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By Jbe
Fast, thanks for the clarification. I am pretty computer illiterate.

Grumps, I think contris are generally up about a month but for some reason the flash photos don't stay active where you can comment on them for very long at all. I don't know why...

Had good weather for rafting, Grumpy.
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By FastFive

Don't forget that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

http://www.talklikeapirate.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Top Ten Pickup lines for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day

10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

8. Come on up and see me urchins.

7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if I fired me cannon through your porthole?

4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.

2. Well blow me down?

And the number one pickup line for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is …

1. Prepare to be boarded.
Bonus pickup lines (when the ones above don't work, as they often won't)

They don’t call me Long John because my head is so big.

You’re drinking a Salty Dog? How’d you like to try the real thing?

Wanna shiver me timbers?

I’ve sailed the seven seas, and you’re the sleekest schooner I’ve ever sighted.

Brwaack! Polly want a cracker? … Oh, wait. That’s for Talk Like a PARROT Day.

That’s the finest pirate booty I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Let's get together and haul some keel.

That’s some treasure chest you’ve got there.
And for the Lady Pirates:
10. What are YOU doing here?

9. Is that a belayin' pin in yer britches, or are ye ... (this one is never completed)

8. Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!

7. So, tell me, why do they call ye, "Cap'n Feathersword?"

6. That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!

5. Aye, I guarantee ye, I've had a twenty percent decrease in me "lice ratio!"

4. I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs!

3. C'mon, lad, shiver me timbers!


...and the number one Female Pirate Pick-up Line:

1. You. Pants Off. Now!
Yes ma'am! :mrgreen:
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By rockclimber

Working on lengthening the flashes and allowing comments for an extended period is one of the topics I brought up with Leo.

Any suggestions anyone has for helping me make the argument, would be appreciated.

I personally think the ladies that choose to post in the flashes, if treated properly and encouraged, could be invited to make further posts and full contri.

I honestly don't think most users realize what a community there is here. There are actually two, the RC sidewhich has a completely different flavor and these forums here. I've had this conversation a few times with my friend. Jedi. they really are two different beasts both are fun.

The value of these forums I think is as a way to introduce people to the community to look and explore further.

If I were the owner, I would want to encourage that because it's just a stepping off point to purchasing memberships in all the different sites.

besides where else can your average Joe Schmo such as myself enjoy the company camaraderie of so many beautiful and wonderful women.
I will always remember the day I got the first invitation to come here and peak...... :mrgreen:
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By honora
Rock, remember the last Ass Flash (<<<say the last few words 5 times straight; I bet you can't!) that I did with my friend Harley? Well she told me she would have put more up on her own had it not archived within a week. She did enjoy the comments that came but I think she got disappointed it was so short lived. So I'm just backing your argument that it would encourage more participation if they stayed up longer.
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By rockclimber
haha, I just tried that I made it to four !

How could I forget Harley! How's she doing? See? Precisely my point. You've made the argument for me! It's actually more confusing to access them once they go off. If you have a fun bags account you cannot even access those recent ones through fun bags. You have to go into the main page and look for the flashes and then access it there, I am not sure why they're set up that way. It really does not make a lot of sense and I'm sure it's something that can be corrected. I intend to bring the subject up with Leo and Diego ASAP.

give Harley a big slap and tickle for us! And you can tell her I love that crazy ass tat!

OK let me try again,

Last ass flash last ass flash last ass flash last ass flash last ass flash! Damn that must have worked I didn't even have to autocorrect haha last ass flash....... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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By honora
And make a search box that you can type in a model name, to make it easier to find more pics from a particular person.

Ok random pic here but I think this is SO cool 8-) Can anyone explain this one? I saw it while out and about and it leaves me confused. There was no visible rainbow arch in the sky around it. And besides that one area to the left of the rainbow, it was very sunny day with no rain in sight. Anyways, just thought I'd share :D

Hope you all are having a great day!!
IMG_0955.jpg (1.1 MiB) Viewed 16509 times
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By rockclimber
Honora, that's a beautiful picture. I'm going to take a stab at it. Maybe it's a contrail and an updraft of warm air has thawed the ice crystals in that portion and caused the refraction?

Or perhaps the rainbow comes from the nearness of hotness?

http://contrailscience.com/aerodynamic- ... contrails/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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By FastFive
Shoot... My secret is out.

(Or, damn... that's what I've been doing wrong all thus time. :| )
image.jpg (20.67 KiB) Viewed 16493 times
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By FastFive
Extremely cool pic honora... I've never seen that happen before. I've seen contrails, wingtip vortices, etc... never a rainbow in one though.
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By rockclimber
I took a stab, then looked it up. I think the presence of warm moist air causes the effect. I've seen similar but never gave it this much thought lol. Nature's beauty is incredible isn't it?

Here's a nice seduction one.....we should all be so lucky......

IMG_20140921_211932.jpg (270.16 KiB) Viewed 16490 times
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By rockclimber

I had a long post earlier that I lost. You are so right about the rapid drop off.

And to expand on your thoughts on the search function, I think it would be nice to have all the flashes searchable in the same search engine.

By that I mean the tit, ass and RC flashes should be searchable from one search box. Adding in the explicite will serve as a marketing tool and simplify searching.

Having them findable from one spot is valuable. I know if a girl has a contri, her flashes will come up in search with her contri. I do not think the flashes are searchable in that engine by Model name or contributor. Unifying the database this way would be nice. One thing about the old flashes, you could go back and add comments and vote indefinitely.

The contest of course was over but so what? The viewer gets to vote and the satisfaction of doing so. Then they can continue to comment, which satisfies both contributor and fan.

I'll have to try the search for a flash that way. Trying to search alphabetical or by date is less user friendly.

The search by name function should include possible alternate spellings as well. One thing about flashes, there are a lot of same named flashes.

Now let's see if I can post without deleting.....

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By honora
Was catching up more on older posts and saw the Bond movie conversation going – apologize for the out of order opinion but figured I'd throw mine in anyway. :geek:

The fact of the matter is that the 007 franchise was in dire need of a reboot/slightly new take. I'm a die hard 007 fan myself and even I started to feel that the last couple Brosnan movies were too comic-booky and over the top puns/one liners. Not to say that 007 movies haven't always pushed the boundaries of willing suspension of disbelief, but Die Another Day (while an homage) to all things Bond (gadgets, one-liners, exotic locales, villians with an unusual trait, etc...) started to feel to be almost a parody on it itself. I actually enjoy Brosnan in the role of Bond, but I echo his statement that he made on wishing that the Bond series would go for an R rating and display the world of spy vs spy as grittier and more serious. I think he would have been fantastic in Casino Royale or Skyfall.

The 007 series is the longest running and most successful film franchise in Hollywood history. Even so audiences were finding better thriller/spy movies with Bourne, Mission Impossible, and some of the Tom Clancy movies. Daniel Craig's Bond is the boiled essence of the Bond character. Different from Connery's Bond where he was a charming but deadly agent who could manage a good quip. Craig is a deadly agent and more cold to the world. A ruthless lethal weapon who, until he met Vesper, in Casino Royale viewed women as a source of information only and a means to get the job done. I enjoy the more serious tone and feels that echoes what really happens in the world today (terrorist cells and cyber terrorism where the MI6 must now face a new enemy than the state-represented ones during the cold war).

I understand how some may long for the “old” Bond like those who prefer the “old” Tim Burton-esque Batman. Looking back at the movies made during their decade you can get the feel for the style and message they were trying to convey for that time. I think as Craig's Bond continues to evolve over the next 2-3 movies, you may find a perfect balance between new and old 007.

If not, then just wait for the next actor to take 00 status along with a new director. Every actor has put his own mark on the map who longs for Martinis, girls, and guns.
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By honora
Hmmmm that rainbow pic does seem like it could be a contrail now that I've looked it up, but it's still a wonder :D

Rock, a search box for all submissions would be a great idea. If there are more than one model with that name or very similar and shows all of those, it would still be a whole lot better / easier than what is on there now.

Fast, I have a feeling you are not doing anything wrong when it comes to seducing a woman ;)
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By mandadees
Hey there,

I haven't followed the threads too closely but I'm with you Honora, Craig is really good in the Bond role.

Lethal! :lol:
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By mandadees

I love that sunset pic. I am so there!

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By FastFive
honora wrote:The 007 series is the longest running and most successful film franchise in Hollywood history. Even so audiences were finding better thriller/spy movies with Bourne, Mission Impossible, and some of the Tom Clancy movies.
I suggest that the Bourne movies were the reason why Bond had to change actually. They more or less set the tone for 'modern' spy movies I feel.

Mission Impossible? Now there's a movie franchise with a serious identity crisis. :lol: The first was pure, old-school, Cold War spy vs spy. Dead drops, safe houses, double agents, subterfuge (which I really liked because it felt closest to the original TV series). The second was a freakin' Kung fu film with *cough*artistic*cough* gun play, exhausting amounts of slo-mo, and fluttery white doves (ie: textbook Jon Woo :roll: ), while the third finally delivered on its potential (which is what happens when you give JJ Abrams the reigns).
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By FastFive
That should have read "I'd suggest"... Oops
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By FastFive
honora wrote:Fast, I have a feeling you are not doing anything wrong when it comes to seducing a woman ;)
I think my "love life" (imagine that in finger quotes... because that's about the only place it exists) might disagree with you. :|
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By Coffjr
Honora dear, you can always throw in your opinion - on any subject anytime. And I agree with you, the Bond franchise was getting to be too many quips with a comic book look. I like the action in the Craig movies.

By the way, if you ever want a partner to lay with you on a blanket under the ***** and try to figure out shapes or natural occurrences - I'm your man. Now I am talking about shapes of ***** of course. :lol:
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By rockclimber
This is entirely off topic...

But there is a public threat made by ISIL directed towards Americans at home and abroad, and specifically, towards military families.

I would urge each of us to pay attention to our surroundings and possible threats.

Be aware and if there is anything that feels out of place, make that 911 call.

For example,

This last year at FF, I chose not to walk the parade and remained in the crowd with a good friend, a retired undercover narcotics officer, we both noticed an individual who didn't fit. We looked at each other and both felt something wasn't right. I chose to call and in under fifty seconds we had six armed officers and firemen on the individual. They moved him from the busy corner by sloppy Joes and next we knew they and he and his bags were gone. I have no idea if we were right but they did not just let him go.

Be aware. Have a plan. Protect.

We can do no less.
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By 327retro
Great photo of a fire **** Lil'Red.

Those are Cirrus ***** somewhere around 35,000 feet. Pretty darn cold up there, the moisture from up drafts begins to freeze into ice crystals at that altitude. When the suns rays hit them just right they act as a prism giving your rainbow effect. As Rock pointed out; The wonder & power of nature never cease to amaze me.

I see them all the time, they are a thing of beauty.

Some times I even see them around the fire pit, if ya hold the mason jar just right. :lol: (sorry, sick puppy got out of his run again) :roll:
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By 327retro
Sadly I didn't take this photo, but have seen a few Fire ***** like this. Just as the ladies here it and they are a thing of amazing beauty.

Later ya'll
Fire Cloud.jpg
Fire Cloud.jpg (79.23 KiB) Viewed 16748 times
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By rockclimber
good morning grumpy,

I like your explanation a whole lot better!whether it's a **** or a contrail it's still beautiful!
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By rockclimber
as for the word *****, some a****** made up a website that has the word ***** in its name.

I noticed a little while ago it does not print out here in the forums.
Lets just hope the a****** stays in his own site and doesn't screw with this one anymore.
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By honora
Fast, then there is something wrong with them ;) Anyways, whatever it is you wish for, I truly hope you get it.

Jr. I have a very fond memory of laying on a blanket in the middle of a field with a someone special from my past and watching the action in the sky as a meteor shower rained down. It was amazing and your comment brought that memory back and made me smile...

Grumpy that pic is beautiful! Thank you for explaining!!

They really need to bring back that "blowing a kiss" emoticon!
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By Thinker
Hi everyone! It has finally gotten cooler here in NC. Got the windows open. Going to sleep well tonight. Would be perfect to have a certain someone to cuddle up with!
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By honora
Thinker, a little over 11 hours since the last post and we both post at the exact same time! Well at least to the minute 8-)
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By rockclimber
Obviously great and beautiful minds think alike then! 8-)
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By FastFive

*silently heads off to take a cold shower*
User avatar
By FastFive
honora wrote:Fast, then there is something wrong with them ;) Anyways, whatever it is you wish for, I truly hope you get it.
Yes, well... :|

Thank you for saying that though. :oops:
User avatar
By Thumper
honora wrote:With the latest talk of the Ass section, I thought what the heck might as well moon some people again

http://www.voyeurweb.com/flash/ass/view/3169283" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

It looks so.....big! :lol: :oops:
Big my ass!
freakin gorgeous is more like it!
I love the little pussy peeking out the bottom. It's just begging for two fingers and a tongue! (slurp! Slurp! YUM! )
maybe even get the pinkies involved with a little "shocker" action?

great, now I won't be able to stand up for at least 20 minutes!
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By mandadees
Oooo sooo sexy sweetie!!!

I left a note, you are just so hot! LOL!

xoxoxo You look fabulous!!!
two kisses for each cheek!

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By Coffjr
Honora - looks real good from my angle! Would love to place a few sweet kisses on selected parts as Manda said.

Cold shower is in order - room for two - care to join me?

Sounds like a new theme - next! No males need to submit - my eyes are still burning from the towel pics. :lol: Just kidding.
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By mandadees
Can you do my back Jr?

Hmmm??? :oops:

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By 327retro
honora wrote:With the latest talk of the Ass section, I thought what the heck might as well moon some people again

http://www.voyeurweb.com/flash/ass/view/3169283" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

It looks so.....big! :lol: :oops:
To big??? It's perfect! Those frillies remind me of icing on a bunt cake. I just happen to have some icing in the cupboard. ;) :) :oops:
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By rockclimber
honora wrote:With the latest talk of the Ass section, I thought what the heck might as well moon some people again

http://www.voyeurweb.com/flash/ass/view/3169283" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

It looks so.....big! :lol: :oops:
Indeed, question answered...... Decidedly so!

I would wax eloquently about that Oh so perfect ass.... but words escape me....

I'm just going to sit here and..... Mutter dahmmm.....

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
User avatar
By honora
Awww thanks for commenting guys (and Manda)! You all really great at making me smile :D Fast, every time I see your video clip is still makes me laugh!

Grumpy, it does kinda look like icing! The OCD in me wants to untangle all of the strings and make them all nice looking :lol:

Happy hump day!!
User avatar
By FastFive
honora wrote:Fast, every time I see your video clip is still makes me laugh!
It's really a pretty accurate depiction of me every time you post a new pic. :oops:
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By rockclimber
honora wrote:Awww thanks for commenting guys (and Manda)! You all really great at making me smile :D Fast, every time I see your video clip is still makes me laugh!

Grumpy, it does kinda look like icing! The OCD in me wants to untangle all of the strings and make them all nice looking :lol:

Happy hump day!!
The pleasure (esp Thumper's, he he.... ) is entirely ours!! I think it would be tie on whose smile is wider though..... I'm sure. I'm not the only one thinking it will certainly help get through Hump day with a bounce and grin !

Fast, loved the gif, my sentiments exactly!
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By Coffjr
Hi Manda - anything you want, I'm UP for it....I did say that out loud, didn't I? :oops:

Of course - back rubs, gentle back manipulations (yes, I can put the thoracic spine back into place - they don't call me doctor jr for nothing), warm and wet kisses up and down the back to even the backside - depending on how low you want it. :D Now why don't you get undressed and lay down here on my table - in the supine position (on your stomach if you didn't know). And don't worry, I'm a professional......yeah, right. :lol:
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By Thinker
Honora, you cannot post that Ass Flash and then tell us Happy Hump Day! Unless you are wanting to be the humpee... Me first!
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By Coffjr
Oh and Manda, since living in California and to observe the drought we are having - I try to do my part on conservation and shower with a friend. Now just turn around and I'll get your back. :)
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By 327retro
Glad to hear about the good weather John. Is this the same trip you took a few years back or did you hit a different section this go round?

FF; man that's a great gif! Certainly says it all when the ladies show there beauty & charms here.

Rock; as far as contrails go, they're generally to small to produce the rainbow/fire effect. However, the longer you can see a contrail means there's lots of moisture up there. Watch for rain or a storm.

Now back to Lil'Red and straitening her icing! ;) :D
By Jbe
Grumps, this trip was to Washington state. I've been trying to make it up there at least once a year. I think the trip you are talking about is when I rafted the Grand Canyon in 2011. Jeeez... where did the time go?! :?
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By rockclimber
Glad you had fun John, we certainly did here!

Grump, either way the rainbow is gorgeous. I think it is as likely as not a contrail in a warm high humid atmosphere as ****..

I've seen them here before on contrails.

Both phenomenon are amazingly beautiful. The red sunsets I had in Nantucket were so beautiful too.

I love sunrise the best. When all is quite and the sun rises and lights up the dew or early frost on the ground. Or steam rising on the lake at mornings first light, the sudden disturbance of a fish strike or turtle......

Nature tops a lot of things you can spend time on IMO. Not COFFettes though, no time spent with them is a waste lol!

Back to work now..... :ugeek:
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By 327retro
Jeeez is right man. And I was thinking of the Grand Canyon trip, had forgotten you go up that way regularly. Hope you put up some pic's.

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By mandadees
Waves to grumpy XO :D

I had to say hi before bed. Image
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