Open Discussions about the site
By RalphGhe
Has anyone ever recognized a friend, neighbor, co-worker or relative on this site? What did you do, say?
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By Shilden_72
I've never recognised anyone in there as I'm not from the US, but if I ran into racy pictures of a colleague or friend, I would stay quiet as not to create problems.
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By fastglass427
Not form this site but my wife said she had some JO approach her when she was out with her gf saying he recognized her from naming the other site, he wasn't very discrete or cool about it if he was she would have handled it and him much differently to his benefit I'm sure. Being the fast thinker she has always been she glanced at one of the barmaids who she knows from being a regular giving him the hey this guy a jerkoff look, even when she said excuse me I have no idea what you're talking about he didn't give up so she slapped him almost knocking him to the ground (side note my side is a 4th-degree blackbelt and former martial arts instructor within a second there were 2 monsters grabbing him by the shoulders escorting him out the door. Her friends were sitting there like WTF just happened and commented on what an A-hole the guys was, one even said you of all
She told me that if he was more of a gentleman she may have given him an
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By fastglass427
We fully understand the risk involved which is part of the excitement but always with a blurred face but we both believe we know the picture he may have recognized her from one of her standing topless next to her new car we agreed that he had to have recognized the background images or who knows how if he had simply said I recognize you from Gunnison our local nude beach things would have been totally different as she was spotted first by a couple one evening at one of the local places we frequent I was parking the car when I walked in seeing her chatting with this very nice couple who even said to me so nice to see you again hope you two enjoy your evening. I looked at my wife and just apologized saying I'm sorry but where she responded before I could finish oh they go to Gunnison too not wanting to be rude we invited them to have dinner with us, so being recognized in the circumstance was fine but regarding posting her pictures which we do with a lot less frequency these days we do not post any pics with the possibility of recognition. We both agree that if the encounter is tasteful it can be very titillating but if she was in your wife's position she would most likely do the same
By Jocko64
My wife spent a 4 day weekend with her long time FB, she was 54 at this time, they had been FB's for several years but we had moved. She went to Atlanta to meet him. He had flown in to be with her and see his brother who lived there. This is what she told me on return home.
First night and day there they spent the day in bed sucking and fucking her loving his fat 9 1/2 inches, on second day there is a knock on door about 9 am, turned out to be his brother. He came in, wife said she was naked under covers so stayed in bed. Her FB talking to his brother and her at same time and asked her to give him sex, she was like are you kidding? He said we can do threesome, I would like that. She has done threesomes several times with me so after a few minutes she said OK.
She said she was hungry and wanted some food so FB says OK lets get dressed and go eat. She got out of bed , is naked so now the brother sees her whole body and she at 54 was and still is firm all over (good genes) , she and FB take shower together and dress and the go for food. They had a breakfast where the served booze so she had couple bloody Mary's to boost her ego.
Back to hotel suite, where they all stripped and get on king bed. FB brother asked if he could take pics of her she said no I don't have a mask he said he had one she could wear (came prepared) . For the next couple days she sucked and fucked them both many times. On second day, brother wanted her ass, he was smaller than FB and she had some alcohol in her and said OK but slow. He lubed her good she said and slowly entered her anal cavity and dumper a load there. Her FB wanted to try it and she said you to big but he convinced her to try. After a few minutes of trying he entered her and took about 8 inches she thought and he said he had her almost all the way in?? Bottom line was brother was taking pics . We have never seen any posted, he also have taken some movies, she says 99% of time she had face covered ??? One thing I can say is she came home sore in all holes LOL
Age 58 here!
Age 58 here!
MVC-109S.JPG (41.61 KiB) Viewed 35421 times
By sillydaddy
Years ago my job took me and my crew out of town....One night we all decided to visit a strip club....
As soon as I walked in I recognized a pole dancer, a girl from high school... Never mentioned it to my friends
because knowing those guys they would have mobbed the club...Nope and I never approached her either...
I never went back... :O
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By fastglass427
Well an update is in order, my wife and I were out for dinner a week ago at a place we hadn't been to in quite some time so we thought the change of pace would be nice. We were seated by avery nice, very pretty young lady who took our drink order. We were making small talk when out waitress came to take our order and introduced herself we placed our order and before we could ask for refills she said you two have around of drinks coming. Oh and she looked towards the bar and there was a very nicely dressed woman seated alone at the bar and she raised her glass to us and we raised ours back in thanks. My wife said one of your old girlfriends maybe, ah no I thought she was someone you knew. Now we are both extremely bad when it comes to remembering names, so after while racking our brains my wife said I can't stand it and got up and walked over to her. The two smile and exchanged pleasantries form what I could tell and were talking for a good 15 minutes and she was clearly checking my wife out form top to bottom and was looking directly admiring her cleavage with a smile while doing so and my wife had that sort of look when she blushes and I could clearly read her lips saying thank you. Our waitress came by and I said she is busy socializing, she said yes the woman said she recognized her but didn't say where from. Eventually they both looked at me smiling. I figured oh crap. My wife smiles at her and they give each other a little hugh and cell phones out exchanged numbers apparently and a peck on the cheek .

My wife returned to the table her smile was beaming, I asked well apparently you two know each other what work, or did you two go to school together. She casually said no she recognized me from saying the name of a website where her picture has been posted who knows how many times by not just yours truly but by her as well. I almost spit my drink through my nose, what and she proceed to tell me the her new friend loved to check out women on these sites just like men do. I smiled at her and asked would you like to invite her to have dinner with us. I already did but she declined too bad was my reply. Thats ok we're going to meet for drinks one night real soon :O
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By Jocko64
This goes way back, I was working for a guy who was President of this big auto dealership, I was the guy who took care of all house deals. One time he says that he going to meeting out of town for three days and tell me he wants me along all expenses paid. Asked me if I wanted a girl for the weekend? I am like what do you mean? He had collection of good looking call girls (escorts) and said he would get one for me. He did and when I picked her up and she got in car, we were both shocked, I had dated her in HS. He had paid her 300 bucks for the three days and I used hell out of her in every hole for those days. It was awesome, she had being doing this for about 1 1/2 years, husband out of work and she making big bucks. In todays money it would have been at least 3 grand. I saw her a few times after.
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