- Tue Oct 29, 2024 12:57 pm
^^^^^^^^ See? sillydummy is deeply concerned that Harris calls people "The brothers" and thinks that somehow makes her unfit to be President.
Meanwhile, Trump says all sorts of vile things plagiarized right out of Hitler's speeches and that doesn't bother him at all. In fact, he applauds it.
Trump just said at his Madison Square Garden rally that Democrats are "a vicious, crooked, radical left machine"
He called Democrats "the enemy from within" exactly as Hitler did of Jews before he started killing them.
He called Democrats "animals, these dirty animals" exactly as Hitler did before exterminating his victims.
And Trump lied that in the past he told his supporters "No, you can't do that [put Hillary Clinton in prison]" after all those rallies where we all saw him smile and nod approvingly when his mob chanted "Lock her up!" repeatedly as he joined in.
Then in his next breath he claimed that he is running a campaign of love and hope. (What does that tell us about how Trump supporters experience love and hope in their tragic lives? To Trump supporters, love is someone telling them what to do and backing it up with physical force.)
None of this bothers sillydummy or Dishonestjohn. But clowns like silly and johnny piss themselves starting threads about how it is unacceptable that Harris continues to call herself "Black" simply because she is Black and she has said so her entire life. This is what bothers them out of all the things she has said. This is what they start their idiotic 'political discussion' threads about; that she is Black and calls herself Black. This is the very definition of racism. Apparently they are against her simply because she is Black and says so. They offer no other reason other than claiming that she has done terrible things to America, but they can never seem to come up with any of these terrible things that she supposedly did when asked.
At the same time they are FOR Trump because he wants loyal generals like Hitler had; people who would carry out evil orders without question instead of telling him that he can't do those things. They are FOR Trump because he said he will deploy the U.S. Army against American citizens on American soil. They are FOR Trump because he says if America elects him this time, we will never have to vote again. (Only a dictatorship wouldn't require voting.)
Both sillydummy and johnforbes have heard Trump say all these things and they still support him. They absolutely refuse to talk about all the unAmerican things Trump has said. You ask them about these things and they desperately divert and deflect with unsupported partisan propaganda from their handlers. And the proof is that neither of them will address a single comment of Trump's given above this time either. Instead, fetid diversionary bullshit will ooze from their mouths.
Partisan tools like sillydummy and johnforbes are The True Jackwad-Americans.