Political discussions about everything
The only thing I disagree with in Trump's statement was when he called on supporters to get up and walk out on games when players disrespect the flag. The reason is, the NFL has already collected the money for the tickets so leaving during the game doesn't hit them in the pocket. What he should have said is that if a team has players disrespecting the flag, supporters should refuse to watch or attend their games until they stop doing it. 68% of NFL fans identify as conservative. The average person that attends NFL games is either Middle or Upper Middle class, that leaves 80% of blacks out.

The NFL can not survive if they're counting on the majority of their funding to come from blacks and liberals. The vast majority of their funding comes from white conservatives. Even if 25% of white conservatives stop contributing to the NFL, the NFL be bankrupt within months if they didn't tell their players to just play the game and stop offending conservatives.

This is totally the NFL's fault for their PC, touchy feely way they failed to take immediate action when Kaepernick started the practice. If a player wears Trump socks he's not permitted to go on the field, yet Kaepernick not only disrespected the flag, he wore pigs in a blanket socks and all the NFL did was yawn and defend his right to do so. They made their bed now the NFL needs to lay in it.

Count me in as one person boycotting the NFL until all players stop their childish and offensive actions. SHUT EM DOWN!

It's come out that months ago, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell was asked by owners about playing the National Anthem prior to letting the players come out on the field as a solution and Goodell responded, that would be a cowardly way of denying players the right to express themselves.

Curry, a Golden State Warriors guard and two-time NBA MVP, said Friday he would vote against the team visiting Trump’s White House to celebrate the team’s 2017 championship.

That was enough for Trump to decide against inviting him.

“Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team.Stephen Curry is hesitating,therefore invitation is withdrawn!” the chief executive tweeted at 8:45 a.m.
LOL, Curry thought he would hurt Trump's feelings by threatening not to visit the White House, Trump says screw you, you are no longer invited to the White House, you were the one getting the honor of visiting, not the other way around.
I'm thinking the NFL owners are kicking themselves for not nipping this thing in the bud.
There is no doubt they now know they underestimated the response and thought it would blow over, had they nipped this in the bud the first time it happened, no one would be talking about this now. As it is, the NFL is in a no win situation and the owners will be losing 100's of millions unless they step forward and piss off the fringe left by banning kneeling or making them stay in the locker room until the National Anthem is over. Not playing the National Anthem would end the NFL.

Trump patiently waited for the NFL to deal with it and when he saw they weren't going to, he laid out a royal flush hand and said "now show me what you have"
If you think about it, you have blacks, who are the most violent and non productive people on the planet demanding whites be nicer to them or else. THUGS making demands of people they victimize.

Express your rights, boycott the NFL and let their handlers deal with their melt downs.
"Trump says NFL owners should fire son of bitches that kneel"

And obviously Jesus should damn anyone to hell who's so disrespectful as to kneel when praying to him. :lol:

Don't you imbeciles ever tire of being manipulated by more bread and circuses?
Doesn't it hurt when your handlers tug on the chain running through the ring in your noses?
I am a veteran and served proudly and I love my country. What these NFL players are doing makes my blood boil. I hate what they are doing. I do not condone what they are doing. But...I stand behind their right to exercise their 1st Amendment right. I do not agree with them but I served to preserve their right to express their opinion. I'm sure that if I take away their right to free speech someone will take mine away.
I am a veteran and served proudly and I love my country. What these NFL players are doing makes my blood boil. I hate what they are doing. I do not condone what they are doing.
The very reason they shouldn't be doing it, if it offends those who pay to watch the games, it shouldn't be allowed. If you continue to give them money, even though they are knowingly offending you, you're an idiot.

Tim Tebow was once prevented from taking to the field until he removed a wrist ban that had a Christian cross on it. The reason given, it might offend someone.
Yeah snake.....But these players have to realize...with rights come responsibilities
and these guys are abusing them and the owners will let them because of the money....
But they will soon find out that the old sayings are true...."you don't bite the hand that feeds you..." and
" you don't shit where you eat."

Now if they want to go out into the community and help those not as fortunate
that's fine...But I bet that most if not all will change into their Armani suits after the game and
go out to an expensive dinner then drive home in their Bentleys to their multi-million dollar homes and unwind by the pool! :o :o :lol:
I have a lot of sympathy for the point Clown is making here, but I suppose these towns believe a subsidy is worthwhile given the potential for an increase in local economic activity.

But, yes, they should be buying their own stadiums.

This is even more true if the players essentially dislike the country and its flag, but want to be paid millions for playing a kid game.
There are about 1,696 players in the NFL, each making an average salary of $1.9M per season...
So really not worth listening to these whiners!.....

But everyone loves a circus..the owners joined in even though most donated millions to Trump...
They know a money making event when they see one...and their niggers put one on for them yesterday :lol: :lol: :lol:
The media, channels and the NFL will attempt to cover up the massive loss of viewers and fans as long as they can with fake polls. Pictures will show stadiums half empty but they'll claim they sold out.

The NFL is a on a down hill slide with a slippery surface and no ropes. The NFL over estimated their power over people, they're finding out people love our flag and what it stands for more than they do the NFL. Declaring war on our flag was a WRONG move.
Von Miller of the Denver Bronco's was in the process of negotiating
an endorsement contract with Phil Long Ford in Denver when he decided
to kneel for the anthem...The Ford dealership cancelled the offer....

Players are going to lose money over their idiotic antics..
Wait until the big guys like Budweiser pull the plug..under pressure
of the real beer drinkers of America..! :lol: :lol:
^^^^^ Dog, how can you give johnforbes any credit when he intentionally makes posts containing that many blatant lies?

Either he knows they are lies and he posts them anyway, or else he actually believes the falsehoods and he should simply be ridiculed for being that stupid.

There is no middle ground with this sort of dishonest scum.
The Left hates America.

These players are assuming that America, which gives them millions for playing a kid game, is a bad country.
There is no middle ground with this sort of dishonest scum.
-AssClown Loser Marxist Tool.

Thanks AssClown for admitting there is no middle ground with the dishonest scum leftards.
sillydaddy wrote:Von Miller of the Denver Bronco's was in the process of negotiating
an endorsement contract with Phil Long Ford in Denver when he decided
to kneel for the anthem...The Ford dealership cancelled the offer....

Players are going to lose money over their idiotic antics..
Wait until the big guys like Budweiser pull the plug..under pressure
of the real beer drinkers of America..! :lol: :lol:
So Von Miller lost a couple of bucks for doing what he thought was right.

There's no shame in what he did...it actually shows he stood up for principles that Trump obviously lacks. Furthermore he put his money where is mouth is. BTW....when was the last time Trump put his money where his mouth is???

What Colin was protesting was some cop shooting some criminal somewhere.

Most of the NFL players have off-the-charts athletic ability, but low IQs.

None of them have even been able to articulate why they, as millionaires playing a kid game, are even protesting anything.

This whole movement is about putting pigs in a blanket and anyone who condones or supports it either hates police or are stupid. Kap even wore socks with pigs on it when he started this. I for one will always side with the police over these son of bitches. More blacks are killed by other blacks in one week in Chicago than blacks killed by police in the United States for the whole year. Not a peep from those son of bitches about the real problem, it's all about hate for the police who stand in their way of doing what ever in the hell they want to do to anyone they want to do it too. They have contracts and the NFL owners have blessed off on their behavior so they'll collect their money no matter what, but the owners are going to take up the shorts money wise. The owners and the NFL built this by not controlling their son of bitches.
LeBum James didn't attend college, and instead did what he does best -- hoops.

He is a good player, but a total moron.

For example, what is he protesting?

Colin was concerned about some criminal shot by a cop, so is that what bothers LeBum?

Is he concerned about the 500 plus murders in Chicago this year?
Trump claims that he has a legitimate grievance because someone didn't stand for the national anthem and they are taking down statues.

Meanwhile Puerto Rico lies in ruins while Trump takes a victory lap over his bread and circus act...

President Donald Trump sounded very satisfied with his recent remarks on patriotism and the NFL in a dinner with conservative group leaders at the White House Monday night, according to a person who attended the event.

"It's really caught on. It's really caught on," Trump said of his NFL comments to attendees at the dinner, according to someone who attended. "I said what millions of Americans were thinking."

"You could really tell he was satisfied," this person in the room said about the President's comments.
Trump really gets under your skin doesn't he? I've got something for you, today while getting on Air Force One today, Trump talked to a white Marine, there was a black Marine just a few feet away but Trump didn't say one damn work to the son of a bitch. I think it's grounds for impeachment, jump on it dude.
The media is all up in arms blaming Trump for the slow pace of distributions
demanding why the delays?
What the media has forgotten is that Puerto Rico is our own little banana republic...
and just like in the film,"Our Man in Havana", it has it's own brand of corruption.... :o :o :lol:
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