Political discussions about everything
Judge Ellis said today he has received threats over the case by those who feel he went to soft on Manafort and feels the attempt to obtain the names and addresses of jury member is nothing more than an attempt to intimidate them during their deliberations.
U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III released information about threats on his life as the jury deliberated for the second day, and as he rejected a motion to release information about the jurors. He said he's confident the jurors would be threatened as well if they don't return a guilty verdict.

Ellis said that because of the threats against him, he now travels with U.S. Marshals.
All the left have left is violence.
CNN is being accused of attempting to intimidate the Paul Manafort jury after the far-left cable channel (and six other anti-Trump outlets) requested the jurors’ names and home addresses.

on Thursday, CNN, along with six other far-left media outlets (the Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, the New York Times, NBC, and the AP) sued for the release of the names and home addresses of all of the Manafort jurors, a move that is both disturbing and almost unprecedented.

As Bre Payton at the Federalist points out, “Publicly outing the names and home addresses of jurors is considered ethically questionable, as outlined in this guidance sheet on the topic from the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press.”

To begin with, it is seen as unseemly to thrust jurors into the spotlight against their will when they are not volunteering for publicity; they are chosen. CNN Don Lemon pointed out "The jurors will be making decisions watched by everyone and should be prepared to face questions if they let Manafort walk."

What many see here, and not without precedent, is yet another attempt by the media, most especially CNN, to bully and intimidate private, everyday citizens into convicting Manafort.
This is the new left media, they've come completely out of the closet. It's time for citizens to fund a counter source to publically release private information on those like Don Lemon, where they live, where they eat, what routes they take to work. Paparazzi's should be hired to follow them and report it live on social outlets. If they want to intimidate jurors and others by releasing personal information including addresses, it's time to do double up on those who do it. They can afford the security that will be needed for them and their families, the jurors can't, but at least we can shake up their routines and show them what it's like.
So Ellis has been receiving death threats and the US Marshals are protecting him while he has not sequestered the jury who are free to hear the President call the trial a “disgrace” and the defendant a “good person?”

I smell a weasel!
elklindo69 wrote:So Ellis has been receiving death threats and the US Marshals are protecting him while he has not sequestered the jury who are free to hear the President call the trial a “disgrace” and the defendant a “good person?”

I smell a weasel!
Elk I demand you give us your address. You, Snake and Komrad Clown all need to provide us with your phone and address.. Dont make me sue Voyeur Web to get it..
So Ellis has been receiving death threats and the US Marshals are protecting him while he has not sequestered the jury who are free to hear the President call the trial a “disgrace” and the defendant a “good person?”
No surprise there, Elk agrees with the death threats because he appears to be pro Trump.
Imagine if Obama had ever commented on an active trial or discussed pardoning the defendant while a jury was deliberating...half of the conservatards would be looking for a tall tree and the other half would be shopping at Home Depot.
I don't care what side of the isle you're on or what candidate did or didn't win but this is just plain bullshit it is a clear violation of the judicial code of ethics and one's right to a fair trial. Who are any of the media outlets to demand anything their job is to report the news as it happens to to enforce social justice.
I am so sick of the news media I can't stand to watch any of that bullshit anymore watch the weather, the traffic and maybe the sports and I'm good.
fastglass427 wrote:I don't care what side of the isle you're on or what candidate did or didn't win but this is just plain bullshit it is a clear violation of the judicial code of ethics and one's right to a fair trial. Who are any of the media outlets to demand anything their job is to report the news as it happens to to enforce social justice.
I am so sick of the news media I can't stand to watch any of that bullshit anymore watch the weather, the traffic and maybe the sports and I'm good.
In a free society the media is the enema of the people because its job is to make assholes come clean.
No, Elkin, that is a deep misunderstanding of the role of the media.

Go read what a real liberal, Walter Lippmann, said about it.

Books like Public Opinion are at your public library, and you would understand the situation a whole lot better if you read one of his wonderful books.
"CNN and New York Time demand addresses of jurors"-RealTroll

"CNN is being accused of attempting to intimidate the Paul Manafort jury after the far-left cable channel (and six other anti-Trump outlets) requested the jurors’ names and home addresses."-far-right internet website and anti-Obama website Breitbart

Do any of you simple minded clowns see how you are being used and jerked around by RealTool?

He's actually got you upset about something that didn't happen. The media never "demanded" anything. They "requested" the same way they sometimes request in other trials. If the judge says "no" the issue is settled and there is no story. But look at who is making this non-story into something to get the dimwits upset about something.
Ask yourselves why would they do that?

It's just more of RealTool's made up stupid shit.

Without Tool's initial intentional mischaracterization of the story, not one of silly reactionary posts that follow would even be on this thread.
CNN Just Sued The Government To Get The Names And Addresses Of Manafort Jurors
The anti-Trump cable news network has a long history of doxxing threats and harassment.
August 17, 2018 By Bre Payton
In a motion filed in federal court on Thursday, CNN and several other media outlets requested that the court release the names and home addresses of all jurors in the Paul Manafort fraud case.

They sued the Government..!

Hate to see what CNN calls, "demanding". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Boston Globe gets bomb threat after editorial blasts President Donald Trump's media attacks

Law enforcement is investigating a bomb threat The Boston Globe received Thursday, the same day it led a nationwide publication of newspaper editorials denouncing President Donald Trump's attacks on the press as "the enemy of the people." "

All the Right have left is violence.

If they don't like your political opinion, they threaten to kill you.
All the Right have left is violence.

Clown ..like the typical liberal...jumps to conclusions with little or no evidence...
A bomb threat is not necessarily a violent crime ..unless made by a known violent person..

Since the "nationwide editorials" did not have the effect the papers thought they would have..

I would not be surprise if the Globe called the bomb threat on themselves... :o :lol:
"All the left have left is violence."-RealTool's OP

sillydummy and RealTool ..like the typical conservative...jump to conclusions with little or no evidence...
A request for names and addresses by the press is not a violent crime, by any measure.
It isn't a crime at all.

But a bomb threat is an actual felony. "Rule of law" conservatives couldn't care less.
And how do we know? Because the request for names and addresses is what they have their panties in a bunch over as they shrug off the bomb threat, as sillydummy just did, trying to blame the victim. It's what partisan scumbags do.
elklindo69 wrote:
fastglass427 wrote:I don't care what side of the isle you're on or what candidate did or didn't win but this is just plain bullshit it is a clear violation of the judicial code of ethics and one's right to a fair trial. Who are any of the media outlets to demand anything their job is to report the news as it happens to to enforce social justice.
I am so sick of the news media I can't stand to watch any of that bullshit anymore watch the weather, the traffic and maybe the sports and I'm good.
In a free society the media is the enema of the people because its job is to make assholes come clean.
So according to you the media is now judge and jury! Really Elkdoofus !
sillydummy and RealTool ..like the typical conservative...jump to conclusions with little or no evidence...
A request for names and addresses by the press is not a violent crime, by any measure.
It isn't a crime at all.
First of all it wasn't a request, they are suing for that information, second, why do they need the personal information of jurors to report the news? We all know why they did it. If they convict Manafort, they will be hailed by the media as doing the right thing, if they find him not guilty, them and their families will be hounded for the rest of their lives by the media. The media will start interviewing their grade schools teachers and friends and reviewing everything they ever said or posted, they will then try and destroy them and their family members.
"First of all it wasn't a request,..."-RealClueless

Your own source said it was a request, Tool.

If you think your sources are liars, you shouldn't post their shit.

And you shouldn't post the rest of your idiotic made up stupid shit either.
Clownkicker wrote:"First of all it wasn't a request,..."-RealClueless

Your own source said it was a request, Tool.

If you think your sources are liars, you shouldn't post their shit.

And you shouldn't post the rest of your idiotic made up stupid shit either.
on Thursday, CNN, along with six other far-left media outlets (the Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, the New York Times, NBC, and the AP) sued for the release of the names

Again Clown thanks for admitting your as stupid as Elkdoofus with egg all over your face..
Clown even you struggle with logic the rest of us understand that when you sue someone for something, you aren't asking, you are demanding it. When they did ask for the personal information the Judge said "No" they didn't accept that, they then demanded it by suing.
Tool, especially you struggle with logic that the rest of us understand, that before you sue someone (which was the state of things when you posted your original article) it is only a request. The suit came later, after my comment.

You said it yourself: "When they did ask for the personal information the Judge said "No" they didn't accept that, they then demanded it by suing."

You just called yourself a liar since you are now insisting on intentionally rearranging the timeline to pretend what happened didn't happen. It did. It's right up there where you posted it. You can't take it back now just because it's inconvenient to today's propaganda.
POSTED BY CLOWNLICKER: Tool, especially you struggle with logic that the rest of us understand, that before you sue someone (which was the state of things when you posted your original article) it is only a request. The suit came later, after my comment.
Liberal speak for its ok to bully and intimidate jurors
"A felony, yes, but can not call it "violence" or a violent crime...without additional evidence.. :o "-sillydummy

And you can't call a legal request for the names of jurors a threat of "violence" or a violent crime without further evidence.

Yet you let RealTool and the rest get away with it.

You know, those hypocrite conservatives who repeatedly say they don't jump to conclusions, right? :o
Clownkicker wrote:"A felony, yes, but can not call it "violence" or a violent crime...without additional evidence.. :o "-sillydummy

And you can't call a legal request for the names of jurors a threat of "violence" or a violent crime without further evidence.

Yet you let RealTool and the rest get away with it.

You know, those hypocrite conservatives who repeatedly say they don't jump to conclusions, right? :o
So what the fuck is CNN going to do with a jurors name? Send em valentine cards... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you know as well as anyone....(Wait maybe you dont know.. After all you dont have an oz of common sense... ) they will post names just like they did gun owners. Someday CNN is going to get someone killed. Then thats persons family is going to own CNN.

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