Political discussions about everything
silly, did it ever occur to you to ask WHO reported it?

Of course not. You couldn't care less. It wasn't actually reported by any news organization because it didn't happen. It's as stupid as johnforbes 'reporting' that there was a crowd of 109 people at a non-existent "rally."

Your handlers are simply duping you again with their made up stupid shit daily propaganda talking points.
"Seriously, have you ever been to a rally with 109 participants?"-johnflubs

Sure I have, back in my college days. That wasn't a bad turnout.

But Harris wasn't. You made it up, so what's your point?
Why are you talking about Biden now, dimwit? What has he got to do with a non-existent Harris rally johnforbes is lying about?

And if you're talking about the lie johnforbes preciously told you about a Biden rally where he told you 35 people showing up at a gym in Pennsylvania, I've already debunked that lie with pictures of that rally proving johnforbes fell for his handlers' propaganda of a cropped photo. There were hundreds of people at that small town rally. Why repeat your lie now, dummy?
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