Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
Uh oh....johnforbes is lost in the past again.

Why can't he post anything that isn't two or 30 years old?

Is he really so afraid to look at the Republican clown show going on today? (Things that make you go "Hhmmmm...")
By johnforbes
The past is prologue.

Those who forget old Johnny Carson shows are doomed to never appreciate their deep contribution to the onward march of western culture.
By Clownkicker
All I know is that as much as we would love to forget johnny's pointless, hypocritical, and out-of-context histories of his beloved past where he still lives, I know we are doomed to repeat them every few days whenever johnny stirs spasmodically from his general myopic political fog.

It's much like visiting Grampa at the home each week.
By johnforbes
Interestingly, McMahon was actually a pretty substantive person.

He trained as a pilot during WW II, and few combat missions in Korea.

Like Carson, he went to college and that show wasn't bad for people up at that hour.
By Clownkicker
McMahon was very funny and talented in his own right.

One night Carson had his writers come up with some original tongue twisters to spring on Ed that Ed hadn't seen before taping. He thought it would be funny to hear Ed slip up a few times.

McMahon proceeded to read them correctly at high speed multiple times without any mistakes. I tried to repeat them more slowly after hearing them and I couldn't even come close. They were very tricky. Ed was extremely good at his job, both as an announcer and as a side kick.

Many of Ed's off-the-cuff comebacks were as funny as Carson's ad libs. You could tell that, as much as Carson liked him, Carson wasn't too happy when Ed got the bigger laugh.
By Clownkicker
You were just told how funny he was.

I don't think you understand how that Tonight Show joke goes.

You don't ask that question AFTER someone already gave you the answer, dummy.

You're confusing it with Carson's "Carnak the Magnificent" schtick.
By Clownkicker
How dishonest and dimwitted is johnforbes?

He's so dishonest and dimwitted that he is characterizing an abosolutely non-political and non-ideological post as being "leftist" somehow when it isn't leftist by any stretch of the imagination. Thus, his 'joke' isn't funny at all.

In other words, johnforbes simply doesn't understand Carson's humor (or ANY humor) any more that sillydummy does.
By johnforbes
Kidding aside (but not for too long), Arthur Koestler wrote a fascinating book entitled The Act of Creation, which related in part to what things are funny and why.

We return you now to your regularly scheduled tomfoolery.
So Much Winning!!!!

I knew this thread would be here, lol . Anyway, no[…]

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^^^^^^^^Look at 'im squirm.^^^^^^^^ When johnforb[…]

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