Political discussions about everything
Since I have never in my life claimed it's 60 degrees in NYC, why is RealTool making up stupid shit about me?

Why is he so frightened of the truth? Why is he so desperate to divert from my irrefutable comments?

I honestly believe RealTool is incapable of telling the truth, exactly as Trump is.

It's call being a pathological liar.
And once again RealTool shows us all that he doesn't speak English.

If he did, he would stop trying to win an argument about "climate" be reporting local "weather". And he is actually comparing "wind chill" with actual temperatures, which has nothing to do with climate at all.
He just doesn't get how big a fool he is making of himself.

Conservatives are so ignorant that they really can't grasp the difference between the two words, and thus they can't understand the first thing about the climate change issue, no matter how much science you might spoon feed them.

But fear not, RealTool will return and desperately try to distract from his gross ignorance yet again.

Let's watch him flail and dance, shall we?
Once again, namandgulfdumbfuck couldn't refute a thing I said, so he comes up with a nonsensical comment that has nothing to do with me.

Notice dumbfuck couldn't actually give an example of any double standard that he pretends I exhibit.

That's because I don't have any double standards to criticize.

namandgulfdumbfuck once again has nothing besides his impotent big mouth.

He's an ignorant conservative, after all, so we expect nothing more from him.

And please, dumbfuck, stop fucking sheep.
Well there we have it folks, clown finally admits global warming was a hoax so he's dropped that verbiage and is no using "man made climate change". He's a little bit slow, most other libtards had made that switch a long time ago. :lol: :lol: :lol:
elklindo69 wrote:
RealJustme wrote:Liberals for some reason seem to think no one ever fact checks them. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Waiting for the fact check.....

How in the hell do you fact check someone like you who pulls shit out of their Ass, throws it around pretending its facts. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
^^^^^^ Criminy, that moron is even more stupid than I thought. "How the hell do you fact check someone like you who pulls shit out of their Ass"

It's in the phrase, dimwit. You CHECK THE FACTS. Duh.

People who pull shit out of their asses are exactly the ones you NEED to fact check, you imbecile.
That's why RealTool keeps getting caught on virtually everything he posts. All he ever has is made up stupid shit, and I check the facts and rub his nose in it just the way he likes to be humiliated.

How do typical conservatives ever manage to walk and chew gum? johnny? Any ideas?
Clownkicker wrote:^^^^^^ Criminy, that moron is even more stupid than I thought. "How the hell do you fact check someone like you who pulls shit out of their Ass"

It's in the phrase, dimwit. You CHECK THE FACTS. Duh.

People who pull shit out of their asses are exactly the ones you NEED to fact check, you imbecile.
That's why RealTool keeps getting caught on virtually everything he posts. All he ever has is made up stupid shit, and I check the facts and rub his nose in it just the way he likes to be humiliated.

How do typical conservatives ever manage to walk and chew gum? johnny? Any ideas?
Its easy for you to do Komrad Klown. you pull shit out your ass every day and try to pass it off as facts. :lol: :lol: :lol:
namngulfvet wrote:
Clownkicker wrote:^^^^^^ Criminy, that moron is even more stupid than I thought. "How the hell do you fact check someone like you who pulls shit out of their Ass"

It's in the phrase, dimwit. You CHECK THE FACTS. Duh.

People who pull shit out of their asses are exactly the ones you NEED to fact check, you imbecile.
That's why RealTool keeps getting caught on virtually everything he posts. All he ever has is made up stupid shit, and I check the facts and rub his nose in it just the way he likes to be humiliated.

How do typical conservatives ever manage to walk and chew gum? johnny? Any ideas?
Its easy for you to do Komrad Klown. you pull shit out your ass every day and try to pass it off as facts. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Justme is notoriously absent from the thread he created.

Waiting for the fact check as promised....

elklindo69 wrote:
RealJustme wrote:Liberals for some reason seem to think no one ever fact checks them. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
We hit 60 degrees this afternoon in NYC. Supposed to get an encore performance tomorrow.

Where's that fact check Justme....

elklindo69 wrote:
RealJustme wrote:Liberals for some reason seem to think no one ever fact checks them. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
We hit 60 degrees this afternoon in NYC. Supposed to get an encore performance tomorrow.

Well come on already Justme...what are you waiting for? Do the freaking fact check.

"Elk why don't you allow clown to answer his own question? "-RealStool

"RealTool, you can't expect me to answer a question about something I never said, dimwit."-me

"What question would that be?"-RealStool

Again, you are the one claiming I have some question, dimwit.

I didn't have a question. You made it up, as you make up everything you post, you imbecile.

But nice try at distracting from your inability to fact check elklindo. :lol: :lol: :lol:
But nice try at distracting from your inability to fact check elklindo
Clown I fact checked you on Tue Jan 29, 2019 on this thread. You folded, then Elk came in and tried to rescue you, then you tried rescuing him...so are you guys still claiming it's 60 degrees in NYC? Your attempt to prove man made global warming is real through misinformation on how warm it is out there is lame. :D
Now even your lying distraction attempts are pathetic, Tool.

I have always wondered how someone can have so little self-respect. I'm still studying that phenomenon, and you are my prime subject....right behind johnforbes and namandgulfdumbfuck.
elklindo69 wrote:
RealJustme wrote:Liberals for some reason seem to think no one ever fact checks them. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
We hit 60 degrees this afternoon in NYC. Supposed to get an encore performance tomorrow.

Mon Feb 4, 2019, what was the high temperature of the day for NYC?

Come on Justme, the fact check as promised.

Mon Feb 4, 2019, what was the high temperature of the day for NYC?

Come on Justme, the fact check as promised.
Clown the problem with your argument is I started this thread on 1/29 asking if you were still claiming it was 60 degrees. So why are you providing a temperature for 2/4? Are you OK dude?
^^^^^^^ Look at this dimwitted douche bag desperately scrambling to distract from his moronic lies. :lol: :lol: :lol:

One way to recognize a conservative is that they can't ever admit they are wrong about anything.

And they certainly never apologize for their lies.

We have Trump as proof of this. RealTool is just another wannabe.
Well, my morning routine is fairly regular.

I do the first sets of 100 situps each, then the first arm exercises with the barbells.

After that, I make coffee and begin the chore of reading everything written on the Interwebs.

So we shall have to see what my schedule permits.
RealJustme wrote:Now elk is once again coming to clown's aide, but anyone paying attention knows that clown tries to distance himself from elk's postings. :D
Well it looks as if you are distancing yourself from doing the factcheck that you said you were going to do.

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