Open Discussions about the site
By VWPublicRelations
I think there are those who can see all that like yourself, a whole bunch of others on this BB, and a whole bunch more who only email me but do not go on the Boards.
By Steve57
VWPublicRelations wrote:
Steve57 wrote:Hell of a first introduction to vw!

It'll be good to have it all back; other sites are nowhere close to the quality. Even vc looks like the photos have been pasted up there with some thick varnish or glue or something.

Fuckem. Looking forward to the relaunch, and of course, your tits.


All this talk about my tits - I hope I will not disappoint you guys. And I hope that those who want to see them truly like large boobs-- because mine are huge! Well - to me they are huge because I wish they were smaller- "D" Cup in Victoria Secret's Bras

Wear a smile and some earrings and nothing else and everything will be juuuust fine.

I am happy to preview for you, just so you know...
By VWPublicRelations
FAQ wrote:
VWPublicRelations wrote:--snip--
but I know that there is enough of you out there to know that 4 weeks in the big scheme of things, especially in the big scheme of 15 years of uninterrupted service is not a bad track record at all. But I know and relate to your frustrations as well. I am frustrated and I never even knew VW existed before I was hired for this position.
Ask someone who has had daily sex, maybe multiple times a day, for 15 years, to go celibate for a month and no clue when he will ever get back to having it daily. You start thinking about other means to release.

You drive the same car for 15 years, and suddenly it dies on you, and your mechanic tells you it'll be a month or longer to fix. You start thinking about other transportation.

You work for an employer for 15 years, and then decide to not show up for a month. Think your job will be there when you get back?

Loyalty carries you so far, but in the modern age, "What have you done for me recently" prevails.

Just when where you hired? Post-June9th?
I was hired on June 9.
I have had daily sex, not for 15 years, but for about a year once with a former boyfriend. When it stopped, it was hard to adjust but I still did not give up on having other relationships which did not have the daily sex. And then, after a short while, I met another guy whom I had daily sex with for about 3 years.
Life throws many curves to people. I am just saying that some adjustments, down time, celibacy, along the way is not the end of the world. We are here, responding, interacting, taking the punches, and giving some back. We have not abandoned you and we never will!
VWPublicRelations wrote:
FAQ wrote:
VWPublicRelations wrote:--snip--
but I know that there is enough of you out there to know that 4 weeks in the big scheme of things, especially in the big scheme of 15 years of uninterrupted service is not a bad track record at all. But I know and relate to your frustrations as well. I am frustrated and I never even knew VW existed before I was hired for this position.
Ask someone who has had daily sex, maybe multiple times a day, for 15 years, to go celibate for a month and no clue when he will ever get back to having it daily. You start thinking about other means to release.

You drive the same car for 15 years, and suddenly it dies on you, and your mechanic tells you it'll be a month or longer to fix. You start thinking about other transportation.

You work for an employer for 15 years, and then decide to not show up for a month. Think your job will be there when you get back?

Loyalty carries you so far, but in the modern age, "What have you done for me recently" prevails.

Just when where you hired? Post-June9th?
I was hired on June 9.
I have had daily sex, not for 15 years, but for about a year once with a former boyfriend. When it stopped, it was hard to adjust but I still did not give up on having other relationships which did not have the daily sex. And then, after a short while, I met another guy whom I had daily sex with for about 3 years.
Life throws many curves to people. I am just saying that some adjustments, down time, celibacy, along the way is not the end of the world. We are here, responding, interacting, taking the punches, and giving some back. We have not abandoned you and we never will!
That is what I am saying, too.

You got thrown from one relationship, and "after a short while" you found another means of release. No loyalty to your former bf? Oh, that's not the case. Complex relationships and all. I do understand. So it is with the viewers and VW. Complex. For whatever reasons, VW has thrown them. By your posts, the owner decided not to return VW piecemeal. That means the delay is intentional to some degree. A cold business decision to not give the masses some relief.

Is it a surprise some have gone looking elsewhere for what VW once had? Will VW require a loyalty oath to keep viewers and contributors from straying? I don't think so. VW's new reality is that many will frequent both sites. The new VW will constantly be compared to the "good old days," and it is impossible to compete with memories.
VWPublicRelations wrote:
annarbor wrote:How can my Redclouds membership be canceled by a differnet site? My membership is with VW, I do not understand your statement.

Your RedClouds Membership is not canceled by another site. What happens is this:
6. What really happens is that he voids out the prior membership duration and only gives you 100 days after which he sends you request to pay to continue your membership
I'm getting more confused with every clarifying post.

VC accepts an RC membership. They have you change your VC password on their VC servers. Presumably, their VC servers have no connection to the RC servers. How in the world did that end up with "voids out the prior membership duration" with RC?

Seems to me, the user still has a contract with RC for the time remaining on his RC membership plus the promised 100 days. Whatever was done on the VC servers ought not affect anything to be done on the RC servers, right?

If so, the user still has his full RC membership plus 100 days, and he has whatever time VC is offering. Best of both worlds?
By Leadfingers
VC accepts an RC membership. They have you change your VC password on their VC servers. Presumably, their VC servers have no connection to the RC servers. How in the world did that end up with "voids out the prior membership duration" with RC?

Seems to me, the user still has a contract with RC for the time remaining on his RC membership plus the promised 100 days. Whatever was done on the VC servers ought not affect anything to be done on the RC servers, right?

If so, the user still has his full RC membership plus 100 days, and he has whatever time VC is offering. Best of both worlds?
That's been my understanding from day one.
By notoptimistic
I'm not a computer guy. I'm a "normal" american male that enjoys looking at beautiful women and talking with other people of similar interests.

Here's what I know...
-I have paid for an annual membership to Redclouds.

-As of early June, there is no RedClouds.

-I have perused this bulletin board to determine what the problem was.

-After reading "official updates" I have been promised many things but none delivered.

-I read about e-mail solicitations coming from another "competing" web-site but I have not recieved any of these emails asking me to join the other site.

-I just visited this bulletin board to see WHEN I would have access to what I have paid for. I again was met with more promises.

-EXACTLY one minute after leaving the forum I recieved one of the solicitation emails from ********.

-REALLY? is this purely coincidental???? EXACTLY 1 minute later an email from the "other" site!!! As I said before, I'm a simple guy. I don't know about computers or the in's and out's of operating a "membership based web-site". I DO have some common sense though. My common sense tells me that something is really fishy about this whole deal.

-My experience in business has shown me that when you continually recieve broken promises and there is a "he said, she said" going on, the end result is usually not in your favor. I hope I'm wrong...
By Yuxxx
FAQ, there is one thing you are REALLY good at...and that's being confused. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that you do not read posts all the way through before you go off half-cocked on people about their posts.

If you had read and comprehended what Kate had already posted on this subject before you posted, you wouldn't be least on this one subject.
By ezdancerx
I have a question. I read that our old user names and passwords were void. However, I logged on here with the old username and password. How can this be?
Thanks Dancer
By unhappycamper
i was one of the loyal and we re too contributors but since i asked to get my money back i never got an answer from PR ....

after i gave Katherine my datas .....

seems it s time to see with my Visa company .....

good luck to you loyal members for you wait ....
By drskippy
Yuxx, there's no reason or excuse to be insulting to FAQ

I've read the explanation and am perfectly capable of comprehending every bit of it, but I'm still not clear how accepting VC's offer wouls "void" anything on VW.

I'm a loyal fan, sitting and waiting for VW to come back, and not interested in following the individual who not only decided not to play nicely, but also took *everyone's* toys with him when he left.

in other words, quit being a dick and wait patiently like the rest of us.
By VWPublicRelations
FAQ wrote:
VWPublicRelations wrote:
annarbor wrote:How can my Redclouds membership be canceled by a differnet site? My membership is with VW, I do not understand your statement.

Your RedClouds Membership is not canceled by another site. What happens is this:
6. What really happens is that he voids out the prior membership duration and only gives you 100 days after which he sends you request to pay to continue your membership
I'm getting more confused with every clarifying post.

VC accepts an RC membership. They have you change your VC password on their VC servers. Presumably, their VC servers have no connection to the RC servers. How in the world did that end up with "voids out the prior membership duration" with RC?

Seems to me, the user still has a contract with RC for the time remaining on his RC membership plus the promised 100 days. Whatever was done on the VC servers ought not affect anything to be done on the RC servers, right?

If so, the user still has his full RC membership plus 100 days, and he has whatever time VC is offering. Best of both worlds?
What I am saying is that after 100 days, once you are lured in, he says oh no that other membership that I was going to honor for a year, is not valid, I gave you 100 days and now you need to sign up-- by virtue of engaging in that is what voids out the membership that everyone is believed to have when they first sign on and change that password. Don't you see that. He invites you in thinking that you will have whatever membership days you have now, and plus 100 days, and then after 100 days he says oh no, you need to pay now-- so really you do not reap any benefits from any honoring of any membership from vW- all there is him being able to get you hooked on, steal you as a member, and get you to spend money again, after 100 days -- that is the deal. Of course, his servers are not connected to ours. Of course, this process has no impact on VW- I am just telling you how his scheme of stealing the VW traffic is going to play out-- lure everyone in making them believe that their remaining membership days with VW will be honored over there but then drop the bomb on them after 100 days, and tell them that they have to pay again- whereas here at VW your remaining membership days will 100% honored plus an extension of 90 days.
By VWPublicRelations
ezdancerx wrote:I have a question. I read that our old user names and passwords were void. However, I logged on here with the old username and password. How can this be?
Thanks Dancer
You must have logged onto his site. You cannot sign on to anything that we have right now with your old username and password. Email me at so that I can show you in more detail why your old log on info is compoletely non functional on anything VW has.
By VWPublicRelations
notoptimistic wrote:I'm not a computer guy. I'm a "normal" american male that enjoys looking at beautiful women and talking with other people of similar interests.

Here's what I know...
-I have paid for an annual membership to Redclouds.

-As of early June, there is no RedClouds.

-I have perused this bulletin board to determine what the problem was.

-After reading "official updates" I have been promised many things but none delivered.

-I read about e-mail solicitations coming from another "competing" web-site but I have not recieved any of these emails asking me to join the other site.

-I just visited this bulletin board to see WHEN I would have access to what I have paid for. I again was met with more promises.

-EXACTLY one minute after leaving the forum I recieved one of the solicitation emails from ********.

-REALLY? is this purely coincidental???? EXACTLY 1 minute later an email from the "other" site!!! As I said before, I'm a simple guy. I don't know about computers or the in's and out's of operating a "membership based web-site". I DO have some common sense though. My common sense tells me that something is really fishy about this whole deal.

-My experience in business has shown me that when you continually recieve broken promises and there is a "he said, she said" going on, the end result is usually not in your favor. I hope I'm wrong...
I will bet whatever you want that this is purely coincidental because they are doing a mass email out right now- because they know that we are coming back live. Whatever you want, I will bet. Email me at Nothing fishy from our end. Absolutely not. You are wrong and I know you are wrong. Email me and I will show you the numerous forward emails I am getting from others showing the mass email that is being sent out by the other site today- an effort to salvage whatever they think they can-
By drskippy
Thanks Katherine,

That's a better explanation. I get it now. It's a version of the old "bait and switch" gambit.

I appreciate the response.
By Argonaut
FAQ wrote:
VWPublicRelations wrote:--snip--
Is it a surprise some have gone looking elsewhere for what VW once had? Will VW require a loyalty oath to keep viewers and contributors from straying? I don't think so. VW's new reality is that many will frequent both sites. The new VW will constantly be compared to the "good old days," and it is impossible to compete with memories.
[/quote]Well, who knows if this site will ever come back to life. Shit, man, we've heard nothing but excuses and missed dates for well over a month now; meanwhile, the competing site is up and running. One is providing entertainment, one is offering us nothing but requests for loyalty to a fucking porn site when we only know one side of the story.

Execute already, bring the fucking site back up and make sure that everyone has access, and then we can finally make up our own minds based on more than just vague excuses

How is that complicated or unreasonable? If your users fire you for your incompetence by moving away from the site, you've brought this onto yourselves.Just maket this happen already.
By VWPublicRelations
Txrings wrote:Katherine, I emailed you all of the emails I have received at the new addy,
And I emailed you back, did you get my emails?
By VWPublicRelations
Argonaut wrote:
FAQ wrote:
VWPublicRelations wrote:--snip--
Is it a surprise some have gone looking elsewhere for what VW once had? Will VW require a loyalty oath to keep viewers and contributors from straying? I don't think so. VW's new reality is that many will frequent both sites. The new VW will constantly be compared to the "good old days," and it is impossible to compete with memories.
Well, who knows if this site will ever come back to life. Shit, man, we've heard nothing but excuses and missed dates for well over a month now; meanwhile, the competing site is up and running. One is providing entertainment, one is offering us nothing but requests for loyalty to a fucking porn site when we only know one side of the story.

Execute already, bring the fucking site back up and make sure that everyone has access, and then we can finally make up our own minds based on more than just vague excuses

How is that complicated or unreasonable? If your users fire you for your incompetence by moving away from the site, you've brought this onto yourselves.Just maket this happen already.[/quote]

I have no words for this. It is just pathetic. 4 weeks downtime because of the actions of a thief, over a 15 year time span of uninterrupted service is a phenomonal track record. If you cannot see that, I do not have words for you. And we are doing everything to bring it back. It is a massive site and requires a lot of things to be in place.
By Xraven77
notoptimistic wrote:I'm not a computer guy. I'm a "normal" american male that enjoys looking at beautiful women and talking with other people of similar interests.

Here's what I know...
-I have paid for an annual membership to Redclouds.

-As of early June, there is no RedClouds.

-I have perused this bulletin board to determine what the problem was.

-After reading "official updates" I have been promised many things but none delivered.

-I read about e-mail solicitations coming from another "competing" web-site but I have not recieved any of these emails asking me to join the other site.

-I just visited this bulletin board to see WHEN I would have access to what I have paid for. I again was met with more promises.

-EXACTLY one minute after leaving the forum I recieved one of the solicitation emails from ********.

-REALLY? is this purely coincidental???? EXACTLY 1 minute later an email from the "other" site!!! As I said before, I'm a simple guy. I don't know about computers or the in's and out's of operating a "membership based web-site". I DO have some common sense though. My common sense tells me that something is really fishy about this whole deal.

-My experience in business has shown me that when you continually recieve broken promises and there is a "he said, she said" going on, the end result is usually not in your favor. I hope I'm wrong...

It is not that hard if VC has someone watching this board in order to take mmore members

Look at the bottom of this page it shows a number of people logged into the forum

Click on one then choose to send the user an email and copy and paste you canned message
By Argonaut
Argonaut wrote:
FAQ wrote:
VWPublicRelations wrote:--snip--
Is it a surprise some have gone looking elsewhere for what VW once had? Will VW require a loyalty oath to keep viewers and contributors from straying? I don't think so. VW's new reality is that many will frequent both sites. The new VW will constantly be compared to the "good old days," and it is impossible to compete with memories.
Well, who knows if this site will ever come back to life. Shit, man, we've heard nothing but excuses and missed dates for well over a month now; meanwhile, the competing site is up and running. One is providing entertainment, one is offering us nothing but requests for loyalty to a fucking porn site when we only know one side of the story.

Execute already, bring the fucking site back up and make sure that everyone has access, and then we can finally make up our own minds based on more than just vague excuses

How is that complicated or unreasonable? If your users fire you for your incompetence by moving away from the site, you've brought this onto yourselves.Just maket this happen already.
I have no words for this. It is just pathetic. 4 weeks downtime because of the actions of a thief, over a 15 year time span of uninterrupted service is a phenomonal track record. If you cannot see that, I do not have words for you. And we are doing everything to bring it back. It is a massive site and requires a lot of things to be in place.[/quote]How is it pathetic to expect you to execute on the promises that you've made and the dates that you've committed to? You have no credibility in this matter atthis point -you've offered literally nothing to cause us to believe that anything you say is true. Nothing. Just a wiki that is apparenty screen scraped to hear all the talk on this board.

Please give me one reason - just one - to believe your assertions. I keep hearing this is a massive site and that you're working hard to bring it back. But you've missed every date that you've publicly given us. We've had nothing but vague assurances from you that you're working hard. I'm sure that you and your whole staff probably are working hard. I'm sure you don't enjoy being flamed by some stranger on the Internet. But there has been absolutely nothing publicly available to show any actual progress to your users.

I'm sure there are sections of the site that are less complicated than others, free pages that don't require login.

I'm sure that if Amazon was down for 30 days, no matter the circumstances, they would have users who are equally pissed off.

All props for allowing my message to post, though.
By Xraven77
Sherlock wrote:Explain to us PR Katherine why you receive thousands of supportive emails a day and yet there has been only a few real supporters who actually believe what you say. The thousands of daily emails seems to be another lie. Pathetic.
Perhaps those supporters do not feel the need to log on the forums and act like as you and Igors supporters have been through this whole thing
I expect many like me have better things to do then be a forum troll
Argonaut wrote:
FAQ wrote: Is it a surprise some have gone looking elsewhere for what VW once had? Will VW require a loyalty oath to keep viewers and contributors from straying? I don't think so. VW's new reality is that many will frequent both sites. The new VW will constantly be compared to the "good old days," and it is impossible to compete with memories.
Well, who knows if this site will ever come back to life. Shit, man, we've heard nothing but excuses and missed dates for well over a month now; meanwhile, the competing site is up and running. One is providing entertainment, one is offering us nothing but requests for loyalty to a fucking porn site when we only know one side of the story.

Execute already, bring the fucking site back up and make sure that everyone has access, and then we can finally make up our own minds based on more than just vague excuses

How is that complicated or unreasonable? If your users fire you for your incompetence by moving away from the site, you've brought this onto yourselves.Just maket this happen already.
VWPublicRelations wrote:I have no words for this. It is just pathetic. 4 weeks downtime because of the actions of a thief, over a 15 year time span of uninterrupted service is a phenomonal track record. If you cannot see that, I do not have words for you. And we are doing everything to bring it back. It is a massive site and requires a lot of things to be in place.
You might want to work on getting the quotations correct.

Also, you can stop using the phrase of "a 15 year time span of uninterrupted service". Not true. When the "new VW" rolled out, the site was down for several days, circa 2003.
By redruggers
VWPublicRelations wrote: <snip>
I was hired on June 9.

Can you tell us a little bit more about this?

You have said that you knew nothing about this site before taking the job, and that it was the first job you interviewed for after arriving in Tampa from New York.

It seems quite a coincidence that you were hired on the very day (also a Saturday) that Igor -- without forewarning as far as we've learned -- departed the scene.

Was this a publicly advertised position? How did you hear about it? This is a company with, if their own claims are to be believed, something along the lines of 1.5 million paying subscribers and thus annual revenues well over $30m. Not huge, but not insubstantial. Certainly a major web presence in amateur porn, so evidently this wasn't an area you had previously paid attention to.

They never seem to have had a public relations director or, as you first announced yourself, a web spokesperson, before this. When you interviewed (prior to June 9th) what sort of a job did they tell you it was going to be? Why did you want to take it?
By oberon3
Txrings wrote:OK, here is what is bothering me. I got the solicitaton email from VC at my old email where I started my RC. I ignored it because I really want RC back! Friday, I sent an email to Katharine about reinstating my account. This was sent from a totally new email addy. I got back a very nice email from Katharine followed quickly by the same solicitaion email from VC. They would have no way of getting that email. How did that happen???

Well that one's easy. Because they know they don't have a site, they're trying to scare people away from VC, because they know anyone who goes there is never coming back. We all know the email originated here and has been flogged as a scare tactic to help steer people away from the fact that all that's left here is the poor janitor, Katherine, who someone forgot to tell to 'turn out the lights when you leave'.

Glad I could help.
By ezdancerx
Cathrine I will not email you directly, I think this needs to be done in public. In order to make this post, and my previous one, I had to log in. I did so using my old username and the password that went with it. I am on the Voyeur Web site. I have not logged in else where and don't care to. I just want to know how am I logging in?
Thanks Dancer
By Xraven77
oberon3 wrote:
Txrings wrote:OK, here is what is bothering me. I got the solicitaton email from VC at my old email where I started my RC. I ignored it because I really want RC back! Friday, I sent an email to Katharine about reinstating my account. This was sent from a totally new email addy. I got back a very nice email from Katharine followed quickly by the same solicitaion email from VC. They would have no way of getting that email. How did that happen???

Well that one's easy. Because they know they don't have a site, they're trying to scare people away from VC, because they know anyone who goes there is never coming back. We all know the email originated here and has been flogged as a scare tactic to help steer people away from the fact that all that's left here is the poor janitor, Katherine, who someone forgot to tell to 'turn out the lights when you leave'.

Glad I could help.
Ah another of Igors guys

You should not generalize. It makes you look like a tool. Not everyone who visits VC likes it so much that they never come back.

Case in point I have visited VC a few times over the last 4 weeks and guess what. It is not even as good ad VW was before Igors fucked it all up

If VW puts their site back up and it is even equal to what it was prior then I can't say I'd go visit VC again. At least with VW I did not see them ever reposting old pictures as new like VC has done often
By oberon3
ezdancerx wrote:Cathrine I will not email you directly, I think this needs to be done in public. In order to make this post, and my previous one, I had to log in. I did so using my old username and the password that went with it. I am on the Voyeur Web site. I have not logged in else where and don't care to. I just want to know how am I logging in?
Thanks Dancer
That's easy. This website has none of the old information. This brand new BB will take any username / password combination. Now that you have thoughtfully provided them your previous RC name / pw combo, they have added yours to their database. Hopefully you don't use that password anywhere else.
By VWPublicRelations
ezdancerx wrote:Cathrine I will not email you directly, I think this needs to be done in public. In order to make this post, and my previous one, I had to log in. I did so using my old username and the password that went with it. I am on the Voyeur Web site. I have not logged in else where and don't care to. I just want to know how am I logging in?
Thanks Dancer
I was not trying to hide anything by asking you to email me privately. It did not seem like a Board issue especially that I get thousands of emails telling me they cannot log on with their old log on info-- I mean that is part of the 70% of the topics on the emails. I do not know why your old password is working- first of all you have to sign in with an email to this Board, then you get an activation message to your email- did that happen? If that happened, then you would use the automated password, and then have the option to change to a more practical one. I will go and look your username up right now on the admin panel- and it is Katherine or Kate
By VWPublicRelations
ezdancerx wrote:I have a question. I read that our old user names and passwords were void. However, I logged on here with the old username and password. How can this be?
Thanks Dancer
Just checked out your sign on info. You signed up for this Board on June 23, 2012 at 3:22PM - you put in all of your info including your email and now it works. Whether you put in the same info as you had for your log on to VW previously, I have no way of knowing but you went thru the process of signing up to this Board, gave an email address and put in a password and now you can post-- what is sinister about this again??????? If you wish to email me privately, I can show you the screen page where it clearly has an email address for you and you can verify whether that belongs to you. So, I do not understand at all what your point here is. These sort of discussions do not belong on the forum- this is a technical issue about your email and if you think there is something sinister about it, there is not.
By Skarredmind
VWPublicRelations wrote:
ezdancerx wrote:I have a question. I read that our old user names and passwords were void. However, I logged on here with the old username and password. How can this be?
Thanks Dancer
Just checked out your sign on info. You signed up for this Board on June 23, 2012 at 3:22PM - you put in all of your info including your email and now it works. Whether you put in the same info as you had for your log on to VW previously, I have no way of knowing but you went thru the process of signing up to this Board, gave an email address and put in a password and now you can post-- what is sinister about this again??????? If you wish to email me privately, I can show you the screen page where it clearly has an email address for you and you can verify whether that belongs to you. So, I do not understand at all what your point here is. These sort of discussions do not belong on the forum- this is a technical issue about your email and if you think there is something sinister about it, there is not.
Hehe she nailed you on that one dude. I know Katherine thinks I am more upset than I am (at least that was the way it seemed when she responded to an earlier post of mine)... but this one is about where it needs to be for her position. LOL Got a smile out of me at least Katherine :)
By Skarredmind
Oh, and the reason some are getting mails from the other site after being on this board is because your email address is set to show... look on one of your posts in the right column if you see a little mail envelope you need to shut your personal details off from showing...

Now, I would think that, by default, this should be off on a board like this. First off its an adult website and I imagine that MOST people don't want their personal info (if not necessarily their personal parts) broadcast out to the world. But secondly it gives the other guys a really easy place to harvest email addresses to shoot out their offers.

Just sayin.
By MikeyR
I'm just concerned for all those poor women who are not having their needs to be viewed naked and commented upon fulfilled. :shock:

If the need becomes too great, you can always send something directly to me and i will give considered, constructive feedback, with complete confidentiality and totally free of charge. :idea:
By shonnx
what if you only have 20 days left, then igor looks like a good deal, not sure how many people bought memberships this week or for the last month while this crap and lying is going on on when its going to be back up and running
from jacktripper, member since 98
VWPublicRelations wrote:I suddenly realized that this thief is actually asking many of you to give up your 1 year membership with Voyeurweb to gain a a 100-day free membership with him. Just imagine that. Give up 365 days of membership for a 100-day free membership. It took me a while to see through this but I am so glad to see that none of the loyal Voyeurwebbers are falling into his trap.
How can any site oblige me to give up a 365 days membership on your site (how can anyone have a 365 days membership anyway since you've been down for more than 30 days now)? :?

Can you read the future? No one can possibly have come to the end of the 100 days free membership... How do you know what will happen then? :o

You are stating as truth something you just made up in a marketing meeting in order to scare members and try not to lose them. :x

This is pathetic. :cry:

On the other hand you promised a 90 days free extension, does this mean you expect your site to be down 90 days? :geek:
jharlowj wrote:What you all have done in this short time is outstanding,
What exactly is outstanding so far?
The BB?
The Wiki?
The promises?
The erased topics?
Please explain, I would be delighted to learn something outstanding happened on this site since meltdown :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
VWPublicRelations wrote:
annarbor wrote:How can my Redclouds membership be canceled by a differnet site? My membership is with VW, I do not understand your statement.
6. What really happens is that he voids out the prior membership duration and only gives you 100 days after which he sends you request to pay to continue your membership
7. End REsult: Say you have 300 days left on your membership at the time he lures you in to sign on to his site. You do so, thinking that you will now have 300 plus 100 free days. But the reality is that after 100 days, he asks you to pay again-- ignoring the 300 days of membership that you had already paid for with VW.
8. So he lures you in, thinking that you will have 300 days plus 100 days, and then tells you after 100 days, you need to pay to sign up again for membership
Again, can you tell the future? How do you know what's going to happen after 100 days? :shock:
VWPublicRelations wrote:This is the reason we deactivated all of the old username and passwords from our members because all those who would realize that this was a scam after 100 days would be coming back to our site to recoup their membership after using his site.
You mean you don't want your members to use their membership until the end if they went on the other site??????????????? :o
But they did pay didn't they, you owe them/us this membership period ;)
You don't have thee right to cancel anyone's membership whatever they've done! :twisted:
How would you know anyway, do you need your members to swear they'll never go/been anywhere else before you grant them the right to benefit from their remaining membership? :evil:

Now, who is the nice guy?
By AnaverageJoe
I have been a member of on and off since well before Da House days it seems VC knows my email and has recently proved that. To quote a old phrase "Are you going to Cowboy up or just lay there and bleed" lets just get it done. Keep in mind I almost never post about stuff like this so if I am posting it's not good. I mean really it's just a freaking porn site and if it dies I will still wake up and the sun will still shine so either be upfront with it ie: "we have had a lot of laughs fuckin with you all" or get it up and running either way I don't care just pick one
By VWPublicRelations
AnaverageJoe wrote:I have been a member of on and off since well before Da House days it seems VC knows my email and has recently proved that. To quote a old phrase "Are you going to Cowboy up or just lay there and bleed" lets just get it done. Keep in mind I almost never post about stuff like this so if I am posting it's not good. I mean really it's just a freaking porn site and if it dies I will still wake up and the sun will still shine so either be upfront with it ie: "we have had a lot of laughs fuckin with you all" or get it up and running either way I don't care just pick one
By notoptimistic
Xraven77 wrote:
notoptimistic wrote:I'm not a computer guy. I'm a "normal" american male that enjoys looking at beautiful women and talking with other people of similar interests.

Here's what I know...
-I have paid for an annual membership to Redclouds.

-As of early June, there is no RedClouds.

-I have perused this bulletin board to determine what the problem was.

-After reading "official updates" I have been promised many things but none delivered.

-I read about e-mail solicitations coming from another "competing" web-site but I have not recieved any of these emails asking me to join the other site.

-I just visited this bulletin board to see WHEN I would have access to what I have paid for. I again was met with more promises.

-EXACTLY one minute after leaving the forum I recieved one of the solicitation emails from ********.

-REALLY? is this purely coincidental???? EXACTLY 1 minute later an email from the "other" site!!! As I said before, I'm a simple guy. I don't know about computers or the in's and out's of operating a "membership based web-site". I DO have some common sense though. My common sense tells me that something is really fishy about this whole deal.

-My experience in business has shown me that when you continually recieve broken promises and there is a "he said, she said" going on, the end result is usually not in your favor. I hope I'm wrong...

It is not that hard if VC has someone watching this board in order to take mmore members

Look at the bottom of this page it shows a number of people logged into the forum

Click on one then choose to send the user an email and copy and paste you canned message
I understand that, however, I was not a registered user of the forum. It wasn't until I read the updates and got the email EXACTLY 1 minute later that I even registered so that I could make my original post.
VWPublicRelations wrote: IT IS UP AND RUNNING!
What are you talking about Katherine ? :o
Oh here it is, good news indeed, let me check it out thoroughly. :D

But I still await your answer for my questions above !
By freegirl
Someone has just pointed out to me that funbags/redclouds is now opened for a period of time to non members.

I used to post on Redclouds but relide on only members seeing them, I,m worried about the whole archive being open to the public.

Can you confirm that these wil be limited to members again straightaway
By Vivienf
Is it so painfully slow because so many are trying to find the pictures of Katherine's tits or because someone has stolen the fast servers?
By capet
Hey VW Crew,

First of all, thanks for getting everything back up, including funbags. However, not to sound ungrateful, but I have to ask where are all the old features on Funbags? It looks like a very old version (one that was in use some time last year), with no search and inconsistent layouts. This is all well and good, but without search the site is pretty useless. I also have to wonder, what this means for the additional features that were promised since most of your current rhetoric revolves around content recovery and manually uploading old photos. VW has been pretty static for the last few years in terms of updates (some design changes, the aforementioned search on funbags, and format changes for video uploads) and I really hope that this won't be the future statusquo. Also, why aren't any of these sections password protected? That seems like a really glaring problem. Anyway, I would really like a more formal public response as to what's going on here. I know that things are in flux and I know deadlines are arbitrary and slip, but just a statement acknowledging problems in a honest way would do a lot to put my mind at ease...

Or at the very least, making the old BB available, so we can start rebuilding the great community that was once here and has been left in the cold for far too long.


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