Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
This cuts deep for Clowntoker because Stacey Abrams was also his main fitness advisor:

"A Democratic advocacy organization founded by former Representative Stacey Abrams and once led by Senator Raphael Warnock has been fined $300,000 for violating Georgia’s campaign finance laws. The decision, announced on Wednesday by Georgia’s ethics commission, marks the conclusion of a six-year investigation into the activities of the New Georgia Project and its affiliate..."
By Clownkicker
Why would I have any feelings about this at all, dimwit?

If Abrams broke the law, she should be prosecuted for it. What's your point?

Do you EVER have a point? Or is your point that Abrams is just like Trump, a convicted felon? Oh wait, she hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

Still, I agree with you. Abrams should be subject to investigation and prosecution for any criminal wrongdoings just as you insist Gaetz should be.
By johnforbes
Garland was as nakedly partisan as anybody since partisan Eric Holder.

If they had had anything to pin on Matt Gaetz, rest assured they would have.

Sure, media outlets rushed to publicize the allegations, but in our system some evidence is required.

Except when Trump is involved, in which case allegations are plenty...
By Clownkicker
"Garland was as nakedly partisan as anybody since partisan Eric Holder."-Lyingshitbag

You have no examples of Garland doing anything other than taking legal steps to investigate or charge anyone. You made it up.

"If they had had anything to pin on Matt Gaetz, rest assured they would have."-Dishonestsackofshit

But "they" DID have a shitload of stuff against Gaetz and you know it, you dishonest turd. "they" published an entire list of findings against him that you pretend are not findings despite the fact that the report calls them findings right in its text. And "they" were going to begin disciplinary action against him, but the gutless weasel you so admire resigned his seat as a ploy to avoid facing justice.

"Sure, media outlets rushed to publicize the allegations, but in our system some evidence is required."-Dishonestbagofturds

First of all, "media outlets" did not rush to publicize the allegations. It was the Ethics Committee itself comprising five Democrats and five Republicans who unanimously voted on the contents of the report and then decided to "publicize the allegations" by releasing the report. And yes, the Ethics Committee had all sorts of evidence against Gaetz to justify disciplinary action against him. Why are you pretending they didn't? Why do you have no respect for Republicans who try to discipline their own, johnny?

Your unbelievably moronic position is that Democrats should never be allowed to charge and prosecute Republicans, and that Republicans should never be allowed to charge and prosecute Republicans.

So tell us, who SHOULD charge and prosecute Republicans who commit crimes, johnny? Answer that one question publicly instead of merely pointing elsewhere again. Or simply come out and admit that you believe all Republicans are above the law. Just admit what you believe, you impotent weasel.
By johnforbes
Let's be fair to Stacey.

She has written erotic romance novels, and just one glance at her own sleek, svelte figure would turn any hetero man to jelly.

Here is an example of her Shakespearean prose:

"He thrust deep, control broken, shattered. Again and again, deeper and hotter and further than fantasy.

With urgency, she accepted him, fascinated by the power, and for a moment, she wavered, wondering if she was prepared. In the next second, she knew she could never be.

Kat moved beneath him, her body too full to stay motionless. Theirs mouths coupled, imitating the dance that frenzied her limbs, wrapping her into him.

Sebastian flew above her, driven to claim and imprint himself forever. He nuzzled her breast, finding the wild beats, and pressed a kiss just there, sealing his fate."
By Clownkicker
johnny, let me edit the prose into language you can relate to; into something reminiscent of your own life experience.

"He thrust deep, control broken, shattered. Again and again, deeper and hotter and further than fantasy.

With urgency, johnforbes accepted him, fascinated by the power, and for a moment, johnforbes wavered, wondering if he was prepared. In the next second, johnforbes knew he could never be.

johnforbes moved beneath him, his body too full to stay motionless. Their mouths coupled, imitating the dance that frenzied his limbs, wrapping Eddie into him."

All of a sudden it's more appealing to you, isn't it.
By johnforbes
Clown, stop resisting the truth.

You find the sleek, svelte figure of Stacey Abrams very alluring, even despite your sordid sessions in the sissy salons of seedy SanFran...
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^So I was right! Due to my careful editing, johnforbes now calls Abrams "very alluring" which undoubtedly makes him a swooning fan.

Clearly, johnforbes just needed the proper gay context to appreciate the quality of her writing.
By johnforbes
Stacey has many flaws, but she is hetero and her pro-Left political passions are merely a cultural patina masking the swirling emotions dictated by her impatient heart.

Her novels span the generations, raw and earthy.

After all, she wore burlap thongs on the campaign trail...
By Clownkicker
johnforbes STILL lacks the balls to tell us who he believes is qualified to charge and prosecute Republicans when he says no Democrats should be allowed to do it, and no Republican should be allowed to do it.

Why does johnforbes and the lot of so-called "law and order" Republicans in the Trump Swamp believe Republicans are above the law? Not one of them, not even the hypocrite johnforbes, will tell us who should be allowed to charge and prosecute Republicans.
By johnforbes
Clowntoker may try to hide it, but he cannot deny the raw and earthy appeal of the corpulence of Stacey Abrams...

Clown likes his coffee just the way he likes his politicians --
By Clownkicker
First johnforbes refers to Abrams as "very alluring". Now he calls her "raw and earthy".
Sounds like johnforbes is getting moist.

"Clown likes his coffee just the way he likes his politicians --"-johnflubs

Exactly, johnny. I don't drink coffee and never have.
Similarly, I never find politicians "very alluring" or "raw and earthy" the way you do.
You stepped in it again.

Please save parading your nausea-inducing attraction to Abrams for your act down at the drag club.
By Clownkicker
johnforbes drinks coffee?

No wonder his teeth are stained and his breath stinks.

In his case it also seems to cause intellectual impotence, causing him to make absurd claims such as insisting Republicans shouldn't be charged or prosecuted for their crimes. He also insists Matt Gaetz shouldn't be prosecuted for his crimes while at the same time insisting Abrams SHOULD be prosecuted for alleged wrongdoing.

Maybe it's johnny's caffeine drug habit that causes his staggering partisan hypocrisy?
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^^^ You can always tell when johnforbes realizes he's made a fool of himself again. He simply gives up any attempt to argue the topic and sheepishly slinks away.

But not before he breaks out his impotent stale shuck-and-jive routine.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes is present on the thread, and hopes it

Even though Stacey Abrams wears the industrial strength thongs from Victoria's Secret, her earthy allure has almost overcome Clowntoker's deeply entrenched sissy SanFran nature...
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