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By Jbe
Skeetz wrote:Before I go back to some Very Good Friends I've made on the RC side, I'd just like to make mention of some questions and comments in recent days, about the Founding Four! When I first stumbled into that group of misfits, I asked if it was an exclusive club, or could any one join. I'm proud to say that I quickly came to consider myself to be #5, and I hope no one has a quarrel with that! It seems that tradition of nonexclusivity is alive and well, and I like that!
Yup, Skeets. That's pretty much the way I remember it. I have no quarrel cuz I don't want to get my butt run down by the BRT. :roll: ;) ;)
By Jbe
From a little over three years ago... a COFF end of summer beach blast.
Thumper COFF group 7-20-11.jpg
Thumper COFF group 7-20-11.jpg (140.9 KiB) Viewed 14401 times
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By Coffjr
Nurse Hollie - I've not been feeling well lately. My heart is beating way too fast and I think my blood pressure is on the rise - especially after seeing your fine pictures. :) Do you make house calls? I need a total body exam. ;) And please bring HappyGal along too. Never too late to see any pictures of you.

HappyGal - a threesome?? I'm up for it (so to speak). ;)

Quick Hi to ICU - Bob.

Welcome JoinUS - jump in anywhere.

Honora - what more can be said - you make Yoga pants look sooooo gooooood! I'd love to take your class and be behind you. :twisted: Heart racing again and there goes the blood pressure. Oh nurse, I need a nurse......didn't you say you were in the medical field?

John - I remember that poster and even think I have a copy of it.
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By Thinker
I think Nurse Hollie needs to see me first. I have been injured. I am worried if I can get hard. She will have to blow it up until it gets hard.

You have pretty fancy yoga clothes there. Too many layers for my taste. Speaking of taste, can I? ;)
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By rockclimber
My contribution......

He he.......

Easy girls.....
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By HappyGal
Ha! You're right... I meant pull em down Jbe. My brain ...its impaired!

Honora... Thanks smiling is my favorite (name that movie anyone?). I love yoga too. I always daydream about sex even though I'm supposed to be clearing my mind. Don't you just love yoga pants? You look hot in yours
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By rockclimber
You little Elf.........
He he........

Your smile is infectious!
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By Thumper
honora wrote:Went to take a Yoga class today; it has been a lonnnnnnggg time since I've taken Yoga. It completely kicked my ass (well, my shoe was touching my ass but you get the idea). Oh and no AC! Now I know what a German pretzel feels like!

Not a new theme by any means, but thought I'd share a few pics? :D
Honora in Yoga Pants.

No wait, that's not enough...

I get home, and this is what I find! Oh my, my, my!

I don't know which pic to drool over more! Do I go in for a little nibble on that underboob and sexy belly?
Or do I grab two handfuls of that super-fine ass?

I just can't make up my mind. Hey, Honora, sweetie, can I have both? :mrgreen:
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By rockclimber
honora wrote:Went to take a Yoga class today; it has been a lonnnnnnggg time since I've taken Yoga. It completely kicked my ass (well, my shoe was touching my ass but you get the idea). Oh and no AC! Now I know what a German pretzel feels like!

Not a new theme by any means, but thought I'd share a few pics? :D

Oh please tell me your going to trickle German beer down your sweaty body and be the German Pretzel...?

Couldn't let that pass......!
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By Thumper
Careful Rock!

No telling what those ladies will do with those bottles! :twisted:

And no, I'm not going to make the obligatory "head" joke. Someone else can do that.
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By rockclimber
Oh Thump may Lightning strike us both for our dirty minds......

:mrgreen: :oops: :geek:

Never a beer bottle, Champaign, yes..... Beer, nope!

Oh what a night,
Watching that lovely sight.....
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By honora
Lol Fast, glad I made your day! You are hilarious :lol:

John, can't make up your mind? Well let me just take this sweaty tank top off then!

HappyGal you know you a sex crazed vixen when you are supposed to be in the zone during yoga and all you can think about is how good your last orgasm felt haha! Yeah my mind wanders too. Hey the instructor told me to "Go to a place where I felt one with myself"

Jr, you can sneak up behind me and watch - I'll try to show off for you, but would probably end up doing a face plant in the process! Man that class tore me apart! :D

Rock, thanks for your contribution, very funny :lol:

Thumper! Woo hoo I love your enthusiasm lol! I should do this more often! Your posts always leave me laughing so hard, love it :D
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By honora
Turtle!! I can see your posts now, so hopefully it will be automatic from now on. Thank you for your sweet comment ;)

Bottles have been emptied on me but that's about as far as it goes!! :lol:
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By Turtle
Yes! I stayed the course and made it through the five gates of hell, er, I mean the approval process (thanks for your help admin :D much appreciated). Feels great!
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By honora
Ok John, I'll work on that one :lol:

Jr, yep I work in the medical field but I'm not a nurse. Still, I would bring that blood pressure down though, if you want me to ;)
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By rockclimber
honora wrote:Went to take a Yoga class today; it has been a lonnnnnnggg time since I've taken Yoga. It completely kicked my ass (well, my shoe was touching my ass but you get the idea). Oh and no AC! Now I know what a German pretzel feels like!

Not a new theme by any means, but thought I'd share a few pics? :D
Dahhmmm Woman, Got my first close peek & Now you have ME sweating!!
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By rockclimber
Ah, your up, time for my tale then while the ipod downloads a few gems!

Feel free to upload yourself, ha ha.....

Off to the Music Room....
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By honora
LOL Rock! Ok I'm confused (or maybe I'm just too tired), but what exactly did you get a close up peek on that you didn't see before? ;)

Upload myself?? Ok I'll try that one :lol:
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By rockclimber
Lol, I was at work and on a dead run and following by mobile. I didn't really get a close look and now feel embarrassed I didn't pause and look more closely. That was a crazy missprioritization! Please forgive! John's gonna give me a hard time for sure. Nuts right?? :oops:

I will pause send and take a good admiring peek......

Back to my tale of Metric......
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By Jess
My posts are showing up now, but it was more than a page ago, so I thought I'd bring it forward.
Hope thats ok
Jess wrote:
HappyGal wrote:It's more of just a silliness than a game, really. Sometimes I just get all hyper and i'll jump on the bed like this and squeeze everything all tightly together - stiff as a board ;) ...then Dear hubby has to use his strength and wily devices to unclench me and penetrate. anything goes :P A favorite for me is when he lubes up with coconut oil and slides in to all the tight little crevices....under the crack between the thighs, armpit, between my neck and shoulder.
HappyGal, this sounds like a fun game. I'll have to try that with my man!

I'm intrigued by all these nurses' exams. Maybe us ladies should get together and form a business...we could call it The Snapping Glove! :twisted:

I guess I should introduce myself before just jumping in...
I'm Jess. My age hasn't changed in years, and I have now apparently been married for longer than I've been alive! :P

Hopefully I'm not intruding.
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By Coffjr
Honora - I'll help you if you did a face plant, don't worry - I'll pull you up from behind. Oh, did I say that out loud? :oops:

Not a nurse, that OK - medical field is close enough. Say I also worked in the medical field at one time - maybe we should compare notes sometime. Can you help with my blood pressure - it's always UP lately. :D
By Jbe
Fer sure, Rock. You sure got your priorities screwed up! :shock: ;) ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was just scrolling back a page or two and found a new post that I don't recall seeing yesterday. The way this thread is moving lately it's not really a surprise. Not that it's a bad thing. It's great to see some new life here.

Welcome aboard, Jess. I see that you just registered yesterday and already got Admin to approve your post. Wow! How did you manage that? :shock: I was gonna say something like the ladies here will be glad to get another female on board to keep us dawgs in line... but the ladies here already are in charge... contrary to what us guys think. :roll: :roll:

Turtle, I see that you are now on auto-posting. Cool propic, BTW. The summer beach blast is a cool pic. Too bad it wasn't "real" in the most literal sense. It would be great to hang out with all those peeps in person... but.. alas, that was not the case.

Honora, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled... watching for your peel picture! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By rockclimber
Welcome Jess!!

Just a drive by. I'll have to look later.....

On a separate note, thank you Leo and Diego for helping us out this week!! Go VW!
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By Turtle
Jess, I like your thinking. Hopefully all the nurses at The Snapping Glove also wear yoga pants :D

I call first "exam"...
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By HappyGal
It's difficult NOT to think about sex when your legs are spread and your ass is up in downward facing dog or when your on your hands and knees arching your back up and down. I can practically feel DH scooting up behind me in cat and cow every time. This is why yoga is the best workout ever.
By Jbe
HappyGal, thank you very much for that visual. :cry: :cry: That's gonna be on my mind... ALL....DAY... LONG!! :evil: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By rockclimber
Jess wrote:
I'm intrigued by all these nurses' exams. Maybe us ladies should get together and form a business...we could call it The Snapping Glove! :twisted:

I guess I should introduce myself before just jumping in...
I'm Jess. My age hasn't changed in years, and I have now apparently been married for longer than I've been alive! :P

Hopefully I'm not intruding.
Oh Jess,


Please intrude! I too am still twelve or behave like a twelve year old! Or so I am told! All 18+ here though.

I like that snapping glove girl! Back to work! And Damn action, another Redhead I see!!!
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By HappyGal
Hi Jess! - sorry I missed your post. I am new too and new to fast-moving thread chatting - so that's why - Welcome! I love the Little Mermaid, I know all the words to all the songs :D

Jbe and Turtle - glad to oblige you with visions of yoga! I like checking out the other ladies in the class when I'm upside down - it's trippy. The classes I go to are small and there's rarely a man there. However, all the beefcakes in the weights area can see into the studio. I love when they start hanging out by the window to watch our bends, squats and balances. They act all nonchalant but I don't see men hanging out in that spot during Senior Fitness Class. Then if any of the beefcakes intrigue me my mind will really start to wander...

I took a towel pic this morning! I have to upload it from my phone though so I'm just being a tease right now
By Jbe
Tap tap tap... tapping fingers waiting for Val's towel pic. ;) ;) ;)

Saturday I think I'm gonna have another towel pic... or a bed pic... or a combination towel on bed pic... I'm not going to try and do a self shot of that... but the Beave will be over then and I'll get her to shot some pics. :oops: :oops:
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By Coffjr
Hello and welcome Jess. Jump right in anytime.

John - How is the Beave? Haven't seen or heard from her in a long time. Tell her hello.

Honora - Maybe comparing our medical experience we can do a doctor/nurse - I'll be the doctor. Now you say your hurting from your yogi class - where exactly does it hurt? :D
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By FastFive
You ladies all get to be so creative with your pics... it's hard (no pun intended... maybe I should say "difficult") for us guys to take great selfies.
By Jbe
Oooo la la, Val! That is a great shot!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Towel? what towel?

HappyGal, are you talking about my propic? Me about 25 years ago...

jr, she is doing fine. She still does my bookkeeping/billing so I see her at least once a month. She got herself a boyfriend which is why I don't see her as often as I used to.
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I think I'm in a Happy Place......

Sighs...... :D
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By HappyGal
Thinker, thank you...please do. Almost everyone has. Anyone else? I do have a trench coat so I will eventually fulfill the trifecta. :D

OK, I have a huge jar of coconut oil... Perfect for the entire body..and edible. This is what I use for lotion after I shower.

Where's all the ladies tonight?
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By Thinker
I use massage oil. Cannot remember what the base oil is, but it definitely does not smell like coconut. The current one has a lot of lavender in it. I get to smell it the whole time I am massaging...one time for 3 hours!
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By mandadees
Hey everyone,

There is so much here to comment on I'll just give you all a big hug and say good night. I'm so tired comments will have to wait. :D
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By HappyGal
Turtle, good one about your dog pointing up. Lol.

Thinker, three hours is a long massage. What a relaxed state she must have been in! I could really use one. Literally, my neck will not turn left today. I'm lying in bed dreading work because of this. :(
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By HappyGal
Manda, hope you got a good night's rest. Happy Labor day weekend! I plan to get sauced with dh out on our kayak and hopefully find a good spot for a little outdoor fun. Anyone else have fun plans?
By Jbe
HappyGal, no big plans for me. Though there is a slight chance I may be getting some female companionship tomorrow. And if that happens I will be making a peach pie. :D So are you taking the camera out on the kayak? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Oh, I keep going back to your towel pic and admiring that hourglass figure and the boobie peeking out. :D :D

Thanks for the comment on my propic, HG. That was back in the day when my hair still had some color to it that wasn't gray. :roll: :roll:

Hi Manda! Always nice to see you drop by.

Ok, Thinker... let's see that towel pic! ;) ;)

HG, if you still need that massage, stop on over. I can't guarantee it'll be 3 hours, but I'll give it my best. :D
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By JoinUs
Thanks all for the warm welcome, finally found the place where you guys and gals all chat :-)

Love the towel selfie happygal.

And why can't the guys do selfies? !!

Have a great weekend everyone.
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By FastFive
JoinUs wrote:And why can't the guys do selfies? !!
We do. It started back n page 32 or 33 I think.

It's just not as easy for us.
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