Political discussions about everything
The bias media is throwing everything they can think of at the President....
They accuse him of not apologizing to the Central Park 5 for his remark
back in 1989 that they deserved the death penalty.....they have since been
exonerated when someone else (a Latino) confessed to the crime....
On "The View" Joy Behar said IF the guy had been white, Trump would never have
mentioned the death penalty ...and she added, " That's why he's a racist.." SAAY WHAAT????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yet somehow RealTool is still in denial, managing to delude himself once again with unsupported lies from his handlers.

Even Trump's own internal polls that were leaked showed him losing to Biden. But hey, we all agree that Trump is incompetent at managing things like polls. They're obviously FAKE.

8) You libtard idiots still claim polls taken by young people only responded to by young people will determine the election. 100% of the polls were wrong in 2016, they ALL said Hillary in a blow out, every one of them were wrong. What you guys don't realize is, is that conservatives aren't vocal or violent and we are also private individuals. We don't respond to polls, we let our votes speak for us. There is not one person who has camped overnight to insure they got a seat to listen to any of the democratic speakers, that's because they don't have the same support as Trump has among voters.

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Yes, Tool, he gave billionaires hundreds of millions of dollars in tax cuts.

Of course they want to give him back some of it to insure Trump help them screw us all and give them more millions.

Notice how Trump bailed on the infrastructure deal? It's because he realized there is no money for infrastructure because he gave it to the richest people in the country and he would have to raise taxes to build anything that would actually benefit the rest of us.

By the way, the "$3 million" lie is a nice piece of made up stupid shit. You have a gift.
•S&P 500 index notches first intraday record since May 1
•The Dow is trading at its highest level since its Oct. 3 all-time high
•Gold surges 2.6% to $1,384.50 an ounce, hitting a 5-year high

Now we even have Iran trying to help Trump get re-elected by starting a war. Iran had better be clearing all their people from the area that missile that hit our drone was fired from. Pass the popcorn this is about to get interesting, even the fake polls won't be able to hide's positive numbers and support when all hell breaks loose. :D
As I have pointed out, RealTool sees war as entertainment and something to raise poll numbers for a flailing President whose head is starting to go under.
Then johnforbes says "nobody wants a war" right after RealTool tells us he really wants to see a war.

RealTool thinks Trump purposely fomenting war is a good thing because he is entertained by it. He is tickled when a bunch of innocent civilians are massacr....uh..."necessary collateral damage" to increase the cheering at Presidential pep rallies.
After all, it's not like they are real people or something.
And RealTool said conservatives are private people who don't make a big show of their political beliefs. :laugh:

But you go ahead, johnny. Grasp at those factoids and think that a high school pep rally reflects what America really wants.
Why is it refugees from the 50s still think they can live in a world of sock hops, cruising the strip in gas guzzlers, only three colored families in their entire town, and harmless fist fights between rival high schools to prove one's manhood?

If it helps you sleep at night, what harm could it do?
I mean, besides getting us into another needless war and another unnecessary deep recession. With a few lively vigilante riots and lynchings thrown in for old times sake.
RealTool thinks Trump purposely fomenting war is a good thing because he is entertained by it. He is tickled when a bunch of innocent civilians are massacr....uh..."necessary collateral damage" to increase the cheering at Presidential pep rallies.
After all, it's not like they are real people or something.
Trump isn't fomenting a war and I haven't heard anyone hoping for a war. What I said is that a war right before the 2020 elections would be in Trump's advantage, this country always pulls their support behind the country and our President during the unset of a war, as the war drags out, there is far less support. So Trump should wait until just weeks before the election to do what needs to be done. ;)
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