Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
I guess the proper response to such a victory is "Sieg Heil!" right?
By Clownkicker
I've got to admit, Trump is playing a really intriguing game of chess.

Whereas most players have a strategy of taking out the other guy's pieces while enjoying repeated incremental wins with each diminution of his opponent's strength, Trump's strategy seems to be to wipe out all his own pieces and not win any small victories at all. Fascinating...

I smell a surprise "check mate" coming any time now, don't you, RealTool?
By sillydaddy
Well then...you must be elated that Obama just said he's coming back to show the Demos how
to win an election.....
Upon hearing that Hillary came out of her pup tent in the woods and said she wants to run again...!
She just "wrote" a book telling us her side why she lost the last election...
Of course she doesn't blame herself....Now I will admit I will never see any point in reading it..
After all ..why read it when we were all there....! :lol: But I remember clearly She blamed Obama
and all the media outlets that carried her on their backs, like CNN :lol: :lol:

I guess Dog and Clown are happy to see the old gang back together again...
Can't wait for the Demos to unveil their platform...Nothing but winner...

WOW! I think I actually heard the snap of Clown's heels when he gave that salute! :lol: :lol:
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By namngulfvet
sillydaddy wrote:Well then...you must be elated that Obama just said he's coming back to show the Demos how
to win an election.....
Upon hearing that Hillary came out of her pup tent in the woods and said she wants to run again...!
She just "wrote" a book telling us her side why she lost the last election...
Of course she doesn't blame herself....Now I will admit I will never see any point in reading it..
After all ..why read it when we were all there....! :lol: But I remember clearly She blamed Obama
and all the media outlets that carried her on their backs, like CNN :lol: :lol:

I guess Dog and Clown are happy to see the old gang back together again...
Can't wait for the Demos to unveil their platform...Nothing but winner...

WOW! I think I actually heard the snap of Clown's heels when he gave that salute! :lol: :lol:
I wonder if they plan on adding another terrorist group to existing ones they created
White Supremacy

wonder what the next one is going to be.
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By RealJustme
That's great news that Bannon is gone, he was Trump's biggest trouble maker, not sure why it took Trump so long to boot his ass.
By Clownkicker
You're probably right, Tool, since Bannon was the likely source of all the l e a k s you've been blaming on Obama hold-overs. :o
By Clownkicker
"I guess Dog and Clown are happy to see the old gang back together again...
Can't wait for the Demos to unveil their platform...Nothing but winner..."-sillydaddy

You go on deluding yourself, silly. The Democrats are not going to run Hillary again.
And I couldn't care less whether or not she runs for anything.
By Intrepid
The word on the street is that with no bench and only far left loons like the Bernout and Lieawatha the Donkey-Rats are having a hard time fund raising.
Seems nobody wants to open their wallets for a bunch of raving Marxist losers.
And you KNOW that's how it's going to go next time as all the lefties try to out left each other.

Thankfully they never learn.
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By RealJustme
Talking about Nazi's, Hillary told a crowd this morning which was applauding her "sounds like you guys want me to step up to the plate in the next Presidential election" the applause died down almost instantly.
By sillydaddy
And Clown thought I was making shit up when I said Hillary wants to run again.... :lol: :lol:
By Clownkicker
sillydummy, you need to learn the difference between Hillary running for something and the Democrats running Hillary.

It's quite possible she would run again. She's an egomaniac, just like Trump and every other candidate for President.
But the Democrats won't run her, which is what I said.

You ignorant clowns honestly need to learn to read.
By Dogzilla
I'll bet the dumbfucks believe that tRumpf could win again.
By johnforbes
Nobody who had ever visited a WW II death camp would use the word "Nazi" in the same juvenile, dumb fashion as this thread.
By Clownkicker
Nobody who has ever heard the leaders and followers of the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists talk would ever say that using the term "Nazi" on this thread is "juvenile" or "dumb".

Those people mean EXACTLY what Hitler and the rest meant, johnny. EXACTLY.

johnny's trouble is he's so juvenile and dumb that he naively thinks "it can't happen here."
By sillydaddy
Clown, I never said ..nor do I think the Demos will give Hillary the OK to run again...
But what will they do if she publicly announces it....How will they stop her?
Will they "throw her under the bus" and allow her to be indicted..for the good of the party? :o :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Clownkicker
"And Clown thought I was making shit up when I said Hillary wants to run again...." <---that's what you said.

I never thought you were making up shit when you said Hillary wants to run again.
Why would you say such a thing about me when you have no possible way to know what I thought?
I'm the one you were making up shit about.

Of course, you probably ARE making up shit about Clinton because your reading comprehension is abysmal and that's what you guys like to do, but I never thought so because it might be true and I don't care enough to bother to look into it. It isn't even slightly interesting.
By sillydaddy
Of course, you probably ARE making up shit about Clinton .....

...... but I never thought so because it might be true....
:lol: :lol: :lol:
By johnforbes
Trump was elected fair and square.

That's what the Left cannot accept.

It was Hillary who worked with Ukraine, and it was Hillary who sold Putin our uranium.

It is juvenile and stupid to use the term "Nazi" and seek to link it to American politicians.
By Dogzilla
Bald faced, fucked up LIES! You're degenerating quickly, JJ
By Intrepid
Says the deranged left wing alcoholic pedophile former playground monitor who can offer no rebuttal based on reason, logic or facts. This response proves liberalism is not only a mental disorder, but is an emotion driven, knee jerk reactionary ideology.

And is further proof that you should get your kids or grand kids out of public schools ASAP.
By Intrepid
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By johnforbes
Anybody who has ever picked up a history book, or lived in Germany, would know better than to toss around the term "Nazi."

That is just stupid.
By Dogzilla
Call it what you want, JJ......It's the idealism that's important. And very recognizable.
By Intrepid
That would actually be funny if there weren't so many delusional idiots like Dogshit around.
By Intrepid
Keep in mind that's the sort of bullshit being taught to your kids today.
By johnforbes
Dogzilla, have you ever read Telford Taylor?

Ever been to Nurnberg?

Ever visited Dachau?

The answer to all three would surely be "No."

The Left tosses around words like "Nazi" but those who do so do it in utter blissful ignorance of what it really means.
By Clownkicker
Has johnforbes ever read anything about the Nazis before "The Final Solution" was arrived at in Wansee?
Apparently the answer is "no" or he wouldn't be so cavalier about the warning signs of neo-Nazi rhetoric we see gaining strength around us today.

Early on Nazis behaved just like guys like Trump and Bannon as they consolidated a following of people just like those we saw in Charlottesville recently. The concentration camps are only the ultimate manifestation of their philosophy; the exact same philosophy of those parading around with swastikas and Hitler salutes today.
johnny, they CALL THEMSELVES Nazis, you moron. It's okay to use the term.

It is absolutely necessary that we "toss around words like Nazi" today before they gain more mainstream power.
Once Trump perpetrates the Reichstag event that the dimwitted Insipid was trying to warn us about, it could be too late.
By sillydaddy
The media has used the word "Nazi" more often this week...
than I have used the word, "Nigger" my whole life......

So much so, I now wonder who the real, Nazis are..! :o :o :o
By Dogzilla
Just look at an idiot.....just pick one....who's flying a confederate flag or nazi one. Maybe even just look in the mirror.
By johnforbes
Come on, Dog, weren't you a teacher?

The Confederate flag is entirely different -- historically and conceptually -- from the swastika.

Sure, the Antifa kids are too ignorant to know that, but adults should.
By sillydaddy
Just look at an idiot.....just pick one.
I pick you, Dog :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Dogzilla
You don't get to do that.

JJ....Yes, I do know what the confederate flag is for, and I always thought it was pretty cool....being against the damn yankees and all. But, the problem with it, isn't what it was originally for. The nasty racists have taken it for their "anti-nigger" campaign, and used it to parade their nastiness. Around here, every single day, I see at least one old truck or two with the confederate flag and usually the US flag, flying from the bed of their rusty old trucks with loud mufflers. Most days it's several of em. Huge flags....5 or 6 feet. Fucken rednecks.
By johnforbes
Yeah, as a kid there were plenty of pickups with Confed flags on.

There are teens today who use such flags, and the swastika, with not the slightest understanding of what they meant historically.

If you look at Stalin and Mao, and the Marxist tone of modern Europe and Canada and Australia and our Democrats, the real looming risk to human life is from the Left rather than the Right.

Having lived in Germany for years, I've visited where Hitler had rally events, and I've been to the Kehlsteinhaus.

That survived the combined UK-US bombing of his Bechtesgaden compound.

At the General Walker hotel, I sat on Hitler's sofas.

To state the really, really obvious, nobody wants a replay of that.

Nor is there the slightest risk of that inasmuch as Trump numerous times condemned the white nationalists, and Antifa, in Charlottesville.

Pretending there is some risk of a Nazi uprising in the US is silly and we all know that.

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