Discuss and interact with contributors and members about Private Shots.
By masseur
OK - I've been seeing COFF show up here, there and everywhere in the forums and kept saying to myself, "What the Hell is COFF ? " It was while reading some of the entries that I saw Jbe's definition of what COFF means and suddenly realized, OMG I AM ONE !!! (unofficially of course) This group of guys and gals seems to know each other quite well. Its obvious that you have communicated for a considerable amount of time. So are there dues, initiations, or rights of passage that one has to endure to become an " OFFICIAL COFFer" ? Or is it simply having a "Respectful Admiration of Natures Finest Contribution" ? I've been a fan of VW for several years but have only recently gotten involved in the Forums. I must say that it has been very entertaining . It's so nice to be able to directly compliment the ladies who post photos in the Contributors BB.
By Jbe
Masseur, you've pretty much got it. We actually "organized" (I use that term very loosely) several years ago and have spent some time getting to know each other- virtually speaking since we are spread out all over the states and world. But some of us have actually met each other face to face which was a lot of fun. The group used to be larger but after the "crash and burn" last year some of the people wandered away. It wasn't until VW got the BB's back up and running... and us bugging Kiki to get the Feedback sections back that we started getting the gang back together. There are still a few that haven't found their way back but we're hopeful.

I've also been looking at VW for a few years and it was a while before I discovered the Forums. And it did take a while after that the COFF came into being. But it's been a blast ever since. There is no official membership and anyone is welcome to join in. We ask you to generally be respectful of each other and get to know each other. The good natured kidding and razzing of each other- as well as the occasional arguement- will come.

We've been lucky enough to be able to directly chat with a lot of the ladies on this thread as well as other threads and are always trying to get more of them to join in. Soooo... jump into the pool. The water is fine. Oh, you can always check out the article about the COFF in the wiki.

Hey Freddie! Looks to be another sunny- albeit a bit chilly for us- day here on the left coast. :lol:
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By Coffjr
Masseur, I have nothing to add to what has already been said from Grumpy (aka 327retro) and John (aka Jbe). We had a lot of fun in the past and I'm hoping the old gang returns. There are many very wonderful women that join us, they are not only beautiful but also very witty (and ya'll know who you are). It may take a while for you to get to know our nicknames (like ICU is Bob and I'm really just jr), but after a while - it comes naturally. So just join in when ever you have something to say.
By CountessFuntime
Masseur...I want to add my welcome to the group. As JBE mentioned, we have a lot of fun with the banter. My favorite time was when we convened a Town Hall meeting in Vegas. JBE & Berty, with some lovely ladies with them, had an adventure recently and invited Jaybird, AKA CountessFuntime, and myself to join them. It was a great time on the Vegas Strip. I have a picture of Berty & JBE with Jaybird between them, it appears that Berty has his hand on Jaybird's ass and they both have a huge grin. We are anxiously awaiting the next Town Hall meeting.

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By LisaJane
Ok I'm still alive .... back by request of email ... Hi Jbe ... so there is just toooo much going on in here right at the moment but I'll try and get back into the swing of things .... I promise I won't stay away as long.

I'm posting to both sites, VC & VW. I know some of you don't go there but your love and support would be kinda nice :-) I'm not sure where my fans/friends are but they seem to be missing. boo hoo

I love you guys/gals, you are so good to me. :-)

Ok I really gotta scoot, sorry that I can't stay a little longer and chit chat ... but I will be back and won't take as long to come back.

By Jbe
Viscount, that was a GREAT time in Vegas wasn't it?! Between you and Jaybird, Berty and Rita and me and the Beave, we did have a great time. Not sure when the next Town Hall meeting will be but Beave and myself are headed over to England in May to stay with Berty and his missus for a couple of weeks.

Hiya, LJ! Nice to see you back. Wasn't trying to be a pest... just wanted to let you know that you had been missed. I do go over to VC but only to look at who is posting and what they are posting. I refuse to comment on the BB's as I really think it was a chicken-shit thing that Igor did by sabotaging VW on the way out the door. IMHO that was a very unprofessional thing to do. He also left with a lot of VW material that he may or may not have had the right to take.

Unfortunately some of VW's "stars" appear to have gone with him and are not posting here anymore. That's a shame. But life goes on... people move on ... and somebody else takes their place.
By masseur
Thanks for the welcome from all of you ! I do appreciate it very much.
COFFjr - Thanks for relating names with usernames. I was getting confused. Was afraid I was going to have to start taking notes.
Jbe - I've read many of your comments in several different forums and it sure seems like we are on the same page. Look forward to future conversations. Oh and by the way, thanks for the COFF education. It cleared up a lot for me.
Grumpy - I see things that we will be able to discuss already. Im also a hunter. Hunted everything that moved when I was younger and had the time. Mostly just deer anymore. Would love to come south and hunt boar ! I go south fishing every spring. That red dirt and pines in your propic sure looks familiar.
Viscount - Thanks for the welcome. Sounds like Vegas must have been a great time. Especially for Jaybird lol.

It is nice to read what the ladies have to say. It gives you an idea of what their personality is like. Being able to communicate with these ladies is such a pleasure.
By the way . . . . Countrygal - what a sweetheart !!
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By countrygal
Aww thanks guys! And masseur i have my sweet moments but with this red hair comes a little bit of a temper some stubbornness and a crazy side.
By Jbe
Hi Countrygal! Nice to see another person of the female persuasion over here to bolster the ranks of the gals. I'm sure the ladies feel outnumbered sometimes with all this testosterone. But like a wise man once told me, you can be in a room full of men... and if there is one woman the men are outnumbered. :lol: A crazy side and a temper? On a red-head?? Imagine that! :shock:

Masseur, if you appreciate nekkid women, then we are definitely on the same page. :lol: It's kinda funny.. but before the crash there was a lot of activity on these threads and several of us had commented that we spent more time on the bb's than we did looking at the pics. And since this thread has absolutely no direction, the topic can change depending on which way the wind blows.

Speaking of blowing... oh.. never mind. ;)
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By freddie
Thankyou 327retro, this forum seems like my kind of place. I enjoy reading the comments and hope to get to know everyone...
You all might remember me from before the crash. My avatar was a water hydrant with a santa hat. :lol:

By masseur
CountryGal I understand completely ! I share the red hair with you though there is considerably less of it than there use to be. It looks far better on you.
By CountessFuntime
Jaybird is also a redhead and we had her propic on the old site, but haven't figured out how to get the picture small enough for the new format. Want to help with that John?
By Jbe
Freddie, I remember your avatar.. or propic.. or whatever you want to call it. Oh, and my hair used to be blonde... and it is again. :lol: :roll: :lol:

Grumpy, I had a little problem when I added an attachment a week or so ago as it didn't show the entire pic either. Must have something to do with size limits. I dunno... :?

Viscount, send me the pic and I'll re-size it for you. You could probably do it yourself... it's just a ploy on my part to see a pic of Jaybird. hehe :mrgreen: Oh, wait, I've met her in person... and she is MUCH prettier live than Memorex. (Ok... who gets that reference?) :?:
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By trinityxxx
Just popping in to say hello to my COFF friends. Hope all is well with everyone?
It's been crazy busy here with everyday reality and work, so I apologize for my absence.
All I know is I am sick of the snow and I better bundle up cause we are due for below zero temps. Ugh!!
Some of you asked when I will have a new contri coming out and I finally had time to select some for freestyle and I submitted them last night. So for anyone interested I hope you will like them :D
I am also so happy to see this thread alive and being enjoyed by some new friends, a very warm welcome to the new COFF'ers!! :D
Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend.
Many wet kisses,
By Jbe
Hey, Trin! How ya doing, Hot Stuff? Was just thinking about you! That darn magic lamp was twitching again. :oops: :lol: Glad to hear from you and even more glad to hear you have a new set of pics coming out. Sick of the snow, huh? Ok.. then you really won't want to hear that it was in the low 70's here yesterday and looking to be similar today. Yeah.. we did have some nights that dropped down into the 20's... but that's still short sleeve weather for you, isn't it? :lol:

It was nice to have you drop by. We needed some more feminine wiles here. Couldn't ask Countrygal and Lisa Jane to do it all by their lonesome.

Hmmmm... since you dropped by I bet that means Bob will be crawling out of the woodwork. :o Sorry, Bob... a little razzing on my part. That's what happens when you are part of this motley group. :mrgreen:
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By Skeetz
Berty's in da house! Good to hear from ya' Bud, (I won't call ya' Babe, Trin might slap me!)

Hmmm, now that I think about it that may not be so bad. :oops:

Two thumbs up on the Rita propic :idea: I'm kind'a tired of seeing that mangy old Rheindeer playing with his balls . . . Babe!
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By Skeetz
Oh yeah, quick note to theGrump and Jbe, the whole pic is there, you just have to click on it to reveal the rest of it. Sure don't want to miss any part of Sugar in repose, or in any kind'a pose, for that matter.

(Waving at Sugar!)

CountryGal, thanks for the new propic, as much as I love animals, I have to say, your sexy self is muuuuch nicer! You know, a "Lady Godiva" shot might be kind'a cool . . . just a thought . . .

. . . that brings back memories. Way back in the last century, when I was a youngster, I had a girlfriend who was really proud of her ample bosom, (me too!) One afternoon before going out, she asked me to take some topless pics of herself on horseback. Sounded like a great idea to me so I got her on the horse quick before she could change her mind . . . unfortunately she smelled like that damned horse the rest of the evening. :roll: But, the pics turned out great, wish I still had'em.

And No, guys, they were not tintypes! I know somebady was gona' ask . . .
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By Skeetz
Jeeez, I've missed a whole lot on this here now thread. I must be slippin'.

Welcome, to the new guys, Masseur, Freddie, and any one else I may have missed, 'cause I'm having a little trouble with the scroll wheel in my antique mouse.
Can't seem to get it to scroll back past Sugar's pic! :roll:

Uhhhh Viscount, I just might have a couple of Jaybird propics. I'd be happy to size and post one for ya . . . no, wait that wouldn't work I guess, can't access your profile . . .

Oh well . . . Hey John. what's Memorex? Was that one of those old timey communication systems they used in the olden days? (I bet Grumpy knows.)
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By Coffjr
I'm too young to remember anything about memorex or any ad. :?

Berty, Sin is posting elsewhere. She does still make comments on the RCBB and posts some pictures, but I know you don't get RCBBs.

And Countrygal - another red head. I think we can handle another one, especially with your good looks. ;)
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By Skeetz
Oh Yeah . . . the "Horny Hydrant" I remember that. Different nickname that time though, right?

"Yabba Dabba Doo!" Grumpy. Only you could come up with a Flintstones reference. Tell Sugar she is very welcome, I just calls 'em like I see's 'em and I really like her "Blond Side."

Wasn't Wilma a blond??
By VWSupport
Hey all! Finally got a bit of downtime, wanted to poke my head in here and see how you all were doing.

Happy with the new threads, any issues or suggestions?

Trin - Sorry to hear that it is freezing there (makes me realize I cannot complain about my 25 degree weather!), but I can see you took some photos that will warm anyone up...hehehe yes, abuse of admin power to peek at the about to be published photos, can you blame me?

CountryGirl - LOVE your contris for this month, can't decide my favorite though between the photos down by the creek and the little black dress! I used to ride often and still love to when I can get the chance, wish I could say I had horses of my own.

CountessFuntime - If you still need help with the propic let me know! The upload feature should automatically resize it for you, is it too big of a file? Just checked by uploading a new photo, and the resizer seems to be working its magic.
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By countrygal
Retro Im kinda stuck on mustangs right now. That's what my mare is and she's the best horse I've had in a long time. She's knows pretty much everything there is to know, but she's one of the roughest riding horses I've ever had.
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By Skeetz
Freddie, she, (Kikithat is,) keeps promising to show us the view from the other side of that propic, but so far "no show," damn it!

Now why am I not surprised that Grumpy would know about Wilma and Betty??

But I found proof positive . . .
BettynWilma.jpg (101.25 KiB) Viewed 41860 times
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By Coffjr
Skeets, I always wonder why Wilma and Betty were so happy all the time. :lol:

I've been on a horse a few time but much prefer my iron horse, like Grumpy mentioned - what can I say, I'm a city boy. Rode an Appaloosa once - beautiful horse but had a mind of it's own.
By Jbe
Kiki, thanks for dropping by and checking in. I was just glad to get the sections back. The "old" Feedback Sections were a little easier to navigate to me... but then again I am an old dawg... :lol: but I'm getting used to these. I had tried the photo resizer a few weeks ago and it didn't seem to work. Haven't tried it since, though. If you say it works, I believe you. Is there a max pic size that it won't re-size?

I also seem to remember there was some talk about wanting more smiley icons. The one I miss the most was ROFLMAO one. Otherwise I'm making do.

Grumpy, you are pretty much right on the Memorex reference. The reason people think you know that stuff is cuz you are.... 39 :roll: for how many years? And for the "kids" Memorex was a brand of cassette tape and reel to reel tape that claimed to be so good that you couldn't tell if it was live or taped. Hmmm... cassettes... how many formats back was that? :roll:
By Jbe
Viscount, I see that you did manage to get Jaybird's propic up and posted. I guess the re-sizer is working for you. Good deal!
By CountessFuntime
Thanks Kiki...Don't know how it worked, thanks.

I love Jaybird's smile in this pic. I have the camera packed and we're headed back to the islands to shake off the winter blahs.

By Jbe
Markjean, the sad thing is that I still have a couple of cassettes that were privately made... but no way to play them. Gonna have to find a cassette player... or some way to transfer the tapes... I'm sure the technology is out there. :?:

Good morning, Berty... as it is still morning for me but afternoon for you. No biscuits and gravy for me though that does sound good. I think it's gonna be eggs over medium covered with some homemade salsa (from you know who) and toasted English muffins- or crumpets as you call 'em over there.

Grumpster, it would appear nothing is sacred. But Fred doesn't seem to mind... or is it he is just liking the girl on girl action? :?
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By Coffjr
John, I hate to admit this but I still have cassettes - mostly home made. My stereo set has a cassette player/recorder along with a CD player. And I do have a turntable attached to it. I made the cassettes so I could play them in my Thunderbird, I upgraded the radio years ago but didn't want to put in a CD player. Still have my LPs and 45s and I think I might have an 8-track somewhere but no 8-track player. I'm sure the tape on the 8-track is no good anymore.
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By Skeetz
'Mornin' All!!
Heck I've still got some 78 rpm vinyl, youse guys ain't got nuttin' on me!

I'm tempted to start another SMC thread in the hope of bringing the lucious Manda back to the fold. She was always such a great incentive to slip in early so as to beat Berty to the morning paper.

Viscount, I love that Jaybird smile as well! Looking forward to more "Island" pics.

Berty, I'm very much looking forward to Rita returning to the page! Sorry you didn't get to see the adult version of the Flintstones. Late night TV can be soooo enlightening . . .

Flintstone 69.jpg
Flintstone 69.jpg (16.77 KiB) Viewed 41802 times
. . . and educational!!
By VWSupport
Freddie - Sorry, no contris for me, I defer that to the lovely ladies on here!

Skeetz - Hehehe, my hubby DID take a photo from the front...not sure that will ever leave his private archive, you will have to ask him ;)

Jbe - Max file size for upload is 605.47 KiB (1024 bytes), so perhaps that is where folks are running into issues? I agree with ya there, more smilies would be nice! That is something I have been looking for, and will install them as soon as I can find a good set that will play nice with what we already have.

CountessFuntime - Glad to see you got it to work as that is a great photo. Wishing I was heading somewhere warm this month, enjoy!

Damn, looks like I was watching all the wrong cartoons...
By Jbe
It's a mystery, Grump. I had a pic that I had previously used as my propic under the same sizing you mentioned and I tried to submit it for re-sizing and it didn't work. So I grabbed a different previously used propic and it did. Go figure... :? I guess us "less than savy on the tech" guys need to pay better attention in class. :roll: :lol:
By Jbe
Berty, when you start a new post click on the Upload Attachment tab below the Save Draft, Preview and Submit buttons. That will let you browse to the location on your computer. As far as the other Rita pics that you may wish to use as propics you are going to have to get them to at least the size Kiki mentioned in her post. Then they should be able to be automatically re-sized.

Give it a shot.
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I know Ive said this many times before, but it bares repeating - My gosh this group is mighty entertaining!! Having read several pages of posts, it appears I have missed quite a lot in the last few days since I've been away. Very glad to see the participation of Kiki....Seems to give our group more validation! I don't recall (forgive me all for this next word), Igor, ever putting in his two cents worth on any of our forums (the COFFers). Judging from what he did to VW, that was probably a good thing!!

Things are definitely picking up - especially with the lovely Countrygirl sharing her thoughts and a few insights into her interests - allowing us to get to know her better. To me, the best part of VW has been the getting to know the folks who visit here and the ladies who are kind enough to share themselves with us appreciative sick puppies!

And John, I'll have you note that I've yet to mention or address a certain someone who will remain nameless, on my part, in an effort to convince you that I'm not rather partial to this unmentioned party. Hmmmm. Did that make any sense? Shoot! Who am I kidding - everyone knows I think she's mighty special! Hope she can stay warm. I'd volunteer but I know that Mr. T can take care of that all by himself!! Many thx Mr. T for letting us get to know and be very find of that beautiful woman of yours.

Last words: welcome all yee newcomers! The more the merrier in my opinion!
By masseur
I hate to admit it but I have BOXES of cassettes in my basement. I was never much of a Memorex guy though. For me it was the Maxell UD XL II S. Like you COFFjr, The albums got transferred to tape so I could play them in the car. In fact I still have the Marantz system from 35 years ago. Man I really need to throw some shit away !!

You guys are killing me with the Flintstones cartoons ! I was never too sure about Barney. I think he was blowin Dino.
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