Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
I'm not a climate scientist, but probably nobody else here is either.

My view is that climate always changes and mankind always has to adapt.

Like many others, I retain a reasonable amount of skepticism when a political partisan such as Al Gore preaches one view.
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By RealJustme
Instead of redistributing trillions in wealth in the name of stabilizing the climate, we should be investing in coping with the changes that will come...no matter how many trillions of dollars are redistributed. Only a libtard thinks we can "buy" the climate we want. The climate will continue to change, we learn to live with it or die.
By sillydaddy
The USA is already doing its part in saving the planet...
I myself am dividing my weekly garbage into two piles...
One for the dump and the other for the recycling center(dump)…
The city says I am a responsible homeowner because I "recycle"...
For this enviable honor I HAVE to pay an extra $3 a month....
I had no say in the matter and it's not voluntary....

Maybe we should do what the Germans did with the VW....
Just recalibrate the measuring instruments to show the readings
the climate change police says they should be.... :O :laugh:
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By RealJustme
Maybe we should do what the Germans did with the VW....
Just recalibrate the measuring instruments to show the readings
the climate change police says they should be
The new world order has already done that in an attempt to scare the masses into funding the wealth redistribution, but only idiots have fallen for it. That's why they've lost all credibility, the world will not end in 12 years as they allege; even if we don't spend one dime on carbon taxes.

The world cures it's self through climate changes, who are we to stop the world from healing? In fact who are we to think we can stop the world from healing it's self? It's like water flows to the lowest level, climate changes will happen.
By Clownkicker
snake, as you can see, NOTHING disturbs RealTool or johnforbes.

They're seriously disturbed already. They honestly believe the hogwash they post about climate change, and amazingly they don't care if their grandchildren die so that they can drive a gas guzzler today and not have to set their air conditioning above 68 degrees.
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By RealJustme
amazingly they don't care if their grandchildren die so that they can drive a gas guzzler today and not have to set their air conditioning above 68 degrees.
Clown converts to scare tactics and hype rather having a logical discussion of what we can do to prepare for climate changes that will happen over the next few hundred years. He really believes we have 12 years before the world ends.
By Clownkicker
Tool, stop making up stupid shit instead of having a logical discussion of climate change.

The world is not going to end and I never suggested anything of the sort nor ever mentioned anything about "12 years" for the world to end. (Neither has anyone else.) But what you clowns don't get is the speed that climate change is occurring. In the past we always had hundreds or thousands of years to adapt to climate change. This time we have a few decades, of which we have already squandered half talking to blasé partisan troglodytes in denial like you and johnny. What you need to face is not that "the world will end", but that "the world as you know it" is going to end, and that we could slow it down to give us time to adapt but you're too self-centered and lazy to make the effort.

You COULD educate yourselves but choose not to for purely partisan political reasons. You are content to let coming generations pick up the substantial tab for your willful ignorance. And you call millions of people dying because of your choices "the world just healing and curing itself." That's pathologically sick.

What you refuse to face is the ugly truth that what the world needs to be "cured and healed" from is YOU.
By johnforbes
I planned to take on this topic of global warming, but it is a chilly and rainy evening.

Given the chill, my fingers are just a little too cold to type much now on warming.
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By RealJustme
what you clowns don't get is the speed that climate change is occurring. In the past we always had hundreds or thousands of years to adapt to climate change. This time we have a few decades, of which we have already squandered half talking to blasé partisan troglodytes in denial like you and johnny
First of all, those weather devices they're depending on to tell us about climate changes weren't in place hundreds of thousands of years ago, so there's a lot of guessing going on. Second I agree we should prepare for climate changes, because no matter what we do the climate will change. What I don't agree with is additional taxes and reducing available resources will prepare for us those changes.
By johnforbes
As we speak, it is raining again.

In the premature dusk, there is a certain damp chill.

Put simply, it is still too cold -- even in June -- for me to type about Global Warming.
By Clownkicker
johnforbes is to stupid and ignorant to understand that his summer weather is stalled over the Arctic Ocean and Greenland melting the ice at a record pace. That high pressure has diverted the jet stream from its traditional path and sent cold Arctic air farther south to his area.

johnforbes still has to grasp the meaning of the term "global" in "global climate change."
He still thinks the term means "weather in my back yard caused by mysterious, unfathomable forces absolutely not related to climate change."

You can't educate a conservative about anything.
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By RealJustme
johnforbes is to stupid and ignorant to understand that his summer weather is stalled over the Arctic Ocean and Greenland melting the ice at a record pace. That high pressure has diverted the jet stream from its traditional path and sent cold Arctic air farther south to his area.
So? Even if true, nature is doing what nature does. Do you really think the climate can be bought?
By Clownkicker
johnforbes will be gratified and feel vindicated to see how capitalism once again "raised up" the lives of a bunch of poor savages who had nothing to their names but fish, mountains, ocean, and homes and family.

Now they can split $500,000 30,000 ways and they've finally got a future. That's a whopping $16 a piece to handle the coming environmental destruction to their way of life that was brought on by unfettered capitalism down south.
By johnforbes
Today, even poor people in America have central AC, computers, 4G cell phones, and a host of other positives things.

And why?

Because capitalism unleashed human incentive.

We don't have pure capitalism, and unrestrained laissez faire has some negatives, but the challenge remains:

Name a better big country in the history of mankind.
By Clownkicker
Tell you what, johnny, you name a Native American tribe that was "raised up" by the white man's capitalism and then we'll talk about the greatest country in the world. It's easy to become 'great' when you kill all the people in your way, steal their resources, and then build a country on slave labor. Even China does that and they are becoming great the same way, and they're communist. How do you explain that? What is the common denominator?

So why no comment on the path of destruction left in the wake of capitalism, johnny? You're only saying that THE SURVIVORS OF CAPITALISM are better off than the poor of the past, but you ignore all those who were victims of capitalism. And that's many millions of people.
But that's okay with johnny because many (not all) poor people in America have cell phones and air conditioning today, as if that illustrates anything at all about overall quality of life. Capitalism always makes sure most of the poor have just enough to stay alive and work for low wages and then die young.

johnforbes thinks being cool in a rat-infested walk up with lead paint peeling off the walls is a big improvement over a log cabin or sod house. It was cool inside the sod house too, johnny.

The fact is, the greatest benefit to the quality of life of poor people anywhere was the introduction of public water and sanitary sewer systems. Socialism made them a reality, not capitalism. (The people got together to build them, own them, and run them as non-profits.) If it were up to capitalism, there would still be out houses all over johnny's home town because the poor couldn't afford to pay the sky high prices demanded to hook up and use to them.

And we all see what capitalism does to water supplies. It puts water in polluting plastic bottles, creates garbage in our oceans, and charges gasoline prices (or more) for it, instead of the few cents a gallon public water costs from the tap.
By Clownkicker
johnny, that remark is incredibly stupid, even by johnforbes standards.

The Mohegan Casino is owned and operated by the Mohegan Tribe for the Tribe members. It is not owned by one or two private individuals working for themselves. It is a textbook example of socialism.

So after 400 years of being crushed by capitalism, the tribe has finally found a way to take back some of what they lost from capitalism. And the answer came in the form of socialism.

As RealTool would say, "Now don't you feel stupid?"
By johnforbes
No, it is a perfect example of capitalism at work.

One of the Indians in charge of the operation is a Harvard Law grad and, if you listen to him, it is very clear it was not due to affirmative action.

Today, instead of living in a tent, these Indians are in luxury condos with stainless steel appliances.

Name a better big country than America in the history of man on this planet.
By Clownkicker
Now I see what your problem is, johnny. You don't know the definition of "socialism".

Let me help you out of your ignorance:

"a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange [<--the casino and entertainment complex] should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

The Casino and entire complex is owned and operated by the Tribe ("the community") for the entire Tribe's benefit.
This is socialism at work.

You can continue to lie about it being capitalism, but it won't make it true.
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By RealJustme
The Casino and entire complex is owned and operated by the Tribe ("the community") for the entire Tribe's benefit.
Guess that explains why the chiefs and their families drive Mercedes and live in huge homes, while their tribes live in slums infested with drugs and alcohol and only 20% of their children graduate from eighth grade. The Native American casinos are capitalist but they're run by socialists who like to control their tribes so keep them desperate, stupid and poor. Kind of like Democrats and how they control their black tribes for their votes.

With more and more blacks switching to the Republican party since Trump became President, the Democrats are going to have to come up with something to wave in the faces of the blacks as means to lure them back to the tribe.
By sillydaddy
With more and more blacks switching to the Republican party since Trump became President, the Democrats are going to have to come up with something to wave in the faces of the blacks as means to lure them back to the tribe.
Can you say" Reparations.." :laugh: :laugh:
By Clownkicker
"Running a casino business is capitalism, not socialism."-johnfibs

johnny has just demonstrated his profound ignorance of what capitalism and socialism are.

This is not open to debate. By definition, capitalism is "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state." [the government of a sovereign nation]

By definition, socialism is "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."[as is the case with the Mohegan Sun]

But johnforbes arrogantly pretends he can change the meaning of words from what is accepted in every dictionary and school of economics in the world. What we see with the Mohegan Sun is government ownership and operation of the economic assets of a sovereign nation. What johnforbes thinks of it is irrelevant. He is simply wrong, but just too stupid to realize it.
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By RealJustme
By definition, socialism is "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."[
Odd, then why do the leaders and select elites in ALL socialist countries live in "extreme" wealth while the vast majority of the people live in "extreme" poverty?

How many liberal Americans have snuck into a socialist country illegally to escape the United States?

Socialism is all about chosen elites having full control over the peons so that they either do what they're told, or their food and everything else is shut off and they have no means to support themselves without the elites' help.
By Clownkicker
"Odd, then why do the leaders and select elites in ALL socialist countries live in "extreme" wealth while the vast majority of the people live in "extreme" poverty? "-RealStool

They don't, dimwit. You made it up.
Countries like Denmark and Sweden have a far smaller wealth discrepancy between the richest and poorest in society.
And virtually no one lives in "extreme" poverty. You're simply lying about that, Tool, as always. Lies are all you have.

"How many liberal Americans have snuck into a socialist country illegally to escape the United States?"-RealTool

While a lot of U.S. ex-pats have moved to socialist countries to escape the injustices of the U.S., that doesn't really have anything to do with the subject.
Why would anyone "sneak into" a socialist country when they simply go through the immigration process? Such a process doesn't really exist in the U.S. in any practical form any longer since there is a years-long (or decades-long) waiting list to get in. And they aren't sneaking in to get away from socialism. They're sneaking in to get away from capitalist drug cartel violence and corruption in their home countries. Criminal capitalism has completely bought the governments in those countries. They are an examples of government by extreme capitalism. The richest rule--capitalism run amok.

Mexico, for example, is not a socialist country. They have far fewer social programs than the U.S. and have a lower effective tax rate than the U.S.. It is only recently that they even elected a socialist President, so emmigrants couldn't have been fleeing socialism for the past 50 years.
And they certainly aren't "sneaking in" to get away from the free healthcare in Mexico just so they can pay for expensive care in the U.S..

"Socialism is all about chosen elites having full control over the peons so that they either do what they're told, or their food and everything else is shut off and they have no means to support themselves without the elites' help."-RealStool

No, dimwit, socialism is just another economic system. It isn't automatically better or worse than capitalism.
It can be corrupted just as capitalism is on a regular basis. But you don't talk about that. Your own description above sounds exactly like capitalism historically. Apparently you have never heard of guys like J.D. Rockefeller or Andrew Carnegie when they were building their fortunes. You dishonestly pretend socialism is the only system to be corrupted.
Also, socialism isn't appropriate for all situations any more than capitalism is.
You're only demonstrating that you are even more ignorant than johnforbes on the topic.
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By RealJustme
"Socialism is all about chosen elites having full control over the peons so that they either do what they're told, or their food and everything else is shut off and they have no means to support themselves without the elites' help."-

I agree
By snakeoil
. The oceans are getting warmer and more acideic.

. The earth's temperature is rising.

. Severe weather incidents are increasing.

. 97% of climate scientists are in agreement, climate change is real and caused by human activity.

. The permafrost is starting to thaw 90 years sooner than was predicted.

. The oceans are starting to rise; putting our coastal cities at risk.

. Our corals are becoming bleached and are dying.

Why do we need any more proof before we take action.
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By RealJustme
The permafrost is starting to thaw 90 years sooner than was predicted.
The climate crisis fanatics have been wrong at everyone of their predictions. New York is suppose to be under water by now according to their original predictions. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
By johnforbes
There is only about 150 years of decent data.

Sure, there are only methods such as ice cores, but there are several true things here.

First, the climate always changes.

Second, the extent to which this change is anthropogenic is presently unknown.

Third, politicians on the Left have been seeking to capitalize on climate and make careers and money for themselves.
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By RealJustme
So according to Johnnie....the spike in CO2 comes right out of the fucking blue??????
Dude, 800,000 years ago the CO2 measuring devices weren't to accurate so kind of fruitless to use them as examples. There was no spike, they had guessed at the CO2 levels back then and when they finally did have devices to measure the levels, they found out they were off on their guesses. :P
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