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Fast! A thread for muah? That's kinda awesome lol! But seriously, thanks for sending this my way - I wish you could have see my expression at I clicked on this and read it...

Oh I was sooo the Nerd! Still am. Funny how when I was younger, I didn't like the fact my hair was more red in nature and also didn't like the freckles, but as I got older, I've really come to like them and embrace who I am. And then it seemed to change how people reacted to me. Once I was confident in my skin, only then did others take notice. It is strange because before that time, I cared about people noticing! When I started to not care at all, they noticed :roll: So there was my answer - don't give a shit :lol: Well, about the shallowness anyway...

Jeny, I dreamed.of the same thing! Thinker I believe we have probably seen some of the same pics online - there is one woman in particular that pulls that look off so well.
Yaya Han's Jessica Rabbit cosplay is epic. By far the best I've seen... for one, she's got the body for it, and two, she does a brilliant job with the makeup, altering her look to almost seem like a living cartoon.
honora wrote:Oh I was sooo the Nerd! Still am.
Nerds rule.

I'll admit I'm nerdy enough to have gotten every reference in that pic, even though I don't know much about Alyson Hannigan's character from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"... I knew all the others without a second thought. :lol:
I never got in the Buffy show but I did like Sarah Michelle Gellar as an actress. I never figured out the name but now that I've looked up Yaya Han's images that is definitely an amazing job on her part. Surely does have the body - wow!

This is one of my screen savers on my computer btw :D
chicas-fondos-de-escritorio-jessica-rabbit-713965.jpg (697.23 KiB) Viewed 28069 times
Nice idea Jeny

Will you do a Bond Girl?

Now that would be a double threat erotic wet dream!

Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond, BTW. He's got the style down better than even Connery.

Still no comments showing up at all. Nothing after day 1.
I'm hoping I get out of purgatory soon...I really want to comment on some of this stuff!
Just thought I'd post an interesting fact.

Although a strawberry blonde does not possess green eyes or red hair entirely, she still is indeed a redhead, and clearly shows traces of the MC1R mutation. Ireland, along with Scotland has a LOT of redheads and even carriers of the gene, a perfect representation of the Irish heritage and the connections with red hair.

So yesterday morning I've got my "Morning Dubstep" mix playing and a new song I've heard before comes up... "Accelerator" by Kiyoshi Sugo, the Tokyo dubstep producer I posted about on page 1 of this thread. There are some vocals going on though that I didn't recognize... I checked it out and found the song is actually "featuring Matt Bellamy, from Subkicks".

That name sounded familiar to me.

I had to resort to Google, but I ended up figuring out why I'd heard the name before, as Matt Bellamy is the lead singer of Muse.

Now... is it the same Matt Bellamy? Is Subkicks a side-project when he's not fronting Muse?

There's really not much info about Subkicks to be found anywhere. On Google they show up as...
Active from: 2006
Origin: United Kingdom
Albums: Exist
Members: Matthew Bellamy
Honestly, I have no idea. The voice is so synthesized it's hard to tell... but I've not listened to as much Muse as you have. The clip linked above is the only audio of the song I can find online, so it's not much to go on.
Good Question Fast, I don't think it is. I found this about them, but now I'm intrigued.

http://hangout.altsounds.com/reviews/11 ... album.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

After reading the review of Subkicks, I want to sample some more of their music for sure. Good call....
After I heard the song "Accelerator", I could tell it wasn't his voice so I googled it and found out it is a separate band altogether with one of their members (I'm guessing the front man) with the same name! It looks like the are popular in Japan at the moment.

Speaking of covers, Muse does a pretty good "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"!

I wouldn't mind going to see The Pretty Reckless live but it seems you are wayyyyy too far away Fast! I agree you should not go alone though. I've had to drag a few friends to a concert a few times in the past but they ended up having a good time so it worked out lol :D
Geez I thought I was posting in The Music Room thread at the end of my last post
We won't hold it against you. ;)

As for the other Bellamy, you're definitely right. Rock's link mentions that "one of their members is actually called Matt Bellamy, which must be insanely annoying when it comes to vanity Googles" so I'm guessing it's a coincidence after all. The Sugo song really seemed a little out there for the Muse singer. :lol:
honora wrote:After I heard the song "Accelerator", I could tell it wasn't his voice so I googled it and found out it is a separate band altogether with one of their members (I'm guessing the front man) with the same name! It looks like the are popular in Japan at the moment.

Speaking of covers, Muse does a pretty good "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"!

I wouldn't mind going to see The Pretty Reckless live but it seems you are wayyyyy too far away Fast! I agree you should not go alone though. I've had to drag a few friends to a concert a few times in the past but they ended up having a good time so it worked out lol :D
Speaking of......

Muse begins a seventh album session.....


2014Coachella_Muse_Getty484530765140414.jpg (28.59 KiB) Viewed 27775 times
honora wrote:Jessica envy ;)
That's hilarious!!

What a great shot!
Coffjr wrote:Honora - I'd give that freckle count a try but I'd probably keep losing count and get distracted. ;)

And this would be a problem.... How?

He he......
Rock - not a problem at all. :D

Lil'Red - I like those kind of distractions. Now where was I again? Oh yeah, one, two.....I better check with my tongue if that's a freckle or not. ;)
Coffjr wrote:Rock - not a problem at all. :D

Lil'Red - I like those kind of distractions. Now where was I again? Oh yeah, one, two.....I better check with my tongue if that's a freckle or not. ;)
Sort of a nibbling "connect the dots" play ain't it? Hours of fun for the COFFetteocoitophilliacs among us..and one with a prize for finding the special "creamy center......!"

And with that I'm going to dip out and run....

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Q: What do you call a redhead with an attitude?
A: Normal.

Q: How do you get a redhead’s mood to change?
A: Wait 10 seconds.

Q: How do you know when you’ve satisfied a redhead?
A: She unties you.

Q: Do you know why Blondes have more fun?
A: Because there is not enough Red Heads around.

If you love a Redhead, set her free … If she follows you everywhere you go, pitches a tent in your front lawn and puts your new girlfriend in the hospital, she’s yours.

Q: How do you know a guy at the beach has a redhead for a girlfriend?
A: She has scratched “STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!” on his back with her nails.

Only two things are necessary to keep a redhead happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way, and the other is to let her have it.

Q: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?
A: A redhead!


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