Political discussions about everything
Looks like Jimmy Carter was engaged in insurrection for not accepting the 2016 election result:

Jimmy Carter ~ “I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf,”
johnny, free speech is not an "insurrection" you imbecile.

An insurrection is a mob attacking police with deadly weapons, putting police in the hospital, and breaking into the Capitol in order to zip tie the hands of legislators to take them hostage and thereby stop the legitimate Constitutionally mandated work of election certification, with the aim of overthrowing a free and fair election.

Of course, Jimmy Carter DID accept the election result. There was no Jimmy Carter rebellion against the United States. To say otherwise is simply a lie. Having an opinion about the election he reluctantly accepted is everyone's right. But Carter made no effort to stop the election's certification the way Trump did by fomenting a violent insurrection. Someday johnforbes may actually crack a dictionary to look up the meaning of the words he dishonestly bandies about.

I missed the part where Jimmy Carter did any of those things Trump did. And johnforbes missed it too.

To Dishonestjohn, it is far easier to simply make up stupid shit instead of living in the real world.
Clown is correct that free speech is not insurrection.

However, it is sad that Jimmy Carter engaged in election denial, conspiracy theory, and apparently had no faith in election integrity.

It is also not insurrection to attend some political rally.

When BLM looted and burned all summer all over America, it was just riots and crime -- not insurrection.

Carter was just doing what he did best -- be a leftist airhead.
"However, it is sad that Jimmy Carter engaged in election denial, conspiracy theory, and apparently had no faith in election integrity."-johnfoibles

Notice how when Carter does it, he's "a leftist airhead" to johnforbes.

But when Trump does the exact same thing he just accused Carter of doing, is Trump "a rightist airhead"?
No, to johnforbes, Trump is not only right doing what he accuses Carter of doing, but believes Trump is also a patriot and protector of American democracy, even after Trump incited a violent insurrection at the Capitol attacking police and legislators while trying to stop a Constitutionally mandated duty of the Senate.

Then johnforbes wonders why nobody respects him and his childish "Weltbild".
Although Jimmy Carter was a decent fellow in the sense of being genuinely delusional, I agree with Clowntoker that Carter had a dangerous amount of naivete in regard to his Weltbild.

Carter could have helped Vietnam veterans, who were struggliing with unemployment and readjustment in front of his eyes.

But religious Jimmy Carter instead had sympathy for cowardly draft dodgers who had fled to Canada, which of course was the original reason Clown loved Jimmy.
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