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By Jbe
Just to help out Georgieporgie, here is a link to Andrea in the Woods. Good shout out! Andrea certainly is worth taking a second... or seventh look at. Sweet bum... pretty face and perfectly sized boobs for my hands. ;) ;)
By Jbe
And before it dissapears into the archives, check out an earlier contri... Under the Bridge. Pics 4 and 5 reminds me of a slightly less voluptuous Elise. And I mean that as a compliment.

Nice stuff. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a lot more.
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By SweetLisa
Thanks for starting this thread for me. I feel really special now. Like I have my own fan club. :D
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By SweetLisa
And thankyou Jbe for all your words of encouragement. They are much appreciated. I will keep posting as long as you guys don't get tired of looking at me.
By Jbe
Sweet Lisa, So glad to see you saw the invite and stopped by. I can't take credit for starting the thread, though. I am a little confused :? however. Is Sweet Lisa and Andrea the same... or are they different people?

Whatever the case may be I hope you will continue to stop by and chat. The whole point of these bb's is to have more in depth conversations with the models or photographers or both. And I guess you could consider it a fan club of sorts.

Personally I like a contri that starts out fully clothed... or at least not showing all the goods... and then does a strip tease. Anticipation can really build the moment. Some of the sexiest shots may not even show any naked lady parts but may tease the viewer. Sometimes a shot that doesn't quite show the goodies will make me crazy cuz I'll turn the pic every which way to try and sneak a peak- knowing fully well I'll never be able to. :oops: :oops: :roll: ;)

Pic 3 is a lovely "portrait pic" that shows your natrual beauty. Very nicely done. Top to bottom you are luscious all the way around. Your backside... your front side... that sweet sexy smile... and those boobs that don't get more perfect than yours.

A couple of things... please post a propic... avatar... profile picture... or whatever you want to call it. Please continue to stop by here and chat. Stop by the Private Shots COFF Town Hall thread and introduce yourself (COFF stands for Connoisseurs of Female Form- and we do love to study them :mrgreen: ) You will be warmly welcomed and encouraged to continue to stop by. And PLEASE continue to post.
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By Thinker
Andrea and Sweet Lisa, Thanks for stopping by the forums. I loved both photoshoots. What general area was the river shoot done? It is really nice to have a great background along with seeing a gorgeous woman.

Love your smiles in your pix. Smiling always make a woman even more desirable. Your slow strip tease is great. Just enough new exposure to make me want to go the the next one...but not too quickly. Had to fully study each one before proceeding!

I think the last picture of your breast goosebumps was my favorite. Had never seen that before. You were my "first!"
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By Skeetz
Count me in as a member of the Fan Club!

What a deliciously beautiful woman . . . More Please!!
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By SweetLisa
Lisa takes the pictures, makes the selections, and posts them for me. I am the one who replies to the comments. Sorry if its a little confusing. I am not very tech saavy or I would do it myself.
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By SweetLisa
>thinker. These were done in manistee national forest on the manistee river about 20 miles from Cadillac Michigan.
By Jbe
Andrea, thanks for the clarification. My state of mind is often "confused". :roll: :lol: :lol:

I hope you will continue to post as you and Lisa seem to make a very good team. You seem to be very comfortable in front of the camera and Lisa seems to know her way around the camera. The variety of poses keep it interesting. I also like how Lisa offset you in some of the pics. My attention is immediately drawn to you... then to the lush green background and then back to you.

The use of light and shadows- whether intentional or not- worked very well. Shadows can create an aura of mystery (pics 3 and 7) and the slightly washed out look in pic 6 give it an almost etheral look in my eyes.

I, too, like the close up goose-bump boobie shot. IMHO you have perfect boobs. You should be pround of "the girls". They fit you perfectly.

As far as requests... keep on doing what you are doing. The two contris you have submitted so far are outstanding. Like we tell a lot of the new gals, go for quality not quantity. So far you are doing exactly that. Please do stop by the COFF Town Hall thread on the Private Shots board and say "hi".
By Steve57
Oh yeah, please post a zillion photos. More if you have em. I love tight little bodies, and, gawdsakes Andrea, hun, you have absolutely stunning boobs. Stretch those arms long and high next photo shoot, look right into the camera and say, 'like this, Steve?', and listen for the YES from Colorado.

Did I mention you're gorgeous, too? You're gorgeous, Andrea.
By DangerousDi
Nice to see you on the boards, with us other gals.
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By SweetLisa
Sorry for the delay getting back. I was on vacation. I will be posting more soon. Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and lovely compliments. They are all appreciated.
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By mich734
I have property up in bitely by the manistee forest I'll make sure to keep my eyes open next time i'm up there lol
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