A place to share your sexy stories
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By Dude68
I have been wondering about this: I get really turned on by the idea of people watching me. But for many people it is much more preferable to get a glimpse of a lady in some sort of way than from a guy. For ladies it is also easier since they can wear skirts, got a breast-section to display as well and men usually like to see a flashing girl rather than women like seeing a flashing guy.

So what are tips and tricks to display a lil' without being to obvious?

Things I have done:
- Making my bulge visible in public transport.
- Not wearing boxers in wide trousers.
- Sleeping on top of my bed in hostels in warm countries with revealing boxers. (Had one girl acting as if she had her eyes closed while in fact she was checking me out, that is a real turn on ;))
- Redress with opened curtains and walking through the house naked.

Any ideas on what else I can do? I don't want to offend people, but I want people that like to see it to be able to see it if that makes any sense at all..
By DangerousDi
That is a hard one and no pun intended. I think you could sit on a balcony at a hotel naked and you could do the same in hotel as you do at home. Then just plainly dress at the beginning of the day in front of the window and when you come back to be naked unless in front of the window. Don't have to dress and redress....kind of wasted time. I assume you travel alone. What about nude beaches? There is nude bike riding, Stinker has posted stuff if you read some of the sections. There is also hotels - aim for one of them unless you business, or you don't have that choice. Maybe look up nudist events, or hotels, or beaches or groups. That might help you get some more ideas.

Depending on your age and If you are built good - wear tight shirts (I know that has nothing to do with your Johnson, but you guys always think that is the first thing women want to see). Drop dead body is something women check out.

Try finding a partner interested in the same things.....like the hook up sites.

If you run or even if you don't buy some shorts that have the cup built in. If the running pants don't have it I believe there are boxer shorts that now do it. Tight running pants, then you can run or just act as if you had run. Walk around as if you are checking out the hotel. Like your first time, first day.

I will thank about this some more but I think your best is to research on your own by using your search.
By DangerousDi
Dude88: That is a hard one and no pun intended. I think you could sit on a balcony at a hotel naked and you could do the same in hotel, as you do at home. Then just plainly dress at the beginning of the day in front of the window and when you come back to be naked in front of the window at the hotel too. Don't have to dress and redress....kind of wasted time. I assume you travel alone. What about nude beaches? There is nude bike riding, Stinker has posted stuff if you read some of the sections. There is also hotels - aimed for that and unless you business, or you don't have that choice. Maybe look up nudist events, or hotels, or beaches or groups. That might help you get some more ideas.

Depending on your age and If you are built good - wear tight shirts (I know that has nothing to do with your Johnson, but you guys always think that is the first thing women want to see). Drop dead body is something women check out.

Try finding a partner interested in the same things.....like the hook up sites, you would have lots more fun.

If you run or even if you don't buy some shorts that have the cup built in. If the running pants don't have it I believe there are boxer shorts that now do it. Tight running pants, then you can run or just act as if you had run. Walk around as if you are checking out the hotel. Like your first time, first day.

I will thank about this some more but I think your best is to research on your own by using your search.[/quote]
By DangerousDi
Sorry about the double post, one took off and I editing it, and posted two. Not awake yet....6:35 AM.
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By FastFive
Buy a kilt (the modern ones, like Utili-Kilt... not necessarily the traditional, wool ones) but wear it traditionally.

I've been itching to get one for a couple of years, but the prices I find are just a little prohibitive for something that's essentially a niche clothing item and won't get worn nearly as often as I'd like.
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By Dude68
Thanks both for your replies!

@ DangerousDi: I am still young (21) and usually don't travel alone, which makes it more complicated. Also, hotels are usually too expensive for me to attend to. But you got some good tips there, thanks! Especially the one with the running shorts is one I like. Nude beaches and nude events are too big a step for me at the moment, while I only recently acknowledged to myself that I like exhibitionism and people around me (friends, family) would be shocked to know this. My body is not that muscular unfortunately, I am not fat but I also do not have a six pack or big muscles or anything. But thank you very much for thinking with me! I really appreciate it. ;)

@ FastFive: I have been thinking about this. I even got two kilts, but I cannot wear them in public. That would probably just be a hilarious scene since here, in the Netherlands, nobody wears one and everyone would be making fun of you if you did without a reason (eg. a party or ceremony). But thanks for the ideas!
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By FastFive
Honestly, nobody here wears them either, but if I had the cash to throw at one I would in an instant. Who cares what other people think? Be bold, make a statement. Wear what you want to wear. Something like this...
[img]http://www.utilikilts.com/shop/images/d ... _Black.jpg[/img[
... looks totally bad-ass in my opinion, and is by no means any more outlandish that the stupid clothes I see people wearing on a daily basis.
By DangerousDi
Dudes68: Another idea is to buy some Men's magazines, they have some sexy ad's with items and maybe that would trigger some ideas for clothing you could wear. Have you googled your question you might articles on it also. I don't know but just an idea.
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By FastFive
FastFive wrote:Honestly, nobody here wears them either, but if I had the cash to throw at one I would in an instant. Who cares what other people think? Be bold, make a statement. Wear what you want to wear. Something like this...
... looks totally bad-ass in my opinion, and is by no means any more outlandish that the stupid clothes I see people wearing on a daily basis.
Oops... typo in my post, messed up the IMG tags.
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By FastFive
Page 33 of the COFF thread, if I remember correctly. :lol:
By DangerousDi
By DangerousDi
Posing for a man is different than a woman, yet it is the tease we like, START with posting like James Bond. WAs just on a cruise and that was one of the boards that said how to do. That is the start, then show a little skin in the next picture. Like lean back and open up your jacket without a shirt on. Or Shirt unbuttoned. It is a process just like you like what we do.
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By NickNoir
Here are a few ideas for you:
- Someone's already mentioned nude beaches; it's not a bigger step than some of the things you are considering in all honesty... Other nudist don't tend to pay attention to you much but, in Europe, there are plenty of clothing optional beaches, and it's quite easy (and safe) to exhibit to some of the clothed beach goers.
- On webcam. There are plenty of sites where you can find a willing partner, especially if you don't require them to show anything.
- Through craigslist: place an ad stating that you are an exhibitionist looking for a voyeur. Craigslist is full of bots and scams, but there are also a few genuine users. All you then need to do is arrange a meeting in a semi-public place where they will feel safe to watch you, but where you won't be seen by other people (for instance a car park, where they can watch you from their car).
- At the beach, when changing, and the occasional towel slip.
- Go for a run somewhere, and change on the car park when you get back. This looks fairly unsuspicious.
- One I've had luck with: as a surfer, change on the car park after a surf.
- Some pools have mixed changing rooms, where it is quite easy to exhibit.

Hope this helps

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