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By Jbe
I'm sure you all have noticed Anna in her latest Anna Teasing the Neighbours

I've invited her here to join in on the fun. I hope she will stop by.

Anna, something about you really gets my attention. Maybe it's the dark hair... or your entrancing eyes... or perhaps that mischievous grin...or your tasty boobies... or that spankable bum... or likely it's just the whole package put together.

Nice set of pics. I personally love the slow tease of stripping and you pull it off well- not pun intended. ;)
By lensman2010
Hi jbe:
Thanks for the invitation to join your thread on here - invitation accepted.

Love what you said about me - I'd like to think, like you, that its a combination of everything you said, but I'm really pleased that you liked my eyes........Lensman says that they come alive when I'm in front of the camera.

We post both in Private Pics & Red ***** - the 'free' set has to be 'tamer' as they don't post any shots they deem to strong. We like to think that it acts as an appertiser for those lucky to be able to see the Red ***** sets - (open legs, open pussy close-ups etc) & for those that can't to wish they could.

I love reading all the comments & I reply to each & every one - although this month I think there is a 'glitch' on the system as my replies aren't showing. I have queried this with the site but so far no reply !!!

It will be interesting to see what sort of response you thread generates

Anna xxx
By lensman2010
Hi jbe:
Thanks for the invitation to join your thread - invitation accepted.

Thanks for all your lovely compliments - I would like to think that I'm a combination of everything you said, but I'm really pleased that you liked my eyes - Lensman says that they come alive when I'm in front of the camera - hopefully that shows in the shots.

We post sets in Private Pics & Red ***** every month. The Private pics have to be 'tamer' as anything to strong simply isn't posted. The Private Pics are intended to act as an appertiser to the Red **** set for those who are members (open leg, open pussy, close up shots etc) & for thse who aren't wish they were.

I love reading & replying to all the comments - although I think there is a 'glitch' this month as none of my replies are showing - I've contacted the site but so far no reply!!!

It will be interesting to see how many comments your thread attracts

Anna xxx
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By 327retro
Good call John. I did catch this lovely Filly back on the 18th but hang my head, I didn't have a chance to invite. Anna certainly is worth visually exploring time and again. Love the way Anna started out somewhat dressed and progresses to beautifully undressed. Whole lot of fine going on there.
By Jbe
Hi Anna and Lensman. So glad you stopped by to chat. I don't know what your eyes say before you go in front of a camera but once you do, they seem to say a lot. That glint in pic 3 along with your mischievous grin just makes me want to stop and visit for a while. ;) The look in pic 4 oozes sensuality with a similar gaze in pic 5 with a little "wink" of "c'mon, you know you like it and want it".

I've been admiring your contris since I first started seeing them and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Your poses are very well done and it's obvious you and Lensman put some thought into them as there is no clutter in the background or anything else to distract the viewer from the main subject- you.

FYI, when you first create an account here, generally the first ten posts are reviewed by Admin before they are posted so they don't show up right away. Be patient...or post a bunch of comments to get past the 10 and then your comments will automatically post. And it's not just the ladies we like to chat with. The GWC's (Guys- or girls with cameras) are most welcome as well.

I hope we can generate some interest and more replies to this thread. In the past, the Forums were a lot more active but people move on or get discouraged with the site for various reasons. A lot of ladies have moved on because of the juvenile idiots that post rude comments just for the sake of doing so. Generally you will not find that here. We appreciate what you ladies do and the courage it takes to put yourselves out there for everyone to see.

I'm not a member of the paid side and never have been. So you won't see me over there. Your "tamer" shots are just fine with me. Oh, and please feel free to post on the COFF Town Hall thread anytime about anything you wish to say. If you go peruse it, you'll see there is no particular topic. And you will see contributors posting pics there as well.

Thank again for stopping by. I hope you will hang around.
By Jbe
Anna, just a couple of questions. And feel free to not answer if you don't feel comfortable answering.

Based on your spelling of "neighbours", are you perhaps from the UK? We don't see that spelling often in America.

Also, how tall are you? Just curious.
By lensman2010
Hi:.....I wasn't aware that contributions were vetted (the first 10 at least) - hence my double post - having said that they can't review them well as they posted both without realising one was a duplicate.

Thanks for the feedback on which of the shots you liked & why. ....When we do a shot Lensman takes 30-40 shots per set then we choose a selection of 8 (max permitted) for each section. As we shoot from home there is 'clutter' in the background sometimes, but it shows we aren't shooting in a studio.

I know what you mean about 'rude comments' being posted, I've had a few myself but they haven't been over abusive so I just ignore them.........but I can see why some ladies would leave the site.
What annoys us is that this is supposed to be an 'Amateur' site but we have seen professional models being posted ( & winning money). We have contacted the site each time but never received an answer (review that Mr Moderator) & the sets have stayed up. Equally I have queried the issue of my replies not showing & still haven't received any sort of reply (something else to review Mr Moderator)

Thanks for letting me know that you aren't a member of Red *****- fair comment about the 'soft' set being sufficient for you, the only problem is that if no-one joins up the site will probably fold.

Finally - yes I'm from the UK & I'm 5'8"

By Jbe
Anna, thank you for the reply. You are taller than I would have thought. Pics can be deceiving.

You are right on about the supposed amateur nature of the site. That has been going for years and likely won't stop- which is probably another reason why a lot of ladies don't stay. There are a few contributors that I do not consider amateur by any means since they submit contris of different women all the time. Yes, they do nice work but it takes away from the true amateurs.

I also have to say I am a bit disappointed that more people have not commented. I mean... almost 300 views but only 6 replies with most of them being you and me! This place used to be a lot more active and my attempts to get more people commenting seems to have failed miserably. At least I got to chat with a good looking woman! ;)
By lensman2010
Hi - yes disappointing level of replies.
Sorry for my late reply to your reply but I don't check her everyday - it would be good if they could send an e-mail advising that a new post had been posted
Take care
A xx
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By Thumper
I'm sorry to take so long to reply.

Please don't take that to mean I didn't notice you, lovely Anna!
I also really liked the set with the blue jacket. Awesome tease!

You do have that quintessentially British look (that's a good thing in my books!) and I love that sexy little half-smile.

Part of me wants to make all sorts of bad puns about Bangers and Mash, or Spotted Dicks, but in the end, I'd just like a nibble or two!

Like JBE, and a few others, I do not do the RedClouds thing. Wifey and I have an arrangement...looking around online is ok (she even looks with me quite often), but the line is drawn at paying. So please keep sending stuff to the free side.

You and Lensman should pop over to the COFF town hall thread. Its a bit more active, though not as much as it used to be. Perhaps we can change that?
By lensman2010
Hi -
Thanks for the additional compliments & its nice to know that you like my quintessential British look.

Fair enough that can't see the Red ***** sets & don't worry there will be a new 'soft' set EVERY month

A xxx
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By BreeOclaire
Good call Jbe ... lovely set of naughty teasing fun!
By lensman2010
Hi Bree
thanks for posting a comment - tried to reply to you but couldn't - getting no end of problems replying to comments on this site - thanks for the compliments & there will be new sets on here in a few days

Can you see the Red ***** sets ??
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By BreeOclaire
lensman2010 wrote:Hi Bree
thanks for posting a comment - tried to reply to you but couldn't - getting no end of problems replying to comments on this site - thanks for the compliments & there will be new sets on here in a few days

Can you see the Red ***** sets ??
I too have had that same problem with replies to comments not showing up on my current contri. A little frustrating after you take all the time to respond. But oh well...perhaps they'll have that fixed in the near future.

Yep, saw you're RC set ... ;)

Keep having a naughty good time!
By lensman2010
Hi Bree:
Glad that you can see the RC sets as well - we will be sending this months sets in today so watch out for them.

Good (in a way) to know that I am not the only one having problems with replying to comments. The majority of mine simply vanished when I I pressed the post button last month - the only ones that stayed were the ones I replied to virtually immediately ........but yours was the only one (so far at least) that wouldn't post at all

To be honest I'm getting a bit fed up with this site - too many problems & those annoying 'pop ups' are driving my nuts

Take care
Anna xx
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By 327retro
I was a member on RC for years including a year after the "Crash". I know it's been a few years now and as unfair as it may seem, this site has a lot to recover from. I wasn't pleased in the direction it was going in. I do very much miss old RC friends such as Bree and Cowan, including one or two that were just up the road a-ways.

It is true that a site such as this needs paying customers to continue providing a rather wonderful service. It is also true that the free side is a gateway to the pay side. I recon the key words are, providing a service, that is somewhat lacking on the gateway side.

I have been here since about 03 didn't find my way here to the boards till a year later or so. The boards here were my gateway to RC. I never would have gone to RC with all the mommy basement dwelling trolls on the contri side. It's a give that many pass through here for shits and giggles. It's also a give that some are here for "only" the money. Granted lovely ladies and some fine photography is a thing to be appreciated and enjoyed to the fullest. "Only" in it for the money looses some beauty along the way regardless of fine photography and a lovely woman.

For me personally, it is about the woman sharing her fun and beauty with us. Constructive criticism/suggestions works wonders as does well deserved compliments on the free side. Problem is there is no way of knowing a response. Once said it's gone unless one has time to go through days of comments.

Anna, you and ladies such as Bree are Diamonds. Forgive my rant. Thank you and all the Ladies for sharing a bit of your naughty side. ;) :) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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