Political discussions about everything
"Talking to Fox News's Laura Ingraham, Gingrich said, "One of Trump's great advantages is he talks at a level where third, fourth, and fifth-grade educations can say, ‘Oh yeah, I get that. I understand it.'"

A Twitter user wrote, "The fact that he speaks to the children says everything you need to know about the educational level the Right is shooting for."
Another added, "Makes sense why the GOP is banning books."

Fortunately for Republicans, Trump voters like johnforbes have no idea that Newt just insulted them.

I can't help but wonder what johnny did while allegedly in college because he finds Trump's rhetoric to be brilliant.
As johnny's always saying in his own inimitable way, "Oh yeah, I get that. I understand it."
Newt has a PhD and, although opinions of his political tenure varied, he always paid attention to history.

Of course, if those quotes are accurate, it is moronic to assume that one's political beliefs reflect intelligence because political opinions relate to passion and not IQ.

Bill Clinton became a Rhodes Scholar, and all you need to get one of those is good grades and a good interview, but Bill Clinton spoke at about the 4th grade level all the time.

He would say "We want to do the right thing. We don't want to do the wrong thing."

Simplfication is the essence of political speech, and that applies to Repubs, Dems, Whigs, Federalists, the Greens in post-Merkel Germany, whatever.
Clown thinks in cartoons.

As explained often before, Mr Forbes is not a Republican but a gentleman with some Burkean perspectives.

You don't throw out the wisdom of the ages, and replace it with "pride" parades on city streets with demented dolts dancing for kids.

Change, sure. Even Mr Forbes has recently replaced his rotary dial Bakelite phone.

But pretending reality isn't real, as the Left does daily, is nonsense. You can't become 7 feet tall and play in the NBA if you are 5'2" as Clown is, and a male can't put on a dress and by magic change his gender as Dr Richard Levine believes.
"As explained many times, Mr Forbes is hardly some country club Republican, or any sort at all."-johnfoibles

Sure, the fact that johnny votes a straight Republican ticket each election doesn't mean he's a Republican, does it.

All his statement really means is that he didn't get into any of those country clubs. (I wouldn't join any club that would have someone like him as a member either.)

Or else he didn't even try to join one because he's just as revolted by that smug lot as the rest of us are. He's actually some enlightened liberal mind who holds his nose and votes Republican, trying to pretend his disgust with his actions proves he still retains some trace of humanity.
So Much Winning!!!!

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Senile dementia...