She set up the sound system, took off her warm-up jacket and started stretching. She was wearing a matching sky-blue sports bra with her enormous nipples at full attention. After about five minutes, she threw on a tank top as other people started showing up. J.D. arrived wearing black (non-magic) yoga pants and an old gray t-shirt. After class, J.D. and I chatted briefly - she said that she'd meet me at the winery this afternoon. I had intended to pick her up - in hopes of taking her home at the end of the evening, instead of her propensity to take separate cars and part in the parking lot after dinner. Oh well, here's hoping!


We met up at the winery up on top of one of the mountains outside of town. I got there first and parked my truck in the "overflow" lot (again, when you drive a truck, you don't park "near" anything). I walked to the tasting room, checked in, and had a seat out on their deck by one of the fire pits -- tremendous view out over the Shenandoah Valley. When J.D. showed up, she said that she was worried that I hadn't made it since she didn't see my truck. She was wearing designer jeans, boots, and a red, billowy / satiny blouse with her strawberry blonde hair pulled back - as usual, she looked fantastic! We did our tasting, bought a bottle and sat back out on the deck and watched the sun go down. We killed the bottle of wine - J.D. nursed a glass, and I eventually polished it off. We eventually left and went for dinner.

We had a nice dinner back in town (J.D. had another glass of wine with dinner - her second - and that's usually her limit). Then we had dessert and an after dinner drink. When we were done, we walked over to J.D.'s Jag and when we got there she said "Fred, can you follow me home?" Honestly, while I was hopeful, I figured that she was uncertain because she had drank more than usual. Anyway, we get back to her house and she invites me in for another drink - which struck me as odd, because J.D. isn't much of a drinker. Of course, I agree. She had bought a bottle of Catoctin Creek Rye (a local distillery) and asked me if this was a good whisky. I assured her that it was and offered to pour her a drink, but she opted for a glass of white wine.

We sat in front of the fire and enjoyed a drink (or two, in my case). Around 11:00 J.D. excuses herself, says that she'd be back in a minute or two, and goes upstairs. Well, after about 10 minutes, as I'm enjoying a nice whisky glow in front of the fireplace, wondering just what J.D. was doing, she walks out on the balcony by the top of the stairs wearing her robe. We made eye contact and I said "wow, you look nice - really nice." J.D. smiled, opened her robe and dropped it to the floor. She stood there for a few seconds wearing only her panties, smiling. She then turned and walked back into her bedroom. Needless to say, I tossed off my drink, closed the glass doors on the fireplace, and went upstairs.

When I entered the bedroom, J.D. was already in bed with the sheets up to her neck, the lights were out, with only the light from the bathroom illuminating the room. She sat up and let the sheets fall away from her breasts. As I undressed, she told me that there were condoms in the nightstand (I had one in my pocket, but I got one out of the nightstand drawer and slid into the bed.

Cut to the chase - there was little foreplay - J.D. was ready when I got into bed. Shortly after I got on top of her and slid into her (she was definitely ready), it wasn't 30 seconds before she slid her right hand between us and started rubbing her clit. We made love for about 20 minutes and she came (very loudly) four times. The fourth time was about five or six strokes before I came, and after I did, she finally pulled her hand out. We woke up about 6:30 and made love again - it was a carbon copy of the night before (although she only came three times). When we were done and I rolled off of her, she almost immediately got up and went into the bathroom, closed (and locked?!?) the door and took a shower. She came out about 20 minutes later in her robe, a towel around her hair, told me I could shower when I was ready. She then went back into the bathroom and turned on her hair dryer. I got up and went into the bathroom, naked, walked up behind her and kissed her on the back of her head and on her neck - she smiled, moaned/purred a bit, and pushed me away laughing. Told me to get a shower and she'd start breakfast.

Again, we had a big breakfast (omelets this time) and J.D. rushed me out so that she could get to Mass on time.

Not really sure how to read this relationship, but I'm going to ride it out for a while and see what happens. I'm not really sure what I want out of it, so I can't blame J.D. for not knowing either.

Anyway, life is good. Time to watch the Carolina/Kentucky game. Cheers!

By Ohler
JD appeared upstairs and dropped her robe. It appears she's slowly losing her inhibitions. Waiting to hear any updates on one or both women.
By Ohler
I was re-reading your last post and noticed you haven't had anything to say for awhile. That's probably a good sign, because it means you have been seeing one or the other ladies -or otherwise keeping busy. I appreciate that you being a bachelor, you use this site as a place of bouncing off your thoughts. I love that these communiques are more than what comes across on facebook. Obviously facebook would have to censor them.
Enjoy that sex life at your age. I have found that women "get drier and menopausal". Even though she wants to express sensuality and loving behavior, the female body does become less welcoming to sexual escapades. I love her but age does become a factor. I envy that you are still engaged in sexual behavior that more fulfills your life.
By FDupp
Sorry for the prolonged absence - a lot of things have transpired over the last couple of weeks. Instead of going into the gory details, just let me sum up - Catholic guilt and hang-ups are a bitch!

J.D. and I have continued seeing each other up until this past weekend. Evidently, our relationship was not compatible with her world view. She's a nice woman, fun to be around, and very attractive - but she has some serious hang-ups about sex and about her body. Suffice it to say, every time that we made love, it was the same thing. Straight missionary sex with only the bathroom light on casting a dim light into the bedroom. Each time, she'd get in bed before me - usually wearing her panties, which she'd take off once under the covers. She'd always insist on me being on top, and would basically masturbate while I had my dick inside her - usually coming three or four times in the 20 or so minutes that we'd make love. She was resistant to the point of being offended if I suggested that we change things up a bit - girl on top perhaps? No. Oral sex? No (that's disgusting!) Sex at my place? No (I wouldn't feel comfortable). Stay over this past weekend? No. (It's Easter!) She is voracious in bed - at least as she tends to herself. I've never been with a woman who climaxed that frequently and that consistently. At first, it was a bit of an ego boost - but it was so consistent, and so - predictable - I kind of felt like a prop.

Anyway, we have mutually decided to take a break from seeing each other - evidently she's struggling to reconcile our relationship and her personal beliefs. I'm okay with it - she's a lot of fun, and I care for her, but there's no real "spark" - if you know what I mean.

In the meantime, my buddy Mike came back from overseas. Dave and Natalie hosted a welcome back party for him and things were pretty subdued. J.D. didn't want to go, thought it would be awkward since it was at Natalie's house and she didn't really know Mike - I guess I understand. I still go over to Mike and Jenny's once or twice a week to have a beer, shoot the shit, and watch a little basketball (although Mike's into watching hockey right now - never really got into that sport). Hell, Dave even came over and joined us for the Capitals' game the other night. He's much more bearable now that Mike's back - doesn't treat me like the hired help. Natalie, however, is noticeably absent. She'll wave across the yard, but she's been pretty distant since Mike got back.

Got some travel coming up over the next couple of weeks, so I guess it'll be good to get some space and see if I can put things right in my head.

In general, life is still good... Cheers!

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By froggy007
Get a tinder account and have some fun on your travels. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
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By JerryCal
I've been reading all along and I'm really enjoying this saga. As a lurker on this site my life is pretty dull so I live through the excitement that others like yourself experience. Keep rolling with it. There's more exciting turns up ahead. I am sure of it.
By Ohler
Well Fred, I know you said in your last post that you were going to be doing some traveling. I don't know if you are gone for a full 2 weeks or not. I was just curious that if you are cooling it with JD, whether you have gone to any yoga classes in the interim? What kind of treatment or reception are you getting from Natalie or JD if you have?
By FDupp
Well folks, I've been racking up the frequent flyer miles over the last couple of weeks - largely uneventful except for one night at the Michael Jordan bar in the Hotel Intercontinental. But more on that in a bit.

To address Ohler's question - even though I got back in last night, I was definitely not up for dragging my ass to yoga class this morning (which was the last of the series, but I did sign up for the next two months (in Natalie's class).

Since I've been on the road, I've had plenty of time to think about the last five months. J.D. was fun to be around - funny, intelligent, passionate, spontaneous... but we just didn't really mesh. I don't know if it was the Catholic girl hang-ups, or her nagging me about how much I drank. I mean, I know that I consume a good bit of alcohol, but it's not an issue in how I live my life - and it helps me deal with some of the fucked up shit I've had to deal with. Seriously, the last thing I need at my age is for a woman like J.D. to try and "rescue" me from myself. 'Nuff said about that.

The other thing that's been on my mind is, of course, Natalie. There's something about that woman, and I'm torn between kicking myself for getting involved with a married woman (no matter how unhappily married she was). Quite frankly, I haven't felt that way about a woman, or about myself for that matter, since my wife was killed. I mean, sure, the sex was incredible - but there's something about her that makes it difficult not to think about her during the quite hours traveling.

Okay, so to get to the point of my posting again. This past Thursday night, I got to my hotel late (the Intercontinental in Chicago) after a bullshit day of travel delays. On this trip I had hit Dallas, Phoenix, Denver, and Chicago - and for anyone who has ever flown in or out of O'Hare, you know that nothing ever happens quickly, simply, or on time. My flight was late getting in and I was in a bit of a mood because I hadn't been sleeping well and had an early appointment Friday morning. I check into the hotel a little after 9:00, drop my baggage in my room, and come back down to the lobby go grab something to eat and have a couple of drinks.

Generally I avoid hotel bars and restaurants because the food isn't that great and the drinks are over-priced. Well, as I'm talking to the Concierge about what would still be open this late, I hear a voice call across the lobby: "Fred? No shit! Fred!" I look, and it's Dave, Natalie's husband. He's been pretty chummy with me since Mike got back from overseas, and now all of a sudden I'm his new best friend in Chicago.

Dave insists that I join him at the hotel bar (called Michael Jordan's), I agree so long as I can get something to eat. Dave insists on paying my tab, saying "hell, I'll expense it." I insist on paying for my food, but I'm happy to let him buy the drinks (my company has a strict two-drink per day limit on expense reports). Well, I eat my burger and Dave and sample different bourbons for a couple of hours.

Now, I don't recall the conversation word-for-word, so with a little poetic license (due mainly to the amount we drank), here's the gist of what we discussed.

Dave: "So Fred, I understand that you're seeing that lawyer J.D."

Me: "Yeah, we were seeing each other for a while, but we broke it off - amicably."

Dave: "Oh? Not your type?"

Me: "Well, she's a very interesting and attractive woman. Fun to be around. We just didn't hit it off, you know."

Dave: "Hey, you're not telling me anything I haven't heard. Jim, her ex-husband, is one of my golfing partners. He's given me an earful about how fucked up she is."

Me: "Well, I wouldn't say she's fucked up. We just see things differently."

Dave - laughing: "You're sugar coating it. Jim says that she's a class A bitch, always whining about this little detail or that, and that she's a monotonous fuck. That's why he hooked up with that little honey that he's with now."

Me: "Yeah, J.D. did call her ex-husband a cheating son-of-a-bitch. I think that assessment of her is a little harsh."

Dave - still laughing: "Hey, I've been friends with Jim for years and have seen J.D. for what she is. I mean, she's a looker - hell of a body on her - but she's wrapped pretty tight."

I decided not to pursue that line of conversation any further, so I sat there and didn't say anything.

By this time, Dave was getting pretty lit - evidently, Dave had started long before he ran into me in the hotel lobby. After a little silence, Dave leaned forward, and in a conspiratorial tone said "I mean, look at my wife. I know she's fucking around on me. I just haven't been able to catch her in the act yet. But when I do..."

Me - my mind racing: "What makes you think she's fucking around on you?"

Dave: "Oh believe me, I can tell. We haven't fucked in years. She's so wrapped up in her volunteer shit, her fitness shit. But she's gotta be getting it somewhere, you know. Woman's got to have it, and all that shit. You know, I took her to the Super Bowl this year. In the hotel, first time we'd shared a bed in years - but she didn't want to do anything. One evening, we're getting ready to go out to a party and I walk into the bathroom as she's getting out of the shower - first time I'd seen her naked in years, and you know what, she's shaved her pussy hair down into a little landing strip! Hell, if she ain't fucking some guy why would she have done that? Sure as hell didn't do that for me! She was always hairy as fuck down there - so I know something's up. I'm going to catch her too. Hired a private investigator to watch her. Even put a couple of those hidden cameras in the house. I'm going to catch her and whoever she's fucking - she better not be fucking him in MY house!"

Me: "Wow Dave, that's tough."

Dave: "I'm going to catch that bitch in the act."

We sit in silence for a while, drink our drinks, and I say "So, you hired a private eye? Like in the movies?"

Dave: "Yeah, son' bitch is expensive, and all he's done so far is given me a shit load of pictures of her doing her volunteer shit, exercise classes, shopping - nothing. But she'll slip up. I started off with one guy following her and one guy following the dude I thought she was fucking - a guy at my company - but they never even came anywhere near each other."

Again, we sit in silence for a while. Finally Dave gets up and says "I need to go find some pussy. Want to come along?" I decline, citing my late arrival and early appointment in the morning.

So, now Dave feels I'm his best bud - at least enough to confide in me about how messed up his marriage is to Natalie. Then he wraps up any possible sympathy he might have gained by asking me if I wanted to go find a hooker with him. Dude's definitely a piece of work. But at least now some of the missing pieces have falling into place regarding Natalie's behavior the last two months.

Part of me says "be sane and keep your distance from her" and part of me says "fuck him, she deserves better." However, a large part of me just can't stop thinking about Natalie and the time that we had together.

I'll be in town for Wednesday evening yoga and next Saturday. It'll be good to see Natalie again, and probably awkward to see J.D. again.

Well, what the hell. Life's still good. Cheers!

By FDupp
Yeah – sorry folks, it has been a while since I posted. I won’t go through all of the details, but I’ll try to bring you all up to speed with the highlights.

After I got back from my trip to Chicago, I stuck around after the next yoga class to chat with Natalie and mention that I ran into her husband while traveling. She was largely nonplussed and just carried on the conversation pleasantly enough. I asked if we could go somewhere a little more private to talk, that I had to tell her something. She agreed, and after shutting down the yoga room I walked her to her car. She had taken off the tank tops that she wore in class and I remember very clearly - she was wearing black yoga pants, yellow sneakers, and a white sports bra that did little to hide her dark nipples standing at full attention - and I'm still struck by the sweat that was running down her tight belly. In the parking lot she said "so, what is it you need to tell me?" I told her that I had run into Dave in Chicago. She asked me outright if I had seen him with another woman. I told her no, but that we had drinks and then he went out on the town looking for companionship and I went up to my room and hit the rack. To which she said "I know, I just wanted to see if you'd tell me."

I stood there kind of dumbstruck for a minute or two and said "You knew?" She avoided answering anything other than "yes." We locked eyes for a long moment and she said, rather bitchely "Is there anything else you wish to tell me?" To which I answered immediately "Natalie, there is so much that I want to say... that I need to say to you, but I don't think now is the time." She said "Very well" got in her car and left. I have to admit, I walked back to my truck thinking "What the hell?" Evidently Natalie has hired her own set of eyes to watch her husband.

So there's that.

The next couple of yoga classes were uneventful. J.D. made flirtatious small talk and Natalie continued to look hot as hell, alternately being cool and distant and friendly and flirtatious. I went over to Mike and Jenny's for the Kentucky Derby and Dave and Natalie were there - it was cordial enough, Dave acted like I was his best buddy and Natalie acted like I was a friendly stranger (she was wearing that peasant blouse that she wore back in December, and did offer me a couple of nice down-blouses of her beautiful, small breasts - pleasantly passive-aggressive?).

So, fast forward the Wednesday before Memorial day (two weeks ago). I had been friendly enough with both J.D. and Natalie in the previous classes, but quite frankly, was getting tired of the drama. J.D. was friendly and flirtatious (even though we had agreed to stop seeing each other - I thought that meant "go our separate ways", but evidently she saw it differently.) I decided to skip that yoga class - quite frankly, I was a little tired and perplexed and needed to spend some time getting my head right. Anyway, about 10:00 my phone rings and it's J.D. - obviously distraught, asking me if I was okay, telling me that she was worried about me, and on the verge of tears. I could tell that something wasn't right, so I asked her if she was okay. That quieted her down, and she said "sure, I'm fine" and then started sobbing over the phone. After a couple of minutes of incoherent sobbing she stopped and choked out "Fred, can you come over tonight? I really need to see you... to talk to you."

Like I said, I've been getting tired of the drama - but I guess I'm a sucker for tears, so I said "yes."

I got over to her house about 10:30 and when I pulled in J.D.'s driveway, I saw that her door was open. I parked and walked in the house calling out her name, and after two or three times calling out, she answered from the back of the house. I walked through to the great room (where we had spent so many nights in front of the fire) - there was a highball glass of whiskey and ice on the table, and a bottle of Woodford Reserve Rye next to it. I called out her name again and this time she answered from upstairs - she walked out to the top of the stairs in her robe with a towel wrapped around her head - having showered after yoga class - and a glass of wine in her hand (obviously, not her first - or second - turns out it she had polished off one bottle and had opened a second). She said "I fixed you a drink" and stumbled slightly as she started down the stairs. She stopped, laughed, and spilled a little bit of her wine. I ran up the stairs to her to keep her from falling and breaking her neck. She threw her arms around my neck and damn near knocked us both down the stairs. Thankfully, we were near the bottom, so I just steadied her down the last couple of stairs and over to the couch. She was laughing the whole time, telling me how happy she was that I came over.

With the singular focus that only a drunk person can have, she insisted that I pick up my drink and have some - wanting to know if she had fixed it right (it's whiskey and ice, for crying out loud - but in this case, way too much whiskey and way too much ice). But I picked it up and took a sip. She insisted that I take another.

The towel had fallen off her head about halfway down the stairs, I guess at the point where she threw her arms around me and damn near knocked us both down the stairs. Her strawberry blond hair hung down in wet clumps, much darker than when it's dry. I think that this is the first time I had seen her with no make-up on, and on another occasion it might have struck me how beautiful she is without make up, but that night, it just made her seem a little more tragic and, well, pathetic. I went up the stairs to grab her towel, and when I came back (I was only gone second) the front of her robe had opened somewhat revealing her cleavage - obviously a calculated but poorly executed move (as Jenny said many months ago - there are very few accidents when a woman's boobs are involved).

To cut to the chase, J.D. was beginning to slur her words, telling me over and over how happy she was that I came over. I suggested that I help her to bed and she said "Fred, I've missed you so much" - but it came out "I've mished you s'mush." I stood her up and steadied her and took the wine glass from her hand to put it on the table - as I did so, she dropped her robe and stood there naked in front of me - and yes, this was the first time that I had actually seen her naked even though I had slept over many times. She stood there wobbly and ran her hands up across her belly to her nicely shaped softball-sized breasts, lifting them slightly, and then ran them down to her full, reddish-brown bush and started to rub herself. She said "Fred, I need you to fuck me" although it came out slurred with extra emphasis on the "fuck". She stumbled and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. I put one arm around her back and the other under her knees, picked her up and carried her upstairs (she wasn't that heavy when I picked her up, but I swear she gained 30 pounds by the time I got to the top of the stairs).

I put her in her bed - and having seen this type of thing too many times before, I covered her up and got a trash can from the bathroom to put by her bedside. I then settled into the armchair in the corner of her bedroom and waited. Sure enough, about 12:30 she started moaning and tried to get out of bed. I went to her and handed her the trashcan and escorted her to the bathroom - she didn't make it. After about 20 minutes of puking , dry-heaves, and the sweats, I cleaned her up with a wet washcloth and put her back to bed.

Her alarm went off at 6:15 - and well, it wasn't a good morning for her. There was the expected hangover and drunk-shame. The repeated "you must think I'm terrible - you must think I'm terrible." I helped her to bathroom and turned the shower on for her. Once I was sure that she wasn't going to puke again, I left her and went downstairs to make coffee and fix her breakfast - in this case, with that kind of hangover, dry toast, yogurt and I cut up some strawberries that I found in her fridge.

She came down a little after 7:00 - shamed and embarrassed. I assured her that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. She asked me what she said last night and if she had made a fool of herself. I assured her that she didn't, but edited the transcript of our conversation. From her stool in the kitchen, she looked over and saw her robe and towel on the floor in front of the couch and flushed red. She sheepishly asked me "Fred, was I naked down here last night?" I smiled and said "only slightly" - she looked truly horrified, but I assured her that she had a beautiful body and that there was nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. She asked “Did I... did we... uh...” and I assured her no – I told her that I helped her to bed and sat watch from the armchair in the corner of the bedroom. She looked down and in a small, soft voice told me that I was a good man, and that she was sorry for the way she had behaved – both last night and over the last several months, and she started sobbing. I held her for a moment and then she gathered herself, put on a forced smile, and said that she needed to get to work. She asked me if I would give her a call that night, and I said “sure.”

Got home Thursday afternoon after taking an early out at work – didn’t sleep much that night at J.D.’s, my neck was stiff, and I needed a drink. My cell phone had died Thursday morning since I hadn’t charged it up the night before (charger at home, phone at J.D.’s). When I got home and powered it up, I had a message from Mike asking if I wanted to get together on Saturday, go golfing with him and Dave and one of Dave’s friends (turns out it was Jim, J.D.’s ex-husband – but I didn’t know that at the time). I also had a message from Jenny inviting me over Saturday afternoon for steaks on the grill, with Dave and Natalie and a couple of other folks. And I had two hang ups and a message from J.D. apologizing again and asking if me to call her when I got home after work.

When I called J.D. she suggested that we meet for dinner at one of her favorite spots in town. She promised that it wouldn't be a late night, since she had an early morning flight out of Dulles to go visit friends for Memorial Day. She apologized again for the night before and told me that she hadn't been in a very good place in her head since her divorce. She said that she had been doing a lot of soul-searching and wanted a new beginning, and with tears welling up in her eyes she said that she wasn't sure if that included me or not, but that she hoped it would. I reached across the table to wipe the tears from her cheeks and told her that I understood, that she had nothing to be ashamed of, and that I'd be there if she needed to talk while she sorted things out. With that, she got up and walked around the table - I stood and she kissed me on the cheek, then briefly on the mouth, hugged me and left. I paid the check and followed her out to the parking lot, but her Jag was gone by the time I got there.

So, there's that.

I decided to ditch the Memorial Day festivities over at Mike and Jenny's, and instead took my backpack and camping gear and sought some time alone. Personally, I felt I could use to get away from all the drama for a while - so I arranged for Mike to take me up to PenMar on the Pennsylvania - Maryland border on Friday afternoon, and I proceeded to hike the Appalachian Trail across Maryland for the rest of the holiday weekend, hitting Harper's Ferry, West Virginia the following Monday morning - a little over 40 miles in two-and-a-half days. It was a rainy weekend, but the time alone helped. I also decided that I'd take a break from the yoga classes for a while - I might start back up again, but probably on a different day/night. I think a little solitude and distance from drama is the prescription for me right now.

I'll check back in after a bit and let you all know how things are progressing.

Life is still good - Cheers!

By FDupp
Wanted to check back in - things have been pretty sedate. Been over to Mike and Jenny's a couple of times, haven't seen Natalie or Dave. Decided to take a month or so off from yoga class -- I enjoyed the class and how it has added to my workouts and improved my flexibility -- but the drama with Natalie and J.D. was getting to be too much.

Of course, as things were just beginning to settle down, I get an invite to a 4th of July party at J.D.'s place. She assures me there will be other guests and that this isn't "a date."

Don't know if I'll go over or not.


By Ohler
Might be some good "fireworks" at J.D.'s on the 4th. What do you have to lose? An attractive redhead who last time she was with you ... lost her inhibitions. Intelligent, good job, nice car. Good women are hard to find.
By Ohler
Well Fred, it's been quite a while since you have posted. I figure maybe you've gone back to hiking the Appalachian Trail? If not - have you resumed your yoga classes? Met anyone else w/possibilities? I can recommend Match.com - I had a few strikeouts on it but finally met one that I've been with for a few years now. I come back to your postings almost every day to find an update. Hope you haven't completely disappeared.
By FDupp
Hey folks - sorry it's been so long. Been an eventful and interesting summer. I'll post an update later this week.

Life is good - no, check that... Life is Great!


By FDupp
Wow, can't believe that it's been so long since I was able to post, but I'll try to bring folks up to speed without getting too wrapped up in the drama and details.

It all goes back to J.D.'s Fourth of July party. She invited me and when I balked, she insisted that I come as a guest, not a date. So, I agreed and offered to help set up, cook, tend bar, whatever she needed. She declined it all and reminded me that I was her guest. Turns out, she had the whole thing catered -- food, bartenders, servers, set-up, tear-down, clean-up, everything. Not sure if I mentioned, it was a pool party. J.D. lives in an exclusive community just outside of town - big ass houses on big ass lots, most with pools and three car garages. There was a crowd of about forty "beautiful" people in attendance - of which I knew zero (other than J.D.), but I figured that I'd mix and mingle and test the waters with J.D. I had no intention of getting in the pool. I'm in good shape for a guy my age, but I'm a little self-conscious taking my shirt off in a crowd of folks I don't know - I have some scarring on my back, legs and arms (thanks Uncle Sam!) that usually causes some stares and awkward conversations. Don't mind it if it's folks I know, or in small groups, but, well, I guess you get the idea.

Anyway, after a couple of drinks, this one woman wearing a red bikini top and a white wrap around her hips comes up to talk to me like she's known me my whole life. Brunette, brown eyes. Medium height - maybe 5'6". Nice body, nice breasts - maybe softball sized or a little larger - nice cleavage which made it hard to keep eye contact when she was talking to me. Anyway, she comes up to me, obviously a drink or three into the party, and says "Hey, it's so good to see you again!" I had no idea who she was and I guess it showed on my face, so she says "I guess we were never formally introduced. I'm Marie. We met at Natalie and Dave's New Year's Eve party" and she gave me this "come hither" look. Well, I had no idea, but I smiled and acted like I did. We made small talk and then she introduced me to her husband Bob, telling him that we met at the NYE party, and he acted like we were old buddies, but I could tell that he had no clue either. As soon as he was able to do so politely, he recognized someone else he needed to talk to and left us. We chatted for a bit and at one point, she caught me glancing down at her tits. She smiled and said, "Red is my favorite color. I think it looks good on me, but you knew that already, didn't you?" I stammered something in agreement and we continued to chit-chat, but she kept her sly smile and had a sparkle in her eyes that intrigued me. Anyway, we chatted for a bit and then she made her exit in a way that ensured that I watched her as she walked across the patio. (It took me a couple of weeks to figure it out - and I'll explain how that happened later - but turns out that she was "Miss Lingers Too Long/Red Panties" from my post about Natalie's NYE party - small community and all, I guess!).

The rest of that party was uneventful. Spent some time in small talk with a lot of folks, was able to spend some time with J.D. (who looked absolutely stunning - white capri pants that looked painted on, and a floral/Hawaiian print top that showed some tasteful cleavage - tame for most folks, but rather daring for J.D.). Marie circled back a couple of times, once fresh from the pool, wet and dripping in her red two-piece swimsuit that clearly showed that she took care of herself and left little to the imagination.

The party ended and I offered to help clean up, but J.D. refused, insisting that the catering company would take care of everything. Although I tried a couple of things, it was clear that she wasn't going to let me stay, again insisting that I was her guest and that there was no expected on intended agenda or obligation. So, I went home pondering.

Now, to summarize the following weeks - I reached out to J.D. a week later and asked her if she'd like to go to a local winery. Not a date, just company. She agreed. We did this a couple of times, to include dinner. Long story short (too late, I know), we both admitted that we missed each other, and we both admitted that while we weren't necessarily right for each other as a couple, we were good company. We agreed that we weren't right for a long term relationship and that we couldn't (and shouldn't) try to change each other and that we should continue to see each other as friends who appreciated each other's company. Of course, that lasted one weekend before we mutually agreed that our friendship should stay just a friendship but should share certain carnal benefits. The sex was, of course, pretty damn good - strictly missionary with J.D. masturbating to three, four, or five orgasms while we made love. She was still pretty inhibited, but our "friends with benefits" agreement and approach actually loosened her up some. We decided that there was not expectation of exclusivity or availability, but that our relationship would be casual and spontaneous. I had stopped going to yoga, but she talked me into returning - suggesting that I try a different class if I felt awkward returning to our class (of course, my awkwardness had more to do with Natalie's hot/cold treatment than being in class with J.D.). She even recommended a class taught by a friend of hers on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I signed up and was not surprised at all to find out that our friend Marie - and several of her trophy wife friends - were in that class. They are a pretty tight clique, but Marie always finds a way to make eye contact and to very slyly flirt. No doubt in my former-military mind that she'll find a way to get us into bed - so there's that!

I took two week break in late August/early September - the settlement from the wrongful death lawsuit against the drunk driver who killed my wife and injured me came in. It took three years to resolve - and I do not in any little way whatsoever forgive that bastard for what he did - but the financial settlement is such that I am going to be putting in notice and quitting my bullshit job at the end of September.

So, that's where we are. Natalie has dropped off the radar. J.D. and I have a very healthy friendship (with benefits) where we see each other frequently and overnight three or four times a month. Marie isn't throwing herself at me, but if her friends weren't around I'm sure that she'd make sure that I saw her red panties again. I know, I know... fucking around with a married woman is a recipe for trouble, but I really don't give a shit now... whatever comes, so be it. It seems that Marie enjoys the seduction and the flirt and that her husband Bob is pretty detached and off in his own golfing buddy world.

So, there's the quick and dirty update.

Life is good. Cheers!

By FDupp
Hey folks - kind of felt like I owed the group here an update.

For starters, I resigned from my bullshit job in marketing and brand management - too old to be working with that many millennials. Used some of the money from the wrongful death lawsuit settlement to invest in a local craft brewery. I've started a small business as a custom woodworker - more as something to do rather than to earn a living. It's something I love to do.

Anyway, J.D. and I continue to see each other 3 or 4 times a month - usually a social event or trip to a winery followed by me staying the night at her place - but not always. Truly a FWB situation. With much encouragement, she's loosened up some with her body-image phobia. Still not "wild-in-the-sack" / "flash the neighbors" type of girl, but the company, conversation, and sex are all good. We're in a two night a week yoga class (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and Marie is in there too.

Now, let me tell you something about Marie. All of the phobias and shyness that J.D. has - well, Marie is about the opposite. She dresses and talks provocatively. Her yoga outfits leave virtually nothing to the imagination - and I think she truly loves the attention. She is a shameless flirt, but the best I can tell, is monogamous with her husband, Bob. At first, I thought that Bob was a real asshole, but as I've gotten to know him, he's okay. Enough so that J.D. and I joined him and Marie for a long weekend this past weekend at their beach house out on Rehoboth. It was just the four of us (J.D. has been close with Bob and Marie for years - they helped her through her separation and divorce from her ex-husband).

The beach house was nice - not on the beach, but secluded back on the river. They rent it out most of the year - 4 bedrooms with another bedroom/suite over the garage. Bob was in charge of the booze, I was in charge of the grill, and the ladies were in charge of the wine. The first night there, we got there late and ordered delivery to eat out by the fire pit. It was a little cool, so the fire was nice. J.D. wore a pair of white jeans that looked painted on and an over-sized gray cable-knit sweater with her strawberry blond hair pulled back. Marie wore dark jeans that looked equally painted on and one of those fuzzy-soft sweaters that just call out to be touched. We ate around the fire - the ladies sharing a bottle of red wine and Bob brought out a bottle of local, small batch rye whisky. As the evening progressed and the air cooled down, we stoked up the fire, laughed, told stories and drank. We were all getting pretty lit. After a while, as the fire burned down, Marie went in to get a couple of blankets and some more wine, and when she returned it was obvious that she had detoured to remove her bra, as her breasts bounced nicely and her nipples were prominent. J.D. and I sat close and wrapped up in one blanket while Bob and Marie wrapped up in the other - both couples sitting around the fire pit. We continued to tell stories, and J.D. - who was getting quite drunk - put her head on my shoulder and, quite out of character, ran her hand up my thigh and started stroking my cock through my jeans (under the blanket).

Marie and Bob were likewise wrapped up together with the blanket around their shoulders, and I think Marie knew what J.D. was doing because she stared at J.D. briefly (J.D. was oblivious - quite lost in the wine and the moment), locked eyes with me for what seemed like a long time. After about 10 minutes of silence, Marie took Bob by the hand and said - "we're going in" - all the time with her eyes locked on mine with a look that was part lustful and part judgmental. Bob was pretty shitfaced and very oblivious.

After Bob and Marie left I kissed J.D. on the head and, without looking up, she slid to her knees, undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, drew the zipper down, reached in and pulled out my now very eager dick. Still, without looking up, she took my dick in her mouth and gave me what turned out to be the very first blowjob she'd ever done - or at least the first one she'd ever done because she wanted to. Evidently her piece-of-shit ex-husband had mouth-raped her once early on in their marriage. She was surprisingly good, pausing only to take a couple of breaths and ask me to not come in her mouth - saying that she wasn't quite ready for that yet. As she got me close, I stopped her and suggested that we go inside.

When we got to our bedroom, we were serenaded by Marie's very loud moans as she and Bob had their way with each other. I looked at J.D. and she started laughing, and I joined in. J.D. was pretty drunk, and when I came out of the bathroom she was already in bed with the covers up to her chin. She smiled and said that she wanted me to fuck her hard enough to rattle the windows. Now, I don't know what was going on between J.D. and Marie, but it was almost like they were in some kind of competition. J.D. wasn't much on any additional foreplay that evening (she rarely is), and as I slid into her she started fingering her clit almost immediately. She gasped and started to moan, softly at first but picked up volume in a matter of seconds. She came the first time loudly, and as per usual, she continued to finger her clit while we fucked, climaxing five more times before I finally came. Each time she came, she came loudly. Now, she was never "quiet" when she came - but she was putting something extra into that night - almost like she and Marie were in some kind of competition. The following morning I woke up to J.D. stroking my dick. When I reciprocated I found her already soaking wet, and when I slid into her, her right hand immediately slid in and started to work on her. We made love rather frantically, and she came three more times - again, with a little extra volume. (Seriously, I've never been with a woman who orgasmed so frequently - and with such little effort on my part). When we were done, we could hear Bob and Marie fucking on the other side of the house. I got up, took a shower, and J.D. was asleep again by the time I was done.

I left J.D. snoozing and went downstairs to start the coffee and prepare breakfast. After only a minute or two, Marie comes down wearing a robe and looking a little disheveled. She had this shit-eating grin on her face and looked at me from under lowered brows and said "it sounds like you and J.D. had quite a night... and quite a morning!"
I chuckled and said "the same could be said of you and Bob." She giggled and said that the beach house had terrible sound proofing, but that yes, they had had a good night, and morning. She offered to help fix breakfast, but I insisted that she just relax and have a cup of coffee. So, she sat at the far side of the table, sipped her coffee, and watched me get breakfast ready. We chatted about nothing in particular for a while, and she told me how good she thought I was for J.D. and how much she enjoyed my company and seeing us together. Each time I refilled her coffee cup, the neckline of her robe opened further and further, and her eyes alternated from being completely oblivious to locking onto mine with a knowing, mischievous look.

Sorry folks - I just realized how long this post was getting. I'll write more shortly to tell you how the weekend went, but just to give you a hint, it involves Bob going off to play golf with a pick-up group (none of the rest of us are golfers), a continued competition between J.D. and Marie, skinny-dipping, gratuitous nudity, and J.D. breaking some personal boundaries and taboos.

Until then, cheers!

Life is definitely good.

By Ohler
Glad to see you back Fred. I anxiously await your promised story about yourself and the two women.
By FDupp
Okay - so, to pick back up on Saturday morning. After about an hour of just me an Marie in the kitchen, Bob comes downstairs dressed for golf and says that he has an 11:00 tee-time, which Marie says means that Bob won't be back until dinner time. About 20 minutes later, J.D. comes down, freshly showered, wearing jeans and a yellow t-shirt, her hair down, but still wet and leaving dark wet marks on her shirt - looking absolutely fantastic.

Breakfast is a bunch of small-talk, flirting, and innuendo about how "quiet" the night was out here away from everything. Needless to say, J.D. blushed and Marie busted out laughing - which only made J.D. blush more. After a bit, Bob gets up to leave and kisses Marie good-bye. She tells him to not stay too long at the 19th hole, and he just smiles and says "who me?" After he's gone, Marie says, in a kind of disgusted voice, "he'll come back in about 5 or 6 hours and 5 or 6 drinks in." I start to get up to clean up the dishes, but Marie insists that I stay seated and enjoy my coffee - that since I fixed, she'll clean up. J.D. heads back upstairs to dry her hair.

With just the two of us left in the room, Marie starts to ask about my relationship with J.D. I try to explain that we're keeping it in the moment, that we truly enjoy each other's company, and that we tried to do the "what's our future together" thing and that it just made everything worse. She said that whatever it was I was doing, it sure seemed to be good for J.D. and that she saw quite a change in her. I asked her, "like what?" She said, "well, she definitely seems happier, and in the last month or so seems to be a little more, well relaxed... and maybe a little more adventurous."

I explained that we were just taking things as they came, that we were accepting each other as we were and that we understood that we couldn't change each other, only ourselves, and that we both were okay with that - at least so far. Marie smiled and said that J.D. had pretty much told her the same thing. She said that she and J.D. were pretty close and told each other everything. I asked "Everything?" and Marie smiled a coy smile, locked eyes with me and said, "well, probably not everything, but enough. I'm really trying to help her be comfortable with who she is, and not as she thinks other people want her to be." She then stood up and started to clear the table. It was clear from the way that she moved and bent over to load the dishwasher, that she wasn't wearing anything under her robe - she never fully revealed anything, but only left a little bit to the imagination. Marie is one to make (and keep) eye contact- and she obviously likes to make people (or at least me) uncomfortable in awkward situations. Anyway, after she finished the clean up, she came over, poured me another cup of coffee and told me how good I was for J.D. and how happy she was that we were able to come for the weekend. She then leaned in and kissed me on the forehead, basically putting her cleavage right at eye level - clearly intentional. She then left and went up to shower, and I took my coffee outside and walked out on the dock.

About 15 minutes later J.D. came out onto the dock, strawberry-blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, having swapped her jeans for some khaki shorts, but still wearing the same t-shirt, but clearly braless - nipples at full attention. I said "wow, you look terrific!" She smiled and said "Don't stare!" I told her that I'd try, but it wouldn't be easy. I then told her that she was beautiful and had a really beautiful body - which of course made her blush - and commented that I liked this new, bolder J.D. She smiled and said that she was trying something new, trying to be a little more loose and carefree - and that last night by the fire pit was part of it. I told her I thought it was great that she was trying to be a little more carefree, but wanted to make sure that she was doing it because she wanted to, and not because she thought I wanted her to. To which she smiled and asked "don't you want me to?" I smiled and said "you know what I mean" and she said she was just messing with me. We sat and drank coffee, enjoyed the air, and chatted about nothing until Marie came back down. The sun was warm and the air a little cool - but overall, a wonderful day to be outdoors.

After a while, I said that I was going to go to the store to get groceries for dinner. J.D. said that she was going to stay with Marie and "get caught up." So, I left, grabbed some steaks and a couple of bottles of wine, and by the time I got back about an hour and a half later, as I unloaded the groceries into the kitchen, I couldn't believe my eyes - J.D. and Marie sunbathing topless out on the end of the dock. I mean, sure, I could believe Marie sunbathing topless - hell, give her a couple of drinks and I bet she'd be cooking / eating / or reading topless. But seeing J.D. out there topless made my jaw hit the floor - that was extremely out of character for her. Hell, six months ago she would go to great lengths to make sure that I didn't see her naked that much when I stayed over. .. now, she's lying topless out on the end of a dock. Sure, there wasn't anyone else around, but even though it was October it was a nice day and at least a chance that there could be boats on the river.

So, I swapped my jeans for swim trunks, grabbed a beer, and headed out to join them. I walked out on the dock and said "well, well, well... my eyes have seen a vision!" They both jumped a mile - I guess they didn't hear me come out. J.D. instinctively grabbed her t-shirt and held it to her breasts, while Marie just turned and looked at me and said "well, get and eye-full. You won't see four better boobs in the county." I agreed, pulled up a chair, and asked if I could go back inside to get them a beer or something else. Marie smiled, still not covering up, and picked up one of those big Yeti thermal cups, took a sip, and said "no thanks - still have a good supply." Turns out, they were drinking Gin & Tonics - Marie had fixed them as soon as I had left. Funny thing is, J.D. still sat there with her t-shirt clutched to her breasts.

So, I sat down, sipped my beer, and kept up with the small talk. Marie sat there, non-plussed, sipped her G&T, and proudly displayed her assets. J.D., on the other hand, eventually got up, put her t-shirt down, and lay down on a towel, ostensibly to get some sun on her back. After about 15 minutes I figured that I had lingered enough - a little awkward looking at your girlfriend's best friend's tits while your girlfriend is laying there. So, I finished my beer, stood up, took off my shirt and jumped off the dock for a swim. The sun had been warm, but the river was most definitely not! I lasted about 10 minutes, climbed out, dried off, and went in to change and get warm - rather than sit there with Marie and her fine tits and J.D. visibly uncomfortable.

After my shower, I looked out and saw that both women had put their tops back on. So I popped another beer and went back out to the end of the dock. Turns out J.D. was snoozing and Marie had her ear buds in listening to some music and working on her G&T. Evidently, they were well into the G&Ts - J.D. obviously having abandoned her two drink limit by shortly after noon. After sitting there quietly for a while, watching the water move slowly by and contemplating how various life events had gotten me to the point I was at that day, Marie pulled her ear buds out and said "Fred, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" I told her that she could, provided she didn't get offended if I decided not to answer. She said "Look, I think frank conversations are the only type to have - especially with friends." I figured she was going to ask about my relationship with J.D. - a little awkward with J.D. apparently asleep just a few feet away, but instead she said "tell me about those scars on your back - are they from the car accident?"

I sat there for a moment in silence and then said, "let's go get another drink and let J.D. snooze." So we got up and walked back to the house. I have a series of scars on my back, my right hip, a bit on the back of my upper right thigh, and on the back of my right arm just below the shoulder. Some are burn scars, and some are trauma scars - and they are a collection from three events: in reverse order, the car wreck three years ago that killed my wife, some Iraqi shrapnel from 2003, and a "hard landing" (not a crash) of a Marine helicopter in the California high desert (a hard landing is a semi-controlled crash from which everyone "walks" away and the aircraft is recoverable). As I tell Marie, she comes over to me, lifts my shirt, runs her fingers over the scars on my back and kisses them... her hand lingering on my hip, then running up my right arm to lift my sleeve and run her fingers over the spot where a chunk of flesh went missing in the late 1990s courtesy of Uncle Sam's antique flying whirlybirds. About the time that it started to feel awkward, Marie pulled away and said "You've been through a lot." I agreed, pitched my beer bottle in the recycling bin, and cracked the bottle of Whistle Pig Rye that I had been saving for after dinner and poured a couple of fingers in a glass. Marie said that she was going to sit on the front porch and wait for Bob to return. So I took my whisky and went back out on the dock to sit with J.D., who was awake when I got there. She looked up at me and smiled and I bent down to kiss her and told her that I was glad that we were together and could share this moment on the dock. She smiled and could innately tell that I didn't want to talk. So we sat there and watched the river go by.

Sorry, another long post - I hope I'm not boring the fuck out of anyone who is still reading this. I'll get another post up shortly about that Saturday evening - and that's the post worth reading. In the meantime, cheers! Life is definitely good.

By Ohler
Fred, I can assure you I always find your stories worth reading. Good start with Marie kissing at least something on your body!
By FDupp
Another long-assed post, but I think this one is worth the read.

Okay - Saturday evening. Bob comes back about 5:30 and has clearly been hanging at the clubhouse having a drink or three with his new golfing buddy friends. He's his usual boisterous self, talking a mile a minute. He pours himself a vodka tonic and says that he's going to go catch shower - and I start fixing dinner and grilling the steaks. J.D. and Marie had already had their showers and come into the kitchen to help and fix the salad. They then go into the other room to chat - with a lot of whispers, giggles, and sidelong glances at me. J.D. was wearing jeans (that looked painted on) again, with a long sleeve button up top - but was still obviously not wearing a bra. When Bob comes back down, J.D. has the Avett Brothers playing on the stereo (one of my favorites), we have the wine open, and eventually sit for dinner.

After dinner, we adjourn to the fire pit again - J.D. and Marie open another bottle of red wine, Bob still drinking vodka tonics, and I move back to the Whistle Pig (a fine, fine small batch rye - if you are into that sort of thing, I highly recommend it). We sit around the fire pit, each couple wrapped in a blanket. We talk about all kinds of inane shit, Bob regaling us with a shot-by-shot recounting of his round of golf. After a couple of more drinks, it is obvious that Marie is stroking Bob's crotch under the blanket. Noticing this, J.D. elbows me and moves her hand from my thigh to her own lap. After a couple of minutes, Bob suggests that we all four adjourn to the hot tub. Marie smiles and locks eyes with me. I look at J.D. and she laughs and just says "No. You two go enjoy yourselves." Bob says "suit yourself" and he and Marie get up and walk - well, Bob staggers and Marie supports him - back toward the house and the hot tub. J.D. and I stay by the fire, and turn to look out over the fire toward the river. She whispers "The new me is not ready for a hot tub with Bob." I said "Believe it or not, I get your point. Not sure I am either." She comes back, "but you're ready for a hot tub with Marie?" I laugh and say "well, you and Marie, sure!" She, of course, calls me a pig, laughs, and moves her hand back to my leg and runs it up my thigh until she meets a growing resistance.

As we sit there watching the fire, me holding her tight and she fondling my cock through my jeans, she says "I'm pretty sore, I don't know if I can handle a repeat of last night." I tell her not to worry, that last night was incredible, as was this morning, that I'm not 18 anymore, and that she doesn't need to feel any obligation, so on and so forth. With that, she lifts her head, looks back toward the house to check on Bob and Marie, then undoes my belt and jeans, drops to her knees in front of me and says "I need practice to get good at this - so tell me if I'm doing it right. Tell me what you want." Then, without waiting for a reply, she takes the head of my dick in her mouth and begins to suck - pretty damn hard at first. So, I tell her to be gentle, to soften her mouth, and have her grab the base of my dick with her left hand. She then takes in the top half of my dick, moving her mouth down to the top of her fist and back. After that, she runs her tongue up and down and around, and then concentrates on just taking the head of my dick in her mouth. After a bit she says, "I'm not sure if I'm ready for you to come in my mouth just yet - maybe eventually, but not yet." I assure her that I won't, and that what she's doing feels great. That's when I notice that while she's holding my cock with her left hand, her right hand is inside her jeans - and after a bit, before I come, she does. That's the first time I've ever had a woman come while she was giving me a blow job and I wasn't returning the favor with a little tongue action. After she comes and recovers, she leans back, unbuttons her shirt, and starts stroking my dick hard and fast, telling me to come on her tits - which, after a minute or two, I do... and I think, who is this in J.D.'s body?

After a minute or two of recovery, as we both regain our breath, I offer her the blanket to clean up with and she says, "uh, no." She then takes my hand and stands up, pulling me toward her. She kisses me and says "come on" - then she runs down the dock, shedding her shirt and shoes. She stops at the end of the dock and drops her jeans and panties, hesitates just a second, and jumps into the river. I pause at the end of the dock to slip out of my clothes and jump in to join her. Now, she didn't make a sound when she went in, but that water was pretty friggin' cold - so I let out an involuntary whoop when I come back to the surface. J.D. shushes me and swims over, wrapping her arms around me and pressing her body up tight - and it's a truly weird sensation being immersed in cold water with J.D.'s hot body burning up against me. We kiss for a minute and the J.D. pulls back, rubs her hands across her chest, splashing water. She says "that ought to do it - you can stay in this fucking cold water if you want, but I'm getting out." She then climbed up on the dock, grabbed her clothes and clutched them to her chest, and ran down the dock to the house - and I could hear her laughing for at least the first part of her run. So, I quickly climbed out, paused long enough to pull my skivvies back on and gather up my clothes, and follow her to the house. When I got up onto the covered porch by the back door, Marie called out to me from the hot tub over in the corner - "Fred! What did you do to that girl to make her run away like that?" - she and Bob were both laughing, Bob adding "I did love her outfit though!" Marie was clearly topless, and I assumed that they were both naked and that we had interrupted them. I just smiled sheepishly and said "I tend to have that kind of effect on women." They both laughed and Marie called out "Have fun!" and Bob added "Don't do anyone I wouldn't do!" Marie said something to him that I didn't catch - I was inside and heading back to our bedroom.

When I got inside, J.D. was in the shower, washing the river off of her. I closed the bedroom door, lost my now damp skivvies, and went to join J.D. in the shower - but the bathroom door was locked. I guess J.D. hadn't lost all of her inhibitions or old habits. So I knocked and called out to J.D. -- no answer. I call again, twisting the knob and she tells me to be patient. I offer to wash her back - and front - but she called out and told me to go to one of the other bathrooms and get cleaned up. Now, it's a five bedroom beach house and we were only using two of them. Bob and Marie were otherwise indisposed in the hot tub, so I figure, okay, sure - it's just a quick rinse to wash the river water off. So I open the bedroom door and start down the hall to the next bedroom. I'm not three steps down the hall when Marie comes out of the bedroom I was heading toward, stark naked -- as am I. Marie startles a little when she sees me, but regains her composure in an instant, puts her hands on her hips and says "Fancy meeting you here." I'm a little startled too and stammer something about going in there to get a quick shower since J.D. was in the shower with the door locked. She laughed and said "Fred, you act like you've never seen a beautiful woman naked before." I said something about I didn't think that anyone else was in the house and that I thought that she was out in the hot tub. She said that she came in to pee, and that this was the nearest bathroom - all the while standing there with her hands on her hips, pretty much blocking my way. By now I had regained my composure and matched her posture, with my hands on my hips and said "I really love what you've done with your hair" which was pinned up on her head to keep it out of the water in the hot tub. Trying to throw me off, her reply was, "well, I decided a few years ago to shave it all off. I like the smooth feeling."

Now, to digress for a moment, let me describe what I was seeing. Marie is medium height, shoulder length brunette hair piled up on top of her head, brown eyes, thin dark eyebrows, and very white teeth in her broad smile. Her breasts were nicely shaped - probably the size of large navel oranges or small grapefruits. Her areolas were maybe a little larger than a half-dollar, and her nipples were about as big around as pencil erasers and were standing at full attention, maybe a half-inch long. They both pointed a little outboard. Her belly was flat, her waist slender and hips nicely curved. Her pussy was completely shaved/waxed, and the cleft of her lips was smooth and deep, with her rather large clit protruding just a little bit at the top, and her dark inner lips clearly visible.

Anyway, I replied "Yeah, I can see that." All this time, Marie has had her eyes locked on mine. At this point, she very deliberately breaks eye contact and slowly looks me down, and then back up, again locking eyes. She smiles and says "I guess now I know what J.D. sees in you." I match her smile and say "My charming personality and quick wit, no doubt. Besides, the river was cold." To be honest, the river had been cold, but those effects were long gone and I was 'hanging a little heavy.' Marie raised her eyebrows and laughed. She dropped her hands from her hips and walked toward me saying "I better get back before Bob takes matters into his own hands - or hand." She passes very, very close to me but doesn't make contact - keeping eye contact the whole way, then looking back over her shoulder and smiling as she turns the corner.

So, I get my shower and wrap a towel around my waist for the short walk back to our bedroom. When I get into the bedroom, J.D. is still in the bathroom with the door locked, but the shower water is off. I knock softly and ask if everything is okay (J.D. usually limits herself to two, and occasionally three drinks in an evening and has clearly abandoned that rule this weekend). She said "go ahead and get in bed and warm my side up. I'll be out shortly. So I drape my towel over the back of a chair, turn off the main light, and slide into bed - moving to the middle to "warm her side." After about five minutes or so, J.D. comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She scurries over to the bed as I lift the covers for her, and she drops her towel and quickly slides in. Almost immediately she slides her right hand down to find my cock and she starts stoking me. She tells me "I never thought I'd enjoy giving oral sex, but I have to admit I like the feel of you in my mouth - and I like what it does to you." I tell her that I like it too, and that she ought to let me return the favor. Now, keep in mind, the first time I proposed going down on her, her response was "No! That's nasty!" Well, this time she smiles coyly and says, "well, okay."

So I kiss her, deeply, then start kissing my way down her neck, chest, breasts, and belly. J.D. had obviously anticipated this - she had trimmed her reddish-brown bush, which had been, well, very full - not wide or wild - just long. She probably had pubic hair that was three to four inches long. Well, now she had it trimmed down to about a half an inch - I guess that's why she was in the bathroom so long. She had obviously shampooed it thoroughly as it smelled, like her hair, of tropical fruit. Anyway, I kissed her belly button and then lightly traced my tongue from her navel down to the top line of her pubic hair, which caused her to moan and shudder. I lifted my tongue and kissed her in the hollow of her hip and traced my tongue down along the edge of her bush and the top edge of her thigh, which again caused her to shudder and moan plaintively, if not a little desperately and/or pathetically. Now, to digress for a minute - guys, we know that most of the time a lot of women need a little tongue to get them over the edge. We may enjoy it, but often it's the most reliable way to make a woman come. I was a little curious how it would work with J.D., since she never seemed to have an issue having an orgasm. So, I continued to lightly trace my tongue and lightly kiss J.D. along the line of the edge of her pubic hair and her thigh, lingering a moment on the tendon of her left inner thigh. By this point, J.D. is almost whimpering. She's breathing heavy and her hips are rocking, so I decide it's time to lightly trace my tongue up her lips to slightly part them and touch her clit ever so lightly. Her hips rise and she moans, but I pull my head back. By now she's pleading, so I go back in and penetrate a little deeper with my tongue, and move my lips to her clit - which is all it takes to give her a truly screaming orgasm. She grabs my head and thrusts it into her rising pussy and vocalizes loudly - so I grab her ass and dive in.

As I mentioned before, when we make love, J.D. very quickly starts to finger her clit and comes - somewhat loudly - three or four times. This was nothing like that. When I say that she had a truly screaming orgasm, that isn't quite right. I ate her out for about 10 minutes before she begged me to stop - vocalizing loudly the whole time. Turns out, she claims that she orgasmed the entire time, rolling from peak to valley, but never "ending" until she pleaded with me that she couldn't take it anymore. So I pulled back, rolled out of bed and grabbed my towel to clean up a bit and wipe my face before getting back into bed. J.D. was still breathing hard, as if she'd just run a 10k - so I just held her and let her bury her head in my chest and shoulder. After her breathing calmed I started to apologize - that sometimes I can really get into it and it can be kind of intense, that I should have been a little more restrained for her first time. She raised up on one elbow and said "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?! That was the most incredible experience - the most incredible orgasm I've ever had! That was... that was FUCKING INCREDIBLE!" Now, keep in mind, I don't think I'd ever heard this woman use the word "fuck" in any context other than "come fuck me" before - she's always been pretty restrained, good little Catholic girl and all.

Well, I just kind of lay there looking at her, I guess with this big stupid grin on my face (yeah, it was a bit of a male ego boost to hear her say that with all sincerity). She settles back in, her head on my chest, and says "Fred, I never knew that sex could be like that. I've always come quickly and easily, but never- never anything as deep, intense, and satisfying as that." There was some other pillow talk, but she faded out and fell asleep pretty quickly. It was still early - not even 10:00 - so I lay there staring at the ceiling for about an hour wondering what had prompted this change in J.D. Whatever it was, I really liked this new, freer side of her. But I was worried that it would all come crashing down some day in an avalanche of Catholic guilt.

Anyway, I fell asleep somewhere around midnight, waking up with a coughing fit around 0300. I got up, realizing that I had one of J.D.'s pubic hairs caught deep in my throat. Some of you know what I mean when I say it's not something that clears out easily. For me, it usually takes a soda - or a shot or two of whisky - to get it cleared. So, I got up and walked out into the kitchen to get a ginger ale to see if that would do the trick. I opened the fridge, pulled out a can of ginger ale, popped the top and closed the door when Marie, sitting at the kitchen table with a glass in her hand says "If I didn't know better, I'd say that you were trying to seduce me - parading around here in all of your masculine glory." She startled the shit out of me - I jumped and stammered "what the hell?" - standing there naked, in the dark. Marie was sitting at the kitchen table in her robe, sipping some of my Whistle Pig. She said, " I couldn't sleep. Bob passed out on me and left me hanging so I figured I might as well work on maintaining my buzz." Now, I was half asleep and probably still a little drunk, and completely disoriented. Marie said "don't be shy, I've seen it all before. Stay and keep me company. I feel pathetic drinking alone." Marie gets up and grabs a second glass and pours me about three fingers of Whistle Pig. I figure, what the hell, and take the offered glass.

Marie looks me up and down and says "J.D. really cares for you. She's a lucky woman."

I reply "J.D. a sweet woman. She's really opened up this weekend."

Marie says "She and I have talked a lot. I think she's ready to start living her life the way she wants, not the way that others expect her to." To which I raise my glass and reply "Here - here." Marie said "She told me that she broke through some taboos last night and really enjoyed it." I laughed and said "Is there anything she didn't tell you?" Marie smiled, looked me up and down and said "No, I guess not." Then she said "Fred, if it was a little lighter in here I'd guess that you're blushing." I chuckled and said "I guess there are no secrets, huh?" Marie said, "not many."

She sat there in silence for a minute or two - and I stood leaning against the bar. Marie then stood, walked over, raised her glass, clinked it with mine and tossed off the rest of her whisky - I did likewise. She looked me up and down again, touched me lightly on the chest and said "Bob's no use tonight, but maybe now I'll be able to go back and rub one out. Good night Fred, and thanks." Her touch caused an immediate rush of blood that made things 'heavy' but not stand at attention - I said "glad I could help" and felt like an idiot - but what could I do? J.D. and I had been keeping it casual, but I'm not the kind of guy to make a move on her best friend while she's sleeping upstairs. So I said "Good night Marie - and sweet dreams." To which she replied "hopefully."

So, I stood there for a couple of minutes, then went back to slide into bed next to J.D.

Life is definitely good - and I'll post again about that remarkable Sunday, which includes J.D. going to "confession," Bob being a drunken ass, and Marie sharing a secret desire. It was a hell of a weekend!

Cheers -- Fred.
By Ohler
Fred, I envy what appears to be so far, a terrific weekend. Very sexually charged. Two beautiful, naked women to look at. JD sexually charged - what's next?
By FDupp
Sunday morning was cold and foggy. I woke up early – as usual – and the tickle in my throat was gone thanks to the early morning (middle of the night) whisky offered by Marie. Normally I get up early, fix coffee, and enjoy some quiet time, but today I decided to stay in bed with J.D. and let her wake up slowly. Given that it appears that she and Marie had no secrets, I figured that for the sake of our mutual sanity, I give her a rundown of having run into Marie twice the night before. We lay in bed spooned up, and "Freddie Junior" was awake and standing at attention when J.D. woke up with a "Mmmmmmm....." and ground her ass up against me - then she murmured "Who's that knocking on my door?" I kissed the back of her head and again behind her ear before working down to her neck. As I was doing that she parted her thighs, reached down, and guided me into her - she was extremely hot, and extremely wet - and she said "slow and gentle - I'm still sore." Now mind you, this is the very first time that we made love that wasn't in the missionary position. As we rocked slowly and established our rhythm, J.D. - as usual - slid her hand down to massage her clit. However, after a minute or two, her hand slid further to slide along my cock as I slid in and out of her. She started to curl further forward to reach my balls, but I cupped her breasts - both in one hand - and pulled her back. She resisted and I slowly let her go until her fingers were brushing my balls on each stroke into her. She said "I love this, feeling you this way." Of course, it wasn't long before her other hand was fondling her clit and she started to come. I didn't last long this time, and came shortly thereafter - (I should add that we had decided earlier this weekend to forego the condoms as she hadn't been with anyone else other than me since her divorce, and I hadn't been with anyone but her since, well, since Natalie).

Anyway... as we lay there in the afterglow, I tried to figure out how to start the conversation, so I said "J.D., last night... I really loved last night." She agreed that having me go down on her surpassed everything that she had expected. I saw an opening - because I thought I already knew the answer - and asked her "what made you trim back your pubic hair? I love it, by the way." She was silent for a moment - I guess she was deciding what to tell me, or was working up the courage - and finally said "I had been thinking about this, about both giving you and receiving oral sex for quite a while..." then she dropped off. So I said, "what made you decide that this weekend was the time?" She hesitated and then said, "well, don't get mad, and please don't think less of me..." I assured her I wouldn't. So she continued "I, well, I have to confess... I discussed it with Marie - she's always so free and forward... Fred, I feel like I could discuss anything with her. Anyway, she helped me get ready for it - mentally that is. And she asked if I shaved or trimmed... uh... 'down there.' She said that having it trimmed would make it easier and more pleasurable for you. Uh, did it? Did you like it?" I assured her that she was beautiful, that every part - yes, even that part - was beautiful and that I did indeed enjoy it very, very much. We went on for a bit - she was worried that she smelled bad or tasted bad - I promised her that she did not, and that I loved her smell and taste. She then asked if I was disappointed that she didn't shave it bare - that's what Marie had suggested. I told her that I didn't expect her to do anything like that just for me - that she should only do it for her - and that I liked it and thought that she should look like a woman, and not a little girl (I admit, that when I said that I couldn't help but think of seeing Marie last night on my way to the shower - and she definitely did not look like a little girl!).

Anyway, after talking about that for a while, I asked "so, what else did you and Marie talk about?" J.D. hesitated and tried a couple of times to change the subject - but I knew that I needed to tell her about running into Marie last night and earlier this morning, so I wasn't going to let it go - but I could tell that J.D. was embarrassed and wasn't going to come clean willingly - so I decided to dive in completely. I said "well, Marie and I had a bit of a conversation last night while you were in the shower, and again a couple of hours ago." So, I told J.D. about how Marie and I came to be standing naked together in the hallway while she was in the shower - I recounted the conversation as best I could - and J.D. was a little put upon. After sitting there silent for a moment or two, she asked "were you aroused?" I assured her that I was not, but J.D. kept getting hung up on "but she's a beautiful, confident woman." I of course, agreed that she was - but I reiterated that I thought that she (J.D.) was too, and that "Marie is with Bob and I'm with you." J.D. sat there silently for a couple of minutes and then said "were you thinking of Marie while you were... while you were going down on me?" Now, I'm thinking 'shit, why is she reacting like this?' I stammer out "no, of course not" but before I could say anything else J.D. busted out laughing and said "you looked so guilty!" Then she said "I'm not worried about you and Marie. And besides, you can think about whoever or whatever you want, so long as you can make me come like you did last night."

I said "okay, okay... you got me... you had me going there... but, as the man on the radio used to say 'And now, for the rest of the story...'" So, I then told her about my 3AM trip to the kitchen - although I didn't recount the conversation in much detail. J.D. laughed and said that she was sure that Marie had certainly enjoyed it, whether she had let on or not. I looked at her with a quizzical look on my face, but didn't say anything. J.D. looked away and I said "come on, out with it. You know you're going to tell me eventually." So, J.D. kissed me and said "Are you sure that you won't think less of me?" I just looked at her but didn't say anything, then I smiled, but still didn't say anything, but started rubbing my hand up and over the curve of her hip and back. So, J.D. said "what the hell..." and went into full confessional mode.

Turns out that Marie had been mentoring J.D. for weeks about loosening up and opening up sexually - and over the last week had been helping J.D. get ready to give and receive oral sex. J.D. said that she asked questions about how far to take it in, how did she breathe with it in her mouth, how did she keep from gagging, and - most of all - how did she keep from vomiting when hot come shot into her mouth. She said that Marie laughed, asked J.D. how big I was and then tossed her a banana. She then told J.D. to 'visualize the banana' as my cock, peel it back, and just take the tip lightly in her mouth - to get comfortable with the feel of it, and eventually take it in further and pull it back out, careful to not leave teeth marks. I assured her that she had done wonderfully.

We lay in bed for a while, caressing each other with J.D.'s head on my chest. Around 7:30 we decided to get up, J.D. headed to the shower and I pulled on jeans and a t-shirt and went out to make coffee. By the time J.D. came out to the kitchen, breakfast was prepped (but not cooked) and the coffee was hot. We took our mugs and went out on the deck, intending to go out on the dock in the fog, but it was too cold, so we opted to sit in the great room, enjoy our coffee, and chat. After sitting there in silence for about 15 minutes, we could hear Marie getting wound up. After about 10 minutes she came loudly, screaming to her lord and savior. J.D. and I were looking at each other, trying hard not to laugh, and failing miserably. At that point I told J.D. that Marie had confided in me that Bob had passed out and had left her hanging. I don't know for sure, but I assumed that she meant that they had started but he had gone out before getting too far into it.

Anyway, about a half-hour or so later, Marie came out wearing her robe (nipples at full attention) with a towel wrapped around her head, begging for coffee. I played it nonchalant, but J.D. commented "I guess your morning got off to a good start" - to which Marie replied "Coffee will make my good start complete" - which for some reason made me crack up laughing. Marie gave me "that look" and went back into her bedroom. She came back a few minutes later wearing jeans and a white tank top under a long-sleeved button up shirt (unbuttoned ) - again with no bra and her nipples at full attention - her hair towel dried, but still wet. She said "son-of-a-bitch is asleep again. He was supposed to get in the shower when I came out to get coffee - but now I can't wake him up." She looked disgusted and then said "go ahead and start breakfast - it'll serve him right to miss it." So, I started cooking and Marie and J.D. took their coffee over to the far side of the great room. After I got the eggs started I called out to J.D. and said "J.D., I saw a Catholic church about 10-15 minutes out if you'd like to go to Mass - I'd be happy to drop you off." She looked at me a little guiltily and said "I think I'm done with going to Mass for a while - part of the new me. Besides, I think I've already been to confession this morning" and shot me a knowing look and a shit-eating grin. Then - in for a penny in for a pound - J.D. turns to Marie and says "So, I understand that you and Fred ran into each other a couple of times last night." Marie said "yeah, I saw a whole new side of Fred last night" and turned to look at me - I busted out laughing and said "Gotta go stir the eggs" All of us had a good laugh at that. Marie turned and looked at J.D. and said "you're one lucky girl, I'll tell you that." J.D. just giggled, and I said "damn straight!"

We finished breakfast, did the dishes, watched the fog burn off and ventured out on the deck to realize that it was going to be a pretty cold day - all before Bob dragged his sorry, hung-over ass out to join the rest of the world. He poured himself a cup of coffee and added a good shot of whisky to it - starting early I guess. He made some crack to J.D. about going to Mass, and offered to give her penance. Marie called him an ass and offered to fix him breakfast - he opted for dry toast.

Sunday was to be our last day/night. We had rented the house Friday to Monday, figuring that we'd skip any traffic issues by staying an extra day. So, Sunday afternoon we bundled up and drove out to go walking on the beach. Bob bitched the whole time about the cold and missing football and eventually told us to go on, that he'd wait back at the truck. Marie stayed with us, and we spent the afternoon acting like teenagers joking around on the beach. When we got back to the truck about an hour-and-a-half later, Bob had left a note that he was waiting in the pub across the street. We were a little chilled, so we decided to join him in the pub for a drink or two and a bite to eat. When we walked in J.D. and Marie made a bee-line for the restroom, and I ventured into the bar to find Bob with a glass of whisky in his hand and chatting up one of the locals - at least a couple of drinks in - and ostensibly "watching the game" - by the way, the local he was chatting up was a hot blond about 10-15 years younger than Marie with the best damn tits money could buy. I told him that the girls were in the head and that I would grab a table.

Bob was standing up and still breaking contact with the Miss Blond Big-Boobs when J.D. and Marie come out of the restroom. I tried to get their attention right away, but Marie saw Bob and Miss Silicone 2016 and shot him daggers out of her eyes. We took off our coats to sit at the table and Marie ensured that her shirt is fully unbuttoned so that her tank top and very hard nipples are clearly visible to anyone who would care to notice. Bob staggered over to the table and says "Damn honey, you look hot." Marie smiled and replied "oh, see something you like, or is your attention still back at the bar?" Then she asked him how much he's had to drink (kind of sounded like J.D. chiding me six months ago). Anyway, we had a couple of drinks - I had a couple of beers, J.D. and Marie had wine, and Bob continued with the whisky.

We hung at the pub for a couple of hours and eventually made it back to the beach house. Marie and Bob had gotten over their disagreement - to the point that during the drive back to the beach house Bob and Marie were making out in the back seat of my truck. Anyway, when we got back, we fixed more drinks and Marie convinced us that it was "game time." Bob, looking J.D. up and down, insisted on strip poker, but Marie convinced him that we'd play Pictionary instead. What the hell, it could be fun, right? Bob didn't bother me, much. He was drunk and was a notorious horn-dog -- and J.D. didn't seem to mind too much.

Well, Pictionary quickly devolved into a drinking game - shots if you lost. Bob insisted on Jaegermeister but I deferred to "the liquor of the drinker's choice." For me, that was back into the Whistle Pig. For J.D. and Marie that was vodka, and for Bob, my Whistle Pig until I convinced him that Wild Turkey was a better fit. Anyway, as the evening progressed, the drinks flowed heavily and Bob, already pretty lit, proceeded to get shitfaced and openly, repeatedly, tried to fondle Marie's tits. Admittedly, her tits were fine in that tank top. After a couple of hours of Pictionary (and a shitload of liquor) I suggested that we have some food. No one was up for dinner, so J.D. and I fixed a tray of cheese, bread, and salami - and while we were in the kitchen Bob was doing his best to get in Marie's pants. When we brought the tray of food into the great room, Bob had his face firmly planted on Marie's tits. Marie pushed his head away and pulled her tank top down. Bob, completely unfazed, said "ahh, just in time. I'm hungry and need to eat something, and this is a find substitute." For that, J.D. blushed and Marie slapped Bob in the back of the head. Marie set the tray on the coffee table and I went an put some music on - The Head and the Heart (Let's Be Still) for those who may be interested and who appreciate good music.

We ate and shot the shit - telling stories and jokes. Bob kept trying to talk the girls into playing strip poker. I stayed agnostic because J.D. and Marie were, in no way, willing to conceded. Long story short (waaayyyyy-toooo-late, I know), we all drank a lot, and Bob got pretty shit faced - no, very shit faced. He nodded off about 8:00. Marie woke him up about 8:45 and insisted that he go on to bed - which he did, leaving Marie out there with J.D. and me. It was a cozy evening, the three of us snuggled up on the couch in front of the gas fireplace. About 9:45 Bob was up and puking his guts out - so Marie excused herself and said that she'd go take care of him. J.D. took advantage of Marie's absence to start stroking my cock through my jeans. After a while she said "I'd love to have a repeat of last night - both giving and receiving..." (she obviously was still a little awkward with the whole idea). I told her "I can't wait to taste you, to feel your heat, your softness, and your wetness..." and kissed the side of her head. At about that time, Marie came back into the room and said "well, don't let me interrupt anything" which made J.D. jump back and pull her hand from my crotch.

Marie sat back down on the sofa and said "son-of-a-bitch is passed out for the long haul. That's what he gets for starting the day with whisky and chatting up the silicone queen of Dewey Beach." She then lifted the blanket that had been wrapped around me and J.D. and snuggled up. I had Marie on my left and J.D. on my right, and while most guys would be saying "hell yes!" I knew J.D., and knew that she was put out by Marie's presence. At any rate, I wrapped both women in my arms, and pulled the blanket around us as we watched the fire. We sat in silence for a while, sipping our drinks, and Marie finally said "you two are so right for each other - I'm so glad to see you two together like this." We said an awkward "thanks" and sat there in silence again - all the while J.D. was playing her hand up my thigh under the blanket.

After a bit, I got up to use the head and offered to top off drinks. Both ladies offered up their glasses, so I took them into the kitchen and then hit the head. I topped off the drinks and came back into the great room in time to see Marie plant a wet, sloppy kiss on J.D. I stood there in silence expecting J.D. to explode in a rage - hey, it's a monumental change for her to a) give me a blow job, b) let me go down on her, c) trim her bush, and d) have sex in anything other than the 'man-on-top missionary position." To accept a passionate sloppy kiss from another woman was, well, as about as likely as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton having sex. Well, J.D. didn't explode in rage and indignation. Instead, she kissed Marie back, two or three times before pulling away and saying "Marie, no...." Marie said "J.D., I'd love to..." but J.D. just repeated "Marie, no, I... no.. I mean, I..., but I can't...." I took advantage of that moment to walk into the room like nothing had happened, announcing that I had fresh drinks. With that, the two women straightened up and acted like nothing had happened. Now, I have to admit, the idea of either taking both J.D. and Marie to bed -- or watching J.D. and Marie get it on -- was, to say the least, somewhat intoxicating.

Well, nothing like that happened. I sat back on the couch and we talked and told stories for another hour or so - all the while, J.D. was fondling my cock under the blanket. After about 45 minutes, Marie got up and said that she, rather disappointedly, was going to bed. As she left the room I heard her say "Even if I could wake that son-of-a-bitch up he probably couldn't get it up." She said it low enough for no one to hear, but loud enough to ensure that we did. I just looked at J.D. who looked at me inquisitively before dropping her head to bite at my cock through my jeans. I stroked the back of her head and said "let's go to bed."

Okay, I'm sorry that this has gotten to be so long. We made it to the bedroom before removing any clothing. As soon as the bedroom door was closed J.D. and I kissed and I pulled her shirt over her head - which was difficult to do because she was intent on undoing my belt and jeans, pulling my zipper and pulling my cock out to take it in her mouth. I let her take it in for a minute or two before pulling away, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. I led her to the bed and pushed her down on it. I then dropped my jeans and skivvies and peeled off my shirt. By that time, J.D. had slid her pants and panties onto the floor. I quickly dove between her legs and slid my tongue in to part her lips. She grabbed my head and pulled my face into her - which lasted all of about 20 seconds before she pulled away, pushed me down on the bed, and moved down to take my cock into her mouth, moving into the 69 position. Now, to be honest, I've never been a huge fan of 69ing - I mean, I think you should take turns - focus on giving or on receiving. Maybe I'm just not much of a multi-tasker. Anyway, J.D. was insistent, so we did the best we could, and she came quickly, the first time biting down on my cock (which kind of broke the mood for a minute or two) before backing off and just enjoying the orgasm, and the second time just backing off and getting lost in the moment. When I was about to come I patted her on the ass and she pulled back and let me come on her chin an neck. After cleaning up with a couple of towels, we snuggled up in bed and J.D. said "Fred... I never knew... Oh, I'm so glad we're together. I feel like I've missed so much." To which I replied "baby, we're just getting started" which caused J.D. to kiss me and snuggle in deep.

We woke up early in the morning - which is my habit - and made love in a much more conventional sense, J.D.'s hand dropping to massage her clit after about 30 seconds. After, I got up and showered, and when I got out J.D. was standing in the bathroom naked (now, mind you, this is the woman who only a couple of months before actively tried to avoid being seen naked). As I dried myself, J.D. took the towel and dried me off, lingering at my crotch. As I grew hard, she dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth, and I couldn't help but thing "I've created a monster!" - of course, it was a monster I'd happily live with. I eventually came on her neck and chest - the proverbial "pearl necklace." When I was done she stood, kissed me deep, plunging her tongue, salty with the taste of my cock, deep into my mouth, before walking by me to get in the shower, all the time giving me a look that said so much--- so much more than I can put into words, but that makes me hard just now as I try to write about it.

Monday morning was uneventful. I went down to fix coffee and breakfast. J.D. came down shortly thereafter. About a half hour later, Marie came down in her robe - again with nipples at full attention - no screaming orgasm to start her morning. She was in an especially foul mood, not saying much and making it pretty clear that we should just leave her be. The three of us ate breakfast pretty much in silence, and when we were done, Marie suggested that J.D. and I go ahead and leave, and that she and Bob would clean up and get the house ready to turn back over to the property manager. Given no other real choice, we agreed.

On the ride home, J.D. confided in me that Marie had kissed her the night before. She also told me that Marie had cupped her breasts while doing so. Then she sat there in silence, so I said "how did that make you feel" - expecting her to say "angry" or "confused." Instead, she sat for a while before saying "Fred, I don't know. I mean, I know that it's not right, but it... it felt right. So much of this weekend goes against what I've been told to believe, but it all felt, well... so right, so good, so... so perfect." I didn't say anything for a while, but eventually said - "J.D., you need to let go and live your life by your rules - not by the rules of someone else. Only you know what's right for you." - I, of course, was thinking about J.D. and me, but after a while, J.D. said "Fred, do you think it would be okay... I mean, is it wrong to have enjoyed Marie's kiss?" I told her that my opinion didn't matter, that all that mattered was how she felt. That she shouldn't judge herself by other people's standards.

We rode on in silence for a while, and after a couple of miles, she reached across the center console and started stroking my growing cock through my jeans and said "I know, beyond any doubt, that this is right."

When we got back to J.D.'s place --- well, I spent the night and we continued to explore what felt right.

Life is extremely good. Cheers!

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By HotGomez
Y E O W !! Excellent writing. Great Content. Don't know if there is a 'Post of The Year" Award but this one gets my vote !!
By FDupp
Okay - while it hasn't been that long since I posted, it's been a while since the long weekend back in October - so I figured I'd offer an update. I'm not going to give a detailed rundown of everything that has happened - just the highlights.

First - we drove back home that Monday, and when we got back to J.D.'s house I helped her unload and we made love before I headed back to my place - since I had laundry to do and some other errands and J.D. had to go back to work on Tuesday. Besides, as great as the weekend was, we both needed a little personal time. So, the relevant part of the story (and I didn't find this out until several days later), Marie called J.D. to apologize about kissing her and feeling her up Sunday night. According to J.D.'s recounting of the call, the conversation went something like this:

Marie: "J.D., I hope you don't think less of me for kissing you. I was drunk, angry at Bob, and, well, I just love the way you opened up this weekend - I don't know what came over me."

J.D.: "Marie, it's okay. I mean, it was a shock. I definitely was not expecting it. But it's okay. I'm not angry."

Marie: "Okay. Thanks.... Just don't mention it to Bob. (laughing) If he hears, he'll start pestering me for a threesome again!"

J.D. said that she laughed too, and the conversation went a different direction and nothing else was mentioned about it. When J.D. recounted the story to me and came to the part about Bob pestering Marie for a threesome again and she said "Fred, do you think that means that she and Bob have had a threesome, or that he's just been pestering her for one?" I said "I have no idea, but nothing would surprise me with those two." So J.D. said "Well, no thanks!" I thought about my late night encounters with Marie that past weekend and looked at J.D. and said "no thanks to a threesome, or no thanks to a threesome with Bob?" J.D. kind of had a 'deer in the headlights' look on her face for a minute and then said "a threesome with Bob? Eww" and we both laughed. I decided to drop it at that point. I can't tell you how much of a change had come over her during our getaway weekend with Bob and Marie, and I didn't want to push. There would be plenty of time to continue to explore this new side of J.D.

Okay, the only other note of consequence - Yoga classes (J.D. and I are in a twice weekly yoga class with Marie and some of their mutual friends - and no, Natalie is not the instructor). Marie has been as boisterous and as flirty as ever during yoga class. I've been used to her glancing at me and preening for me - showing off her amazing body at various angles. But since that beach house weekend, I've noticed her lingering glances at J.D. as well -- maybe she's always done that and I'm just now noticing, and maybe I'm reading too much into it. Marie has always been an extremely confident, extremely sexual, and an extremely forward woman.

J.D. and I were invited over to Mike and Jenny's on Thanksgiving for the meal and an afternoon/evening of football. J.D.'s not much of a football fan, but she was a trooper and hung out and watched a good bit - but quite frankly, the second and third games were so terrible, that everyone found additional entertainment.

One notable thing happened though. The four of us were invited over to Natalie and Dave's house for dessert at about 7:00 that evening. It was a little awkward at first - Dave was well on his way to being shit-faced and was slurring his words by the time we left (around 9:00). Natalie, looked phenomenal - she has grown her hair out some - now down to her shoulders. She was wearing black slacks that looked painted on, and a white angora sweater (I found out later that it was angora - the super soft/fuzzy looking wool) that looked fantastic. So, we had dessert and a couple of drinks - Mike and Dave went into his man-cave to smoke cigars, but since I really don't care for cigars or cigar smoke, I excused myself after a bit and found J.D. and Marie in the parlor and Natalie in the kitchen. I stopped briefly in the kitchen and the conversation went something like this:

Me: "Natalie, I really appreciate you including us (meaning me and J.D.) in this."

Natalie: "Fred, it was my pleasure. I'm glad to see the two of you happy."

Me: "Thanks. Yeah, it was a little rocky at first, but she's really a great person once she opens up a bit."

Natalie: "Yeah, her husband is a real prick. He and Dave are thick-as-thieves during golfing season."

Me: "I like that you've let your hair grow out. It's nice. You look beautiful."
Natalie smiling - for probably the first time tonight a true smile: "Thanks" At this point her very large nipples are making their presence known under her sweater and Natalie faces me and says "that's a sweet thing to say, but you've always been a sweet man." She then stepped over to me, raised up on tip-toe, and kissed my cheek. When she stepped away she wiped her eyes and said "damn allergies" - sniffed and laughed a little, turning away from me saying "you better get back to J.D. and Jenny."

So, I rejoined the other two in the parlor and poured another glass of Dave's expensive bourbon. A few minutes later Natalie comes out of the kitchen with her fake hostess smile plastered across her face, no trace of tears (or nipples). The rest of the evening was uneventful.

We went back to Mike and Jenny's to watch the woeful Redskins/Giants game, and J.D. and I spent the night in their basement guest room. When we went to bed, J.D. wasn't comfortable having sex in their house, so we just crashed. In the morning however, she couldn't get out of bed to start her day without giving me a blow job - having me come on her tits and chest. She's still a little awkward giving oral sex, but what she currently lacks in technique she more than makes up for with enthusiasm.

J.D. and Marie went some local craft fair Sunday, ostensibly to go Christmas shopping, but eventually ended up at a local winery. J.D. called me last night to fill me in. Seems that Marie unloaded on her about her frustrations in her marriage - evidently Bob's drinking and flirting with younger women has greatly reduced his willingness (or ability) to keep Marie satisfied in the manner to which she is accustomed. J.D. asked if she thought Bob was screwing around on her, but Marie said that she didn't think Bob had it in him - that he'd feel too guilty to hide it effectively. She then told J.D. "I just have more of an appetite than Bob can keep up with, I guess." As they walked back out to their cars, J.D. said that they hugged as they almost always did when saying good-bye, but that Marie lingered in the hug a little longer than what was comfortable. She then drew back, kissed J.D. on the mouth again, got in her car and left. I asked J.D. how it made her feel and she said, "I don't know."

J.D. and I are supposed to go out for a drink after yoga this evening - should be an interesting conversation.

Life is good - Cheers!

By Ohler
Don't worry about the length and details of your stories Fred - it's all in the details that makes your stories come alive. Your recount of the women involved makes them very real in your retelling.
By Ohler
FDupp - well Fred, it's been over a month and you've got a captivated audience waiting to hear of whether the romance with JD continues and whether Marie continues to be the "moth" who is circling around you with her flirtatious ways. It's going to be the New Year here tomorrow , so I wish you a Happy New Year and hope it is as sexual and adventurous as the one you just celebrated!!
By Ohler
FDupp - how about a reassurance that you are still among the living? Getting worried that you haven't continued your "diary online" here.
By FDupp
So, where to begin?

First, I apologize for the extended absence - shit hit the fan, I took a walk in the woods and then decided to go to warmer climes for the bad part of the winter.

The quick summary - the week following Thanksgiving, J.D. and I met for drinks after yoga class and Marie was the major topic of conversation. Now, as an aside - it was nice that as we walked into our favorite "informal" pub - that when J.D. took off her winter coat I noticed several male patrons in the bar give more than just an appreciable glance at J.D.'s ass. Once her coat was off, she was wearing black yoga pants and a zip-up warm-up top. That's always a nice feeling. Anyway, back to the conversation. I could tell that J.D. was attracted to Marie (really, who wouldn't be?) and was both intrigued and resistant to the idea of being with another woman - the allure of all that is forbidden, I guess. Given that our relationship had been, well, complicated with regards to trying to tell the other person what they should or shouldn't do - or how to live their lives - I was supportive of whatever she felt was appropriate. In other words, I tried to stay non-judgmental and let her talk things out.

Along about the middle of December, J.D. and Marie planned to meet up on a Saturday for Christmas shopping, a spa appointment, and a winery or two. Bob decided that the two of us should spend the weekend at deer camp - which really amounted to a couple of hours in the woods from before dawn to about 10:00 AM, then beers back at the "rustic" cabin, followed by an afternoon of drinking, camp food, and poker with a couple of Bob's regular hunting buddies. Believe me, after about 7:30 AM, the deer were in no danger. When we cracked the first beer the rifles were all unloaded and put away for the duration. It was an okay time - guy's night in a cabin in the woods. I won't bore you with the details.

Anyway, we got back about midday on Sunday and after grabbing a shower, I called J.D. to see if she wanted to get together. Three calls equaled three voicemails, and then a text from her saying that she thought that we should take a break from each other. Since she wasn't answering my calls, I drove over to her place and convinced her to talk to me. Long story short, she said that she had gone to Mass that morning (being the Christmas season and all) and she wasn't happy with herself. She was evidently overcome by good-old-fashioned Catholic guilt. I suggested that we could take a step back, but still see each other. I told her that I cared for her and enjoyed her company - and that we didn't need to do anything that she wasn't comfortable with. Her reply was that she wasn't comfortable with who she had become since she started seeing me.

So... yay.

J.D. stopped coming to yoga classes. I asked Marie if she'd spoken to or had seen J.D., and she was a little evasive. After a week of J.D. dodging my calls and not answering any texts, Marie suggested that we meet up after our Wednesday evening yoga class for a drink and she'd try to fill me in. When we got to the bar, I knew that I was in for it since Marie, who would usually order a glass of wine, ordered a double bourbon for us both.

Turns out that while Bob and I were in the woods with his buddies, J.D. and Marie's girls day out turned into a girls night in. She said that they had a wonderful spa day and got pretty lit up at the second winery. Since they had intended to drink all afternoon, they had decided to Uber everywhere - and ended up back at Bob & Marie's place. At this point, Marie tossed off her whisky and ordered another. Then she told me that one-thing-led-to-another and that she and J.D. made love most of the night. She said that it was passionate and wonderful and that J.D. had really been into it. That they had even made love Sunday morning, showered together, and had breakfast before J.D. left. J.D. telling Marie that it had been "phenomenal" and had surpassed everything that she had ever thought about being with another woman. Marie said that J.D. had agreed to meet an old friend at Mass and that she would call later that afternoon after Bob and I had gotten back. Marie swore that there was no hint that anything was wrong when J.D. left her house that morning. Marie said that J.D. did text her that Sunday - evidently after I had gone over to her house. The gist was: what they had done was wrong; that what J.D. had done in the last year, who she had become, was wrong and that she was not happy with who she had become, and that she was going to focus on getting her life back on track -- and that in order to do that, she needed to sever ties with those who had helped her go astray.

Obviously, there had been something that had happened at that Mass service or with her "old friend" that caused J.D.'s old life to come crashing in on her new one. Needless to say, even though we had been "keeping it casual" I was pretty devastated. Usually a breakup involves both parties and I was pretty blindsided by this. Later that night I called J.D., but got her voicemail. I texted, and she replied back that she was "sorry" and that it wasn't my fault and all that happy horseshit. I offered to come over or meet on neutral territory, but she refused, telling me that she had to make a clean break.

Bob and Marie invited me over for Christmas Eve dinner. I declined. Mike and Jenny did convince me to come over for Christmas afternoon dinner (and Natalie and Dave came over for drinks afterwards). Everyone knew that we had broken up, but as far as I knew, I was the only one (other than Marie and perhaps J.D.'s priest) who knew what had precipitated the break up. Natalie and Dave invited me to their NYE party again, but I declined and decided that I needed to get away for a while to think, reassess, and figure out what to do next. So I packed my cold weather gear and some food, took an Uber to Harper's Ferry, WV, and hiked the Appalachian Trail until I was ready to get back to society. That took me from Harper's Ferry to Waynesboro, VA - through some beautiful and desolate country (there is no one on the trail when the highs barely reach 20 degrees). I had a little solar charger for my cell phone, so I was able to keep my promise to text Marie at the end of each day to let her know I was still alive. I had left her a key to my place so that she could bring in the mail, water the plants, and all of that shit.

When I decided that it was time to come home Marie offered to drive down and pick me up, but I waved her off and rented a car to drive back. When I got home, Marie's car was in the driveway and the lights were on. I went in and she had a pot of stew bubbling on the stove, a fire in the fireplace, and met me with a glass of whisky in her hand. She obviously felt incredibly guilty and had prepared this welcome in part to atone for providing the catalyst that ended my relationship with J.D. Anyway, I took the offered glass of whisky and we sat at the kitchen table and sipped our drinks and smelled the stew simmering - talking very little. After finishing the drink I excused myself to go grab a shower (I needed one desperately - and a shave too. Even though it had only ventured above freezing three times on my hike, I still smelled like a goat and two plus weeks of campfire smoke). Marie said that she couldn't stay and apologized again, and asked if I would consider joining her and Bob on a trip they had planned to a friend's beach house in Negril. While it was tempting - I wasn't going to be a third wheel.

So, instead I decided to book an open ended trip to Aruba.

Got a secluded little cottage on the North Shore (Noord). Island life. Rum. Ex-pat women. Rum. Seafood. ... yeah.

Anyway, I'm back now refreshed and recharged. I did send post cards to J.D. -- and to Marie too -- but didn't include any return address.

The adventure continues - I'm sure that this will not be the end of the story.

While some aspects of life remain f'ed-Up, overall, life is still good.


By Ohler
Thanks for the update Fred. Sometimes life is stranger than fiction. I enjoy your stories and given your age, I am sure you will enjoy more "adventures" in life. Please keep us posted.
By FDupp
Thought I'd offer you guys & girls a bit of an update, since many of you have been following my story for over a year.

Seems that everyone either feels like shit for what happened between me and JD or they feel sorry for me. Both are bullshit, but....

Mike and Jenny have had me over numerous times since I got back from Aruba. Likewise with Bob and Marie. I've run into Natalie and Dave a couple of times over at Mike and Jenny's (Natalie has been empathetic but not really flirtatious - kind, but reserved). Hanging out with Bob and Marie has been good - Bob is a funny guy, and ass, but a funny guy, and Marie feels guilty as hell but Bob has no idea why. I keep telling Marie that it's not her fault. It's just the way that JD is hardwired, I guess.

I did have coffee with JD this past Sunday - met with her before Mass. It was good to see her, but she's a mess - hardly made eye contact with me, resisted a hug, and offered only a peck on the cheek (hell, I thought that she'd probably just shake hands as we said good-bye. She's really drawn the blanket of the Church around her. (As an aside, I completely understand how some folks get so caught up in religion. I grew up in an extremely conservative Baptist family - my childhood home had no alcohol, no swearing, no un-chaperoned visits with members of the opposite sex for me and my siblings, and, of course, my old man would beat the shit out of us if we strayed - which is why I ran off and enlisted first chance I got. So, yeah, I understand how some people get caught up in the guilt of organized religion. Got nothing against anyone's faith, just don't care much for the guilt that comes from always falling short. Anyway...)

Started a new yoga class last Monday (March 5th) - switched out to an early morning class so as to make a clean break from JD, Marie, and Natalie. Of course, this morning I come in and find that Marie has also changed classes to the one I'm in. (Okay, another aside - gents, if your body is aging beyond what you want - or, if you are adventurous - I'd highly encourage taking a yoga class. I've been doing it for over a year now, and my body doesn't hate me as much as it used to - pain and stiffness is less, and, well, fit women in yoga pants.)

Anyway, Marie continues to try and make it up to me for chasing JD away, but I assure her that she was probably heading that way eventually - with or without her help.

Just thought I'd give you all an update. Nothing exciting. No serious adventures. But life is still good.


By Ohler
FDupp, it appears that Marie is still the "circling moth" who is consoling but is curious about how interested you might be in her. I believe she is ascertaining how discreet you might be and whether you are interested in bedding her. I predict you will have another story that involves her within the next couple of months.
By Ohler
Fred - It's been a while since you posted. I was just wondering how things are going? By now I would think that you have someone you are eyeing or someone who has started paying you some attention. I think my longest "dry spell" was two years. But then, I've been around on this earth longer than you have. I enjoy your accounts, hope you haven't given up on your "journal" here.
By Ohler
I keep returning to these stories Fred - still the best account of romantic and sexual encounters that I've seen on any of the many sites that there are in Red ***** or Voyeurweb. I hope you get back with us sometime and let us know what's happening .
By FDupp
To answer that question that you all have, yes, Fred is still alive!

It has been an interesting year... a year that has included a complete through hike of the Appalachian Trail (all 2190 miles of it) from Mount Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia. While I set off on a solo hike, I had some great companions along the way. It also involved terrific support and resupply efforts from Mike & Jenny, Marie, and even Natalie and JD. Yes, the more you live life, the more things tend to sort themselves out.

I'm back now and have some great stories to tell. Some stories I'll tell to anyone who will sit and listen over a beer, and some I can tell only here.

More later.

Life is good and it's great to be back!

By Ohler
FDupp - good to hear you are still alive. Since you are too far away to have a beer with, perhaps you could join us here and start spinning some of those stories you say you have accumulated.
By Ohler
FDupp - still patiently waiting, hope I don't have to wait until Christmas for a special story "gift".
By Jocko64
Hey while we waiting I will tell a quick one about my lovely wife of many years. We were about 59 and 60 at time, I had made a tone of money in last 10 years and we liked to share good times with others and family. This particular time I rented a large condo in a high rise building at Okaloosa Island. My wife/I and her three sisters and their husbands were there for a week. Being that I had footed the bill wife and I were in the master suite which opened to the balcony.

Second morning there, wife and I get up, she sleeps naked, me in boxers, she throws on a t-shirt of mine and gets us coffee from kitchen and we go out on balcony drinking it. I kid her about t-shirt being short and I getting hardon and she gets up and grabs pillow from a chair kneeling in front of me pulling boxers down saying she will handle it for me. (I am married to a woman who loves sucking and will do it at drop of a hat) It was 6:30 when we went out there, now 6:45, door opens to living area and her sis comes out, says good morning and then realizes my wife has my dick in her mouth, say oops and goes back in. Wife stops and goes and tells her that is OK as long as none of the guys are up yet that she can stay out there we will not be to obvious. Sis says no, wife comes back and finishes me off.

Later that day she and wife were alone and she had many questions for her, what this sister did not know was that she had sucked my BIL (her husband) a few times, wife never told her that. Her sis asked her if I would care if she watched, wife said he won't care and next AM all three of us were out there and my wife put on the show for her while she watched intently. She even asked her sis if she wanted to try me but she declined. I am married to the adventurous one of the family, before that week was up my 3 BIL's had seen her in various forms of nakedness. She is an exhibitionist of sorts but has all the assets, beautiful, 34D's nice little ass and awesome legs.
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