A place to share your sexy stories
By Tualatin
She had flatly denied that there was any truth to the rumor of her having a sexual relationship with her coworker, Brian. Brian, for lack of a better word, was a sleaze-ball. The idea of her boss taking advantage of a young woman, my then wife, two decades younger than he, was something that I could get my mind wrapped around. I could not tolerate the idea of this little weasel fucking my beautiful blonde then wife during our separation or before. This weasel had nothing going for him. He had thinning hair, bad breath, and a mustache that never quite filled in. It was beyond any possible belief that Chris would allow this – creature – to fuck her. It would have been an unbelievable mismatch in terms of looks, although, as I was coming to believe, not a mismatch in terms of low moral character. Obviously, if Chris appeared to have the morals of an alley cat, all bets were off in terms of any moral compunction I felt in seeking payback. I kept imagining this skinny gnome pumping what I imagined to be an equally skinny cock into Chris’ tight blonde pussy. His repulsive physique, long sinewy arms, narrow chest, and leering, gap-toothed smile, were all the more unattractive when I imagined him with my petite blonde, feeling up her perfect, flat stomach, fingering her tight wet pussy, spreading her taught, fit thighs…. Just thinking about it drove me mad.

Over the years I've come to know a number of people in the real estate office where Chris worked, or should I say, had worked. After the separation, I had steered clear of her place of business. And, I had not been back since our divorce, since Chris had lost her job there, since Chris has been reduced to financial desperation. As I entered the office, I was pleased to be greeted by number of people who have known me during my marriage to Chris. A number of the women there, as you might expect of real estate sales agents generally, were quite attractive and quite sympathetic since they saw me as the faithful husband betrayed by a slut of a wife.

I was glad that I had waited until that moment to come by – I was dressed in a long black cashmere overcoat, a dark jacket, crisp white shirt with the top two buttons open, tight jeans, polished loafers, and, just to add to my confidence, I had driven up in a new Infiniti. The divorce had left me financially intact and Chris had foolishly signed off the property settlement with nothing more than me assuming some of her credit card debt. I must also say, that my confidence was also augmented by the fact that my cock was still sticky from having fucked the tight, thin, straight black pubic haired twat of Mei, my Asian playmate half my age. I was not going to go in like the cuckolded ex-husband of their former colleague, damn it. There is life after divorce. The best revenge is living well.
By Tualatin
I could hear the murmurs, both those directed to me and those that wafted to my ears. “Hey man, you look great,” Bob, one of the junior brokers said, “I guess divorce isn’t treating you too badly.” In the background, an exchange of women’s voices: “I can’t believe she let that go.” “Isn’t that always the way?” I felt confident and content. I exchanged greetings with a few and emerged a few minutes later with a coffee date with Veronica, a recently separated forty-plus brunette (think Courteney Cox looks), who I had always thought had a strong sexual attraction to me. As I was leaving, Bob said, I thought, a curious thing, that stuck with me: “Man, I just have to say, I always thought you were a stand up guy, you’re better without her. She traded down, man, way down.”

As he walked me through the parking lot, he joined me in my new car to check out “the new wheels.” I pressed him for more details and, without prodding, it came out in a torrent. “No offense man, but you’re well rid of her, as hot as he is. I can’t believe the shit she was pulling for that fucking weasel, Brian.” (I wasn’t the only one who saw the rodent in him, I guessed.) But, what followed left me thunderstruck. Bob didn’t seem to know anything about her affair with his and Chris’ boss, the old hairy bastard who I had caught pumping her on hidden cam, but he had seen her cavorting with the fucking skinny freak, Brian. Hell, he had accidentally walked in on them while Chris was on her knees with her blouse unbuttoned, giving Brian a blow job, or as Bob said: “half stripped in the store room, giving him head.” Apparently their indiscretions were legion. Brian, in front of others, while standing behind Chris, would rub his tummy as if to say “mmmm-hmmm” then flick his tongue between his fingers held in a V-shape, implying cunnilingus on Chris. He was as grotesque and uncouth as you could imagine. He would grab Chris’ ass and pinch her tits when he imagined no one could see – but, of course, it was clear what had transpired to all. The women apparently thought he was gross and that Chris was a whore.

I took Bob for a drive, pretending to be interested only in showing off the car’s performance, but undertaking my investigation diligently, seeking first hand testimony. I pretended that nothing surprised me when, in fact, each painful revelation erased whatever remaining affection I had for my ex-wife. Apparently, when caught in the store room, Brian had simply pressed Chris further down on his cock. Chris was on her knees with her back to Bob, and Brian simply gave a broad smile, big wink, and mouthed “Be cool.” Bob told first hand reports that had to be given credence. Like how Brian had borrowed the keys to the van they used to move furniture to help stage residential properties, transparently asked Chris to “give him a hand” and had emerged twenty minutes later, disheveled, and when he returned the keys had said, pumping both fists back while he grotesquely thrust his hips forward a few times, “Yeah, man, primo married blonde pussy.” “Not cool, man,” Bob said to me.

Brian was no gentleman. He bragged of his conquest and had even shown Bob some photos he had taken on his what no longer state of the art Nokia camera phone to prove it. Bob had seen pics of Chris, showing her enhanced breasts, her mouth taking in his cock, and, Brian’s favorite, his long, thin dark haired cock and balls pressed into Chris’ natural blonde pubed twat. Bob said, “He was all about asking me if I’d ever had golden blonde married pussy.” “Not cool, man,” Bob said, “not cool.”

Brian apparently took special delight in his blatant sex play and in sharing details with Bob and others and describing what he was doing with Chris. Them being caught in the open house with Chris having cum on her bangs was no surprise to anyone. They were so blatant and disruptive and indiscreet that both had been fired after the boss had spoken to them and tried to straighten things out. (Of course, I knew that one of the boss’ counselling sessions had taken place in my house over lunch with him fucking my blonde wife every way he could think of.)

I learned, to my amazement, when trying to get the timing down, that Bob had seen Brian and Chris sitting beside one another on the wall bench on one side of the table during the company luncheon the year before (!) and Brian’s hand pushing between Chris’ thighs and under her skirt. Bob noticed, through Brian and Chris thought no one saw, Brian look at Chris slyly while he ran his crooked middle finger under his nose and inhaled. The weasel was smelling Chris’ cunt on his finger. What a jerk!

Chris had not only been fucking her boss, but apparently was having an all-day long sex and tease sessions with Brian, in plain sight during most of the last year of our marriage. I tried to think back to all the days I had fucked her morning and night, her showers at weird times, her “going to the gym” before coming home (where she could shower), and figured that I must have had sloppy seconds dozens of times without my knowledge. This was not all I would learn, however.
By Tualatin
Your comments and thoughts about my experiences so far are appreciated. I can fill in any details you are curious about. I appreciate your comments - more fun for me - better than throwing a bottle with a message into the sea and getting no response, right?
By Tualatin
Veronica, a real estate sales agent who had worked out of the same office as Chris, was beautiful in the way that only a woman in her early forties can be. She was not only a woman who had had natural beauty bestowed upon her, but one earned by hours of exercise, and enhanced by all the mastered crafts of dress and make up. Of all women, those in their forties most possess the quality of the rose at its peak in its open-petaled glory, for an instant poised upon the brink of inevitable decline. There is a sensuality, a confidence, and, yes, a certain “bitchiness,” about a woman accustomed to be beautiful and to all the benedictions and entitlements of the world’s solicitous attention. She certainly had my attention. Even when married to Chris, to whom I had been scrupulously faithful, I noticed Veronica and, without any undue focus, recognized the contrasting appearance of Chris’ petite blonde frame and Veronica’s lanky, well-proportioned figure, and thick dark hair. Although I never strayed for a moment – not even in thought – I was well aware that in the opinion of the world, both Chris and Veronica were equal beauties, the difference being only a matter of taste, with each secretly envying the other.

Veronica had quickly, even eagerly, accepted my suggestion of getting together for coffee and we had left the possibility of dinner open. Veronica, newly separated, fit perfectly with both prongs of my overarching plan: assuring that I had the confidence that came with sexual release; providing me further insight into the misconduct of my wife during our marriage, giving me a free mind and free hand at unapologetic payback. Plus the best revenge is living well - like a kid in the proverbial candy shop!

During this time, Chris remained unable to get employment and I knew that she must be getting worried about the next month’s rent. I had led Chris on; she believed I would come to her financial rescue. In the meantime, I temporized, allowing her to sink further into financial ruin. Having already filed bankruptcy, she was unable to escape her growing credit card debt, her meager savings were nearly gone, and her parents were unwilling to help because their rigid religious values harshly judged her divorce. She had burnt all bridges with her married ex-boss and, as for the now unemployed and disgraced weasel, Brian, he must be as badly off as she was. She was increasingly isolated. It would have been wise for her to move from her apartment to a less expensive one, but that would take a first and last month’s deposit, a credit check (which with a bankruptcy and no employment was not hopeful), and moving expenses. In my mind’s eye, I relished the idea of seeing her fit little ass carrying boxes up and down the stairs to her car during a forced move. The stress would keep her thin, all right. Soon enough she would be spreading for the rent.

As you will recall, hen she had dropped in on me last time, she had caught me mid-fuck session with Mei, my beautiful Asian fuck buddy. The last time I had sat by her at her kitchen table covered with bankruptcy schedules, new credit card bills and advances, I had noticed her literally squirming. I knew, without doubt, that a touch from me and she would have let me have her on the table, pumping my semen into her, while I rough fucked her. Soon enough I would have her and use her like the whore I knew her to be. But I must be wary of being sucked into her vortex.

My coffee at Starbuck’s with Veronica went brilliantly. She was professionally dressed with a fashionable jacket, with the sleeves pushed up, over a pastel blouse, with the top buttons open giving occasional peeks at lace beneath, a pendant pointing towards her cleavage, a fitted tube skirt and boots, with a gap between them to show a hint of thigh and knee. She had a taut midriff and narrow waist that flowed into full hips and a firm ass. She put on glasses giving her the sexy librarian appeal. There was no way I wasn’t going to find out whether her pussy was as well-groomed as the rest of her. And why not?
By Tualatin
During my coffee with Veronica, I was careful not to bring up Chris. Veronica did it for me. She said, “Poor Chris. She was crazy to let you go. How is she doing?” “I really don’t know,” I said, “I’m trying to help her a bit with her financial affairs.” “You are a good man, you know that? I tried to help her, too, you know? I tried to guide her.” “How’s that?” I asked. “I shouldn’t say …” Well, as always happens when the door is opened, the conversation invariably goes through. She began again, her hand on mine now, “I tried to protect her from the sterile rams when some of the others were setting her up.” “Sterile rams?” “You sure you want to hear this?”

Veronica delicately explained that the head broker had a term, “sterile rams,” for guys who would try to get attractive female sales agents to show them a bunch of properties, flashing their money but never buying anything. Some of the guys would, apparently, hint that they would “close” the deal if the sales agent would have sex with them. With access to staged properties and homes with no one living in them, some of these “sterile rams” would sometimes fuck a sales agent, just to find some defect in the property and refuse to close.

Veronica remembered one occasion when Chris came back to the office in a fury – she had apparently fallen for such a ruse. On another occasion, Veronica was pretty sure that there was a stain on the bedspread, still wet, covered by a throw pillow, when she had gone to show a house just as Chris and a known “sterile ram” were leaving. I was shocked. Veronica said, “I tried to warn her. Some of the guys in the office would keep on steering the sterile rams to her, promising them a good time, closing on other deals with them, while Chris would be spreading for them and never get a commission. It became a joke to them to see if Chris would put out." This was all shocking to me. I had never heard of "sterile rams" before. And my blonde, now EX wife, had proven to be a serial cheater.

I hesitated: “What do you call real estate agents who sleep with buyers to close a deal?” I asked.

“Whores,” Veronica said.
By Tualatin
Dear readers and viewers, rather than simply (metaphorically) throwing a "bottle" containing my message into the sea - and receiving no response - your feedback, comments, and questions are welcome. Your thoughts and areas you want me to expand upon and talk about will absolutely be respected. Thank you for your interest in my unburdening myself of this experience.
By Tualatin
All of this information descending upon me (from Bob and Veronica) had two opposite effects. In one sense, I was sickened and dismayed that, apparently, my ex-wife, Chris, had cuckolded me, not once, not twice, but repeatedly. This had not just been cheating with an older boss, but also a sleaze-ball co-worker and who knows how many male customers had gotten her to service them in the hopes of closing on a deal. What made it even more (what’s the word?) disappointing, humiliating, embarrassing, was that she let these customers use her and the male colleagues thought it was a good joke to steer these “sterile rams” to her to see if she would get screwed AND screwed over, too. The customers would fuck her, bareback I assumed, and while the cum was leaking out of her and running down her thighs, back out of the deal anyway, leaving her used, angry. My beautiful wife was, it seemed, just a cunt – and a stupid cunt at that. The idea of her letting other guys enjoy her trim physique and thrust into her tight blonde haired cunt (and play with the firm breasts I had paid for (!)) would make any man feel humiliated. In the other sense, though, her deceit, her “confusion,” her longstanding infidelity enraged me. Certainly, all bets were off. There was nothing constraining the full measure of whatever payback I chose to inflict upon her.

I was already well down the path. There would be no redemption for her. Every stone that was turned over revealed another instance of infidelity.
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By froggy007
Be thankful she is behind you and you should not feel bad if you use her for sexual gratification as she is just getting payback.

My first wife left me for the Phys Ed teacher at the school she worked at, turned out he was gay, he just wanted a lady friend as he was not out of the closet yet. The next guy she shacked up with after our divorce out was a hunky fireman, turns out he was alcoholic and would beat her up when they hid his booze. Eventually she had to get the police to remove him from her house. He was suppose to pay property taxes and utilities as his share of household expenses.

One day I went to pick the kids up early and their was a bailiffs' notice on the door for 4 years of back taxes. He never paid them the whole time they lived together. He would always pick up the mail and she was none the wiser, just assumed they got paid. I always wondered why their phone got cut off so often. She would just say they switched providers or make up some lame excuse, when I complained I couldn't reach the kids and she can't keep changing numbers without notifying me.

Later in life, she did tell our kids the biggest mistake she ever made was leaving me as I am a good man.
But by that time, I met my new wife and we have been together 23 years.
I will always remember the first day my ex saw my new girlfriend (my wife), she said who is she, I proudly said that is my girlfriend. I'll never forget the shocked look on her face as it was definitely an upgrade not only in looks but personality and in heart.

Enjoy your life, live for yourself and pleasure. Don;t hurt anyone, treat them as you wish to be treated and treat your ex like she treated you.

Look forward to hearing your adventures with Veronica. After my first marriage I met some very exciting women. I have 4 or 5 stories about them on here, I changed their names. Look for my posts under Froggy007. If you live near Fort Myers, FL, let's go out for a beer.
By AnonAnon
That's it in a nutshell.

I went through a similar situation, though less intense all round, and set myself the task of taking the highest possible road. Worked out brilliantly for me and from time to time I do take a moment do still take some pride in how I behaved in tough circumstances even though it was quite some time ago.

The lessons I learned were to not be too generous or too careless in evaluating people, friends, relationships, and to act quickly on an evaluation.
By Tualatin
Wow, froggy, your experience is similar to mine in some ways. As you will see, payback is hell - and sometimes it's just the result of natural consequences. Most of what befall Chris (my ex) was a consequence of her own actions and what flowed from them. As Anon points out, I was also interested in making sure that I was conducting myself justly. I think my experience is not just black and white, but has lots of gray in it. Although my ex behaved terribly by any standards, she was the product of some difficult circumstances in her background and so ... well, people do the best they can. I was not perfect, but after the whole narrative of what happened is complete, I am satisfied that my ex got her just desserts and that my motivations and conduct will be seen in context as fair.
By Tualatin
At the same time, I was a newly divorced guy and, although I now knew that Chris had been unfaithful, there were no longer any constraints on me. I could be the proverbial “kid in the candy store.” I was certainly having regular, active sex with Mei. If you are an older guy, it would be hard to improve on Mei’s tight body and stroking her firm, soft olive thighs, stomach and breasts, while she gave her high-pitched squeal as I thrust into her wet pussy, covered with sparse, straight, jet black Asian pubes. She was great, not surprisingly, at “Asian cow girl” – and could support herself over my cock and pull the cum out of my balls with her tight cunt – which, if you closed your eyes felt like a hand job and blow job – but with her cunt! Now, however, I was within striking range of a strikingly attractive brunette, Veronica. And, as a former colleague of Chris’, there was one more chance of humiliating Chris with the knowledge that I was screwing her work colleague – all the more sweet as she struggled.

I didn’t want to mess things up with Veronica for reasons that are obvious, but it would certainly be to my liking if I could see Chris’s face fall again as she saw me and Veronica affectionate with one another. Fuck her! Truth be known. Veronica was a catch in and of herself: recently separated, smart, successful, and beautiful - remember, think of looks like Courteney Cox. If it weren't for where we both were in our lives - recently out of marriages - Veronica newly separated and me newly divorced - Veronica would be what one would call "a keeper." But then, in many ways, so was I.

After the coffee meeting at Starbucks, things proceeded rapidly with Veronica. I have described her as being a brunette after the style of Courteney Cox in looks. She had it all and proved to be quite intelligent and a savvy business woman as well. That made it all the more fun to fuck her on the linoleum floor of the small unisex bathroom in my office building after hours – in my car – and, of course, in my bed. As much as Chris’ blonde pubic hair had thrilled me, variety is the spice of life, and I had no problem enjoying having an early forties brunette riding me to orgasm as I pulled on her taut nipples and full, firm breasts. I would roll her over and tell her to “jerk me off with your fantastic ass” – and she would with both her cunt and anus! In my imagination, I thought of ass to mouthing Chris with Veronica’s cunt and ass stink on my cock. I had no commitment. It was just fun for both of us. Yet, in a different time and space, Veronica and I could have easily become serious. At least that is my sense of it now.

Don’t think this let Mei, my Asian fuck buddy, off the hook. I had a special delight in fucking one with the cunt juice of the other still on my cock. No strings sex. My head was just where it needed to be to thoroughly use Chris like the cheating, stupid whore and cunt she had proved herself to be. This was not cheating on anyone - let me be clear - Mei had no expectations and Veronica and I explicitly made sure we were just enjoying each other.

It was just a matter of time before Veronica and I went into Starbucks together, laughing, with my hand casually on her waist, absent mindedly - by intimately - stroking her side between bra and hip, to discover Chris there handing out resumes to a potential employer she had met for coffee. The expression on Chris’ face was transparent and delicious. The pain was palpable. She could hardly meet my eyes. I looked at her – relaxed, confident, happy, well off financially, and well-fucked – and she, albeit still given to the taut beauty that was a gift of the gods, was none of those things. "Hi, Chris," Veronica said. "Hi, Ronnie," Chris chirped back trying to act chipper.

We (Veronica and I) picked up our coffees and left and I casually tossed an “I’ll see you” to Chris over my shoulder, as my hand guiding Veronica by the small of her back out the door. We hardly could get through the door of my condo before we fell to the floor, me spreading Veronica’s trimmed dark haired pussy so I could feast on it. As I was eating her to orgasm and running my hands across her trim hips, flat tummy and squeezing her full, firm breasts, Veronica exclaimed, somewhat comically, “Thank you, Chris!” and then, after her orgasm, she said, “I feel sorry for her. But what a loser.” Yes, I thought. You have no idea. As I pushed and held deep into Veronica, spurt after spurt of my hot cum filled her insides. I yelled: “What a loser!” Both Veronica and I laughed. Then we fucked again.

I thought, perhaps a bit uncharitably, "the best revenge is living well." I drifted off to sleep wrapped around Veronica's lanky arms, long legs and trim body.
By Tualatin
So far, my two-pronged approach towards self-mastery had proceeded better than I could have hoped for. I had found sexual release – and even delight – within my new found freedom. I had come by knowledge through my investigation that had steeled my resolve and extinguished my naïve early hopes for reconciliation, leaving me open to pursue a relentless payback. During this time, I reread The Count of Monte Cristo, a tale of long-overdue justice and revenge for a man whose life and love had been stolen from him. I found myself in the reading schooling myself in the special delight of revenge – and also mindful of the dark price I was at risk for paying.

After a decade of marriage to Chris during which I had been completely faithful in thought and deed, I now had two beautiful women, Mei and Veronica, and was screwing seven days a week – and some days (separately) with both. I suppose when I say “faithful in thought and deed,” I mean that I thoroughly enjoyed full sexual fidelity with Chris (which I thought to be mutual based, in part, on her strict Christian upbringing), a satisfying sex life involving love-making at least daily.

I remembered fondly my often unzipping my suit pants and climbing into Chris’ trimmed, tight blonde pussy fully clothed for a second morning fuck on my way out to an early meeting. She particularly liked tempting me as I was just on my way out the door fully dressed with game face on – and I enjoyed ravishing her just as she had put the final touches of her make up on. I had, of course, not been blind to the beauty of other women, but I was never a flirt and women seemed to get the signal that I was a married man – taken and satisfied in that blissful captivity. I eagerly returned to my captivity at day’s end, with a trim, petite blonde beauty of a wife awaiting me at home.

Veronica had, in fact, been one of the few women whose dark haired, fit and forty, striking beauty had ever penetrated to the level of consciousness. Nothing further was done, of course, since she and Chris worked together, but I enjoyed, with special relish, fucking Veronica out of her professional, real estate sales agent attire, pulling her well-toned legs apart, pressing down into her muscled thighs and plunging balls deep into her tight, trimmed dark pubed pussy. I particularly enjoyed the curve of her tiny waist into her womanly hips and stroking her firm thighs - her workouts in the gym were definitely working - as I pumped my cock into her from behind, enjoying popping my cockhead into her again and again until I emptied my balls completely.

I had been with an Asian woman once before in college and, perhaps drawn in by the exotic attractions of variety, found Mei, young, olive skinned, fit, enthusiastic, and actively passionate a delight, as I tongued her or pushed my (it seemed compared to her petite body) thick cock past her thin, straight black pubic hair, into her waiting – and soaking – young pussy. I found myself fucking her for hours on and off feeling her young body and feeling vibrant and satisfied as a man. I especially liked holding her firm, young tiny ass in my hands as I fucked her hard when I was atop her or holding her ass in its gyrations as she pulled the cum out of my balls when she lay on top of me and "did all the work."

As satisfied as I was with this situation, I keep thinking of just how glorious it would be to use Chris' tight blonde pubed twat for my pleasure with no apologies, no commitment, no obligation, and no compassion.
By Tualatin
Love to hear from you viewers as to how you would "use" Chris and what kind of payback you would have wanted me to exact upon her.
By Tualatin
There were, however, some dark corners in my investigation. One of them was what I was to make of Chris’ claim that my buddy, Rick, had tried to blackmail her into having sex with him when he discovered her infidelities. Rick’s business gave him familiarity with security surveillance, and it had been Rick who had encouraged me to put up a hidden cam with his assistance, allowing remote retrieval of the hidden cam. It was possible, I thought, that he had done so to set up a situation where he would have – and delete – the images, using them to force Chris to spread for him. Such a betrayal, if such is was, was something I needed to know about. I would be speaking to Rick that evening.

I had arranged to meet Rick that evening for a beer and a bite to eat at a Portland tiki bar with a nice buffet that will remain nameless. Rick had been divorced a few years before I was, but he did not have the sort of success with women that I enjoyed and had experienced some relatively long dry spells. He was involved in securities applications, mostly at the software end of things and was pretty much the same shy guy who had, we joked, run the AV equipment in high school. (I ran track – and AV equipment.) He was currently seeing a cute late thirties geeky girlfriend who was friendly, fun, and had a pretty good bod, with a flowered barb wire tattoo around her upper arm. I didn’t know how serious they were, but it was good to see him back in the saddle. We caught up on things and gradually I began to share with him some of the revelations that I had heard about Chris. I started with her screwing her boss (which he knew about), her co-worker (he had heard the same rumors I had heard), and about her putting out for “sterile rams” to try to close real estate deals (all new to him).

I knew that following his divorce he hung around with Chris and me a bit and I sensed that he might have a “crush” on my wife – but it was, I thought, innocent enough. I asked him if he had ever wanted to get with her and he answered convincingly: “Look, she’s a hottie, all right, and I won’t say I didn’t think about it. But she’s – how can I say this – the kind of woman who leaves wreckage in her wake. You know what I mean?” I said I didn’t. He went on. “I saw – mostly heard - things that I wanted to tell you about but, well, how do you tell a man who’s in love with his wife that his wife is a cock-tease? I figured it would work out or not, and I didn’t want to screw up friendships over the stuff I’d heard about.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Rick?” He paused and said, “Well I’ve gone this far and you’ve asked, so here’s the deal. I don’t know how far it went because guys began to clam up about it. They knew we were tight and I was on the outside. I think that some of the guys we hang with sometimes when we’d go out had plans for Chris. I overheard some stuff and I’m not sure how far it went, but …” “Plans? Like what?” I asked. “Remember that night when Chris was three sheets to the wind?” I remembered, that was the night I had thought some guys had crossed the line and gotten a finger into her blonde cunt. “Well, she was hanging with some guys back near the men’s bathroom. She was talking shit. Stuff like: ‘Bet you’ve never seen a true all over blonde.’ She would go on about her being a gymnast, a cheerleader, ask them to poke her abs to see how tight they were, and basically teasing the shit out of them.” I didn’t have the details, but I remembered thinking that things had gone farther than I’d ever seen. It sounded like Chris, too. The way she was beautiful and knew it and was insecure enough to seek attention over it.

“Well, the guys talked about having a ‘blonde’ party – I’m not sure they were talking about her or not, but they clammed up when I came by. It was loud in the bar and I just couldn’t hear. One thing I was certain of was they said: ‘Her hubby doesn’t know, but she says he’s heading out of town.’ You remember how, after that, I suggested the hidden cam? Hell, I didn’t know you’d catch her boss doing her, I figured you’d catch these guys if anything happened and put an end to it.” “I also remember, Rick, that you wanted the feed to be accessible remotely – you sure you didn’t have any other motives?” There it was, I had put the question straight out to him – I owed him that much after decades of friendship. He colored up – his fair complexion always gave him away. “There’s more, isn’t there?” “There is,” he said, “but I never touched her.” Some of what Rick had said made sense: I had planned a few days out of town on a business trip, shortly following the wild night where I had thought I had seen Chris hurriedly jerk away and pull down her skirt just after it had seemed a guy had hooked his finger into her blonde twat.

The way it seemed, Rick may have been the only guy who wasn’t screwing or feeling up my pretty blonde whore of a wife. Which is not to say that she wasn’t prominently featured as his “jerk off fantasy.” Apparently, one of the guys planning the blonde party had been sexting her and she had been texting selfies of her tits and cunt and the guy had been showing them off. He said that the photos were of okay quality, but it had been such an amazing turn on that he actually jerked off over what he’d seen. “Pathetic, I know,” he said. It seemed that he had hoped to see the videos of Chris in action – not for blackmailing anyone (he already had enough to tell me that she wouldn’t have wanted known) but simply to watch her getting fucked. “ I remember one photo the guy showed me was one she had taken of her pussy. The guy had laughed, “Have fun jerking to the blonde cunt.”” Rick said, he had really been turned on – felt bad about it – and, “Here’s the thing, I saved the picture.” Poor in quality – it was a camera phone pic of a camera phone pic, which Rick had saved. It was the photo I had found on Chris’ laptop – which the frat boy had jerked on as a tribute. Chris was not only a whore, but a cyber whore, who teased guys by sexting photos of herself spread. This was hard evidence of the fact – Rick’s photo from the guy at the bar. If Rick had been into blackmail, this pic would have sufficed. The fact that he got this pic of the picture on the cell phone from a guy in the bar showed just how low Chris had fallen. Not only had the guy hooked his finger into my then wife’s blonde cunt, but the shameless whore had sent him photos - one of which Rick had got a pic of and which I was looking at now. Exhibit 1.

The quality is what you'd expect of a camera phone pic of a text in a bar, but it was enough to see the hint of Chris' smile, her enhanced tits and pencil erect nipples, and her fit body and abs. I thanked Rick and assured him, "Buddy, we're okay." I knew now that Rick had been square with me and I decided that whatever I dished out, Rick would be in the loop.
By Tualatin
I had been coldly calculating, but more than that, I had achieved some level of self-mastery. I knew the effect Chris had on me. Just seeing her made me hard as a rock and, despite the many pleasures of fucking Mei’s tight young body and Veronica’s lithe, dark haired physique, I felt keenly the pang of desire for my now ex-wife’s tight blonde twat. The fact that she was a liar, slut, whore and cunt in some ways made her more desirable as a fuck, even as it made her unsuitable as a wife and companion. I had armed myself and steeled my resolve with sexual satisfaction elsewhere and knowledge of her infidelities.

This is what I knew. I knew she had spread for her hairy old bastard of a boss in our home. I had seen the hidden cam of her stripping for him, presenting herself to him, and I had seen with my own eyes how her boss had literally used the fuck out of her: he had her blowing him and even, I thought, licking behind his hairy balls to his anus. He knew he would not have many chances like this again, so with remarkable energy for a guy in his sixties, he had fucked my blonde wife repeatedly, roughly, with an eye towards his own – not her – satisfaction. I felt a grudging admiration for his endurance. He fucked into her deeply, with her fit legs drawn up and spread to the sides, still showing her gymnastic skills. He had fucked her from behind on all fours, his tits bouncing sharply fore and aft as he pounded her. She had even, unknowingly facing the hidden cam, ridden him reverse cow girl, occasionally wincing as he pulled her deeper onto his rigid cock by her tiny, trim waist. And she had lain back with her thighs and legs pulled back, exposing her tight ass, allowed him to use her firm thighs as a seat while he pile drove his downward pointing cock into both her cunt and anus, even alternately. There was no doubt she was a cheater.

I also knew, by the eye-witness of a broker at her office, been used by her weasel of a co-worker, Brian. Bob had actually seen her on her knees blowing the jerk’s thin cock. Bob had also seen the lewd bragging of Brian as he openly discussed Chris’ blonde pubed cunt, probably doing her in the company van and generally grabbing her tits and ass openly.

I had heard convincing evidence that she had used sex, somewhat unsuccessfully, to close deals and that guys in the office had jokingly steered so-called “sterile rams” in her direction – buyers who were all talk and tried to con pretty real estate sales agents into fucking them to close a deal – then reneging. The guys made a game of seeing if Chris would put out for these “rams.” Veronica had tried to guide her and had seen Chris return to the office in a fury after having been conned by one guy she had shown many properties to – and, apparently, having spread for him. Veronica had also see a somewhat disheveled Chris leaving one staged property with a known “sterile ram” – leaving a tell-tale wet spot on the bedspread hurriedly covered up with a throw pillow.

I had seen some of her lewd, cock-teasing at the bar where I had seen her flirting up a storm with a few guys who were grabbing her and one guy even, I was pretty sure, going so far as to hook into her tight, wet, blonde pubed pussy with the crook of his middle finger.

I had on many occasions seen Chris close her laptop as I approached and on one occasion hearing a beep seen an incoming message from a frat boy who had jerked off to a selfie she had sent of her spread cunt.

Finally, I had confirmed with Rick that she was teasing the shit out of some guys we knew at the bar, bragging about her being a true all over blonde (what was she thinking?) and her tight body and that some of the guys we knew in the bar had conceived of and may have carried out a plan for a gangbang. One thing we knew, because I saw it with my own eyes, was that she had sexted a photo of herself spread to these guys as well – and that Rick had gotten a picture of the pic which showed her enhanced tits, stiff nipples, smiling as she spread her cunt for the camera. The fact that she had enhanced tits at all confirmed that the picture could have been no more than three years old at the time.

What to do with such a cheater?
By Tualatin
My beautiful blonde wife, apparently while I was making love to her once or twice a day, was servicing her boss, a co-worker, an unknown number of customers, and sexting with everyone from guys in the bar to a frat boy who, I presume, she found on line.

She had denied everything – admitting only that her boss had coerced her, the falsity of which was belied by her passionate utterances on the hidden cam video while being screwed by him: “Give it to me. Fuck my tight blonde pussy. Squirt me.”

The outline of a plan was forming and I was set to see Chris that evening. One thing I knew was true: information was power.

The first stages of planning had gone smoothly, flawlessly, in fact. Her behavior had all but eliminated any chance of resuming a respectful relationship. I had done what I needed to do to restore my sense of dignity as a man and to get perspective on what had been going on. I had been appalled by the depth – but more than that – the apparent ease - of her betrayal. She had demonstrated her unworthiness as a wife and life partner, as a lover, or as a friend. No respectful relationship could issue from such circumstances. What do I mean by that? I mean that in a healthy relationship, including all good marriages, there must be, at base, some level of trust and respect. One could return to a marriage with a cheating whore like Chris, but it would truly not be a marriage, because both trust and respect had been irretrievably lost.

Think about it for a moment. Even if I “took her back” or “wanted to” there is no realistic way that she could so change her nature as to be worthy of trust. Even if she aspired to change, I would always have the upper hand and she would be in the position of trying to prove herself grateful and worthy. In the end, it would not be a relationship worth having.

So, in order for you the understand what follows, you must keep in mind that everything learned to date had make reconciliation impossible and pointed in the direction of payback.

I had always in my life been the giving partner, investing in the relationship, refusing to harbor petty slights. Forgiving and forgetting. This situation could be neither forgiven, nor forgotten. There was something left incomplete without …. Without what? There are moral dimensions to payback. I had examined this closely in books like The Count of Monte Cristo. Whatever I did would have to be proportional to the offense and grounded in justice. In my mind I fairly chuckled sometimes thinking of Chris as “The Cunt of Monte Cristo,” and deciding that my vengeance to be just would have to grow out of her own sins and poor character. If she was a whore, I would see to it that she screwed for money. If she was a slut and cock-tease, I would see that she suffered the thousand rejections and insults of sluthood and paid off the expectations she had led others to have.

I am not a violent person and those following this narrative must know that I still held sacred the idealism with which I had entered the marriage. So much the worse for her that she betrayed it. I forswore violence or criminal conduct, for one. I wanted her to feel deeply the pain of her betrayal, to have to face humiliation in the face of her conduct, for her heart to break as she had broken mine, for her to be degraded by the choices she had made. The route to these goals was not one of force, but of trickery, seduction, deception and the lure of love, followed by betrayal. I also decided that the goal would be to maximize my pleasure, not by causing her pain, but by being indifferent to her pleasure, using her like the cunt she was.

We would start with her needing rent money and go from there. As promised, the choice would be hers and her poor character would lead her to the brink of despair – and satisfactory vengeance. I would be getting her to “choose” to spread for me – and I would not be alone in enjoying her blonde cunt. I shared with my buddy, Rick, my plans and promised him a chance to pull her cunt inside out as he barebacked the teasing, cheating cunt. He was welcome to jerk off to her, in her, and on her. She has reviled Rick as "a ginger" not to her liking. As I foresaw her future, his red pubed balls would eventually be pressing into her blonde twat. But everything in its time.

Tonight the plan would be put in motion.
By Tualatin
Love to hear from those of you who have been viewing and enjoying my story. What would you like to hear about? What detail gets you going the best? What are you hoping will happen?
By Tualatin
For the work I had planned tonight, I made special preparations. I had had lunch with Veronica and had managed to lure her up to my place for a quick fuck, during which time I slid into her trimmed dark haired pussy and tight anus. I brought her off to a quick orgasm with my fingers while I fucked her from behind, kneading her full hanging breasts and squeezing her tight thighs as I pumped. I gave a grunt, but didn’t actually cum – I was saving it for later. I was lucky enough to catch Mei just before she headed out to her evening shift at the restaurant. We didn’t have time to fuck, but I managed to persuade her to let me taste her Asian twat and I ate her until the juices ran down the inside of her firm tan thighs. I needed that juice for my plan so I rubbed it on my hairy balls, ass, and upper thighs, so I had essence of China on me. I intended to totally disrespect Chris and it began with a state of mind that made “love making” impossible.

I can’t tell you what a thrill it was to have a bit of turnabout with Chris. Whatever happened, I was doing to fuck a load into her with my cock covered with cunt juice and anus from Veronica and my balls, upper thighs, and ass, with juice from my little Asian, Mei. Take that, you blonde cunt! Payback is hell, but not for me.

Just as someone diving takes precautions not to suffer from ‘raptures of the deep,’ I also made sure I had a plan. Mine involved making sure everything I did with Chris was recorded on a hidden cam! Rick helped me out and I promised him he would, for starters, be able to keep a copy. I also had a road map of how things were going to play out – which I wrote on an index card in my pants pocket in a code: SH, FT, BJ, EBP, M, D, CG, PDC, PDA, ATM, FC, which you probably can figure out: strip show, finger twat, blow job, eat blonde pussy, missionary, doggie, cow girl, pile drive cunt, pile drive anus, ass to mouth, facial. It was good I had an itinerary or else I could be lured by her beauty into suffering greater injury. You may notice that I was doing to Chris all the positions that she had done with such enthusiasm with her old bastard of a boss – which I had seen on tape.
By Tualatin
I drove the under ten minutes to her place - as hard and ready as I had ever been. Yeah, man.

When she opened the door to her apartment, I was – as always - struck by her beauty, her blue eyes, smile, and trim physique. You wouldn’t guess from her looks that she had been fucking guys to close real estate deals, spreading in her office, and cheating on me in our former home together. She was wearing a short skirt that showed off to advantage her well-defined thighs and calves and a a white, sleeveless blouse. I remembered the first time I had stroked her, marveling at the taut musculature toned by her running and bicycling. I remembered climbing into her from behind with my hands cupping her firm buttocks and stroking the backs of her legs and thighs. Now other men had been where I had been - touching her. She had proven herself to be a cheater and, I thought, a consummate cock-tease, teasing guys in the bar all night, with her talk about how she was a cheerleader and a gymnast and always telling men that she was a natural blonde, head to toe. It was time to put her mouth to work doing something other than talking.

Now it was my turn.
By Tualatin
I stepped into her apartment with a Plan. Her body language and attire told me that she was receptive to any overture I might make. She had had it rough financially and she was dependent upon my guidance and assistance. She had not had success in the real estate business. Her shenanigans with her sleazy co-worker, Brian, and her boss’ refusal to give her a solid recommendation did not help. Her boss’ wife, you will recall, had heard about the affair and her insistence, together with Chris’ improprieties, had led to her being terminated. Chris’ boss, no doubt, took advantage of her, giving her the impression she could hold onto her job if she put out for him. I had certainly seen the older man use the fuck out of my pretty blonde wife. Ultimately, she had been let go.

Her boss, a prominent broker, and his wife, Peggy, about fifteen years his junior, were a fixture at real estate professional events, auctions, gatherings. I had met the wife, Peggy, on a few occasions. She was a bleach blonde, who had spent a bit too much time tanning, but had a slim, attractive figure. What she lacked in natural gifts she made up for with clothing and loads of jewelry. She must have hated Chris’ natural blonde beauty (just a few years her junior, but prettier) with a passion. According to Veronica, Peggy never missed a chance to poison the well of professional reputation as regarded Chris. As Peggy put it, Chris was an empty-headed blonde, who was no better than a whore – and a stupid one at that, who spread for every “sterile ram” out there. According to Peggy, Chris had been caught “in the act” by two brothers, aged 10 and 12, who had run ahead of their parents during a visit to a residence (owners were out of town). According to her sources, Peggy said, who were known to be reliable, the parents were scandalized. The younger son had asked, “What were the man and lady doing?” Apparently, Peggy said, with malicious glee, the correct answer would have been: “Getting fucked in the ass.” As you can imagine, whether true or an exaggeration of the same story I had heard, such a lurid tale spread quickly. As a result, Chris could scarcely go to a professional event to network without whispers and crude come ons. Her co-worker, Brian, had no better luck and had just recently left town. Apparently, she was done with the loser and regretted having ever met him – or so she said.

Chris still had a gymnast’s tight body, concave tummy, and, I intended to remind myself very shortly, a tight, wet, blonde pubed twat. As I entered, without any warning, I leaned over and holding her tiny waist gave her a long, breathless kiss with my tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Leaving the door unlocked behind me, I pushed Chris into the bedroom and closed the bedroom door. I kissed her and pushed her down on the bed, hungry for her. I hadn't had her for many months and my balls were tight with anticipation. I ran my hands all over her - because I could - and squeezed her firm tits and eraser nipples. The bitch was only wearing the laciest of black panties (she must have expected me to see them(!)), so I flipped up her skirt, slid my hands up her fit thighs and spread her cunt through her lace panties, soaking her crotch with my tongue. She was already sweet and wet and her honey aroma was intoxicating. I pulled the panties down by the top without removing them and tongue-fucked her for a minute, while she squirmed and gasped. She was gushing and writhing under my assault - but I remained in control.

Unbeknownst to Chris, during this make out session, per the Plan, my friend Rick had slipped inside with his security equipment and hidden cams. The Plan was underway.
By Tualatin
I only allowed myself five minutes to relish in feeling Chris up all over. I was on Plan. I let my hands roam all over her trim body, feeling and reawakening the memories of the past when, not knowing she had been cheating on me, I had thought her trim figure was mine and mine alone to enjoy.

Now I forced myself to recognize her as an object of lust, not love, and I was gleefully liberated in that knowledge. I ran my hands all over – because I could – because I had not been able to since before the divorce, since just before the separation. Chris had violated our vows, repeatedly, so it was only fair that now I used her for my pleasure.

I remembered with a shiver of delight that I had armed myself against romance and falling victim to her beauty once more, by making sure that even now, as I felt her warm, well-muscled, stomach, fingered her golden blonde haired cunt, her firm thighs, and reached up to her breasts tipped with her stiffly erect pink pencil eraser nipples, that I had on me the scent of two other women. Yes, my cock was still unwashed from the early afternoon fuck I had enjoyed with my brunette beauty, Veronica. In fact, my cock still carried the scent of both her wet vagina and her tight anus. That had not been enough, however. Just an hour or so before, I had also eaten to orgasm my Asian playmate, Mei, and rubbed her copious clean, clear juices on my upper thighs, balls, and ass. In this way, I was disrespecting Chris so that what transpired between us would be a humiliation to her, at this point known only to me. A secret slice of payback for me to savor. It was not nearly enough to make up for the credit card bills run up behind my back, for the showers at odd hours to conceal that she had violated her promise as a wife and allowed another man (or men) to mark her with his sweat and cum, and, worst of all, the numerous times when, having cuckolded me, she spread for me, while I, unknowing, ate her cunt and mingled my sperm with that of her previous lovers.

How could I not have known? I think, being honest and faithful myself, it simply didn’t occur to me as something that was possible. But the evidence had shown otherwise. She was a whore and a cheating cunt. I felt no remorse in using her for my pleasure.

There had been a time when I had been smitten with her beauty and had reveled in the thought that other guys, seeing us together, would envy me as “that lucky bastard” who got to have her. In the balance of the Universe, it was not completely unjust that the wheel of fortune would turn and that people, knowing of her rampant infidelities, would look at me with pity, or so I imagined. This would not stand.
By Tualatin
Chris was already beginning to gush with her abundant juices so that they were leaking down the inside of her thigh, when I abruptly stood up and said, “I need to take you out to dinner.” Chris thought I was being romantic. I could scarcely stifle my laughter. What I was really being was clever, clever enough to follow the Plan and get her out of her apartment so that my buddy Rick, by now safely hidden, could complete the installation of the surveillance equipment while she was out of her apartment.

The first test of the equipment would be this evening when Rick would download remotely the images of me fucking the shit out of my blonde ex-wife. I had promised him that – and more.

It had been quite a while since I had taken Chris out to a restaurant. I had forgotten how much attention she got. Even in a nice place, you could see guys checking her out, even at the risk of the disapproval of their wives or girlfriends. It was not unusual for some guy travelling on business, with his associates, to tell the server, “I’ll have what he’s having,” nodding over to the table where Chris and I sat. In a dive bar, you could hear them. Sometimes the remarks were crude beyond belief. “I’d like to try that on for size.” “Hey baby, you a true blonde?” “I’m packin’ what you’re cravin’.”“Don’t worry, my snake don’t bite.” "Check out the spinner." Things could easily get out of hand.

Sometimes, from seeing, to hearing, things went further, to feeling. More than once, heading to the ladies room, a guy showing off to his buddies would position himself in the corridor forcing Chris to squeeze past, sometimes making Chris go through a gauntlet of guys rubbing their hardons against her as she passed or even grabbing a feel of tit or, as I had seen, trying to hook a finger into her pussy.

I had my own plans for her tonight – and having a bunch of guys pulling her into the men’s john to feel her up was not on my list. That is not to say I didn’t think about it. A mean streak in me thought that letting a bunch of guys take turns with her, pushing her down onto the cold, dirty, urine splattered linoleum floor, pulling her dress off and taking turns spreading her natural blonde cunt bareback, was just what the whore deserved. I imagined her crying real whore tears as the guys took things past what she counted on.

I took her to a nice quiet Italian place, with booths and table cloths.
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By Leo96
Hey buddy
I am back on voyeurweb after a long ass time and just finished reading your story till now.
I must say you have taken care of yourself like a MAN and been very cautious plus brilliant in handling the revenge over your cheating whore of a wife. That bitch really deserves a divine vengeance and i hope she has got it already and would love to see her suffer in her own hell.

Please keep on continuing your story. I am very eager to know what happened further.
By Tualatin
Thanks, Leo, for your support. I was thinking of quitting based on ok's negative feedback and the lack of much in the way of feedback. Frankly, putting my experience out there just to get criticized is not very satisfying. It did occur to me that if someone doesn't like it, they don't have to read it. If folks are enjoying it, it helps to hear that.

So, I will continue for now. And trust me, payback is hell - but not for me.
User avatar
By Leo96
Hey dont even think of leaving this in between and drowning me in an ocean of whats and ifs haha.
Its true that if someone doesn't like this, he/she isn't bound to read it.
But i am all ears and waiting for you to continue it asap. So please dont keep me waiting for long haha.
Even sent you a mail but i don't know if you have received it.
By Tualatin
Chris had slipped into a black wrap around dress, black, soft cotton to the touch. She was wearing silky black panties. Her upper arms were surprisingly well muscled, revealing that she had continued to work out at the gym. Her shoulders curved to meet her deltoids. The overall impression was of a petite, athletic blonde and her slender arms covered by a sparse blonde down. Her breasts were each topped by an erect nipple, which made itself known through her sheer bra and dress. Her stomach was taut. I remembered how I had first seen her in a bikini on a local beach and seen the play of muscles across her midsection as she walked - all eyes had been drawn to her. Now, her back revealed her two shoulder blades protruding. Her tiny waist led to boyish hips, strong, well-muscled thighs and legs. Once in the booth, I sat along side her, and pushed her dress, beneath the table cloth, up her thighs revealing her black panties. It was here that my hand moved. I ordered for us, at the same time, letting my free hand slide higher and higher up her legs and tugging at her panties. I slid his thumb up and down, and remarked, "Nice wet panties, I see." I managed to tug her panties part way off, enough to reveal her natural blondeness that so fascinated me. Her vulva was covered with soft, fine, golden hair. I began to work his thumb into her. She had always had abundant natural lubrication. She began to bite her lip to stifle a groan. I took a trip to the men’s room to check in with Rick by phone to make sure the coast was clear. It was.

For the entire dinner, I charmed her, listened to her (or seemed to), and made sure at least one hand was on her. By the time dinner was done, I had worked her up to a fever pitch. While driving back to her place she grabbed one of my hands from the steering wheel and pulled it down to her wet twat, with a happy expression that I could see immediately for what it was: a woman in love. Or, in heat, in her case, since I doubted her capacity to sustain true love with its requirements of steadfastness, loyalty, fidelity, and honesty. I ran my thumb back and forth between her soaking lips, thumb fucking her from time to time. She was leaving a wet spot on the back of her dress and the leather car seat. My car was beginning to smell like pussy. Blonde pussy.

We got back to her apartment with her clinging on me like the devoted wife she never was. We got into the apartment and closed the door behind us, locking it.

Let the games begin, I thought.
By Tualatin
I entered the apartment with my hot ex-wife in tow, turning on a few lights that, I knew from Rick, would help him catch the action on the hidden surveillance he had installed in the living room, bedroom, and bath. Knowing Rick’s attraction to Chris’ trim figure, I knew he would be jerking off like a madman to the show I was about to give him. It added an unusual level of arousal for me to know he would be seeing me fuck the girl of his dreams. Rick, after all, had proven himself to be a loyal friend, even as my blonde wife had been out screwing around on me. I still had in mind the menu of activities for the evening, written in abbreviations on the index card in my back pocket. Chris had, I knew, taken a belly dance class, just one more way of her keeping in shape. One thing that had never changed: she thought she was "all that." Although she didn’t have the full belly and broad hips of some of the dancers, seeing her tight abs and ass swaying in front of me definitely had its appeal.

It didn’t take much to get her started. She put on some exotic music and began gyrating her hips. I had spent the last two hours warming her up, so she was ready for anything. And anything – and everything – was what she would get.

I was not going to make love to her. That was for the past. I was going to use the fuck out of her for my pleasure. It had been a year since I had buried my cock into the tight little cunt. I reminded myself that she was a cheating, lying cunt and I took special satisfaction that my friend Rick would, without her knowledge, be getting off to her body. “Strip, you sexy bitch,” I growled. Her eyes opened wide in surprise at my language and tone, but she complied, pulling down her black silky panties, through which I had been fingering her for most of the last hour. She tossed them with her foot to me where I was seated on the sofa and I could see from their weight on landing that they were wet. I picked them off the sofa and felt them. They were soaking wet. I could smell her feminine aroma and knew she was well lubricated for what I had in store for her.

I knew the camera would catch the glint of light off her trimmed, golden blonde pussy hair and I could see the moisture from her well-lubricated snatch had already begun to run down the inside of her thighs. She managed to remove her bra without removing her dress, pulling it over her head, maneuvering each arm out while holding the fold of her wrap–around dress over her firm pink nippled breasts as a tease. In the indirect light, she looked even more perfect than ever. Her petite body from blonde hair, pretty face glowing with passion, shoulders, back, firm breasts and hard erect pink nipples, her slender physique with a few ribs showing, her concave tummy, blonde cunt, and fit thighs and calves, to her beautiful fingernails – and toe nails – and a tight ass. All of them would be mine soon enough.

Then she dropped the top of her dress down over her shoulders and below her tits, flashing them. Rick must be loving this, I thought. I grabbed her and sucked on her nipples, feeling the pink erasers harden in my mouth. I knew what was next. I had prepared well for this moment. Covered with the dried juices, cunt and anus, of my brunette lover, Veronica, and my balls, thighs, and ass prepped with the ample, clean juices of my young, Asian fuck toy, Mei, I was going to shove my anointed cock into my ex-wife’s mouth.

Yes, I thought, this is the life. Making Chris, in her passion, clean off the juices of two other women I had fucked earlier that day, without knowing it. For all the times she had given me sloppy seconds without my knowledge, showing up home, hopping into the shower and them spreading her blonde pubed cunt so that I, her loving, faithful, husband, could fuck her bareback – where just hours before she had let her illicit lovers leave their loads. What a whore!

So with the painful pleasure of betrayal and payback, I unzipped my trousers, pulled them down to the floor, and pushed Chris’ head between my legs.
By Tualatin
She was a bitch in heat and tried to swallow my cock. I pushed her head until she gagged. She pulled back and said something like, “You smell funny.” “Just worked up a sweat in the gym today,” I lied. I was practically chortling in the knowledge that Chris was cleaning Veronica’s cunt and anus scent from my cock and was about to lick Mei’s young Asian secretions from my ball sac. I pushed her head back down on my thick, hard cock. As Chris went to work, I thrust into her mouth, fucking her pretty face, and didn’t forget to give a “thumb’s up” to Rick who must have been enjoying the show. “Lick those hairy balls,” I told Chris, and like the slut she was, she complied.

She would have been insane with rage and humiliation had she known that she had basically tongued the cunt and anus of her former co-worker, Veronica, and licked my balls clean of the sweet juice of the Asian girl, fifteen years her junior, that she had seen at my place when she had interrupted us fucking.

What do you call getting your ex-wife to blow you and clean the cunt and anus of other lovers off your cock and balls? “A good start,” I said, out loud, more for Rick and me, than for Chris, who was getting the first oozing of my pre-cum out of my cock. “Yes, a good start.”

When I had made love to Chris as a loving husband, she had been my ideal of beauty. I truly had not fantasized about another woman. Her body fit perfectly with mine. She had brought me to heights of pleasure. I found myself able to maintain an erection and to reach orgasm and continue on, still hard from her snug pussy’s ministrations, her sweet lubrication allowing me to move deep into her, the only resistance being the tight pulses of her vaginal muscles milking me dry.

But tonight was different. I had changed. I was no longer concerned with tender caresses and with assuring her pleasure. Those circuits of my brain had been placed off limits. I was laughing inside as she looked amorously up at me when I was about to enter her. She thought I was making love to her, but I was using her like the blonde hole I knew her to be. I found my cock harder than ever contemplating the fuck that I had been denied since our separation nearly a year before. This beautiful fit body, now covered with sheen of perspiration, would be mine once more.
It was unfortunate she had been a disloyal cunt, spreading for her old bastard of a boss, her weasel of a co-worker Brian, spreading for the “sterile rams” who pretended to be interested in closing a real estate deal and flashed their money but whose only real interest was in using my pretty blonde wife as a receptacle for their semen. The stupid whore had put out, leaving tell-tale wet spots on bedspreads in houses all over town and not even gotten a commission for her trouble – unless you count the earnest deposit made by their spurting cum in her natural blonde pubed cunt. It thrilled me to use her the same way.

I imagined how the guys, young and old, had felt as they slid into the pretty married real estate agent with the bright smile, blonde tresses, and killer body – the body of an athlete, still trim in her early forties, a beauty earned by hours in the gym, in addition to the gifts of nature. And, of course, the augmentation of her breasts, now firm and full, topped by her perpetually erect pink pencil eraser nipples. Yes, they must have thought they had won the lottery, getting to fuck such a beauty behind her husband’s back.

And what was the cunt thinking as she let those strangers plunge into her, using her, undoubtedly laughing at what an easy lay she was. And I imagined their excitement. Her older boss, hairy, with a paunch, getting to fuck a tight blonde wife with his cock perhaps a quarter century older than she was – hell, he was nearly forty by the time the first blonde pubes had grown upon her young body. No wonder he had such stamina. Her sleazy boyfriend, groping her openly, letting everyone know he was doing her with lewd gestures, and fucking her in the company van amidst the furniture and chairs they used for staging. And the customers who must have thought they had lucked into a bargain, shopping not for real estate, but for a beautiful real estate agent, getting her to show them house after house until an empty one presented itself, tricking the pretty blonde with the great figure to fuck them with the promise of a sale and commission, just to renege while the cum was still leaking out of her. Then they laughed, “It’s just business,” and sent her back home to hubby, foolish me, where she would shower and let me, in my innocence make love to her.

“You stupid cunt,” I thought, then I positioned the head of my cock and thrust into her ball’s deep causing her to grunt with the impact. I pounded her and felt her concave stomach and hips rotate under me, clutching my cock with her muscles and snapping my cockhead in and out. Yes, that’s what the guys in the bar had been saying as they tried to finger her, “I hear she’s a snapper, a real blonde snapper.”

I had nearly forgotten how good it felt to have my dark hairy balls snugged up against her golden blonde snapper of a pussy. I felt my balls tighten and I pushed deep into her, shooting seven spurts of thick ropey cum into her. She clung to me and I could feel her tight cunt spasming in orgasm as she groaned in ecstacy.

But, amazingly, I remained hard as a rock.
By Tualatin
But, amazingly, I remained hard as a rock.

She noticed and murmured, “I think you missed me.” The vain whore thought I was smitten and was going (somehow) to take her back and get back to where we had been as husband and wife Let me say this clearly No Fucking Way.

I was not done. I flipped her over and pulled her up onto all fours and positioned her sideways to the camera so that Rick would be able to see her full body as I entered her from behind. Rick would enjoy seeing the trim blonde's concve abs, full round breasts topped by a hard pink pencil eraser sets of nipples. I slide my cock into her tight cunt from behind, running my hands over her breasts milking her nipples, sliding down her firm stomach to her tiny hips. I felt her thighs tighten and relax as I had her do the work of pushing and pulling my thick cock in and out of her tight cunt. I run my hands up and down the back of her well muscled, athletic thighs, letting her do all the work. Then, looking like the cat that ate the canary (as I seemed when I watched the tape with Rick later) I flashed Rick a “V” for victory sign and then mouthed for the camera “Now I’m going to get some asshole.”

With a broad smile I spread her cunt juices from her cunt to her anus and pushed my cockhead into her anus. She grunted as her anus spread to accommodate my girth. Her "boyfriends" must have been loosening her up, because she accommodated me without difficulty.

I had to admit, the cunt was a great fuck. Rotten wife, but a great lay.

I had promised Rick a show – and the show must go on.

Now, I was exploring new territory here. I had fucked my blonde ex-wife, Chris, finally, after anticipation of months and, spurt after spurt, shot a huge load, emptying my balls into her. She had no idea how I had prepared myself for that occasion; my stiff cock that I thrust in her mouth was still coated with the juices from the pussy (and anus) of another woman, a lanky brunette beauty, her former co-worker, Veronica, and my ball sac that I directed her to clean anointed with the sweet, pungent fluid from still another conquest, my young, pretty Asian playmate, Mei. Chris had licked my balls and cock, noting the “funny” aroma, and I felt a tiny spurt of pre-cum emerge from my cock as I pushed her head down on me, causing her to gag for an instant. The flash of excitement was one of long pent up desire, but also the secret pleasure of her humiliation, helping me to restore my dignity as a man who had been a cuckold. While I did this, I was mugging for the camera, knowing my buddy, Rick, was probably jacking like a mad man, seeing my trim blonde’s body that he had craved. I was mad with lust and getting payback before my friend made it even hotter.
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By Leo96
You do make it sound like the best fuck you had after a long ass time. Well i can only imagine pounding such a hot cunt whore in all holes, using and spoiling her in ways you had planned and in ways she was never aware of. What a stupid cunt to think you are still all over her.

Waiting for the next part
By Tualatin
I had learned from Rick that Chris had been the ultimate cock-tease. Not only had she blatantly flirted with other guys in front of Rick, but she had teased him, asking him if he had ever been with a true head-to-toe blonde, just to get the color to rise in his face. Then, when she had gotten the effect she wanted, she would laugh at him, “I guess not.” Then she sighed dramatically, stretching her arms upward, exaggerating her slender figure, pushing out her upright breasts and allowing her top to rise reveling her flat stomach, saying, “Too bad I don’t do gingers,” referring to his fair, redhead complexion.

I had been aware that during his divorce when we had seen a lot of him, he had been attracted to Chris. What I didn’t learn until Rick and I had spoken just recently was how she had teased the shit out of him. She had emerged from the bedroom in her bra and panties, one time he had come over, saying, “I forgot you were here. Well, it’s just like a bathing suit anyway.” Trust me, it’s nothing like a bathing suit. Rick told me she would cross and uncross her legs when she was sitting on the sofa in her silky robe, imitating the actress Sharon Stone’s famous pussy flashing tease in the movie, Basic Instinct, Chris once more “forgetting” that she didn’t have panties and that she was giving him a glimpse of her blonde pubed twat. She would twirl in front of the mirror, asking him if her jeans made her ass “look fat” and pull up her top to show her slender, fit and flat tummy, asking if she needed to do more sit ups. There was no answer possible; her sole purpose was a flirtatious “look at me” maneuver and to torment Rick. Now, I knew that Rick was thoroughly enjoying seeing Chris in all her naked glory on the surveillance equipment he had installed.

I got a special kick roughly fucking Chris in imitation of the hidden cam I had seen of her old hairy bastard of a boss fucking her, knowing that Rick was also getting off to the view and the petite fit blonde being pounded vaginally and anally by me.

I especially was turned on by her patented move: with me on top of her, she would arch her back and snap down on my cock head with each stroke, trying to milk the semen out of my balls! I've never had another women who could pull that off. "You fucking snapper," I growled. She whispered things to make me crazy: "You like me, don't you? You want me to pull the cum out of your dark haired balls with my tight blonde pussy? You're in love with me. Admit it. I'm the best you've ever had." The fucking whore was trying to entrap me once again. No way. I had another plan: I was going to fuck her like a whore. But she wasn't wrong about being a great fuck.

Having fucked her with the juices of not one, but two, other women on me, I now positioned her for Rick’s viewing pleasure for the piece de resistance, me pile driving her off the foot of the bed: in fact, using both her cunt and anus. She squealed in pleasure and pain, but I would not be deterred. I used her firm thighs, pulled back towards her chest, as arm rests and, facing away from her, gave it to her just as her hairy old bastard of a boss had – pile driving her cunt and anus and alternating between the two, dropping my cock into her with my full weight with her giving a high pitched grunt each time. I was going to put her athletic figure to good use as I pounded her alongside the bed, with her head and shoulders on the carpet.

She didn’t protest when I went directly from her cunt and ass to her mouth, ass-to-mouthing her so she could taste her own cunt and anus, teabagging her with my hairy balls over her mouth. After having her ream my ass with her tongue, I jerked off another substantial load of my white gold onto her pretty, whore face. As I unloaded, I flashed on an image that heightened my pleasure: Rick’s ginger pubed cock unloading in a cock-tease. I was growling "You cheating whore" under my breath as I shot my cum into her cunt face.
By Tualatin
I could hardly wait to head over to Rick’s place so I could see how the surveillance system worked. Obviously, I could download things remotely myself, but our sense of comradery and preserving my emotional distance from Chris were best served when we shared the viewing. It automatically enabled me to further distance myself from what would ordinarily have been a private and intimate experience and to enjoy her in a whole new light – one without reciprocity, purely selfish appreciation of her body as an object for my pleasure – and the pleasure of my friend, whom she had tormented as a cock-tease. I pictured her sighing dramatically, stretching to show off her trim body, showing off her taut belly, and telling Rick: “Too bad I don’t do gingers,” referring to his lightly freckled complexion and reddish hair. I knew that was one thing that we would get changed in the fullness of time.

In some ways, being a voyeur of myself fucking her added a whole new appreciation of the experience. When I got over there late the next afternoon, I was able to view my merciless fuck of Chris, complete with my mugging for the camera. I saw the times when I thought I had turned her toward the camera when, in fact, I had turned her into a less favorable viewing position, when I had, myself, obstructed the view. But on the whole, it was remarkable. Rick had obviously enjoyed the fuck at his leisure and probably had already jerked himself off to the images more times than I had cum while actually screwing her. He had even bookmarked the “Best of …” moments including me fucking her mouth and her going after my balls, with me covered with the cunt and anus juice of Veronica and the sweet secretions of Mei. He showed my first penetration and my pile-driving her, using her firm thighs as arm-rests as I fucked her cunt and anus, ass-to-mouthed her, and shot my load in her pretty face.

We half-joked about the fun we could have with our buddies. If you remember Mystery Science Fiction Theater 3000, which featured this guy and his robots silhouetted in front of Grade B movies, making fun of its flaws and wisecracking about the plot, you get the idea of the fun we had in mind. And, as we discussed it, we knew that we would totally be able to do exactly that: a bunch of our buddies jeering at Chris’ body, making crude remarks, and mocking her orgasmic pleasures. Except here we would be jeering and admiring my now EX-wife.

I observed things I hadn’t been able to see or notice at the time. I saw her expressions of pain and pleasure when I had been pile driving her with my back to her – the slight wince and “ooo-shaped” lips as I fucked her anus, lubricated by her ample cunt juices rubbed into her ass. I saw her expression of seriousness and even sadness when she had left the bed to go to the bathroom. Hell, I even saw her check herself out in the mirror before she came back to bed. I must give her credit her vanity never failed for a moment. In the bathroom, she pushed back her blonde hair, brushed it a few times on each side, held her breasts as though to check them for firmness, pushed her hands down her sides to her waist and even turned to check out her own ass. Or, as Rick and I joked: “Blonde. Check. Breasts still fake. Check. Ass present. Check. Cheating bitch. Check.”

Having access to Chris’ apartment was the fulfillment of every adolescent masturbatory fantasy we had ever had. Imagine getting to see a hot-bodied blonde, firm breasts jerking sharply up and down as she bounces on my cock, her expression of pain and pleasure mixed when holding onto her tiny waist, I pulled her down, making her take my cock fully into her, ready or not. And the best part was when Rick greeted me at the door, saying: "You da Man."

It was too good an opportunity to waste on ourselves alone.
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By Leo96
Well well...now i am guessing that your wicked mind was playing a darker and wilder tune in your head and you must have decided to bring in more guys to expose your wife to. Am i right buddy?
Wish i was one of them haha
Keep going
By Tualatin
Now, at this time things went off in a somewhat unexpected direction. We had been settling into the habit, Rick and I, of looking in on Chris, using the remote surveillance. I would stop by a few times a week after work. We were actually only a few minutes away by car from Chris’ apartment when at Rick’s. Chris’ unit was on the second floor, accessible by an outside concrete slabbed stairway. There was something particularly erotic about driving by her place, seeing her light go on and her shadow pass across the curtain of the window and then being able, on laptop or home computer being able to access live cam and audio of what was going. I know Rick checked in on Chris going in and out of the shower, dressing and undressing, and even caught her fingering her blonde twat while she was on her computer. I assumed she was doing some nasty chat.

I had always enjoyed women and had been faithful to Chris during our marriage, but this was a voyeuristic opportunity that was extremely exciting, even though I continued to see Veronica and Mei, separately, on a regular basis. More than once, I would go to Rick’s, watch Chris for a few minutes and then tell Rick to keep watching because I was going to “score” a natural blonde. I would drive over to Chris’ place, my cock already hard in my pants (to be even more disrespectful, I had even removed my underwear so I was “going commando”) and I would check in with Rick when I pulled up in front of her place so he could get the timing down. I literally went from parking the car to fucking her blonde cunt in under five minutes.

I would knock on the door, she would answer, and without so much as a greeting, I would push her down to her knees onto the living room floor, pull out my cock and have her suck my cock. which was, more than once, still covered with the dried (or even still sticky) cunt juice of whoever I had last fucked, before pushing her down onto the floor and, without any foreplay, fucking a load into her. (Actually, her entire foreplay was her sucking my dick!) Her tight blonde cunt juiced up fast enough anyway. On one occasion, my only conversation with her was to say: “Spread, you fucking cunt!” Talk about using her like the blonde hole she was! On that occasion, I left about fifty bucks on the coffee table and told her to apply it to the rent. Then I high-tailed it back to Rick’s place to watch the re-runs. On that occasion – and others – I was able to see her crying after I left. I felt some little pity for her, but she had brought it on herself. I was pretty sure that Rick was cumming while I was cumming, the only difference being I was in her and he was enjoying her vicariously.
By Tualatin
She wasn’t doing much dating, it seemed. Admittedly it would be hard to develop much of a dating life when your ex-husband (me!) was still fucking you regularly. One evening, however, Rick called to let me know that it looked as though Chris was getting ready for a date. It looked like a first date and she was unwise enough to allow the guy to pick her up from her place, rather than to meet at a restaurant. I drove by her place on the way to Rick’s and pulled over a watched from a block away while a guy opened the door to his Corvette and took off with Chris dressed in a slinky black dress that showed off her figure. It was about seven-thirty in the evening. Rick and I would meet up in a few hours, after there had been time for an evening out and see how it played out.

On the one hand, we thought we might see her get fucked. Or, if things didn’t go that way, I figured I could pull my “commando” routine and get what her date hadn’t. As I started out saying at the start, things went in an unexpected direction.

Rick and I, dressed in sports jackets and ties, had gotten a bite to eat at an upscale sports bar and, as luck would have it, swung past Chris’ place on the way back to Rick’s, about an hour and a half later – just in time to see the black convertible Corvette pull in front of her apartment. Something was off. It’s hard to explain, but Rick and I both sensed it enough to comment on it. For one thing, who goes out on a dinner date all dressed up and returns just an hour and a half later? It was possible that it was a hot first date and they couldn’t wait to get it on, but the body language was all wrong. I remember what Rick said: “To the Bat Mobile.” I pulled the car over to the side of the road, just 100 feet back– while Rick booted up his laptop. Rick and I watched.
By Jocko64
Awesome, you and Rick are funny and that is funny, watch EX get laid while sitting in car !! I wish they had that technology in my day!
By Tualatin
It appears that Chris and her date were arguing. He went around to her side of the car and it looked as though she wouldn’t get out of the car. (She was in front of her own place, so why wouldn’t she just take off? Unless of course, she was afraid of what the guy would do once he got her in private.) The guy, who was pretty big, maybe six two and solidly built, grabbed Chris by the arm and started marching her to her apartment, while she was trying to shake herself loose and drag her feet. At one point, she lost a shoe, and the guy, still holding onto her, picked up the shoes and continued, alternately dragging her and pushing her up the steps. It didn’t look good.

Rick, you’ll remember, was in the security business and he had spent plenty of time watching videos. This had all the appearance of an abduction – or at least something nonconsensual. It was a close call, but we decided to see how things progressed. Maybe it was just a spat and we would be able to tell from the surveillance and what happened next.

He released her as she opened the apartment door, then shoved her through the door, and slammed it closed behind him. A moment later, on the lap top, we saw Chris and her “date” move into the range of the living room cam. He took off his jacket and rolled up his shirt cuffs. It had all the appearance of a guy getting ready to deliver a beating. Chris was fit, but just five two and barely 100 lbs, and this guy was easily twice her weight. We could hear her say, “Don’t hurt me.” He growled something like, “you fucking cock-tease.” Chris said something like, “I don’t want to.” He leaned in close to hear and barked, "You've been teasing me all night…” We lost the next few words, but we clearly heard “cheerleader,” “gymnast,” “natural blonde” and “fucking tease.” It was not hard to put together. Chris had probably done the same routine Rick had heard her do in the bar, bragging about being a cheerleader, gymnast and being a true all over natural blonde head to toe. We did not doubt that she was a cock-tease. Hell, we knew she was. But this guy’s brutality was over the line.

Let me be clear, we weren’t sure what to do, but one thing we weren’t going to do was watch Chris get raped. We had had our fun and some of our conduct - hell, all of it - was disrespectful, but none of it crossed that line. What I had done was payback and consensual and based on her being a cheating slut. But, it wasn't like this.

Remember when I said that whatever payback Chris experienced would be from her own flaws. If she needed rent and was willing to let me use her, that was one thing. But this, this was another. Rick and I were on the same page.
The man was speaking to her and stroking her thigh. “Be nice,” he said. I remembered the first time I had myself stroked her, marvelling at the taut muscles in her thighs toned by her running and bicycling. Now this other man was where he had been - touching her. Aside from the cam of her boss doing her, I had never seen Chris fucked by another guy – and certainly not real time and not like this. I was turned on - but also apprehensive.
By Tualatin
With that he leaned over and holding her to him gave her a long, breathless kiss with his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. At this moment, we noticed a small detail that said it all. While pushing, pulling and carrying Chris up the stairs, her brutal date had dropped one of her shoes. It seemed significant.

Inside the apartment, in range of our video and audio, we could hear most of the conversation. The exact words are on the video and some were lost, but the sense of things was pretty plain and went pretty much like this:

"Karl, I think you'd better go now. You're getting carried away," she said pushing him away.

"I don't think so."

"PLEASE LEAVE," she repeated, this time with conviction.

"I don't think so," Karl replied, reaching for her deliberately as though to show he could do what he wanted with her. He slid his hands around her tiny waist and pulled her dress open, revealing her bra and a firm tanned stretch of tummy.

"I don't want to," she said, pushing him away.

"It's too late for that now," he said, "I'm gonna check you out for size."

With that he tugged at his belt and, at the same time, slid his hand under her dress. We couldn’t tell if he was fingering her or what, but his other hand, in a pincer movement, was obviously reaching into her bra cup and roughly squeezing her firm breasts and protruding upright nipples which stood up from them like pink erasers. He starting trying to pull her dress off and the material must have been about to tear because Chris said, quite firmly:

"Stop it, she said, " you're ripping it. I want you to leave or I'm going to call the police."

"You're not calling anyone," Karl said, as he continued to pull her dress off. Although upper arms were well defined, from her gym work outs, she could not physically fend off this guy. Her dress was pushed up her thighs revealing that she was wearing black panties. It was here that her date's hand moved. As she resisted she kept her legs together and taut and pushed him away. Karl responded only by grabbing her wrists together and putting them over her head with one hand, while his other slid up her thighs.

"Don't. I'm going to scream."

"Scream, you cock-tease. I've gone too far to stop now. I'm going to check out that blonde cunt of yours if it's the last thing I do."

"Don't. I'll ....” With that he covered her mouth with his big hand. I was watching this pretty blonde that I had fucked on many a night about to get used by the well-muscled man with her. If we did nothing, I knew that we would see this guy pork Chris’ tight blonde cunt. I knew how it would be to see the man's heavy, black-haired balls work into her tight, wet blonde-haired twat. But, we could not watch that happen if she was really resisting. Even as that thought was formed, she worked her arms free and pushed the man away. He had dropped his pants, and a thick cock had sprung out. He was trying to wet the head of his cock and work it into her. She was really struggling now, pushing him away with her legs and knees.

"Stop, Karl. You bastard. Help!" she shouted.

At this point we could watch no more. Rick and I run up the steps to her apartment and within seconds we were at the door.
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By Leo96
Oh now this went to some unexpected direction. Its good to see kept your humane values intact even in the case of your ex cheating wife. Says a lot about your character. Keen to see how this chapter would have created the ground for all the events that happened further
By Tualatin
Rick took his flashlight and rapped the door hard. “Police,” I said in a deep voice. Rick glared at me. He had his security expert face on now and I had semi-screwed up. (You don’t go around saying “Police” if you’re not one.) Rick said, “Please come to the door sir or we have probable cause to enter the premises.” Wow, I thought, Rick has this covered. We heard rustling and Rick said again, “Sir, we are not going to ask again.” The guy came to the door, he had hurriedly pulled up his pants, but his zipper was still half down.

“Please step outside for a moment so we may discuss a matter of concern.” Rick opened up his wallet and flashed his security badge which he had on him. (I didn’t know that. Apparently the security people he works on in their systems all respect a badge, so he had one.)

The man complied, somewhat meekly, which made me despise him. He was a bully for a blonde woman half his size but he didn’t want to resist the two of us. He must have realized he had crossed the line. He walked the man down to his car and, over his shoulder, said to me: “Check on the lady, Bob.” My name’s not Bob, but it sounded right. As they went down the stairs, I heard Rick ask him to stand by his car and to pull his license and registration.

I went into the unit. Chris had pulled herself together, but was on the verge of tears. Her arm was red, with finger marks, where Karl had grabbed her. She had pulled her dress around her but it had been stretched at the top so it gapped and showed me a peek of her bra. I gave her a hug and she clung to me, sobbing, for a minute while I shushed her. “I’d better check on Rick and see what’s going on. I went down the steps and by the time I got there, I could see that Rick had the guy standing with his hands on the hood of his car. Rick had apparently made a show of checking the guy’s license and registration and was coming back from the car.” He and I made a show of conferring quietly and then Rick told the guy: “I think we’ve had enough drama for tonight, don’t you?” Karl mumbled. “Sorry?” Rick pressed. “Yes, sir,” Karl said.

“Apparently, no one is pressing charges so, although the general rule is that someone spends the night in jail, I’m prepared to let this slide as a date that didn’t go well – provided, you clear out of here and agree not to contact the lady again. We have your information,” Rick said, handing back the license and registration, “and if we hear anything more about this, we’ll write it up. Do you understand what I am saying to you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay, then, good night.”

“Thank you, officer.”

“It’s Detective, in case you can’t tell,” Rick said over his shoulder, “and you just had all the luck you’re going to have tonight. Good night, sir.”

I was frankly blown away. Rick had been AMAZING. As we walked back, Rick picked up Chris’ shoe and said to me, “So you never saw me in security mode, huh?”

Rick bounced up the stairs filled with adrenalin and I followed him. He handed Chris’ shoe to her and she grabbed hold of him and gave him a hug and a kiss.

“How did you know?” she asked.

Rick said, “We were just going back to my place and we saw you going in with him. I couldn’t make out what was going on, but it didn’t look right. So, we were wondering if we should knock on the door and while we were thinking about what to do, I noticed your shoe. I figured, ‘No way does Chris leave shoes like this outside.’” Rick laughed, Chris laughed, and I could feel the relief.

I knew what had to happen.

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