Open Discussions about the site
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By melissamadison
I have been gone for so long, its going to take a while for me to get back into the knowing people like I used to and seeing who is still here and who isn't. I had some of the bestest friends when I was posting here and on RC -I guess I miss the friendships ! I have to learn everything all over again cause I see some things have changed.. anyway, its good to be back and I hope I can make new friends and catch up with some old ones !
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By LacyTampa
Guess working the graveyard shift worked out the way I planned lol I kinda love that I'm not in anything !
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By GrayGhost
I see several names that I recognize. The Princess Red is still in my memory as a fine looking woman as well as one hell of an adversary to the Critic.

I left these halls back in 2002 when I got mad at Igor. There was a major exodus of members that went to several different sites. The Critic opened a site as well as LuvGun and Shaggy opened another that split up later into two other sites. I kept behind the curtain on several sites doing admin duties for a few years and then kind of dropped off the grid when it stopped being fun.

Update of past members. Jewels passed away over a year ago as well as Da Hermit.
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By GrayGhost
I have not been in these halls since Igor made me (and quite a few others) mad back 12 years ago. There was a mass exodus and most of us ended up at other sites that were opened. Some of us became Expats or went to the Penthouse. There were secret sites and selective sites that required the secret handshake to join.

I was involved for several years after the exodus with a couple of sites. I was always behind the curtain most of the time and the only redeeming item would be that I held the keys in the highly secure portion where sum lovely ladies posted. I still have fond memories of wimmen that shared their pictures. Sigh!!!!

I remember several names that I have recognized including the Princess. Sadly I know of several past nicks that left us. Jewels and DaHermit died over a year ago. Dingo passed away over a decade ago but I still remember him fondly.

For any that remembers Greyghost or GrayGhost from the past posts, it was probably me. I always looked guilty so I may as well admit to it.
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By utahwife
I love VW and Redclouds. I posted 5-10 years ago and have just come back. I hope this site continues to test the fates of time..
By Rick522
I was there in the beginning years too. I remember some of the folks on here then. Kitty Crow, Copernicus, Oral Jeff, OSB, JLS, Sweethang to name a few had some fun times then never a dull moment with that group. I had over 5000 posts then! Remember the hangout was "More Sex Fun"! Wonder where they all went? :?:
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By klevermike
It's interesting to read about the history of VW and Watchcams. I was a member of watch cans and spent more time and money there than I care to admit. But there were some fun times there and it was over much too quickly. I was a big fan of a girl of Korean American heritage who went by the name of Oriana. We used to call her "Oriana KIG" which meant Oriana Korean Irish Goddess. Her real name was Shawna. Allisa went on to become a porn "star" using the name Allisa Webb.
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By funshinepa
Oh boy.... the memories!!! I miss all the friends I made back then... Original member!! been more than 20 years???!!
By Intrepid
I found this site long ago, from a link from somewhere else. The other site posted a picture from VW taken by a husband of his wife squatting to pee. Odd since I remember Igor hated that sort of thing, grossed him out apparently.

That was back when I had an AOL account. Remember when you got a few free minutes of internet access through AOL when you bought a computer, then paid through the nose when you ran over your free time? From time to time Igor would get pissed off by an AOL user and ban anyone who accessed VW by using AOL. I took him to task for abridging a persons First Amendment rights on a site that depended on the First Amendment for it's existence. He actually replied.
Didn't impress him though.

I also remember some of the names mentioned by others, but I have no idea what name I was using back then. The MSF board was the hot spot back then and I still torment a couple members still here over some ill advised posts they made back in the day, such as drunkenly advocating the assassination of a sitting president. That got VW some unwanted official attention and the poster a long vacation from VW.

Speaking of those who have passed away, James AKA Swadged _web_dings, the terror of the political board, also died a while back. He went to SWD after he was banned as James for trying to hack Home Clips.
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