Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
"And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust."-Queen (ironic :lol: )

So elklindo was right, Trump "pulled the trigger" on Priebus. Who's laughing now, tvdolt?

Let's see now, Trump is supposed to be the master CEO who knows how to hire and keep the best guys.
1. White House Communications director Mike Dubke gone after three months
2. White house Press Secretary Spicer gone after six months
3. National Security Adviser Flynn fired for lying to Pence and being a foreign agent
4. Deputy National Security Adviser McFarland 'asked to leave'
5. another Deputy Natl. Sec. Adviser Derek Harvey fired
6. Acting Attorney General Sally Yates fired
7. Deputy W.H. Chief of Staff Katie Walsh fired
8. Vice President's Chief of Staff Josh Pitcock dumped from White House
9. FBI Director Comey fired after about three months
10. Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Schaub quits in disgust
11. W.H. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus fired

Trump isn't even any good at the stuff he's supposed to be good at. He's flat out incompetent.
And what should be a wake-up call to you dimwits is that elklindo got to the firing of Priebus days before any of you dummies.
How long before Sessions is history? Maybe you guys should ask elklindo. :lol:

How long do you clowns think Kelly will last in the Chief of Staff job before he quits or is fired?
One month? Two?
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By tvd
="So elklindo was right, Trump "pulled the trigger" on Priebus. Who's laughing now, tvdolt?
You are the one that insisted thru your stupid word games that "pulling the trigger" on Priebus didn't mean canning him.

My only involvement was 'splainin' to Lucy ^^^^^^^ the real meaning of what Elkindoofus said.

I could not care less re: Priebus in or out.

But as a Trump supporter, I am getting tired of this shit, this constant turmoil, the leaking, the constant "open mic" tweeting about staff (Sessions). Trump needs to get a handle on this crap and smooth out the operations.
By Intrepid
I knew all the Useful Idiots, led by their master Cornholio AssClown the Loser Marxist Tool would react with glee over Priebus being replaced. What they are too St000pid to see is this is more draining the swamp.
Priebus leaked like a sieve and had to go.

MAGA you leftist bitches.
By sillydaddy
So elklindo was right, Trump "pulled the trigger" on Priebus.
Clown......When did elk say that? I never saw that post...where is that ? :o
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By tvd
Yeah...Elk said some shit like that. Someone else started talking about Priebus being fired...Clown stepped in it and tried to wordsmith and spin saying Elk never said such....but he did.
By Clownkicker
"Someone else started talking about Priebus being fired...Clown stepped in it and tried to wordsmith and spin saying Elk never said such....but he did."-tvdope

No, I agreed that elklindo said Trump was getting ready to fire Priebus, dimwit.
What I said is that elklindo never claimed TRUMP said he was going to fire Priebus, which is what that "Someone else" pretended elklindo said when he hadn't said it.

Why is it you clowns can't comment on anything without making up stupid shit?
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By namngulfvet
Dogzilla wrote:I'm thinking that El tRumpo may be the next one to go. Either way, the time is near.
You know Dogshit you need to stop rolling in your own feces
By sillydaddy
Dog must be getting inside information from Madcow's barber.....
I have never seen Dog ....but I would not be surprise if they sport the same haircut.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Clownkicker
And another one's gone, and another one's gone, another one bites the dust.

Looks like Kelly is really trying to save the President from himself. That's hopeful.
By johnforbes
Admit it. You laughed.

But let me repost my major tweet this morning:

"Dew on grass sparkling in the sun. I favor peace and total human harmony."
By Clownkicker
No, I didn't laugh, dimwit. Your 'humor' is nearly always predictable, unimaginative, and largely witless.
And then you beat it into the ground. Like now.

The three times you made me laugh over the years, I posted and told you so. That's it, johnny, three times in ten years or so.
That's how measurably funny you aren't.
By johnforbes
No, 79 years.

I began logging on when modems were actually made of real logs.

Clowntoker is correct that I've made him laugh 3 times, but that is just today and it is only 1 pm in my locale.

This has all been verified by the forum's official chuckleometer.
By Clownkicker
And another one's gone, another one's gone, another one bites the dust.

Head of Drug Enforcement Administration Rosenberg leaves, and why?
"The acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration will resign at the end of the week, according to law enforcement officials, who said he had become convinced that President Trump had little respect for the law."-New York Times

So I guess Rosenberg's a lot slower on the uptake than the rest of us if he's just learning this now.
By Clownkicker
We see RealTool's plan for making a President look good:

1. Run on a platform of "Draining the swamp"

2. Hire a bunch of pond scum.

3. Fire the pond scum.

4. Have FOXnews and partisan douche bags brag about what a good job you're doing "draining the swamp."
By Clownkicker
What is it with your obsession with Grog, johnny? He hasn't even been here in six months or so. Yet you're still talking to him and about him.

It's amazing how completely Grog owns you dimwits. Just like I own the AssClown Shitstain Insipid. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By namngulfvet
At lest Trump is taking care of business. Something Ojackass would never have done. He left all his cronies in place no matter how much they broke the law.
By Intrepid
Still living rent free inside the dark, lonely, empty space that is the mind of Comrade AssClown Loser Marxist Tool.

Who couldn't come up with an original thought to save his crippled, communist ass if he had to.

Who admits who his master is every time he imitates or mimics me.

He is, after all, MY nigger.

Now, shuck and jive boy.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^ The AssClown Insipid is so owned. It's compulsive with him. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Right on cue, per his orders.
Jerk his leash and he comes gratefully slobbering and panting on command, ready to have his nose rubbed in his own shit again. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Intrepid
De massa cracks de whip, an de niggah Comrade AssClown Loser Marxist Tool, he be jumpin', yaa suh!

Jump again nigger, jump boy, jump!
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