Political discussions about everything
By snakeoil
Yesterday, a female police officer in Maryland was shot in the head by a suspected burglar that a citizen had reported via 911. The shooter escaped and an alert to citizens to "shelter in Place" while a sweep of the area was conducted. Police were looking for four suspects who had targeted a house apparently looking for guns that they suspected were in the home.

While the sweep was on-going several homeowners refused to allow police in their home to ensure that the suspects were not hiding in a home in the area.. This baffles me. Why would people refuse to allow the police to ensure that they were in no danger.

I'm wondering if the recent tearing down of our law enforcement agencies has had an effect on the citizens.

The suspected shooter (a 16 YO) has been arrested and will be charged today. The three other suspects are still on the loose and police are searching.
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By namngulfvet
What used to be the Norm in America was Respect, consequences, Discipline, hard work.

Ojackass made it clear cops are the bad guys. He set the bar allowing Illegals to come in.. give everyone a trophy, no discipline, no respect, be lazy, become entitled, Become a bully, no free speech, support criminals, break laws, destroy private property, use violence, force your agenda on others.
And you lbs wonder why were having mass shooters! This is all on you Snake, Elk, and Clown! Its you and your ilk who are slowing destroying America as it was.
By Clownkicker
What used to be the Norm in America was Respect, consequences, Discipline, hard work.

Trump made it clear cops are the bad guys. Almost daily he rails against the FBI and his own Justice Department. Trump ridicules Judges as being incompetent.....unless they rule in his favor, of course. Then they are geniuses. To Trump, cops are bumbling fools who repeatedly fail to stop school shootings. And then he characterizes those who responded to the shooting as cowards. In fact, any law enforcement who have the audacity to investigate crimes committed by him or his friends are simply representatives of the "Deep State" and should be held in contempt.

Trump has nearly destroyed all respect for our law enforcement professionals and unbelievably, even former cops like namandgulfdumbfuck support Trump in this daily abuse and ridicule of our police. This is all on you, namandgulfdumbfuck. It's you and your ilk who are slowing destroying America as it was.
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By namngulfvet
Clownkicker wrote:What used to be the Norm in America was Respect, consequences, Discipline, hard work.

Trump made it clear cops are the bad guys. Almost daily he rails against the FBI and his own Justice Department. Trump ridicules Judges as being incompetent.....unless they rule in his favor, of course. Then they are geniuses. To Trump, cops are bumbling fools who repeatedly fail to stop school shootings. And then he characterizes those who responded to the shooting as cowards. In fact, any law enforcement who have the audacity to investigate crimes committed by him or his friends are simply representatives of the "Deep State" and should be held in contempt.

Trump has nearly destroyed all respect for our law enforcement professionals and unbelievably, even former cops like namandgulfdumbfuck support Trump in this daily abuse and ridicule of our police. This is all on you, namandgulfdumbfuck. It's you and your ilk who are slowing destroying America as it was.
WOW! what a total crock of libturd crap! Nice try Spin Queen.

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By namngulfvet
Clownkicker wrote:WOW! what a total failure by namandgulfdumbfuck to refute a word I said.

No Clown! Your the failure here. You support Pelosi and her ilk who all support criminals, thugs, Illegals, using violence to get your way. Your know as well as the rest of us if Ojackass had been spied on you would be running through the street with your hair on fire screaming treason.
You Clown are lower then whale shit, your Marxist traitor to MY country and POS.
By Clownkicker
No namandgulfdumbfuck! Your the failure here. You support Trump and his ilk who all support criminals, thugs, Russian mobsters, using White supremecist violence to get your way. Your know as well as the rest of us if Trump had been spied on you would be running through the street with your hair on fire screaming treason.
You namandgulfdumbfuck are lower then whale shit, your law enforcement traitor to MY country and POS.

^^^^^johnny, help me out with that. I'm having a little trouble with my literacy.
Maybe namandgulf could bring in his stunt double to straighten out that gibberish?
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By RealJustme
While the sweep was on-going several homeowners refused to allow police in their home to ensure that the suspects were not hiding in a home in the area.. This baffles me. Why would people refuse to allow the police to ensure that they were in no danger.
If you saw the residents would understand. No way are they going to allow pigs into their homes with crack pipes and drugs laying all around. Most of them probably saw the punk that shot the officer as a hero.
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By brandon
This is hilarious. Snake is confused whether Baltimore niggers hate the police and why they wont let them in to search the house. :lol:

Imagine if the police officer would have shot poor Dwanta as he was running her over.
By snakeoil
Justme...I lived in that area for several years. It is an upscale area with a large percentage of college graduates (not6 that that rules out drug use, etc.) The shooter (Donate something) has been apprehended as have the three others he left at the scene in his rush to get away. the shooter has been charged with capital murder.
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By namngulfvet
snakeoil wrote:Justme...I lived in that area for several years. It is an upscale area with a large percentage of college graduates (not6 that that rules out drug use, etc.) The shooter (Donate something) has been apprehended as have the three others he left at the scene in his rush to get away. the shooter has been charged with capital murder.
There were 4 suspects all arrested and charged with murder as Adults... And all 4 were Black
By johnforbes
I'd like to thank Clownslacker for his candor in admitting he has literacy trouble.

I am sending him a McGuffey reader.
By snakeoil
Namgulfvet wrote;
This is all on you Snake, Elk, and Clown! Its you and your ilk who are slowing destroying America as it was.
America as it was...Do you mean when slavery was the norm, child labor was the norm, oppression and abuse of minorities was the norm, business trusts were the norm and workers were little better than serfs? Do you mean when only landowners could vote and women could not vote? Do you mean when women were considered too dumb to manage money or land and the husband's brother inherited his wealth if he died? Do you mean when we tried to exterminate the native Americans and almost succeeded? Maybe you mean when,after slavery was done, we lynched blacks who "didn't know their place."

Maybe you mean later in American history when the middle class was vibrant and could easily provide for their families, when Glass-Stegal ensured that banks were run ethically and bank failures were kept at a minimum, when your bank deposties were insured, when COE's were paid an excellent but ethical wage, when America was respected by other countries in the world and we were looked up to as the leader of the free world, when we were considered the standard that other nations should aspire to. Maybe you mean how the immigrants came to this country seeking freedom and worked hard and helped build this great country even while often being ridiculed and held down.by "real Americans" such as yourself. BTW...we are all immigrants unless you are a full-blood native American.

Looking at your previous posts I surmise that you have a problem with the "huge" immigrant influx into this country. Fact...Building a border wall isn't the solution; most illegal immigrants just overstay their visas. Maybe you feel that we should kick out all Hispanics and Muslims. I'm sure that you will apply for a job working in America's agricultural industry or working for minimum or leas than minimum wage. Those people should stay in their own country were civil wars and gangs roam for decades and life expectancy is a third of what it is in the USA. I know, their should fight against the oppressors. But rakes or sticks just can't stand up to AK-47s.

I was a life-long Republican but I recently changed my registration to Independent because the GOP has lost it's way. congress is now essentially a branch of the Presidency. The GOP has sold it's soul for power and will do anything, even if it if it will destroy America as we know it. Te good of the country used be the mission of Congress; debate and compromise were the norm. Today, money and power are the end game.
By Clownkicker
snake, I admire your ability to remain civil with these reactionary clowns who probably can't comprehend a word you just said.
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By namngulfvet
America as it was...Do you mean when slavery was the norm, child labor was the norm, oppression and abuse of minorities was the norm, business trusts were the norm and workers were little better than serfs? Do you mean when only landowners could vote and women could not vote? Do you mean when women were considered too dumb to manage money or land and the husband's brother inherited his wealth if he died? Do you mean when we tried to exterminate the native Americans and almost succeeded? Maybe you mean when,after slavery was done, we lynched blacks who "didn't know their place."
LMAO all supported by Democrats back in the day :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Looks it up moron
By johnforbes
The Left, which has always been suspicious of the FBI (and under Hoover should have been), now loves the FBI.

Of course, it hated the FBI when Comey reopened Hillary's email probe.

Then loved the FBI when Comey pretended to have plowed through thousands of emails in a week, then issued another fake clearance of Hillary when he knew very well she violated 18 USC 793 et alia.

Pretending Trump is attacking cops is simply dishonest.

What happened was Brennan, Clapper, et al. wanted to stop Trump from winning and protect Hillary who had clearly broken the law.

So the FBI did a fake investigation of Hillary, and exonerated her before they even interviewed 17 witnesses or her either.

Then corrupt officials took a fake dossier Hillary paid 12 million for and used it to abuse the FISA process, then got a judge appointed by Obama to sign it, and then they wiretapped Trump for political purposes.
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By namngulfvet
Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The KKK made people vote Democratic and gave them certificates of the fact. In the April 1868 Georgia gubernatorial election, Columbia County cast 1,222 votes for Republican Rufus Bullock. By ...

2nd Klan: 1915–1944
1st Klan: 1865–1871

Political position: Far-right
3rd Klan: 1946–present
Democrats-KKK.png (156.87 KiB) Viewed 3756 times
By snakeoil
Very true namgulfvet... but, Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act. They led the fight to give minorities and women the right to vote, they championed the rights of workers and today they are pushing for ways to enable citizens to manage in a changing world.

It seems odd that when you couldn't find a suitable comeback you bring up a vary dark period of our history. Is this indicative of "America as it used to be" that you commented on?
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By namngulfvet
snakeoil wrote:Very true namgulfvet... but, Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act. They led the fight to give minorities and women the right to vote, they championed the rights of workers and today they are pushing for ways to enable citizens to manage in a changing world.

It seems odd that when you couldn't find a suitable comeback you bring up a vary dark period of our history. Is this indicative of "America as it used to be" that you commented on?
Your the one who brought up slavery. I just responded to it.
By snakeoil
when slavery was the norm
Hmm 5 words (0.05%) of my post and this is what you base your case on.
By sillydaddy
"...but, Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act. They led the fight to give minorities and women the right to vote, they championed the rights of workers and today they are pushing for ways to enable citizens to manage in a changing world.
Then what was all that bullshit with Tomi Lahren in that Minneapolis restaurant...? :o
By elklindo69
sillydaddy wrote:
"...but, Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act. They led the fight to give minorities and women the right to vote, they championed the rights of workers and today they are pushing for ways to enable citizens to manage in a changing world.
Then what was all that bullshit with Tomi Lahren in that Minneapolis restaurant...? :o
Tomi Lahren is a crisis actress.
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By RealJustme
Your the one who brought up slavery. I just responded to it.
Yep Snake, he got you on that one; words have meaning. You can't bring something up as a point and then tell the other person they can't go there because it was just a small portion of your point. That's a snowflake defense.
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By namngulfvet
snakeoil wrote:
when slavery was the norm
Hmm 5 words (0.05%) of my post and this is what you base your case on.
How many times have you done the same shit to other on here.. You libturds love to switch the subject when it doesnt suit you.. but when someone does it to you, You get all pissy about it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By snakeoil
This should really shake up nam and others:
Something truly wonderful happened in Texas on Saturday night. In between a rodeo championship in Fort Worth, a country music festival in Austin and people honky tonkin’ from Amarillo to San Antonio, history was being made in the mid-size city of Euless, Texas.

In this north Texas city that boasts a population of a little over 50,000, the good people there elected the first minority ever to the Euless City Council. And not only that, the person they elected by a 37-vote margin was both a Muslim and a Pakistani immigrant by the name of Salman Bhojani.

A Muslim immigrant winning an election in Trump’s America, where he’s made anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry a cornerstone of his campaign, is truly inspiring—especially in a red state like Texas.
I think you get the idea: the Minnesota GOP—just like the Republican party’s national leader Donald Trump—demonize Muslims in the hopes it attracts votes. That’s why it’s truly inspiring that one of the three leading Democratic candidate for Minnesota governor, Rebecca Otto, announced on Monday that her running mate as lieutenant governor would be Muslim American Zarina Baber. If the Otto/Baber ticket wins, Baber will make history as the first Muslim woman in U.S. history ever to hold statewide office.

Just the thought of the Minnesota GOP anti-Muslim bigots freaking out over a Muslim lieutenant governor brings me an inappropriate amount of joy. But Baber is not just a Muslim; she holds many of the traits that Trump has lashed out against. She’s also an immigrant (from India), a woman, and brown. Baber is a quadruple threat to Trump and many in his base.

Baber, though, was not chosen simply because of her faith. She has truly earned her place on the all-female ticket with Otto, the current Minnesota state auditor who first won statewide election to this position in 2007 and has since been reelected to that post twice. Baber began her political activism decades ago by volunteering on the campaign of the late progressive icon, Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone. For the past 25 years, Baber has worked as an information technology professional and a health care advocate. She established a free health clinic that has been operating for over 20 years, sits on the board of the nonprofit Advocates for Human Rights and is a founding member of the National Democratic Muslim caucus. When does she sleep?![/quote]
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By RealJustme
A Muslim immigrant winning an election in Trump’s America
So? It doesn't make any difference what his religion, color or race is, it's about the person and what the person stands for. Why do libtards always bring religion and race into every decision and discussion?
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By namngulfvet
snakeoil wrote:This should really shake up nam and others:
Something truly wonderful happened in Texas on Saturday night. In between a rodeo championship in Fort Worth, a country music festival in Austin and people honky tonkin’ from Amarillo to San Antonio, history was being made in the mid-size city of Euless, Texas.

In this north Texas city that boasts a population of a little over 50,000, the good people there elected the first minority ever to the Euless City Council. And not only that, the person they elected by a 37-vote margin was both a Muslim and a Pakistani immigrant by the name of Salman Bhojani.

A Muslim immigrant winning an election in Trump’s America, where he’s made anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry a cornerstone of his campaign, is truly inspiring—especially in a red state like Texas.
I think you get the idea: the Minnesota GOP—just like the Republican party’s national leader Donald Trump—demonize Muslims in the hopes it attracts votes. That’s why it’s truly inspiring that one of the three leading Democratic candidate for Minnesota governor, Rebecca Otto, announced on Monday that her running mate as lieutenant governor would be Muslim American Zarina Baber. If the Otto/Baber ticket wins, Baber will make history as the first Muslim woman in U.S. history ever to hold statewide office.

Just the thought of the Minnesota GOP anti-Muslim bigots freaking out over a Muslim lieutenant governor brings me an inappropriate amount of joy. But Baber is not just a Muslim; she holds many of the traits that Trump has lashed out against. She’s also an immigrant (from India), a woman, and brown. Baber is a quadruple threat to Trump and many in his base.

Baber, though, was not chosen simply because of her faith. She has truly earned her place on the all-female ticket with Otto, the current Minnesota state auditor who first won statewide election to this position in 2007 and has since been reelected to that post twice. Baber began her political activism decades ago by volunteering on the campaign of the late progressive icon, Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone. For the past 25 years, Baber has worked as an information technology professional and a health care advocate. She established a free health clinic that has been operating for over 20 years, sits on the board of the nonprofit Advocates for Human Rights and is a founding member of the National Democratic Muslim caucus. When does she sleep?!

What has any of this crap got to do with the subject of the OP.. werent you just whining about me taking things out of context. Yet here you are post nothing but shit. Try to focus for once in your life
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