Political discussions about everything
By sillydaddy
Remember New York states' Adult Survivor's Act ...the statute of limitations law that allowed the Carroll case against Trump....
Well Democratic State Sen. Kevin Parker voted in favor of it back in 2022...

Now he is facing rape charges going back to 2004.....

his defense....he is now claiming the law is unsonstitutional .. :O :laugh:
By Clownkicker
Why can't you partisan clowns ever just come out and make a point? You're as bad as johnforbes.

Are you trying to say you think the law IS constitutional and thus Parker should be prosecuted?
Or are you saying you think the law ISN'T Constitutional so Parker SHOULDN'T be prosecuted?

Do you clowns ever take a stand on ANYTHING without turning it into some childish partisan nonsense?
Which is it, silly? Prosecutable? Not prosecutable? Constitutional? Not Constitutional? Do you have any actual thoughts on it?

Why the fuck did you bother to post this factoid without any discussion when there are so many existentially important things going on in this country right now but you don't post about any of them? Do you think Kristi Noem should be our next Vice President? After all, she apparently talks to MANY world leaders and thus can't remember the things she herself read aloud from her own book until someone points them out to her. Should Speaker Johnson be ousted for the good of the country because he's such a Republican scumbag as johnforbes says? Should Taylor Greene's attempt to stop legislation from being passed in the Senate be rejected by her constituents because she is trying to make it impossible for Republicans to govern? Should Sen. Tuberville be held in contempt because he tried for a year to systematically weaken our military instead of passing the historically bi-partisan bill to promote our career military leaders to critical Pentagon positions? Should Putin supporters in Congress be allowed to stop support for Ukraine by regurgitating Kremlin propaganda instead of supporting our allies? Should everyone holding elected office be expected to say they will support the 2024 election results regardless of the party affiliation of the winners? Multiple members of one of our two major parties are refusing to say the will accept election results. They are intentionally trying to undermine faith in our democratic system by refusing to support it, even after having passed hundreds of laws in the past three years they said would make our elections safe and fair. Doesn't that bother you? Are you saying all those Republican laws passed were pointless and did nothing to make our elections credible? Are Republicans really that incompetent at passing effective legislation to solve our problems?

There are so many important things you could discuss here. Instead you merely regurgitate the latest Republican Party propaganda slopped into your trough by the mindless talking heads at FOXnews about some fantasy "Trump Curse" in an attempt to bury all these important issues we face in order to stop them from being discussed by all good Americans. Why do you consider it a "curse" that alleged criminals be tried for their alleged crimes? I hate to tell you, but that's what we do in America, we prosecute alleged criminals for crimes they commit. That's not a curse. That's a blessing.

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