Political discussions about everything
Puerto Rico does have it's own mafia, nothing happens on a large scale unless they approve it and get their share. Any relief supplies will be have to go through them after a cargo load of cash is delivered. The mafia is going to make out like a fat cat on this operation.
Jerking the thread back on track...

It seems the NFL is starting to realize what a PR disaster they have on their hands. Last night all the Packers stood and linked arms during the national anthem (as the fans chanted, "USA, USA, USA!).
This morning the Broncos announced the entire team will stand. They claim the players took a vote, and that kneeling wasn't being disrespectful of the flag and country, and it had all been misunderstood and one big mistake, can we just forget about it now and get our endorsement deals back, please?
there are no truck drivers to take the supplies where they are needed, ..why not?
That's because the skids haven't been greased.

Concerning the NFL, a pol came out yesterday that they've taken a 50% drop in favorability since Trump's calling on the son of bitches to be fired. They've got the point that kneeling wasn't such a great ideal because there aren't as many libtards that watch the NFL as they thought. Now they're trying to pull a slick of one and continue their protests during the anthem by linking arms in hate against the police and America. Saw one clip where the team called on the audience to join them by linking arms during the anthem and the one guys yelled "Fuck you, I'm not joining your protest" upon hearing that several fans who were starting to link arms thought about and realized that's exactly what the players were getting them to do, join their protest during the anthem. They all returned to placing their hands over their hearts.
Who had the bright idea to bring in PR anyhow?

Its bonds are mostly in default, and the place is bankrupt.

More Ricans are in mainland America than there.

And they obviously were not smart enough to prepare for the storm.

Unlike Texas and Florida, PR presents more logistical difficulty and the folks thought ought to know that before complaining about the slow pace of us helping them.
Who had the bright idea to bring in PR anyhow?
The United States wanted the strategic location for military reasons, it's turned into a money pit, 65% of the adult population receive federal assistance in some form. The United States will be shamed by libtards until PR is rebuilt better than it was before the storm, after which they'll complain it took too long and wasn't enough.
Both the governor of Puerto Rico and mayor pf San Juan are Democrats
which explains their bitching about President Trump.....but also take note
both are supporters of Oscar Lopez Rivera, a communist and a terrorist....

Now the mayor of San Juan after accusing the President of "killing them"
says politics should be put aside and all should concentrate on the relief.

The President will there on Tuesday......I for one will not be surprised
by the reception these two are organizing for him! :o
So true.

There are thousands of containers just sitting at the port, and apparently there are unions which don't want to move them.

The mayor of San Juan has sympathy for a communist, but she didn't even attend the FEMA briefings.

Where did she get her custom t-shirt? Did CNN give it to her to stage her interview?

For FEMA, the past 2 months have presented the worst chain of events in its history -- Texas, Florida, US Virgin Islands, PR, on and on.
Clownkicker wrote:Anyone like this stupid ignorant traitor fuck above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ should simply be shot to mercifully put him out of his misery.

Why shouldn't he be treated as humanely as any other dog?
See asslicking clown. the difference between you and me.
I said move to a third world shit hole
you said I should be Shot.
making you a real POS that should be rounded and and moved along with all your American hating ilk
The "reefers" there, some of them should be distributed before more are brought in, so this failure to distribute in PR has tremendously slowed down the processing of helping PR.

Still, there are about 13,000 FEMA employees or contractors there, and over half the gas stations have been resupplied, and the attempt to help PR is continuing while the Left plays politics.
NFL.JPG (62.13 KiB) Viewed 8221 times
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Blacks were the only group that gave the NFL higher ratings since the kneeling has began. The only problem for the NFL is that their core funding comes from white males between 34 and 54, rating has dropped 60% by that group. The only exceptions were white males who identified as liberal, but they are 80% less likely to be cord funding fans than white conservative males.

The NFL insulted it's core fans and is now paying the price. Many of will not be going back no matter what they do at this point, they exposed who they really are.
Fox sees big jump in ratings for Week 4 NFL coverage

The kneeling-related boycott of the NFL hasn’t fully materialized.

Fox’s NFL coverage netted a 12.6 rating and 26 share, a 14% increase over its Week 4 coverage a year ago. The network broadcast one game nationally on Sunday and the ratings were about 20% better than CBS’ singleheader coverage in Week 4 of 2016.

Fox had the top-rated NFL broadcast of the weekend and its best singleheader telecast since 2015, the network announced on Monday.

So how's that boycott going?

Pence just put the nail in the NFL's coffin today.
Vice President Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after players kneel.

This was another chess move by Trump. The NFL commissioner has already called for a meeting with all team owners. He's worried about his $40 Million dollar a year job because after Pence's chess move it's check mate for the future of the NFL.

Even Kaepernick will stand if given another chance to play.
The first two team owners have told their players if they kneel at any future games; they'll be benched. The NFL players union tried arguing they're committing a benchable offense by kneeling and the owners pointed out that they wouldn't be benched for disrespecting the flag, they would be bench for disobeying their coaches' order not to do it. The response from the union was "that's not fair"

Trump is masterful in his chess moves.
The NFL just gave in and will be ordering their players to stand. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell just released a letter where he told all 32 NFL owners ‘everyone should stand for the national anthem’.

Goodell is worried about his $40 Million salary as he should be. The core NFL fans are talking with our money and no matter what they do at this point, they'll never have the same public support, especially when they're asking for 100's of millions in tax money "to help them be great". I'm done with the NFL, don't fall their crap, just because they will be forced to stand, we all know they aren't doing it out of respect or love for our country.
Found this ..... :o

> ---National boycott of the NFL for Sunday
> November 12th, Veterans Day Weekend. Boycott all football
> telecast, all fans, all ticket holders, stay away from
> attending any games, let them play to empty stadiums. Pass
> this post along to all your friends and family. Honor our
> military, some of whom come home with the American Flag
> draped over their coffin. Please "share",
What's also amusing is California invested billions of tax money to have three NFL teams, two of them in Southern California and at the same time importing millions of illegals who out number middle income whites (NFL Fans) in many California cities. It's a known fact Mexicans can care less about football, especially the illegal ones. Now California is wondering why there's such a low turnout in their NFL games. :lol: :lol: :lol:
California’s Breakup With the NFL

As the Rams and Chargers struggle to gain a foothold in Los Angeles, the 49ers also deal with questions about fan support which as dropped over 30% in 2017. The seats have been noticeably empty at kickoff for home games. Many other seats are often filled by boisterous traveling fans of visitors like the Kansas City Chiefs. After a recent game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers said it didn’t feel like a home game, since there were more Eagle fans than Charger fans at the game. Rivers questioned if Californians have turned to other sports.
NFL California.JPG
NFL California.JPG (147.09 KiB) Viewed 8139 times
That's my feeling about it too.

I used to watch NBA games, but it descended into a dunking contest and which semi-literate moron had the most arrests.

The NFL in the D.C. area used to be that the Redskins were almost a religion. Traffic stopped on Sunday afternoons.

But I don't need some NFL dope telling me erroneous info about cop shootings.
It's hilarious to see you imbeciles agreeing with me once again. First you're trashing the Republicans and now you're trashing the pro sport crap you used to be so gung ho for. You'll become liberals yet. :lol:

I've never given a nickel to the NFL or NBA beyond the confiscated taxes for stadiums which I voted against. I've never gone to a game. I've never bought any of their ridiculous faux jerseys, hats, or beer drinking paraphernalia. I don't watch them on TV. I don't buy sneakers endorsed by any of them.

So now all you conservatives are finally coming around to my way of thinking. Good for you.
You'll all be ready to vote for Bernie Sanders pretty soon. :lol:
Has nothing to do with politics.

I grew up watching the Yankees and the Boston Celtics and the Baltimore Colts.

Athletic skill is interesting, and pro sports used to be consistent with patriotism and obeying the law and so forth, apple pie and Chevrolet and all that.

But that has changed with the entry of big money into pro sports.
RealJustme wrote:The NFL just gave in and will be ordering their players to stand. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell just released a letter where he told all 32 NFL owners ‘everyone should stand for the national anthem’.

Goodell is worried about his $40 Million salary as he should be. The core NFL fans are talking with our money and no matter what they do at this point, they'll never have the same public support, especially when they're asking for 100's of millions in tax money "to help them be great". I'm done with the NFL, don't fall their crap, just because they will be forced to stand, we all know they aren't doing it out of respect or love for our country.
Justme/Trump busted cold in another lie.


“Commentary this morning about the Commissioner's position on the Anthem is not accurate. As we said yesterday, there will be a discussion of these issues at the owners meeting next week. The NFL is doing the hard work of trying to move from protest to progress, working to bring people together,” the league said in a statement.

The NFL’s clarification came one day after Goodell said he would meet with the league’s 32 owners to address how to move forward amid a national debate about anthem protests. Dozens of NFL players have conducted demonstrations, including kneeling during the anthem or skipping it altogether, since Trump called on owners to fire any player who fails to stand.

Goodell said the league believes “everyone should stand for the National Anthem,” but stopped short of mandating that players stand. The commissioner added that the league would consider forming an “in-season platform” to allow players to promote social justice efforts.
The commissioner added that the league would consider forming an “in-season platform” to allow players to promote social justice efforts.
Social justice would be allowing police the full authority to protect innocent citizens from the super predators that prey in the inner cities. Until that happens there will be no social justice. The NFL protests are all about restricting police from protecting citizens from those black thugs who feel they have the right to prey on others.
President Donald Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity Wednesday that the NFL should have suspended quarterback Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the playing of "The Star-Spangled Banner."

"The NFL should have suspended him for one game and he would have never done it again," Trump told host Sean Hannity in Harrisburg, Pa. "They could have then suspended him for two games and they could have suspended him again if he did it a third time, for the season, and you would never have had a problem."
Tool, both you and Donald Trump need to learn that you can't suspend someone if they don't break any rules or violate their contract.

We already know rules and contracts are meaningless to Trump.
What I wonder is whether your customers know rules and contracts are meaningless to you as well, Tool.
Tool, both you and Donald Trump need to learn that you can't suspend someone if they don't break any rules or violate their contract.
If a owner or manager tells a player not to do something and they do it they can be fired for not following instructions. It doesn't matter what the act is, hell they can tell them what color socks to wear and they have to do it or they don't play.
^^^^^ See? This is just how insane the Right is.

RealTool actually thinks that an owner can tell a player to cold-cock a fan on TV, and if the player refuses, he can be fired.

No, dummy, he can't.
Sure, owners can decide the colors of the team uniform, nobody ever said they couldn't.
But they can't insist, for example, that everyone must pull down their pants on national TV and then fire anyone who doesn't comply. They will be sued, and they will lose.
RealTool actually thinks that an owner can tell a player to cold-cock a fan on TV, and if the player refuses, he can be fired.
See how silly the left can get when trying to defend another libtard! Clown compares forcing a NFL player to punch out a fan to standing for the national anthem. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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