A place to share your sexy stories
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By Solstice2006
One summer afternoon , in a house we used to live in , I decided to lay outside on our private patio out back . The house was almost all glass in back with several sliding doors and a film on the glass to keep the solar heat and light down inside .You could see out with no problem but seeing in was difficult .

So I'm laying out there reading and getting some sun in my loose shorts and before long I guess I fell asleep . At some point my wife comes out and seeing I'm asleep she decides to have a little fun . She somehow slipped my cock out without waking me and proceeds to start sucking my soft dick . Obviously I'm enjoying my dream of getting my cock sucked and became fully hard .

At some point I awake and figure out it's not a dream . She doesn't know I'm awake yet so I just enjoy her expert blowjob . Finally I couldn't take just lying there and reach for her pussy taking her by surprise and she jerks my stiff dick out of her mouth looking at me somewhat surprised . I start to slide her shorts off to find she's not wearing panties and she just grinned at me .

She swings a leg over me and plants her moistening pussy on my face so we can enjoy each other . This goes on for a while until she decides she wants my 8 inches in her pussy . Who am I to object so she mounts me and we start fucking like teenagers She had a couple shuddering orgasms and I'm getting ready to cum in her when she jumps off , stands me up , and starts sucking me like she's starved for my cum .

At this point I should mention that the patio is surrounded by fairly tall shrubbery on the three sides except for two openings on the ends for entry . She's on her knees sucking like her life depends on it as we're right in front of the glass walls when my knees buckle and I start to unload a massive load of cum in her mouth . She never stopped sucking and moving her mouth up and down the length to get everything I had . She worked for it and wanted it all . She finally stops when she's drained me and we stand up to go back inside both still naked .

As soon as we opened the door we hear " Hi guys " . WTF ? There on a bar stool sits a friend of ours .
"Been here long"I asked
"Not long , well maybe a while " he said .
In the meantime there we stand bare assed in front of him frozen in place . My wife is standing there pussy gaping from fucking and she tries to cover her tits ! " Like what you see " she asked him .
"Beautiful and hot " he says .
"Glad you like it " she replied and she walked off to put something on .

"So how long you been sitting here " I asked
" Well, from when you were 69ing .
"Enjoy the show ? " I asked .
"Pretty hot , she likes sucking you doesn't she " he said
" One of her favorites " I said .

She returned wearing a tiny bikini that was barely worth wearing and walked up to him and asked
" What was your favorite part of the show ?"
" Besides just seeing you naked you mean " trying to sound polite and complimentary and not piss her off any more .
At this point she notices the head of his cock sticking out the leg of his shorts . She points at it and says
" I can tell you liked everything you saw "
He got embarrassed and stuttered ...." Well I could tell you both enjoyed yourselves and you finished it real good "
At this point she leaned over and put her hand on his hard cock and said
"I'm glad you liked what you saw " and gave his dick a squeeze making his eyes bug out and she walked away .

"What did you stop by for anyway " I asked .
"I don't remember " he said .
" OK see you later " I said and he left thru the open garage door where he had entered .

"Quite the interesting afternoon" I said when he was gone . " Kinda hot " was all she said with both of us knowing she always thought he was pretty hot himself .
"We should invite him over for some hot tubing some night " she said.
I knew she just wanted to see more of his obviously big dick than just the head .
" Sounds like a great idea to me , what's for dinner ?"
By AnonAnon
When I was dating my wife, she used to like to have sex outdoors on a second floor deck that was visible from small windows of at least three houses alongside and across from the back alley. Even in the dark, it felt so public to me that the first few times I literally crawled out on to the deck so they wouldn’t catch a glimpse of my face. She had no such inhibition, always getting on top and bending forward while penetrated so any neighbors looking on with binoculars probably got a great look at her pussy with my dick in it. After we were done, she would often sit on her haunches leaning against the house wall with her pussy fully exposed to the house alongside. On Saturday mornings, I would make her a cup of coffee to wake her up and she would often provoke me by just walking out with it in the nude and drinking it on a sofa bed out on the deck. After a few weeks of dating her I realized that if the door to the deck were left open, which it usually was, and her bathroom door was open the neighbors could see her showering every morning and they probably did. Once I got used to it, I stopped thinking about it even when I was in the shower with her and things got playful. It was just a way to add some fun to an otherwise mundane activity.
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