A place to share your sexy stories
Obviously a lot of ladies of all ages, shapes and sizes are willing to be photographed nude - thanks to digital age even more now than ever before. Ladies, since it's not a contest, what is your motivation to do instant tit flash? Or ass flash? Versus simply posting a full contri set?
We've never posted here, but my wife has some friends studying photography that have her nude in projects they have displayed in small galleries and at a local lounge. The lounge project shows her as a robot prostitute of the future and is somewhat erotic. Her face is hidden, but recognition by friends is likely. It wasn't my idea, but I enjoy her confidence. She just enjoys exhibitionism and her body. A competition would add nothing for us.
Yes, commenters are braver online, of course in person you can't turn the computer off if someone objects, you have to run. :) I used to delete the negative comments before she saw them, but she was gaining weight, and it became a full time job, so I had to stop posting. Part of the reason I shoot is making women feel better about themselves, and I was no longer accomplishing that with her. We shot some private stuff after that, but she became her own worst critic and blamed (screamed at) me for it. I have seen photos of heavier women that look good but much of my photography experience is with models that don't have as much to hide, so I would need an opportunity to practice with someone that has some patience, and who's self esteem is not at stake. There would likely be some bad photos before I learned which elements to manipulate to produce good ones.
Merlin, as a shooter for what was once the premier men's magazine, I can tell you that it's a monumental task to effect successful shots when weight is an issue. A little, yes. A lot, not. I remember a famous, now deceased, Playmate of the Year who was 185 pounds when the POY spread was shot. No amount of creative lighting and diaphanous drapery could hide that fact. It was unfortunate for all involved.
Merlin, complete nudity in a photo is something people can get picky about. More so than they would if given the opportunity to see half as much in person. On date nights when she's coming direct from work, my wife will often just remove her bra and substantially unbutton her shirt to convert to a casual sexy look. Often, while I'm enjoying the views while she is seated, I notice unflattering rolls forming because the abdomen is compressed, but I've not once not enjoyed myself.
I guess my wife was simply an exhibitionist, she had perfect bod and legs even after 3 children and did not mind showing it. She was conned into her real first photo shoot at age 43 when she picked up proofs from daughters wedding. It turned out to be a 2 1/2 hour shoot from fully clothed to very explicit. I did not know till she present me with over 200 beautiful pictures on our Anniversary. It was a bit of a shock but knowing her well not a big shock! The photographer was enamored by her, I think he was in love with her, she did several shoots with him till age 67 or 68. After 3rd shoot she handled his need for her! He published some with her face masked or covered in some manner. I was proud of her, I showed some of my select friends, male and female, most were very tasteful pictures. We destroyed all of them a few years back not wanting family to know. She is still a bit of an exhibitionist, when we go to condo in Florida she will be on deck naked, I still love looking at this woman, she was and still is the best I have ever encountered in my 74 years! We have had open marriage since 6 months after we married and it has all been good and is still good!
ndbeachcpl wrote:Merlin, as a shooter for what was once the premier men's magazine, I can tell you that it's a monumental task to effect successful shots when weight is an issue. A little, yes. A lot, not. I remember a famous, now deceased, Playmate of the Year who was 185 pounds when the POY spread was shot. No amount of creative lighting and diaphanous drapery could hide that fact. It was unfortunate for all involved.
I am also an experienced photographer, so I am aware. A slim model in her 20's, can be posed almost any way and look good. The margins usually get slimmer with age and weight. Still there is that occasional photo that shows it can be done, so it is controlling the elements that make that happen that is the challenge. It is not possible to make a 230+ model look like she is 125, but the goal is to make her look the best she can be.
Jocko64, what I enjoy is that my wife can show off practically any part of her body anywhere without flinching. The mixture of boldness and vulnerability is intoxicating. I've watched her walk around at parties with pants on that put her landing strip in full view of dozens of people, some of whom surely have strong opinions either way on that sort of exposure and emerge confident and laughing about it even when people have pointed out the view directly. That carefree attitude is what I enjoy.
My wife isn't big on photography, but her natural comfort with nudity has recently got her invitations from friends studying photography and wanting a thinking amateur free model for complicated projects. It is hard work, but she's also now comfortable being photographed with more than one person in the room directing her into poses that seem to evolve further each time. She usually hides her privates by brushing her hair over them and using some product to keep it there, but the last session had her in a squatting pose with her pussy completely revealed. Instead of being uncomfortable about it, she said she felt stupid keeping "the last bit" covered and that it was far more natural to not worry about it. I found that I felt the same way. The images aren't posted online, but do circulate within the students, some of whom know us. It feels liberating rather than weird.
wow, lots of great comments everyone. There's no question about it, everyone has different reasons for posting pics of their wife or girlfriend, but it seems like a combination of excitement, pride and having a great relationship truly helps. Overcoming the initial fear of being photographed nude is a huge step and of course posting the pics online for the world to see is another even bigger step.......I think it's great to bring so much happiness and pleasure through erotica and it's a harmless hobby in our opinion. Life is short, so enjoy it!

❤️❤️ NN
In our opinion, most people don't see it as a harmless hobby and feel that their reputation will be impacted, and it can be. My wife makes it a point to show off so people can enjoy looking and she also blazes a trail for those of her friends that want to show off, but worry about the consequences. A few years ago, she planned a night out where the women wore plunging neckline outfits. They got ready at our house and I was to drive them. When it came time for boob tape, my wife announced that she wasn't going to wear any, which prompted the rest to forego it as well. One of the other women is a show off as well, but I know it was a memorable night for the other two. Their husbands talk about it all the time.
My wife seems to be working up to it. She's done some nude modeling for a friend going through photography school. After a few more artistic projects, she was able to do one that is blatantly erotic, where she hasn't brushed her hair over her lips. She recently experimented with a butt plug with a 3D printed shield that came up between her legs and just covered her lips, but allowed some of her landing strip to show. Though she inserted the plug in private, I noticed that she was very comfortable working with the photographer friend concentrating on the adornment.
My wife has a butt crack that is easily revealed when she wears low-rider pants. When the pants are thin a lot of light get in behind them and provides a nice view of her butt behind the fabric. My wife likes to wear these pants with backless tops so that there is a very large amount of exposed skin at the back, particularly if she is sitting with most of the pants concealed to a viewer from the back. In restaurants, this can often give the impression of a nude diner, which she enjoys. At one such dinner, not at a restaurant, one of her guy friends decided he wanted this nude image as his cell phone image. There wasn't space for her face, but he and some other guys spent a lot of time angling to get the perfect "nude". My wife had the very thin straps undone and was holding the top over her boobs while all the guys there got their shots in. She never let her landing strip or nipples show, but it was a lot of fun watching the relatively lengthy process. The images resulting just showed her butt and some side boob, but her behavior was so sexy, I'm sure some of the guys used the images in their "spank banks".
Well my hubby doesn't post pics of me I do the posting. I do it because I am an exhibitionist and I'm free spirited and love nude women. I am also bi-sexual and enjoy looking at nude women and occasionally having a sexual relationship with one (our marriage is open that way). We used to frequent lifestyle clubs and I loved being naked in front of a lot of people or being watched having sex. Since time and life has kept me from the clubs I do this as another option. I know most guys don't like when women don't show their faces but like others I can't.

As for posting I get aroused by the thought of men and women looking at me naked, maybe even pleasing themselves to my photos. I realize that I'm not everyone's ideal body type but most people are kind on here so I guess I've been lucky. If it ever gets bad I'll stop but so far it's been fun.
SS, I'll echo the compliments. You look great, but women that can show off and enjoy people looking are a huge turn-on regardless of body type.

When I was first dating my wife and hadn't yet seen her completely naked, I took her to a party at friend's house and she elected to wear a shirt dress that was provocatively unbuttoned to show off her chest and short enough that there were several prolonged flashes of her crotch. The overall impression was of someone who would rather be completely nude, but had put on a small dress as a nod to custom. It was intoxicating.
my motivation? simple. men are visual, men like seeing nude women..my wife is the center of my fantasy life, so if other men see and lusts after her..it is almost as personalized as you can make porn. Candaulism, the enjoyment of other men seeing your lady naked..is about as close a term as you can get. however mine doesn't stop at seeing. If other guys hit on her, or befriend her in an effort to bed her, all the better all around. so, yeah, when my buddies are interested ..I'm showing or sharing. tell you, there's nothing like comparing notes with friends who have seen or sampled her charms.
Perfect explanation. I enjoy my wife showing herself off by her own choice. It isn't the same when I request it, even if she wants to take a request.

Comparing notes can be fun. Last summer, on a weekday dinner date where we expected a bit more privacy, my wife wore a long halter neck dress I like that is backless and plunging in the rear and has a see through mesh panel in the front. To someone nearby, the mesh panel is more or less transparent, but from more than about ten feet it provides adequate concealment for a walk on the sidewalk to a restaurant without honking from passing cars. This is the type of dress through which my wife's nipples have been viewed by others the most often and she's mastered the wearing of it. While on the sidewalk, we ran into an ex-boyfriend, who immediately complimented her on her dress with a small nod in my direction. She enjoyed it, and remarked that he'd always been a fan. The conversation turned "casual" and for ten minutes or so the conversation was deliciously beyond the pale and centered on the charms of my wife's chest. It was funny, but at the same time sexy.

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