Political discussions about everything
By Grog
Time to shut it down.

You can look at the logs. There's maybe four or five guys engaged in their perpetual circle jerk.

This was an interesting, maybe even semi-important board in the aftermath of 9/11, but now it's a shithole of idiots and idiocy presided over by the perpetually mendacious Realjustme and bipolar Johnforbes and a couple of their racist acolytes.

A few of us try to give it a little life and justification for whatever bandwidth it occupies and marginal maintenance it requires, but it's utterly pointless.

Shut it down and release them to get a life.
By Intrepid
This is hilarious. A shit stirring troll like Grog who gets off on insulting and demeaning everyone in sight gets his ass handed to him (again) and now its no fun anymore. YOU got banned from here once before for a reason, and it wasn't your sunny personality and compliments.
Well boo-fucking-hoo poor little Groggy. Maybe if you tried to debate using only reason, logic and facts and leave out the personal attacks and insults you might find things get a bit more civil around here.
But then again, you can't do that, being a liberal. You don't have reason, logic and facts on your side.
I guess watching Sara Palin delivering the keynote address at CincPac last night finally drove poor Grog over the edge.
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By brandon
Oh this is just too rich. Dick needs some attention.

Better hop to it VW, it has been commanded. :lol: This asshole's "politics" consist of exactly what was stated above, personal attacks. Personal attacks on posters, and personal partisan attacks on individual political figures. And that's it. That's all he ever has. But he is typical. This board is not active or interesting enough for him so he demands it's closure. What a dick.

Now after a few more posters respond, he will cite their statements as proof positive of his little demand. Talk about a circle jerk that we have all seen from him before.

Let me stay true to form for you Dick and take this last opportunity to say fuck you, you little crybaby bitch.

By johnforbes
Grog does all he can do.

Lacking the age, education, and vocational experience to post anything serious, Grog just serves as a troll.

He can't do more.
By snakeoil
A bit of truth there Grog. Issues and ideas ae rarely discussed on this board. Most posts are bashes of other board contributers or Obama, and to a lesser extent, other politicians. Just look at the replies to your post; all three bash you instead of presenting logical reasons why they think you are wrong.

A while back I posted "A Few Thoughts." There were many ideas that this country needs to discuss and find solutions to. After a few bashes the post died. I even listed more ideas for discussion but there were no takers. Reminds me of the present day Congress and Senate.

I often see the pablum that special interest groups put out there being posted by our board members word for word. Don't they realize that right wing, left wing, Tea Party, Democrat, Republican, Koch brothers, The Pentagon, NSA, all of them have an agenda and (I'll bet they grin from ear to ear when they see people parroting what they put out there.) I wonder how many of the contributers to this board realize that many, if not most, bills in Congress are written by the industry affected by the bill or to lobbyists hired by that industry.

Here's two ideas for discussion:

The USA has a low Internet download speed. Go to this site (scroll down) for a list of other country download speeds. This greatly affects business and gives business in other countries an advantage over US businesses.

Other industrialized countries save many times more than US citizens do. Japan families save about 25% of their income. China families save close to 50% of their incom. I wrote to Senator Warren and suggested that up to $7500 of simple bank interest be tax exempt. I realize that this is really smoke and mirrors but the intent is to get people thinking about saving. (At 3% Interest :lol: this would require $250,000 in a passbook savings account.) If we could get people saving again it would allow banks to have more capital to invest in homes and businesses.
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By brandon
From your article Snake....
Older people get most of the benefits, primarily through Social Security and Medicare, but aid for the rest of the population has increased about as quickly through programs for the disabled, the unemployed, veterans and children.
Are those the people who you would like to see those benefits taken from, Snake?

These "teabaggers" you hate agree with you.

The expansion of government benefits has become an issue in the presidential campaign. Rick Santorum, who won 57 percent of the vote in Chisago County in the Republican presidential caucuses last week, has warned of “the narcotic of government dependency.” Newt Gingrich has compared the safety net to a spider web. Mitt Romney has said the nation must choose between an “entitlement society” and an “opportunity society.” All the candidates, including Ron Paul, have promised to cut spending and further reduce taxes
By snakeoil
Wow Brandon...I don't hate the Tea Party, I just think their rage is misguided. I remember seeing Tea Party senior citizens a couple of years ago with signs attacking SS and Medicare. The Koch brothers have shoved their bullshit out there and too many people suck it up as gospel. I feel that there is a real need for an organization like the Tea Party that focuses on the real issues that are destroying this country. What about issues like;

1. Our insane tax policy that is so complex that even the IRS makes mistakes when giving advice. If there was a sensible tax program we could acceed to the Tea Party wishes and greatly decrease the size of the IRS.

2. Our huge corporate welfare system that thows the burden of taxation onto the citizens and allows huge corporations to avoid paying ANY taxes.

3. The ridiculous SCOTUS ruling that corporations are people. When will we see a corporation get the death penalty for killing people with dangerous products, pollution, harmfull manufacturing processes, etc?

4. I'm still waiting to read that ten year growth plan for the country.

5. When are we going to get the unemployed back to work? Think of the market we would create if we could do that.

Sorry Grog for highjacking your post. I'll shut up now.
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By RealJustme
Time to shut it down.

You can look at the logs. There's maybe four or five guys engaged in their perpetual circle jerk.
Grog you off your meds? There are 15 topics on VW's Board Index, the political forum has more traffic than the other 14 forums put together...why would they want to shut it down? It's clear why you want it shut down, to silence the truth about the Obama Administrations failures and crimes, any time there is a real debate on the subject, liberals lose, the only solution for them is silent all debate. ;)
By sillydaddy
You raise some good points snake...and those are valid issues that need to be addressed. But isn't that what Obama promised to fix if he was elected President? Now you say that it's the Tea Party that's coming up short?
The way I see it the Tea Party wouldn't even exist if Obama was doing his job.
By snakeoil
You raise some good points snake...and those are valid issues that need to be addressed. But isn't that what Obama promised to fix if he was elected President? Now you say that it's the Tea Party that's coming up short?
The way I see it the Tea Party wouldn't even exist if Obama was doing his job.
Sillydaddy...The Tea Party was formed before Obama got elected. I agree that Obama's Washington inexperience has hindered him greatly and his "visions for the country" have largely failed. Having the devisiveness in Congress (both sides) isn't helping any and I wonder if any President could have succeeded in this fractured political climate. (Please don't take that statement as my agreeing with Obama because he has been a huge failure.)

The way that I understand the Tea Party is that they were not supposed to be against any party. They were to focus on things that needed to be fixed in government. I have mentioned the Koch brothers but I feel others have swayed the Tea Party away from their vision also. I really do wish that the Tea Party or a similar organization, would succeed in righting many of the wrongs in this country. I just feel that they are fighting the wrong battles and, as some of them become more radical, they are alienating a large segment of the voters. We really do need a movement that focuses on what's wrong with this country. We have enough problems to go around for everyone.
By Grog
Try again, Snakeoil.

The Tea Party of today began in February 2009 when a bunch of cranky crackers realized THEIR White House had been taken away from them by a non-white guy. That's the basis of their dog-whistle cry "Take our country back!"

This is them http://www.teapartypatriots.org/events/ ... niversary/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Since early 2009, the modern Tea Party movement has been on a path ...

This is a little more specific, identifying the exact moment on February 19, 2009
http://www.infoplease.com/us/government ... story.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

And do whatever you want with this thread. That's fine with me. I'll still check in once a while, but this board has run completely off the rails.
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By RealJustme
And do whatever you want with this thread. That's fine with me. I'll still check in once a while, but this board has run completely off the rails.
Grog, take a break and chill, stop watching MSNBC, have your doctor check your meds, you'll be back.

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By brandon
Ha, and his perfect final parting shot....use a slur against them and call everybody a racist.

A great intellect has left the board forever.

By johnforbes
Who is Grog?

Seems to me like somebody with a handle like that used to post here.

But, as Keats noted, he wrote in water.
By Grog
Been a little under a month and as promised I'm checking in.

Same old same old: JustFreedManMe is still the pied piper misleading and misinforming the low intelligence/high ignorance conservatives whilst the perpetually twirling and flitting Forbes provides adoring non-stop reach-arounds for his dearest leader.

My suggestion would be for guys like Clownkicker and Bilbo and Lumpy and a couple others to stop posting entirely so JustFreedManMe and his crew can turn this into a purity echo chamber. If you guys stop feeding them (the JustFreedManMe crew is not capable of anything other than distorting and repeating said distortions) then at some point they will have no alternative but to start feeding on each other.

That might have some potential entertainment value. This board has no other value whatsoever.
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By brandon
So you stopped by to whine some more?

Shut up you little crybaby bitch.

By Grog
"Whine?" Maybe I should have used an emoticon like you to show my seriousness? After all, nothing says gravitas quite like an emoticon. Which is, I assume, why so many of the cadre rely upon them instead of boring words.

BTW, Young Brandon, nine threads down, both Forbes and JustFreedManMe are asking for your troop number and camping schedule. I'm sure they just want to teach you some things.
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By tvd
See? Another gay reference....boy scouts and all that....and specifically used to demean Brandon.

It is as reliable as clockwork. I think Grog is gay, and very angry about it. Here's two for you Grog... :lol: :lol:
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By RealJustme
I see Grog is back trying to manage dissent. Grog like other liberals feel dissent in only "allowable" against conservatives, where conservatives feel dissent is "patriotic" against any politician that abuses the power we entrust them with.

Grog demonstrates his intolerance of other's views by actually trying to have this website shut down the political discussion board, the reason is clear, to silence dissent, other wise he would just ignore the board. The Obama Administration can't be defended during open debates of the facts so debates will not be tolerated, they demand it be shut down.

Grog you lose, you can't silence our concerns, you look pretty foolish trying. Either join in and provide your input trying to defend Obama or go away.

By Intrepid
Grog probably turned homo after his, very public, online humiliating rejection by the queen of anal sex and beer farts. My feeling is that Grog suffers from feelings of inadequacy (and why not, given that Grog is the very poster boy for being inadequate) and thinks he must bring everyone down to his level of misery and depravity in order to feel superior.

Having failed to get the board shut down after having his ass handed to him yet again in the latest in a long series of ass handings, Grog should just pack up Benny (his latest sock) and continue his mission to drink himself to death on whatever outdated cut rate swill the beer store is trying to get rid of this week and enjoy marathon masturbation sessions over Sara Palin.
By Benny
I love the grape and the orange Mad Dog 20/20. A bottle of Thunderbird will do also. And a cherry blunt.

I can assure you Intrepid that I am not Grog. I have lurked here for a while, but just recently decided to start posting. It may seem strange to you but I consider yours and everyone's opinions here.
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By RealJustme
It may seem strange to you but I consider yours and everyone's opinions here.
And here I was thinking you were a liberal.
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By brandon
This was an interesting, maybe even semi-important board in the aftermath of 9/11, but now it's a shithole of idiots
Well then, maybe you can link all of us up with the forum or forums where you dazzle everyone with your amazing intellect. Where we can all witness the brilliance of your serious, on topic political debate, free from any personal attacks by you.

Yeah, I didn't think so.

STFU asshole.

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By Malcolm
Shut 'er down Karl.......

" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
By Grog
It looks like the All-Conservative-All-The-Time, full-on echo chamber is taking shape nicely as participation from non-conservatives continues to dwindle under the buffoonish leadership of JustFreedManMe and his dry-humping, reach-around sidekick, Forbes.

Well played non-conservatives. Well played indeed.

Some non-conservatives may find it tempting to correct and rebut these (redundantly) cretinous conservatives, but resist and let them hoist themselves by their own petards, which are indistinguishable from Forbes' skidmarked leotards.

JustFreedManMe has always sought dominion here (as is more than evidenced by his post count), so let him have it with Forbes co-ruling as his preening queen. They are well on their way already. Happily let them fully consume this board and in the process, consume themselves.
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By RealJustme
Grog still trying to shut down discussions, dude you lost, get over it.
By Grog
3422^ :lol: Yep, that's shutting it down.

Your reading comprehension continues to be every bit as incisive as Forbes' masculinity.

I clearly said I WANT you and your cadre to have your own board, unhindered and unimpeded by contravening ideology. I want you to have what you want: A board wherein you and your cohorts have total control to make up whatever you like with no challenge from reality. I want you to have unimpeded right-of-way to proffer whatever idea pops into your noggin with no concern over how out-of-touch with reality it actually is.

I want you lil fellers to fly free and unencumbered by reality. I want you and Forbes to state anything you want, no matter how untrue and absurd and have your followers blindly follow you to the alter of your pyre and jump in after you.

So far, I'm getting what I want as is evidenced by the dwindling participation of non-cadre members in juxtaposition to your ever-increasing post count.
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By RealJustme
I clearly said I WANT you and your cadre to have your own board, unhindered and unimpeded by contravening ideology.
I'm not a liberal I welcome all views, but clearly you can't handle it, sooo...good bye!
By Grog
^5! (That's shorthand for "high five." :lol: )

Of course you're not a liberal. Your IQ is sub-100, probably sub-90.

Nor are you an actual conservative or even a RINO. You're RealJustFreedManMe. You're an entity unto yourself supported primarily by Forbes and a couple other documented imbeciles who honest-to-God believe your altered C&P's are the real deal.

The thing is that your C&P's don't make you look dumb; you don't need any help. It's more that believing your C&P's are real reveals the rampant idiocy of your followers. Your falsified C&P's and alterations show you to be mendacious, but, more importantly, acceptance of your mendacities reveals the simple-minded gullibility of your followers.

^5 Insipid!
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By RealJustme
Your falsified C&P's and alterations show you to be mendacious, but, more importantly, acceptance of your mendacities reveals the simple-minded gullibility of your followers.
Grog, you've been my number 1 follower, it sends a thrill down my leg when you spend 20 minutes coming up with a response to my 2 minute post.

By Benny
Do all of the posters here with a "liberal" POV obey all of your commands, Grog? I'm certainly no conservative and I'll post as I please. It seems to me that a forum that lacks ideological diversity would be a place someone with a different view would thrive. If you cant put up shut up and stop bumping your thread. Take your ball and go home but don't demand that others do the same.

Maybe you could demonstrate the importance of diverse views by challenging these morons with actual facts and argument instead of a whiny thread about how you possess the only proper views. Go ahead, start posting. You have a whole forum waiting for you.
By johnforbes
Grog lacks the educational and experiential capacity to rationally discuss different views.

He is a kneejerk leftist, and thus his ethanol-soaked cerebellum functions merely to regurgitate leftist rhetoric.

I wish Grog well as he copes with his ascites and esophageal varices.
By sillydaddy
Grog is no longer a liberal....he is now a "non-conservative".....thus telling us, without admitting, that he has taken his first step in distancing himself from the Obama fan base. Good for you, Grog.....
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By RealJustme
Grog- Time to shut it down.
mmmm apparently the VW Admin staff don't work for Grog, the political forum is still going strong.
By Grog
"Benny" :lol: bump.

Between Cliven Bundy and now Donald Sterling it's been a great week for conservative First Amendment rights.

Get that bold conservative message out there front and center where it belongs. The big tent continues to expand with and from the "intellectual" flatulence that is conservative ideology. :lol:

Forbes? JustFreedManMe needs more lotion so it will slide in easier. Young Brandon is eager to apply it. TVD and Silly are ready to be handy. Insipid remains angry, but his anger provides the friction he needs for all of you to get off.

And "Benny," JustFreedManMan? Of all the nicks available to you, why that one?
By Grog
Another "Benny" bump?

Sure. Why not. :lol:
By johnforbes
Grog lacks the educational and experiential capacity to rationally discuss different views.

He is a kneejerk leftist, and thus his ethanol-soaked cerebellum functions merely to regurgitate leftist rhetoric.

I wish Grog well as he copes with his ascites and esophageal varices.
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By brandon
Are you going to shut the fuck up already or what Dick?

Why can't you just leave already?

You little crybaby bitch. :mrgreen:
By johnforbes
My staffers have now completed all the paperwork relating to Grog's request to leave the forum.

When they placed it on my desk for scrutiny, a tear formed at the corner of my eye at the very notion that this august body would no longer be exposed to the raw, egregious idiocy of Grog's postings.

But I dabbed that tear away and signed my approval for Grog to leave.

Now, at last, Grog has my permission to leave.
By Grog
B-B-B-Benny and the Jets bump!

Young Brandon! Forbes has requested that you tone down your effete attempts at butching up. Why, I don't know and don't want to know except that he probably is concerned that you might distract JustFreedManMe's perpetually wandering eye that is always on the lookout for a new pivot-man. Perhaps you should resume pen-paling Leroy at Leavenworth.
By johnforbes
Grog lacks the educational and experiential capacity to rationally discuss different views.

He is a kneejerk leftist, and thus his ethanol-soaked cerebellum functions merely to regurgitate leftist rhetoric.

I wish Grog well as he copes with his ascites and esophageal varices.
By Grog
Hello Hello Hello Hello

Time for my weekly drive by and I'm pleased to see that the conservative-only echo chamber is coming along nicely.

There's still a few non-far-right-fringe hold-outs, but even they seem to realize the utter futility of trying to engage the perpetually and intentionally imbecilic JustFreedManMe and his swishy sidekick, Forbes.
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By RealJustme
There's still a few non-far-right-fringe hold-outs, but even they seem to realize the utter futility of trying to engage the perpetually and intentionally imbecilic JustFreedManMe...
I assure you any imbecile post I may make is not intentional...so there!
By Grog
Most of them are. That's why it's fun to watch how easily you ensnare conservatives with your relentless mendacities.
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