Political discussions about everything
It is one thing when folks on this fine forum use email pseudonyms, but should an important politcian do it. Sure, some like Mitt do, and wasn't his son also on a Ukraine energy board.


"The National Archives and Records Administration has admitted that it is in possession of nearly 5,400 emails, electronic records and documents that potentially show President Biden using a pseudonym during his vice presidency, it was revealed on Monday.

NARA confirmed the existence of the trove in response to a June 2022 Freedom of Information Act request by the Southeastern Legal Foundation, a nonprofit constitutional legal group.

The request sought emails pertaining to the accounts of Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters and JRB Ware..."
"Joe has been crooked for a long time...try telling that to liberals and their comeback is always, "but but but Trump..""-sillyliar

No, that is NOT what liberals say, dummy. You made it up. You're confusing what liberals say with what Republicans keep saying about Trump being crooked--"but...but...but what about Hunter?"

What liberals actually say is that Republicans, after years of multiple investigations into the Bidens under Trump and a Republican Congress, have yet to produce a shred of evidence that Joe has done anything wrong. sillydummy isn't able to produce any evidence either. He just talks big, like any other loudmouthed drunk at a scuzzy Texas roadhouse. He just swills down his daily partisan propaganda without question and then regurgitates it mindlessly as he did here.

The Republicans are, after many years without any results, still investigating the Bidens in Congress. But does silly insist that he supports Trump being held "to the same standards" as Biden? Is he insisting that Trump should continue to be investigated the way Biden is? No, he insists the investigations into Trump are just political witch hunts, despite all the evidence of crimes and the myriad convictions of Trump himself as well as his henchmen.

It is simply exhausting listening to the droning hypocrisy of Trump supporters. It's just like this whole silly pointless thread: pointless.
Archives has 5,400 of those emails.

You can bet your bottom dollar Archives will delay releasing them to the public, or claim they were lost, or claim they must be shielded from scrutiny by mere taxpayers -- anything to keep them secret and help Democrats.

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