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By rockclimber
Lets see If I can transfer the whole thread...? :mrgreen:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Skeetz said:

Joined: Jun 25, 2012
Posts: 218 August 26, 2012 5:08 AM Quote This Flag Private Message
I read somewhere that Winston thought we should bring back the Gearhed thread.
(or did I just imagine that?)
Well either way, here goes nuthin', maybe a couple of us is still interested.

Since my man, Smoke got shafted again at Bristol, I have nothing to crow about, but I just have to throw out my two cents worth about marketing gurus running and ruining, modern day NASCAR.
(OK, that probably lost most readers already but I gotz to speak my piece.)

We have a marketing major, (in the form of Bryan France,) third generation owner, at the NASCAR helm. Thoroughly indoctrinated by his liberal college education, he seems to think the most important thing is to make every thing perfectly equal on the track and in the pits. It's RACING for Pete's sake, the idea is to find a way to be faster than, not equal to, everybody else. Then Bryan Baby can't understand why attendance and TV ratings, are down. Equal and perfect is BORING! We need a racer running the show, not a Frat Boy in a three piece suit.

And then, (sorry, I ain't done yet,) we have Bruton Smith, realestate magnate who has made even more megabucks by buying into an already succesful racing industry and making the media types think he's a genius in a silk shirt. He has thrown lots of money at the tracks he's bought and greatly improved the facilities, but he too just can't understand why attendance is down. (Here's a hint, it ain't all about marketeing, the folks is broke and can't afford the luxury.)

Bruton spent millions a couple years back to repave Bristol and upgrade to progressive banking. Improved the racing greatly! What had been a one groove, high speed destruction derby became a real race on a multi groove track where passing could happen without crashing millions of dollars worth of race cars.

But then the "Destruction Derby Fans" became vocal, loudly bemoaning the lack of bumper tag racing and wrecking at Bristol. Bruton mad a grand show of spending another million, or two, grinding down part of the newly installed progressive banking, "for the fans." But it didn't change a thing, the racing last night was still great, and Little E, and others were still using the top groove by the end of the show. That's the one that all the talking heads proclaimed, after the grinding, as unusable now and forever more.

It occures to me that Brutons millions would have served the racing community, and the country for that matter, much better if he had spent the money to help elect some right thinking people in Washington, D.C.

Get the pretenders the Hell outa' D.C. and we all might just be able to enjoy the "Persuit of Happiness" again.

Speaking of Happiness, I think I'll saunter on over to the SMC before I head for the almond orchards this morning. Maybe Manda has the Welcome Mat out by now. THAT would make me Happy!
Never could Drive 55. But 69? . . . That I can do!

Natasha said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 222 August 28, 2012 12:26 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
I don't watch NASCAR Skeetz so I'm not familiar with any of the names in the subject you're discussing but I do know it's not hard to agree with you on this statement..........."It's RACING for Pete's sake, the idea is to find a way to be faster than, not equal to, everybody else." ....I couldn't agree with you more! You even topped that when you said...... "Get the pretenders the Hell outa' D.C. and we all might just be able to enjoy the "Persuit of Happiness" again." AMEN!
Almond orchard eh, I love almonds and they haven't said their bad for you yet?! LOL!
Winston said:

Joined: Jun 18, 2012
Posts: 216 August 28, 2012 10:32 PM Edit Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Wow am I behind... pats Nat's gently....

Between work, storms and red meat on the politico scene I have had no time!

I'll get to it ASAP! Wanted to add, the house has Stucco FINALLY! I see the end in site....!!!!!

See yall!!
Happiness is as close as the nearest Beagle....!

327retro said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 187 August 30, 2012 8:18 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Skeet! Damn it boy your on fire. Well stated you crusty ol fart. WELL STATED INDEED!

If Neman isn't getting wrecked something is going wrong with Smoke. They even took out Danica that was running for Smoke. WTF???. She was doing great. I loved it when Smoke threw his helmet at the jurk. Wish he would have waited till the window came closer!

Nat, I guess it's a redneck kind of thing and an aquired taste. Check out NASCAR you may like it. Although I have my fav's I'm always in the Bowtie corner. Smoke is Tony Stewart. Although most racing trips my triger as a Lovely Woman doe's, it's one of those things that's hard to seperate.

BTW, Skeet, did you hear what Smoke said about he could have run over the bastard but didn't. His last words were that won't happen again for the rest of the season. Think Tony is a tad Pissed. Aut to make for an interesting remaining season. It Sucks that I'll only be able to see only about 2 more races on TV the rest has to be on Radio. Damn bastards have everything on cable. And they wonder why viewership is down? Cable has gotten to expensive.

NATASHA! Thanks for the heads up on how beat the time out problem. It seems to be working. Not only are you a little hottie but smart too. What a killer combination. Hehehe. Thanks Nat.

Later ya'll.
Be a Flirt Raise your Skirt

Winston said:

Joined: Jun 18, 2012
Posts: 216 September 3, 2012 8:49 AM Edit Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Just a remodel update... Finally got the place stuccoed and all I need is new soffits and fascia and a new side porch slab and the place is ready to rock! Been using is some but its still too much of a construction site to really enjoy too much.

I have a weird airbubbling in one toilet too. I think I need a vent by the kitchen sink? So the eggsperts say....
Happiness is as close as the nearest Beagle....!

Thumper said:

Joined: Jun 26, 2012
Posts: 22 September 3, 2012 3:07 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Hey Rock!

You've been working on that place for a while! I remember when you were doing the wiring and water heating over a year ago.

Be careful of that bubbling in the toilet...methane can be deadly. The experts are right, make sure you have proper venting in the plumbing, or your drains won't work properly and can let deadly gasses back into the house.

I don't get, though, how a vent by a sink will help a problem with a toilet. Are they on the same stack?

As for the racing, I've never been a fan of any form of oval racing, be it NASCAR or Indy. I've always thought that real drivers need to be able to turn in both directions. (And all that metal around the driver is for wussies...bring on the bike racers! LOL)

Of course, I've heard that NASCAR infields are kinda like Mardi Gras these days...so maybe there are some redeeming features....
I strive to be the person my dog thinks I am

Winston said:

Joined: Jun 18, 2012
Posts: 216 September 7, 2012 2:12 PM Edit Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Yes the stacks are te same. It is anoying! And it's all new pluming and venting too. Didn't think of Metane but the water glubs in the toilet, its weird!

I see the end in sight though....

Sent you an email about te firefigter's vacations in Detroit too weird, you aev to check it out!!!

As for racing.... I wanna go check out that infield, I had heard the same, bring the human along for fun maybe?
Happiness is as close as the nearest Beagle....!

327retro said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 187 September 7, 2012 10:44 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
That venting can be tricky, make sure the vent pipes are properly located. If you already haven't gotten some how to books from Home Depot or Lowes now would be a good time.

About that glubing in the toilet, easy on those tockos buddy. LOL

Yah, I'm gone.
Be a Flirt Raise your Skirt

Winston said:

Joined: Jun 18, 2012
Posts: 216 September 12, 2012 10:09 PM Edit Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Yeah it sure is weird. Only if the sink is on full blast does it start to glub. Its all new plumbing too. I think the problem is the vent stack isnt doing the job. I think it is too far from the p trap. I am going to add one of those under counter vents and see if that does it

Got a second weird issue, the Jacuzzi tub from Lowes has brown rusty water coming out of its brand new water lines for a few seconds each time I turn it on, doesnt seem to matter if it is hot or cold but it sure is odd. I keep thinking to myself why the tub and not the sink? and hot and cold which makes me think it must be in the mixer or the line from knobs to faucet?

Who knows....

GoDaddy gave me a free month for the outage this week woo hoo! But they redesigned the website editor so I need to relearn some.... I'll add it to my list!

I'm outtahere!
Happiness is as close as the nearest Beagle....!

Natasha said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 222 September 13, 2012 7:57 AM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Hmmmm maybe the Jacuzzi tub was used before and isn't brand new Rc.
Winston said:

Joined: Jun 18, 2012
Posts: 216 September 13, 2012 8:27 AM Edit Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
No brand new out of the box from home depot or lowes I forget which.... the plumbing pipe used iI dont know though.... the jacuzzi itself works fine. The prob is.the new faucet and mixer and handles and diverter to the handheld.... that is bronze and may ne the source..... now im wondering if it is scale from the original casti g that didnt get cleaned out well????

Who knows??

I need to find some time to fiddle with the site here too.... anyone have a wish list?
Happiness is as close as the nearest Beagle....!

327retro said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 187 September 23, 2012 1:59 AM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
No farting in the tub! Unless it's, never mind. My Sick Puppy mind has gone into realm's it shouldn't.

Moon Walking on out-a-here.
Be a Flirt Raise your Skirt

327retro said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 187 September 23, 2012 2:08 AM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
A Wish list? Larger Pro pic's on this board would be nice, but I get that it maybe a daunting task.

Your doing this as a sort of hobby RC, and I/We are very thankful for what you have done in such a short time. so don't mind my bitching about the pro pic's. I'm sure Igor didn't get it right at first and you sure don't have the resorse he did.

I did finally get some pic's of Sugar up on the Main page I think, or was it Jewels and Natasha'a pic section? Oh well, there out there somewere.

Thank you Rock for what you have done. I really mean that.

Color me Gone!
Be a Flirt Raise your Skirt

Winston said:

Joined: Jun 18, 2012
Posts: 216 September 23, 2012 2:34 AM Edit Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Hey grump I just happen to be up for a while watching bad boys 2.... well. Thank you for the comment you are entirely welcome... think I'm going to need a conference call with the support staff at the sight to see if anything can be done about the pro pic size or at the very least make them into links 2 additional pages. This site is 10 pages long I can make it 99 pages for just a couple of bucks more a month. Ideas I can make that meant links like we had Then each person can have the wrong page as a profile..... this is all kind of hypothetical stage in my head right now..... i did buy a much more elaborate site back the end of July early August but I never could figure out how to set it up
Happiness is as close as the nearest Beagle....!

Skeetz said:

Joined: Jun 25, 2012
Posts: 218 September 23, 2012 10:27 AM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Hey Winston, see if you can get your human to help with that. He's got one of them there Deegrees hanging on his wall don't he?

I too would vote for the idea of linking the propics to a bigger version, but for now you'll have to excuse me while I try to find those "Sugary Treat" shot's that Grumpy mentioned. Sure hope he wasn't just pullin' our legs.

(Hmmm, that sounds slightly perverse when ya' make it plural . . . don't it?)
Never could Drive 55. But 69? . . . That I can do!

Winston said:

Joined: Jun 18, 2012
Posts: 216 October 9, 2012 11:07 PM Edit Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Roger that Skeetz, I think i will expand this to 99 pages and then each of us can have a page, I have to figure out how to enable editing of the pages. ots to do with that, blogs are way easier I hate to say!

Got the stucco done and painting the house this week, gutters and soffits next. Inside is almost done and The Pearl will be launched!!!
Happiness is as close as the nearest Beagle....!

Natasha said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 222 October 11, 2012 1:15 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
What are you Rc, a workaholic? LOL! I must have missed it somewhere, are you building a new house or refurbishing an old one?
327retro said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 187 October 12, 2012 7:50 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
That sounds interesting Rock, but this time out thing I think needs a look at as to why that happens.

Anyway how did you make out with that bubbling problem of yours? Were you able to reroute the vent tubes?

Later buddy.
Be a Flirt Raise your Skirt

327retro said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 187 October 22, 2012 10:45 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Well got Sugar's rear purring again. Took it out for a test run today. Got to love them older Chevy's.
Be a Flirt Raise your Skirt

327retro said:

Joined: Jun 20, 2012
Posts: 187 October 22, 2012 10:51 PM Delete Quote This Flag Private Message
Her Blazer that is you pervs. Hehehe. I know what ya'll were thinking. Hmmm, now that's a thought though.

OOPS, titty in a wringer. Color me Gone!
Be a Flirt Raise your Skirt

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By Skeetz
Moved this over from the Town Hall thread, for what it's worth.

"That yellow '57 Chevy I was showin' off in my propic some time back, had a 327 in it shortly after the pic was taken in '62. After I blew the stock 265 I bought a brand new, 360 HP, solid lifter, Duntov cam, 'vette short block and "slid it in under" the 265 heads. Made the compression ratio even higher than the 'vettes on the street. Thank goodness you could buy 104 octane pump gas in those days, (at thirty some cents a gal.,) to feed the big Carter AFB carb I put on it.

Won a whole lota' street races in that car, was kinda' proud of it."

Grumpy, the 2013 cars look darn good, I think, well as good as they can look, patterned after the modern day shoe box stock cars. I saw 'em on the track at Daytona two weeks ago. You should'a gone up to Charlotte, last week, they had a two day test session with the new cars there.

You gotta get a DirecTV dish Grump, so you can catch the late season action. Speed channel is essential for me, all racing, all the time. You know the Trucks are gona' run on the dirt at Eldora this summer, shown on Speed channel.
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By Skeetz
Helluva' show at the beach yesterday Grump! Smoke won it, but his was the only car that crossed the stripe facing in the right direction. Hornish pushed Smoke to the front but he came across the line sideways in second.

Kyle Larson, new phenom from CA got punted over the wall and thru the fence just before the start/finnish line. Most of the front end (including the motor,) went thru the fence and sprayed the crowd. Right front wheel, hub, spindle and suspension went about 12 rows deep in the stands. Lots of injuries but apparently No fatalities. Could have been really ugly!
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By Skeetz
Oh Jeez, that takes me back to the days of Gov. Moonbeam, the first incarnation. So proud of his austerity, riding around in his infamous "Blue Plymouth" from the motor pool.

Great show yesterday at Richmond, good to see my neighbor, "Happy Harvick," win one for a change. (Well hey, within a hundred miles counts as a neighbor don't ya' think?) Of course "Smoke" went up in smoke again, this is gettin' really old.

Bench racin' all day yesterday for me. We had our annual reunion of old time racers again, the stories get bigger and bolder every year, in direct proportion to the "beer consumption" coefficient. But they're all true, I was there.

Twenty some odd cars, from the sixties and seventies, it's always a fun time. Those where the days!
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KBReunionPics 001 resize.jpg (161.45 KiB) Viewed 200371 times
By Jbe
Grumps, wasn't trying to make you nervous. I just thought it was cool them restoring an old cop car and putting it back in service. The restoration thing made me think of you... and some of the vehiculars you have worked on.
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By Coffjr
Grumpy, what an ending to a race - two wreck in the last lap. I thought for sure Jimmy blew it by going outside but he was the King on the restarts. And damn, a chevy won again :lol: - they sure looked strong.
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By Coffjr
Grump, Danica did do well until the end. From what I hear, Jimmy has been racing with very strong cars - his car looked to be very strong yesterday. And there is an advantage to being up front out of the traffic and wrecks.

Lets not talk about Toyota's - I hate to see them win too. I wish Mopars were still racing, wasn't all that long ago that Dodges were running. Oh and you may be too young to remember (since you are only 39) - wasn't Richard Petty's old number 43 a Mopar? OK, maybe he also drove Chevys but he also drove Mopars.
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By Coffjr
Not to worry Grump, I'd rather pay attention to the lovely ladies here.
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By Coffjr
Grump, did you see Bobby Rahal's five greatest muscle cars?

5. 1964 Pontiac GTO
4. 1965 Shelby GT350 Mustang
3. 1965 Shelby Cobra 427
2. 1969 Chevy Z28 Camero
1. 1970 Plymouth Hemi-Cuda

Almost bought a 1964 goat. Trip carbs with a four on the floor. Just couldn't sell the car I had. Looked at a 65 Shelby GT350 but it was too expensive, now they are out of sight. Lots of clone Shelby Cobra out there - nice car but too much engine for a small car. Don't know about the Chevy, 69 to 70 was a good year. But the Hemi-Cuda is another issue. I had a 1970 Plymouth Cuda but it had a 383 - not a 440 nor a Hemi. It did have four on the four. Wish I still had that car. The Hemi were not built to put on the road as daily drivers, more for the race tracks.
By Jbe
jr, have you ever seen the movie "The Gumball Rally" from 1976? It features a Shelby Cobra. And if you haven't ever heard Bill Cosby's schtick 200 MPH ya gotta listen to it. :lol:
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By Coffjr
John - I have seen the movie years ago but don't really remember much about it, have to seen it again. Cosby is so funny, I never heard this one before but really enjoyed it. Plus his sound effects are great.

I also saw the Steve McQueen truck for sale - his last ride. Sad story, he died way too young.
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By Thumper
Coffjr wrote:Grump, did you see Bobby Rahal's five greatest muscle cars?

5. 1964 Pontiac GTO
4. 1965 Shelby GT350 Mustang
3. 1965 Shelby Cobra 427
2. 1969 Chevy Z28 Camero
1. 1970 Plymouth Hemi-Cuda
I've never been much of a Mopar guy, but the Cuda was world class. I always thought the Charger was a better looking car, though. And I don't understand how the Super Bee and Daytona were left off the list!

Personally, my list would read

Honourable Mention: Plymouth Super Bee
5. 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona
4. 1968 Chevrolet Corvette L88
3. 1968 Shelby GT 500
2. 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429
1. 1965 Pontiac GTO

The Shelby Cobra might have made the list, but there are too many pretenders out there, and even if you have a real one, nobody believes its not a kit. That said, the Lady wants a blue Cobra replica with a 427. She says she could save a ton on batteries just by sitting in the thing at idle!
By Jbe
I was at a car show years ago and was near a Cobra when it was fired up. Man... it scared the shit out of me.

Hey, if you get Lady T a Cobra or a Cobra replica, maybe you can sneak out and get your Ducati while she is enjoying the idle. :mrgreen: :lol: ;) ;) ;)
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By Coffjr
Thumper - great set of cars you selected. I was and still am a MOPAR man - even though I have three Fords right now. I remember when I was buying my Cuda - someone returned a Superbird, they couldn't afford the insurance. I remember looking at it sitting there - it looked fast. It was the same color as my Cuda, lemon twist yellow. I'm not sure why either the Superbird or Dayton are not on Bobby's list. Lots of good cars not listed.

You get that Cobra, you may never get Lady T out of the garage let alone out of the car. I've heard a Harley has the same effect - if set up right. :D
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By Skeetz
While I was thinking about my list of favorite cars, I realized that most of my list would come from a time before the GTO's and Camaro's came into production, (cause I'm old, Damn It.)

I. 1962 Pontiac Gran Prix. (never owned a '62 but I did have a '63, a '69 and a '71)
2. 1964 Buick Riviera. (beautiful ride with a sumptuous interior, Hey, I like luxury)
3. 1969 Corvette StingRay, 427. (a friend owned one, car was Bad Fast but just too small for comfort)
4. 1957 Chevy BelAire. (took my original divers license exam. in one that belonged to a cousin, got to buy my own 18 months later)
5. 1996 Impala SS. (fast, sleek and comfortable enough to ride in all day. Loved the one I owned . . . till the burglars made off with it.)
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By mandadees
1459930_541928395892434_123902413_n.jpg (25.43 KiB) Viewed 196642 times

Just say in! :lol:
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By Coffjr
Oh Manda, you can lick my hammer anytime - oops, did I say that out loud? :oops: I meant the ones in my garage and I won't ask you to leave. Lets see - I have three hammers and one rubber mallet.
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By rockclimber
This is a classic pic you have up, Like a Rolls Royce, Or an ornament on the headlight of a soft tail.....I'm thinking impure thoughts tonight.... ROFL!!!!
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By Coffjr
Hey Grumpy, money has been tight this year. I've not been working that much so no money to spend of projects (toys) but that didn't stop me from looking and getting prices. I just have to walk away from any project cars or what I really want. Like a restro-mod 1956 Chevy or a 1970 Hemi Cuda. Good thing I don't have any place to put one even if I saw it.
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By rockclimber
Hey Paul,
I'm watching 60 Minutes Sports,

There is a show on about Deer Antler Extracts and IGF-1 and acupuncture point stimulation with radiofrequency stickers or "chips." The show is interesting, and smells of hokum but still interesting. I'm curious about the IGF-1 by oral delivery? What do you think bro?
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By 327retro
Well ya'll had to get rid of all my comments from every section of the BB's. Recon I have to get things going on one of my favorite subjects. Other than Sugar and the ladies of course. Best inventions since the Motorcycle & Chevy don't yah know.

Lets see If I can't put something up that you guys may remember from a few years back. One of my pro pic's.
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By rockclimber
Nice tail.......

The car's cool too......

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By Skeetz
Ahhh, yes . . . 1959 was a very good year . . . memories of Janis G. and me, after Elementary school graduation . . .

Indeed, 1959 was a very good year. Thanks for bringing back a very fond memory Grump!
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By 327retro
Sure are Rock.

I recon that hose may very well have some sexual connotations now that you mention it Thinker.

Skeet you ol'fart, how have you been man? 59 huh got to remember I'm only 39 and have no concept of what it was like back then. I hear ya'll had to light a natural gas boiler when ever yah needed hot water an hour before. I do recall the old farmhouse still had a cistern for water. No wonder we've become so soft. ;) :lol:

I mentioned Motorcycles too. So here's a blast from the past. Sadly BSA went out of business in the early 70's. I know most if not all of ya'll aren't bikers, but there's a chick involved. BTW Thinker, recon you could say she's doing a reverse cowgirl. :lol:
BSA Drag Bike.jpg
BSA Drag Bike.jpg (112.46 KiB) Viewed 196215 times
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By Coffjr
Grampy - any comments about today Daytona 500? I didn't have a chance to watch it - was out working.
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By rockclimber
Guys..... JR Won, how can you stay quiet??

Very cool and very fitting too!
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By Coffjr
Too bad Jr ran out of gas on the last lap today - great race!
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By 327retro
Man if that didn't suck! Caught the last 30 laps, was out working on Sugar's Blazer. The fuel pump went out. Grrr!

What happened to Smoke? 2 laps down? Have to check out what that was all about. Then again he always seems to have a slow start at the beginning of the season.

Great week you guys & gals.
By DangerousDi
Retro327: I think gals posing on motor cycles are sexy pictures. Good find.
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By 327retro
Hi DDi, thanks. To say I'm partial to scantily clad or nude ladies with Motorcycles or Hot Rods would be an understatement. I'd be changing up my pro pic more too if it weren't such a pain in the butt to constantly resize every thing, every time VW changes format.

My main computer keeps screwing up so it's hard to put stuff up. Don't know what it is with HP computers but can't seem to get more than a year and a half out of these overpriced pieces of crap. Not another dime for any product of theirs.

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By rockclimber
Retro, try Malwarebytes and run a scan for malware.

http://www.malwarebytes.org/lp/lp4/?utm ... |be|pdv|c|

Im using Webroot for my antivirus and it seems to keep the machine running ok.

I bet you have critters in your OS.......

Malwarebytes is a free trial; run it a few times for the trial period and see if it helps, I used it but didn't feel a need to buy it after the trial.
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By rockclimber
Samsung Note 4 or iPhone 6+?

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By FastFive
iPhone always.

Not because I think it's better than anything else.... not because I think Apple is some sort of superior company.

Simply because it works perfectly for me, does exactly what I want and need, and having had one for about 6 years already I see no reason to jump into something new when I have zero reason to change.
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By 327retro
Hi Rock,

I looked for Gearheads a few weeks ago. I either missed it or it was so far back got frustrated in looking for it. Never the less I had McAfee at the time. It did warn me about sites I shouldn't go on and did catch some viruses, but my not quite 2 year old $700.00 dollar HP crashed to blue screen. I'm back on my antique. I'm using Avast & McAfee, Yes I know using two programs isn't a good thing but... Avast seems to be catching more than McAfee. I'm not as savvy as some of you are on this stuff.

All I know is if I spend my hard earned money I what things to last. I've had a Whirlpool washer for 20 + years, Broke down about 3 year ago. Bought a $10.00 part and still working. Guess what my two sons will purchase through out there life time. Same thing with Chevy. Easy to modify, parts are cheaper. Get rid of the computer crap and you have one heck of a truck. Cars??? BORRING! Sorry, the redneck can out Think about it. There hasn't been a good mussel since the late 60's early 70's. Till recently, retro Camaro, Mustang, Vett, Mopar. High Tech yes, retro non the less.

Phones? I have a cheap Wolly World phone, prepay. It's used to make phone calls, or an emergency. What a concept!

When your in the shitter and have to take a call there's something very wrong in that scenario.

That's my two cents for what it's worth. :roll: 8-) :)
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By Coffjr
Grumpy - agree with the American Muscle Cars and they are all retros. Can't really work on them with electronic this and electronic that.

I have an old flip phone - nothing smart about it......BUT it does exactly what I want and need. If there is an emergency - I'll use it. I have no long distance on my land line (yes, still have a land line for local calls) - I'll use the cell phone. I don't give that number out as a return call number - I use my land line with an answering machine. I do text or receive text messages. I don't need a phone for GPS locations and I don't need to access my email away from my computer. Nor do I need computer access or games. I know smart phones are nice to have and for those who need them, they provide what is required but not for me.
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By rockclimber
Hey did anybody have as much fun as I did last night?

I had to work all day but I had a great evening speaking of, did anybody catch that Clemson Florida State game?

Winston managed to get himself kicked out of the game like an idiot I hope he learned his lesson . Fortunately Florida State managed to pull it out at the end and capitalize on some luck. The backup did alright I think.

Either way, a win is a win is a win. Soon the real sport will begin, hockey! Ha Ha!
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By Coffjr
Rock - I was too busy watching my San Jose State Spartans blow their game against Minnesota. Can't win a game when you turn the ball over 6 times...or was it 7 - I lost count. I did tune into the Florida State game to see the score.

Hard to tell if Winston learned any lesson. Only time will tell.
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By 327retro
Jr., Man you got that right! It was expensive enough to restore or hotrod an old buggy but damn! you need a laptop and special programs to tune a car now. If you have a good copilot they can tune the damn thing while driving. Or retune it at a rest stop. Technology is a good thing, sort of. Computers crash, programs go haywire, even HEI's have a chip. Give me a good old points or mag ignition system. Number 2 son has the gearhead bug, he's been watching some guys from Hot Rod magazine called Road Kill I think, on youtube and other rodding venues. Some amazing stuff but no thanks. Computers, software, chips and programs crash! What do you do in the middle of Bumble Screw Nevada when that happens and no cell phone signal?

ROCK, you piss ant, go ahead rub Clemson's lose in. :P They do have a problem after a win, they get a big head and screw up for at least 3 games afterward. I didn't catch the game, I only have antenna reception. I listened to the race @ Louden on the radio. Darn good race although none of my boys won they at least move up in the chase points or maintained there standings.

The Panthers didn't do so well either come to think of it. I haven't checked in on the Dolphins lately though. They've been my pro team since the late 60's early 70's Would love to see those glory days come back. well executed clean games back then. (sort of)

Later ya'll
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By Coffjr
Grump - I was watching a fight the other day when it turned into a car race or was it bumper cars? :lol:
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By 327retro
Man what the heck was that all about? Keselousyski playing bumper car at the end of a race putting every one in danger. Tony put a stop to that when the punk kid hit him. Now Tony gets fined $25,000? WTF? The punk gets fined only $50,000 and not flagged for the next few races. Worse of all the little bastard wins today.

At least Danaka showed some stuff today. Go Stewart/Hass. Pissed that Jr. & Johnson are out. Oh well, maybe next week Lousyski will get his up comings.

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By FastFive
... all proving once again why I gave up watching NASCAR years ago.
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By 327retro
Don't quite get your comment FF. Racing is a very competitive regardless of the style. Tempers flair, be it motorcycle, road, cross country or what ever. Head to head competition brings out the best of the best in most cases.

In this case Tony was just sitting there and got hit for no reason. I think Tony was well within his right to retaliate. Tony was fined $25,000 & more for his actions sadly... The prick deserved what he got at the time for what he did.
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By FastFive
It's not the racing style that is the problem... it's the unbalanced officiating.

It's how NASCAR often "encourages" certain behavior from it's drivers, regardless of safety or common sense.

It's the random Yellow Flags for "debris" that nobody sees... that seem to coincidentally be thrown when certain drivers just happen to be in the Lucky Dog slot.

And that whole rule (the Lucky Dog pass) is utterly lame... has been from Day 1.

Little things like that irk me.

Racing should be competition first, and entertainment second. NASCAR, on the other hand, is just one small step away from pro wrestling.
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By rockclimber

I'll admit I don't follow it, my dad does to the point of ridiculous. I did see Jr. and the Orange County Chopper people at an event once just to smile and nod at each other though. And I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn Express!

I'll have to ask him his thoughts on the rules?
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By Coffjr
Fast - If I was going as fast as those cars were traveling - I've want to make sure the track was clean and I didn't pick up any debris to flatten my tires. I think the yellow flags are required and they usually come out only after an incident.

I'm not sure about "the Lucky Dog pass". I don't see where it hurts anyone.

As far as unbalanced officiating or NASCAR encourages certain behavior - I'll leave that for Grumpy to comment on. He has more expertize on that issue.
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