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Orlando Pulse terror attack

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:32 pm
by tvd
Well, as most of you know I live in Central Florida, where Orlando is located, as well as the shrine/mecca known as Sanford, Florida (location of the death of Trayvon "Thug" Martin.)

(We got good stuff going on....)

But the news down here is nothing BUT stories on the upcoming anniversary of said Pulse nightclub shootings.
They are on it 24/7 hourly gushing over these dead faggots.

So, it occurred to me.....I wonder how many cases of AIDS were prevented by the simple fact that there were 49 fewer faggots in this world?

I know Clown must be sighing a sigh of relief...Grog too....because the statistical odds of some AIDS bug crawling up both of their individual asses must have gone down.....

Now who was it that said they knew more about statistics than me...who was it....OH was Elkindoofus.

So Elk...what delta occurred in the overall worldwide AIDS case numbers due to the elimination of 49 fags?

Cacalate dumbass.....