A place to share your sexy stories
By WickedWonder
Yesterday turned out to be nice and warm. My wife and I worked in the garden planting this years veggies. She had on a pair of loose fitting jogging/gym shorts on with baggy leg openings. Also had on a tee shirt.

It was after dinner and a friend dropped by to have me fix his rotor tiller. After getting it running for him, I took him out to show him my garden. As we rounded the garden, my wife was bent over sowing some seeds. He stopped in his tracks as we saw my tiny wife with her tight little ass sticking right at us. Oh the best part of all, you could see right up the legs of her jogging shorts and see her bare beaver. The way she had her legs spread apart, the shorts rode off to one side. The low sun provided lots of clarity.

I know he got excited real quick as his face turned red, he began shuddering like he does when he gets excited and his eyes couldn't be pried off her if someone tried. My wife wiggled her hips as she is listening to her head phones. Like a little dance that caused her to sway her tiny ass back and forth. Finally she stands back up and catches us looking at her.

Later she asked me how long we had been watching her. I told her just a few minutes. She asked if we caught her rubbing her pussy as she though a bug got on it. I told her no. She laughed and said too bad. He would have seen me finger myself. Then asked if she had dirt on her wet pussy. Hell I wasn't looking for dirt.

This all led to her repeating her show for me back in the garden. When I was done with her, she did have dirt on her pussy. Probably some inside of it too.
By AnonAnon
That's a sexy story, WW.

My wife is very comfortable wearing something that shows off her chest or ass continuously, but when it comes to pussy it is very rare that she does more than flash. When were first dating, I complimented her on her pussy and how much I liked how she had a small strip of hair and a little bit of hair slightly covering the lips. Shortly after, we were at a party where she was wearing a short shirt dress sans underwear with a couple of the lower and upper buttons undone and happened to get into a mock light saber fight with friends. Beer was involved. When I looked over I noticed that most swings of the saber were accompanied by a complete exposure of the same beauty I'd remarked upon earlier. From where I was sitting, it looked great. A beautiful flash of neatly trimmed hair and a hint of lip between naked thighs accompanied by some very toned naked ass. The best part was that she was fully aware of it and loving every minute.

When we were driving home, she gave me a smile and asked me what I thought of her introducing my friends to my favorite part of her. I remember that I thought it was such a huge turn-on that she could pull something like that off with so much aplomb and amusement.
By AnonAnon
My wife almost broke the flashing only rule yesterday. A designer friend of hers made her a wrap dress with a single tie placed low enough to allow for a plunging neckline and high enough for the dress to gap daringly over crossed legs. The dress looked great, but any sitting would gap it with a view of her landing strip. After toying with a few underwear options, my wife decided she would trim down to a very thin line of hair that looked like a seam so anyone getting a glimpse would think she had something on, but she could wear the dress without any visible lines. She looked in the mirror, satisfied herself and we left the house.

The dress looked fantastic with the plunging neckline allowing for the dress to cinch the fabric tightly over her breasts, showing them to the advantage while at the same time allowing a large gap for side and lower curve views, but the star was the bottom, gapping daringly close to her crotch with a hazy view of her bush visible if you looked hard, and some did appear to be doing so, but not if you just glanced over. My wife's naturally exhibitionist tendencies must have taken over, because she seemed to be exercising minimal caution with the dress, to the entertainment of some. The designer was at the party and eager to show her latest work, so my wife had a good excuse to show off without looking tacky.
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By cthubby
one early morning a buddy and I were preparing to head out fishing , having coffee, when my wife came downstairs to see us off. She sat on the couch across from us and pulled her knees up to her chest. Unfortunately, the shortie and coverup she was wearing didn't cover her cooch whatsoever. my buddy looked sheepishly at me, and I smiled back at him...not giving it away. Her knees parted a bit as we talked and we both got a send off view of my wife's pussy. In retrospect, SHOULD have stayed home and together we could have rocked her world instead of fishing.
By AnonAnon
Old thread.

The first time my wife broke her flashing only practice, she put her pussy completely on display for a car salesman that we spent a few hours with buying a car. He'd been a bit taken by her when we'd gone in for our first test drive and she was flattered by his attention. The first time I noticed what she was showing, she was sprawled across the back seat, one leg outside the car and one leg inside, her short rolled up shorts displaying her pussy completely in bright sunlight. Nothing at all covering it. No coyness about it. Not a flash, but several minutes of steady display. Her thin tee up top wasn't doing much either, a fact that hadn't gone unnoticed at the dealership. I enjoyed both, but the utter comfort with putting her naked pussy inches from where someone else could reach out and touch it was a heady experience.

Since then, my best friend has seen her naked, a lot, and it is remarkable how quickly it has become totally normal.
By Jocko64
Wow, many of my friends have had beaver shots but she is bald so I can't call it a beaver any more! LOL She never wears panties and she always makes it look accidental, has fun doing it!
By AnonAnon
My wife prefers to keep some hair for contrast for when she wears see through dresses and pants. There's just enough that you can see it and see it move under the fabric, but not so much that it is too visible. In a summer dress over a reflective concrete floor that puts some light under the dress, the see through results can be quite dramatic.
By AnonAnon
In the last year or so my wife has become increasingly comfortable with showing off her landing strip and gaining a reputation for it among our friends. She's been wearing see through pants that have made no secret of her hairstyle for years, but of late she's been coming up with creative way so using slit skirts and button front dresses. It has been fun watching her pull this taboo into the mainstream of her looks. Today, for a dinner guest, a thin linen shirt dress precisely arranged over crossed legs to gap and show off a series of views from bush to breast. A beautiful steady view of a longer-than-usual trim with color turned down a little so as not to be too dark and in the face. A little higher up a lot of chest, hidden from direct view, but leaving a very communicative impression on the fabric. While we were talking to her, she arranged the gaps a few times, completely comfortable with projecting her intentions. Loving it, in fact. After the guest was gone, my wife deserted her cool demeanor and provided our neighbor to the back with another one of her regular shows.
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By powderman8009
This happened when I was a boyfriend. Back when I was a teenager I used to stay over with my girlfriend at her parents house on weekends. I think it must have been a Sunday morning because we were all feeling a little lazy and just hanging around in p.j's. My girlfriend and her mother both had on long nighties but nothing under. My pj's were the type with the slit fly down the front so I had to be careful not to let my dick slip out.

We had all finished breakfast and I was sitting on the living room floor with my girlfriend. Her father was behind us sitting on a high stool. Her mother decided that she needed to sweep up the wooden floor in the adjacent room that the living room looked into. She got a small dustpan and brush and started cleaning up the floor. To do this she had to squat down on her haunches which of course meant that this gave a great view up her nightie. For quite a few minutes she swept the floor facing side on to me but then she turned to face me and I got a great view of her beaver. My girlfriend's father was making subtle whistling noises to get her attention as he too must have seen what she was showing but she failed to notice his warning.

A few years later after we had broken up the girlfriend and I started dating again. I happened to mention that episode to her and she knew what I was talking about and wondered / assumed that I had gotten a good look at here beaver. We laughed about it. Not sure if she told her mother.

Now, as a married man and parent I've had my daughter have some of her friends stay over at our house. Most were friends of her boyfriend with a few girls as well. After a boozy night they got up from all places around the house to have breakfast. Most weekends my wife usually wears just a very short dress without anything underneath. This morning was no different and the dress was also a little see through. We had set up a long table for them and most of the guys were sitting at it. My wife and I were busy getting the food ready and then serving it. She did most of the serving which involved her having to reach over the table to place items. Of course this made her dress ride up and show a little bit more than she was expecting. I don't think the guys minded the little show she put on for them that morning. I guess you could say it was karma.
By AnonAnon
Great story, powderman.

The first time I saw my wife flash her panty-less crotch in public, it was with a few dozen friends and strangers looking on. There was no cover, just a very trim landing strip and her pussy lips for everyone to see. I was shocked, but also turned on by her comfort with all my friends having seen her privates at the same time and, no doubt, later talking about that very fact. The very tight very flimsy shirt dress she was wearing was unbuttoned to the point of being the slightest nod to not being nude in public. What I loved was that she made no secret of her enjoyment.
By Jocko64
Well my wife never wears panties so she has given man as I said before, she is an exhibitionist and has a great body just loves showing it knowing it turns guys on and sometimes women??

We at big party (I have told this before) 35 or so folks, we are downstairs at bar, wife and I on stools, I watching a game on TV, she turned to the tables and unknowing to me flashing her bald pussy. She had two or three drinks, feeling good, she has to pee, whispers she is going upstairs to bathroom instead of bath downstairs. She leaves goes to master bath (I get the whole story on way home), is peeing and guy she was flashing walks in bathroom locks door, a husband of one of her friends. He says you showed me yours I am going to show you mine and whips his dick out in her face. She says nice let me see it closer and takes him in her mouth still sitting on toilet. Said he dumped his load down her throat in seconds, she licked him clean and said MUM is the word, he agreed. She comes back down and kisses me saying I love you??? I am oblivious to what happened.

About 30 minutes later we still sitting there, she drinking, I watching game and guy talking to her asks her to dance upstairs, she says to me do you mind, I say no, off they go to dance. Well after about 5 or so dances he wants to go outside for fresh air, she says sure and out they go and she said they were talking and he told her how much he would love to fuck her and they start making out and soon her dress is up and tit out and hes dick penetrating her wet pussy over the trunk of a car. He dumps a load in her pussy and at that time the BJ guy shows up and he had told dancing buddy (also a husband of girl friend) about her. Now he wants her pussy and she in her drunken state agreed and she told dancing guy she needed another drink and napkins, she was dripping and BJ guy is now banging her. Dancing guy comes out with drink and paper towels and BJ guy dumps a load in her and tells her to clean his dick. She said she did and wiped her leaking crotch and BJ guy goes back in. Dancing guy then asks her if she will blow him and she agreed and said the reality was he fucked her mouth and finally blew a load down her throat.

She straightens up, comes downstairs to me, game about over, she kisses me and says lets go home before I get in more trouble. On way home she telling me what has happened and says she need my dick and if we had stayed longer she could have fucked all the guys there, booze talking! We sucked and fucked till 3 AM her going to sleep with a big dildo in her pussy! Sunday AM I am in sun room reading paper, she comes out naked and says she wants to suck me, who am I to say no? The two husbands tried to get her again but she told them to not bother her or she would make trouble for them and they stopped. Funny part was that BJ guy's wife ended up fucking me several times but he never knew.
By AnonAnon
That's an adventurous life, Jocko!

A woman at one of my wife's client's offices once remarked to her that she'd fuck her. My wife reported that the woman's tone seemed quite serious, so she gave the woman a kiss on the lips and a good glimpse down her blouse while she was bent over delivering the kiss. It must have made an impression, because the same woman, presumably with a few drinks in her, reached into my wife's dress at a party and fondled her tits. I should add that the dress was ridiculously revealing, with a plunging neckline showing off her cleavage and flimsy fabric and wasn't really hiding anything of her nipples. My wife loved it, including the fact that the woman wasn't too careful grabbing them so it was a pretty revealing nip slip for my wife in front of her co-workers.
By AnonAnon
My best friend and I were busy planning and evening beer launch outing this weekend when my wife walked in from an acupuncture session in a teasingly flimsy white smock dress. Noticing our admiring looks, she shrugged her dress off elegantly and posed herself on the sofa with a beautifully groomed crotch facing us and buried her face in a magazine so we could look on in comfort. "I've had a man looking at me naked for an hour without comment, so this is great."
By Jocko64
Anon, sounds like something my wife would do, several of my friends have seen mine in various stages of nakedness. I remember one time my BIL and best buddy was over and she came into kitchen naked, we had only been married a couple years and he was trying to look away from her. She said don't be bashful, if you have seen one you have seen them all. Not true but I laughed at her saying but few like you! When we left he was full of question, he saw his first bald pussy!
By AnonAnon
Jocko, it's incredible how quickly it can become normal and how many people learn to enjoy it. Two years ago, my wife wasn't into going past a little see through down there, but this summer she spent most of our boat time topless in very loose bikini bottoms that provided polite cover for pussy lips, but left her landing strip mostly exposed. It didn't matter who else we had on board from friends to even parents of friends. She didn't even wear a bikini top, which she felt weird taking off, just a shirt till we got out on the water. A few times the person who pulled her up out of the water wasn't strong enough and she had to use her legs and there was some pretty "real" exposure, but it just became part of her look to the point where nobody flinched.
By Jocko64
Anon, Well my friends all admired her and her body, she tried not to flaunt it when other women were around. You talk about the boating, we had lake house that we spent lots of time at our lake house. Had all the toys, a very funny instance was one time wife and I each riding jet skis, got stopped by lake patrol, wife had life jacket on nothing else, I was in bathing suit and life jacket. The guys checked the registration, two in boat, they kept looking at wife, I thought we were busted (or her I should say). It was hard to tell, looked like she may have had bikini bottom on. If she had stood up on jet ski her bottom half would have been exposed. They checked all the numbers and insurance and said have a good time. Wife wondered what would have happened if she had stood up. We headed to our private place for some great outdoor sex then, She was great for riding on the pontoon with nothing on top and sometimes naked, in fact there were times when certain company was there she would take top off, hell some of them barely cover her privates anyway! ME, I loved it!
By Biguns
I love each story posted. I have given several friends beaver shots. My favorite was actually not a friend and was quite by accident. My husband and I were out in a lake fishing. The lake was empty that day and my husband pulled in a quiet cove to fish. I decided to layout and get some sun. I took off my clothes and stretched out on my back for a while. Then I rolled over on my stomach. I got settled and started sunning again. I reckon I dozed off when all of a sudden a boat motor woke me up. The game warden was almost at us. I couldn't do anything but grab a towel and throw it over my butt without picking up. I didn't want to get arrested for indecent exposure. The game warden spoke to both of us and then ask my husband for his fishing license. Him and my husband made small talk for what seemed like an eternity. Finally he told us to have a good day and left. When he left, my husband started laughing. The way the towel landed it covered my butt, but my pussy lips were shining out the bottom of the towel. My husband said the whole time the game warden was there, he was staring at my pussy.
It made me and my husband horny. If the game warden had returned, he would have seen my lips in action.
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By powderman8009
A few weekends ago I was sitting out on our back deck with my wife. We were on an outdoor lounge with her angled in a corner. The back of our house faces a golf course and is not far from where the guys tee off. That day I was sitting between her legs. One leg was laying along the lounge behind me and the other was resting on a cushion on a table in front. She had on a tight short shift dress sans knickers which, because of the way she was sitting had ridden up above her pussy leaving her front fully exposed. She was busy reading her ipad and not fully aware of the fact she was offering such a good view to the golfers.

As the golfer prepared to tee off they would all usually look around at the houses surrounding the course which meant they would naturally look over and see us. She provided some great views of her beaver to a lot of guys that morning.
By AnonAnon
You have to admire our daring companions!

As I mentioned above, the first time I saw my wife, then girlfriend, show off in public was at a dinner party where she wore a very unbuttoned very short and very flimsy light colored shirt dress. Within a few minutes of our arrival, my friends and a few dozen strangers had gotten a good look at her pussy lips and amply exposed chest. At one point, she perched on my leg while I was seated and the dress rode up to where it was just a few millimeters short of very explicit exposure and it looked like she'd have been OK with that, too. While perched, the dress provide side viewers with easy views of tits up to her erect nipples. The dress was a minimum nod to clothing and it was an insane and memorable introduction that left me a little shocked, but also turned on at her aplomb.
By AnonAnon
We recently celebrated our tenth anniversary and my wife called the friend who introduced us to dinner. When he'd introduced us, my wife had some competition she was half-jokingly determined to best so she'd arrived at the meal in a tight stretch dress just tight enough over her chest to show off her nipples while allowing for some movement. The dress was slightly see through, more to show that she was confident in her body than to advertise her tits. The star feature was a thigh-high slit on one side and a very dark red, almost black, tiny bikini bottom. Back then she was careful with the slit and what it showed. At the tenth anniversary dinner she wasn't and there were no panties, just a longer than normal trim for cover. The friend has seen her naked in our pool quite a few times so it was more a couple of people laughing at the memories and enjoying a few flashes of fun. The dress was a little tighter than it had been a decade ago, and more see through over her chest as a result. No one complained! My wife enjoyed feeling is great shape despite the years and her confidence with frontal nudity has only grown over the years.

We pulled out a flash photo I'd taken back then, without permission, that had punched through her top and she'd laughed and asked for a copy, responding to it with a, "I'm glad you like what I have going on" across the back.
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By powderman8009
With the weather warming up we managed to sit out on the back deck again last weekend. As usual I took the opportunity to offer my wife a leg massage which she gladly accepted. She wore a long dress sans panties which was quickly raised to waist level to afford me access to her upper thighs. For about 2 hours we sat facing the many golfers coming through with my wife's legs splayed apart with her pussy fully on show. For those few hours I was in heaven watching the guys get a good look at her goods and later that night she surprised me with some wild sex.
By AnonAnon
My wife has been experimenting with frontal nudity in public for some years. She started with see through pants, moved to high slit dresses, moving on to loose bikini bottoms that almost always showed off everything. Over time these have become natural to where everyone enjoys the show without being embarrassed by it and my wife enjoys the freedom.

Her latest experiments have been around very loose plunging or wrap dresses that show off a lot of chest with generous downblouse views that hide nothing. Some of them are so revealing you can actually look down them all the way to her crotch when she is sitting. It’s fun for me because she’s gone from wearing a lot of see through to just being close to naked. She’s provided a lot of crotch viewing of late.

To dinner at a friend’s last night she wore a black leather woven cord that dangled between her legs as the only cover for when her short dress wasn’t enough. A few fantastic views of leather and crotch can brighten up any evening.
By AnonAnon
On occasion my wife points out one that she is coveting and lets me buy it for her. Usually, she prefers to surprise me with her outfits and buys them herself. When I’m buying she makes sure I enjoy the process. A few years ago we were at a store with a nice fitting room area with a common area with a mirror outside which were a few chairs in which bored men were sitting. It was the sort of store where the assistant doesn’t throw the rule book at you and my wife was happily trying out several dresses directly over her naked body more or less in the common area. She didn’t bother working the tie and would just hold them for me to check out and sometimes just not hold them, letting them fall open at her crotch. She eventually picked the one she’d liked initially and it was revealing enough that the assistant suggested a bra, at which my wife just slipped the dress off and, standing completely nude as she handed the dress to the assistant said, “I’m more comfortable in it without one.” It really didn’t need saying.
By AnonAnon
Jocko, some years ago my wife and went to a jewelry store with her in a wrap top she had worn very loosely tied to where it had already gapped and caught on an erect nipple once that afternoon. The material, as per her see through requirements, was flimsy and a light beige color with some small brown stripes. About as substantial as a handkerchief. The couple who were running the store were getting a good view of her chest while she tried on the jewelry and the wife directly complimented my wife on her tits. Encouraged by his wife’s candor, the husband weighed in. My wife later said she felt it was weird to keep them covered when the conversation as so obviously about them. So, she just pulled the string on her top and showed them off for a few minutes. Didn’t even glance around to check if the store had other shoppers, which it didn’t. She then tied the top back, far looser than the already loose job she’d done earlier, providing a lot of views for the rest of the evening.
Jocko64 liked this
By AnonAnon
We had a friend stay with us over the weekend and my wife was in an unusually sexy mood so she wore a plunging neckline off-white jumpsuit to dinner. She normally wears nude panties with it, but decided not to, allowing her landing strip to show through. The lack of details around the waistline of a jumpsuit is particularly well suited to views and my wife made the most of it, enjoying the shock from our guest and other patrons at dinner. It's not particularly concealing up top either, so in the right light it's possible to get a high fidelity impression of her in the nude.

When we got home, she changed into a short robe she was holding closed with one hand and I suggested she might not bother since she'd been practically naked all evening. Not one to blow an opportunity and very comfortable showing off in small groups via loose bikini bottoms, my wife joined us in the kitchen, the draped robe covering her tits, but framing her crotch. She smiled at our obvious interest, hung around for a few minutes and then departed in a flash of everything.
By AnonAnon
Yes, my wife loves spreading the joy she feels in showing in public.

On occasion she suggests a place away from our usual stomping grounds for date night and that's an indication that she's in the mood to try something revealing on. A few months ago, she suggested what looked like a simple Mexican restaurant in a part of town likely to have folks who would appreciate a show. Her outfit of choice was a long skirt made from thin cotton with a print in earth tones for some cover and a see through tie front top worn so loosely it was only meant to service any no shirt no service requirements. The restaurant had large plate glass windows, so the view was clear before we set foot inside, and the guys inside didn't miss it as we took our seats and my wife managed a few nip slips as we ordered our food. A few guys near our table kept turning around to get looks, encouraged by her enjoyment of their attention. When we were leaving, I stepped away to wash my hands and when I was walking back to our table, my wife was up and bent over her bag giving the peeking guys an unfettered view of her perky nipples.

One of the holiday parties we were invited to this year had a slightly edgy theme and she wore white fishnet tights and a dark grey slightly see through mid-thigh dress hitched up to her waist on one side. There was plenty of t and a on display and I'm sure dedicated observers got even more. I suspect the new year will bring more such displays.
By Jocko64
Anon, wife and I just read your post, we kind of over that stuff now in older age but she reminded me of the time we went to dinner with old neighbors, we had moved. We met them at a restaurant , we are seated in a booth that was rather seclude and blocked from view of other patrons. he was in corner, my wife on outside his wife and I on other side. My wife took his hand and pulled it to her panty less pussy while we are having drinks and talking. He even managed to get a finger in she told me later that night! He pulled his zipper down and she was rubbing his dick and his wife and I are completely oblivious to what going on. They stopped, we ate, she went to our house with him and his wife with me. What happened later was really wild, I need to post it one day!
By AnonAnon
Sounds like a fun evening. We've had a few invitations to engage other couples, but have never done it. My wife is very comfortable being naked in company, but private when it comes to the rest.

However, because of the way she sometimes dresses, some misunderstanding is inevitable and she's always handled it with ease. She wore a very plunging neckline dress to a work party one year. The material of the dress was flimsy so it didn't do much restraining the jiggling of her nipples, which were just about two inches away from the neckline. The dress was shockingly showy to where we heard gasps when she walked in, but she knew the company owner would be OK with it. The best part of a dress like that is that everyone knows they are meant to look so they enjoy it openly rather than sneaking peeks at it and worrying about upsetting the person wearing it. Comments ranged from a sophisticated "Wow!" to "Nice tits" and if there was someone who didn't get a complete idea of what she looks like topless it was because they weren't interested in doing so because she did everything she could to let them have that impression. Towards the end of the party a drunk female co-worker who has a crush on my wife leaned in close put her hand into the dress and grabbed one of her tits, exposing it to a few people standing around. My wife took her time putting it back, and gave the coworker a quick kiss on the lips before she sat her down, which didn't do much to keep things covered. The coworker apologized a few days later and my wife's response was, "Are you kidding. I loved it." She didn't quite love it, but she didn't mind it either.
By AnonAnon
The first time I saw my wife display was in a gauzy top wearing very short loose shorts folded up as high as they would go and no panties. She was slumped in a car seat one leg parted from the other and hanging down out of the door, sunlight flooding in and illuminating every detail of her pussy for the salesman who had already expressed a keen interest in her tits under the gauze. He was a few inches from being able to reach out and touch her crotch and she was continuing a completely natural conversation about the car fully aware of and enjoying his gaze. I happened to look over and recall a slight shock at just how blatant and confident a show it was and for how long she was comfortable being on display like that. The spread of somehow who knew they were well groomed and very accustomed to receiving compliments on how they looked.

We bought the car and have been going back for years for other cars and she never had a shred of embarrassment about that first encounter even though I am sure she knows the story makes the rounds of the dealership regularly. Over the years she’s worn a lot of see through shirts and short dresses to the dealership but now our transactions tend to not involve so much test driving as before so the opportunities are different.
By Jocko64
I have seen my wife display her goods many times, she tries to make it look accidental. One night at a big party she flashed a friend of hers husband, she had about three drinks, went to pee and he followed her and walked in locking door and said you showed me yours now here is mine and put his dick in her face while she on toilet. She opened her mouth and took him deep, told me he only lasted about 2 minutes at most! It is long story!
By AnonAnon
Great story! The spontaneity is the best part.

One of my favorite memories of my wife’s spontaneity is going to a gallery opening of a friend’s work. We were younger and she was wearing a particularly provocative outfit of a pair of jeans with a tight thin long-sleeved white cotton shirt buttoned up to her navel and tucked in. Being tight the shirt was spread open, but also tight enough to stay in place somewhat if she stood straight. The gallery was small and in a multi-story building and we got a lot of looks parking and walking into the building and up the stairs. As soon as we walked into the gallery our friend let out a spontaneous low whistle of appreciation that delighted my wife who rushed forward and gave him a long wet lipstick transferring French kiss, bending forward and down to him just enough to free her tits of any coverage. The whistle had attracted most of the patrons in the small gallery who then witnessed the kiss first hand. A few minutes later I saw my wife standing with the artist in front of a painting, her hands in her jeans’ back pockets, her tits exposed talking animatedly yet enjoying his gaze locked on the beautifully exposed small Bs.

Another memory that comes to mind is walking out of a movie in a crowd with her wearing a short partial button front dress completely unbuttoned to mid stomach but stiff enough to be sexy without her tits falling out of it. It was clear that she had nothing on underneath and a guy in front of us kept turning around a looking. After the third look she just reached up with her hand and pushed the dress open to give him a full view. Right in the middle of the crowd with and with a smile. When we got out and were walking to the car she said, “He’ll remember it better now that he’s seen all of it.”
By AnonAnon
One of the many fun memories from when I had just started dating my wife was her getting into a mock light saber fight in a very short very unbuttoned very flimsy shirt dress worn without a stitch of underwear. In the few minutes it took for her to take on a few challengers a house of about a hundred people including most of my close friends got some extended glimpses of her perfectly groomed landing strip and very revealed pussy lips and how much she loved showing off. During the course of the evening, she sat on my lap as I was seated on a stool giving any who might have missed the show before about as close a look as you could expect without having your face in her crotch. She was so blatantly exposed the entire evening that my best friend, having taken in some liquid confidence, remarked that she might attract slightly less attention being completely naked. When I walked up to them I could see that from his vantage point slightly taller than her he had been looking down her dress at a very erect nipple.
By AnonAnon
With the weather cooling down we planned a fire pit dinner at a friend’s and my wife planned the perfect see through maxi dress for firelight. A very flimsy dress with opaque chevrons across it for cover it was designed to wear with underwear or at least some control garments but my wife likes to wear it to smaller darker parties without anything under it. I love it for the spectacular nipples views it provides at a dinner table with just enough cover that it’s OK to look and not enough to hide anything. With the firelight hitting her standing with her legs slightly parted, the dress provides bedroom views of her pussy lips and my wife has not been afraid to let them show even in very public circumstances such as when caught in headlights on the sidewalk. This evening was no exception with her neatly trimmed landing strip pointing the way to the best views directly underneath. After being nearly nude for hours, we got home and my wife suggested I feel the dress. I did, marveling at its nearly nothingness. When she took it off, it folded into the size of a few slices of bread.
By AnonAnon
Not too many holiday parties this year, but one of my favorite exhibitionist memories of my wife is her at a work holiday party in a gown with a waist high slit and plunging neckline, seated on a stool at a restaurant just inside a glass window visible from the vestibule entrance so any coworker that came in after her got a glimpse all the way up her leg and at her partially exposed landing strip. Those at the table were getting largely unfettered views of her tits with the occasional nipple slip when she reached for a dish. The look was so deliberate some of the other women complimented her daring. She enjoyed being the girl whose pussy the entire office had checked out in public. On the way home she was in a great mood claiming that once in a while “you had to let it all hang out to show how it should be done”.
By AnonAnon
My wife and I spent a few days last week with a cousin of mine who wanted us over to show us a pool he and I designed for his house a few years ago that was finally completed earlier this year. When we were dating, we stayed with him in a studio apartment once and my wife, finding the need to go from bathroom to bedroom past our line of sight in the nude decided to just walk up to us and cook us breakfast naked, a memory neither of us are likely to forget. With the bar set high for a repeat, my wife’s choice of swimwear was a crochet monokini with a uniform weave of one inch by quarter inch rectangles and two straps that could go either over or cross between her tits and tied behind her neck to hold it up. She ignored my suggestion to cross the straps, but the open weave wasn’t designed to conceal and she wasn’t looking to be concealed. With her signature landing strip trimmed down and the sun bright, there were some spectacular and very revealing pussy views to be taken in for once my wife gets in the mood she doesn’t hold back anything no matter who’s looking. The two of us were riveted.
By AnonAnon
When my wife got into the car to go to lunch at a friend’s I noted she had on a very slinky thin polyester maxi dress with a slit enough that she had hiked up far enough that I could tell she wasn’t wearing any panties and was in the mood to let anyone looking at her know it. The thin dress slithered over her nipples and fell between her legs so easily that when she sat on an ottoman and bent one leg while letting the other one out a little a beautifully posed view of her pussy was available and the fact that she was touching and adjusting her dress let us know she knew exactly what was going on. As the evening wore on, careful manipulations of the dress provided flashes of tits and ass to complete the picture. When we got home, she took off the dress and folded it into a very small shape. Somehow the outright nudity was less provocative.
By AnonAnon
We rented a lake house for the weekend with another couple. My wife is usually comfortable going topless and swimming in the nude with a few pussy views getting in and out of a boat or the water in front of the other guy on weekends like this but this time the couple was a boyfriend and a friend of hers and and she thought she might have some fun with a little shock factor thrown in. The house was close to the water with a boat house and dock in a U shape creating a slightly but not totally protected area in the water and her choice of swimwear was nudity including reclining on the deck chairs around the water with her pussy on display. She joked that her friend’s boyfriend probably saw more of her pussy than her friend’s pussy that weekend.
By AnonAnon
We took a drive up into the mountains to picnic and see the Fall colors today and my wife took advantage of the weather and minimal hiking planned to go pantyless in a skin-tight pair of skin colored knit pants that do a great job of highlighting her landing strip and showing off her ass. She loves the shock value of showing off her landing strip and getting a view of her nearly naked ass in public is always a turn-on for me. Her top of choice was a short stiff silk piece with the occasional under boob show and the tantalizing risk of a nip slip but the focus was on her exposed midriff and the star of the show right below that. A friend of ours joined us for the picnic having motorcycled up separately with some of his buddies, adding a little spice of my wife’s exhibitionism.
By AnonAnon
My wife loves the fun shock of frontal nudity among close friends and her choice of outfit to provide it in this weekend was a very flimsy short shirt dress with great nipple see through worn unbuttoned enough for great viewing of her tits from the side and intentionally raised up by her a few times during the afternoon for some great pussy views. She’d trimmed her landing strip down to a bare minimum so the views were very explicit leaving the one or two people there who hadn’t already seen her pussy in no doubt about its appearance.
By AnonAnon
An old friend visiting from out of town that wanted to go to a local strip club with a reputation was treated to an evening with my wife in crochet pants sans panties. Having enjoyed some pretty clear views of her landing strip through the pants all evening, my wife invited him to come up the stairs behind her so she could deliver the pièce de résistance of a view between her legs to the two of us behind her on the stairs before she disappeared upstairs to go to sleep. Many years ago a friend of ours took a picture of just that view of my wife’s rear as she posed in the nude just getting up off a bench looking to the side. He has the image up in a corridor of his house and my wife gets a kick out of there being just enough of her chin visible for friends to make the necessary association. That picture has made her unusually comfortable with showing off her pussy to friends, something which she does from time to time with no objections from me.
By AnonAnon
With the same friend coming to town almost a year after his last visit, my wife picked backless dress with a mesh top panel to wear braless to put her tits on display. The dress also has a minimal overlap wrap construction that allows her to let it fall open to reveal her entire leg up to her butt and provide some great crotch views by parting her legs slightly. When we were dating she’s worn the dress to a dinner with coworkers, succeeding in shocking me that she would let them check out her tits and pussy with a devil may care attitude about it. For the viewing this time my wife had her usual landing strip cover shaved and the dress parted for an unfettered pussy view as she got out of the car. Sitting across from us my friend had a nice view of her tits all evening.
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