Political discussions about everything
Yeah. I am OFFENDED by every city and podunk burg in this country having a street named after MLK.

So, since I as a crowd of one am OFFENDED, let's get this tail wagging the dog show started and get busy renaming these streets back to their original names.

If you don't, well shit,...I may just pitch a hissy fit. Turn over a cop car or two....
How would you know what's "important to the left", johnny?

All you know is what you hear on FOXnews and Breitbart.

Believe it or not, all civil rights are not "merely" black-and-white as the simple minded like to believe.
Do you even see a difference between marriage and slavery, johnny? I guess that tells us a lot about who wears the pants in your family. :lol: :lol:
I barely know who Breitbart is, and I rarely look at Fox.

Suggesting that all non-leftists derive their "talking points" from such sources is a very lame theme, or meme, or scheme.

As to my knowledge of what the Left wants, it may be ascribed to my deep sensitivity to the plight of dolts in this vale of tears.
Then why, you punk bitch idiot AssClown, do you sit up until the wee small hours of the night (tip of the fedora to the Chairman of the Board) to see if I've replied to your last tantrum in response to me punking you? And why can you never, ever respond with anything except silly ass word games?

You are far too impressed with your own (fantasy) importance,

So Much Winning!!!!

I knew this thread would be here, lol . Anyway, no[…]

"They relied on serial liar Cohen who admitte[…]

johnny, no intelligent person cares what RFK Jr. t[…]

^^^^^^^^Look at 'im squirm.^^^^^^^^ When johnforb[…]

johnny, you made it up, as you make up everything […]

The Meaning of Life

In some of his 8,241,025 postings over his 78 year[…]

A short while after I started dating my wife I fou[…]

Almost Clown Pride Month

Sad to relate, Clown has gotten a jump on many thi[…]