Open Discussions about the site
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By Sshishak
Would anyone be interested in joining an adult naughty chat group? The FB boys don’t allow for naughtiness anymore so we created one in a messenger chat. Would anyone be interested in joining? We try to keep an even ratio of men to women and would be glad to look and anyone that would be interested.
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By Wraith92
I don't have Facebook, but I would be interested if you would be. I am looking to meet new people and I am straight male.


There isn't sufficient bandwidth to list the plagi[…]

Mr Forbes does not need to claw for a reply to tha[…]

So Much Winning!!!!

It is certainly accurate to observe that, iInstead[…]

Joe Denies 2000 Election

Per pro-Democrat USA Today: "In some ways, t[…]

Pelosi Admits Responsibility

If McConnell shares some responsibility with Pelos[…]

Mr Forbes is merely flexing the muscles slightly i[…]

I agree with Clown that the words of Mr Forbes are[…]

Senile dementia...