Political discussions about everything
In September, as Hurricane Lee threatened Nova Scotia, the esteemed Forbes was ensconsed on a ship off Halifax and pondering his destiny.

As his noble brow furrowed in deep thought, he contemplated the many issues of the day and -- as ever -- sought enlightenment deeper than Voltaire could have imagined.

In NYC, the taxpayers are paying for the laundry which illegal aliens are having done on their behalf.

Socialism and illegal immigration have destroyed the late, great golden state, and the others will slowly follow down the same dismal path if Soros' son has his way, and said son has been meeting with cackling Kamala.
New Info Shows

johnny, never mind that your post is bullshit. It'[…]

Impossible Whopper

This afternoon, after a long hike on a hot and hum[…]

Walz Dancing

I think Clown has stooped to the dreaded Haiti Spe[…]

Correcting the ABC Fact-Checkers

Apparently the idea has been to flood pro-Republic[…]

There are some bodacious bodice-rippers there, alo[…]

21 Lies

Mr Forbes, despite his tan and taut physique, is a[…]

Emotional Support

Dana Walden, a Disney exec with oversight of ABC, […]

Save the Kittens

You can't lick a good kitty discussion. For sure,[…]