A place to share your sexy stories
By FDupp
Got a Marine buddy who is out of the country for an extended period of time, so I promised I'd help look after his place. His wife, Jenny, is smoking hot, but we're strictly friends - I'd never cross that line with my buddy. Anyway, I went over to his place this past Sunday to help rake leaves, clean out the gutters, etc. Was working in the back yard when I met Natalie, the neighbor. She's late 30s - early 40s, fit, petite. She was out raking leaves in her yard too - wearing a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of old jeans - hardly complementary clothing, but you could tell that she took care of herself. I helped haul leaves from both yards out to the street. When we finished up both yards, the three of us sat on Natalie's back porch and had a couple of beers and talked. A little light flirting - Jenny's husband has been gone for three months and has three more to go. Natalie's husband was also traveling, but only for a couple of days. They good naturedly got in some digs on me - widower, hanging out with two married women whose husbands were away - but that was about it.

After two beers, I thanked Natalie and refused a third because I still needed to get the ladder out and clean the gutters - and I wanted to be finished before it got dark. I left the two of them and got back to work. They hung out for about 10 more minutes, and about the time I got the ladder up, Jenny came back over, thanked me for the help, and said that she was going to go get cleaned up.

Well, I'm about 25-30 feet up this ladder scooping leaves out of the gutter on the back of the house, and it's getting dark. A light comes on in Natalie's house that makes me glance over and I see that I'm looking right into her bedroom - maybe 70 or 80 feet away. Needless to say, my work slowed down and curiosity took over. Natalie took off her sweat shirt and jeans and sat there on her bed for a while in her panties and t-shirt looking at her smart phone for a while. I waited for about ten minutes and said, oh well... Climbed down the ladder, moved it over 10 feet, climbed back up to do the next section of gutter. It took about 10 minutes to clean out that section of gutter and to see if Natalie was ever going to get off her damn phone. Nope. So I climbed back down, moved the ladder, climbed back up and started cleaning the next section. Another 10 minutes of her staring at her cell phone. Oh well, one more section and the downspout to clear and then I'm done. I climb down, move the ladder, climb back up - except this time when I look over at her window, she's gone. My hopes rise a little, and sure enough, she walks back into view, this time wearing only her panties. She has beautiful, pert little breasts - she's very thin and fit, so her tits are perfectly proportioned for her body.

By this time, it's closing on full dark, but I hang out up there a little longer to see her peel off her panties revealing a well groomed little landing strip. I'm up the ladder at the corner of Jenny's house, maybe 40 feet from Natalie's bedroom window now. She's looking at herself in the mirror, at first leaning in close I guess looking at her make up. Then she steps back, rubs her hands over her breasts, pulls at her nipples once, then picks at her landing strip for a minute or two, turns around and checks out her ass in the mirror. After about five minutes, Natalie puts on her robe and disappears from view. I wait a couple of minutes, then climb down the ladder. As I'm putting it away, I see Natalie standing in the window in her robe, watching me. As I put the rakes away, I look back up as she closes her curtains.

I finish up and figure, well, it was one of those nice serendipities that life sometimes hands you, right? Well, today, Jenny calls me and says that Natalie wants to know if I'd mind coming back over tomorrow afternoon to clean her gutters too.

I'll let you know how it goes.
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By FastFive
Some guys have all the luck...
By FDupp
Well, I got off work early today (day before Thanksgiving and all) and went over the Natalie's, not quite knowing what to expect, but tried to remain optimistic. I get there about 3:30 - probably an hour-and-a-half of sunlight left. Plenty of time to clean the gutters before full dark. I ring the bell and Natalie answers the door wearing the most unsexy white cable knit sweater that says "nothing to see here, move along, could be a teenage boy under here for all you know" and a pair of black yoga pants that scream "be sure to take a second look at my ass." She has a glass of wine in her hand and invites me in. Jenny is sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine too. I'm thinking, well, okay...

Of course, turns out her husband is back from his business trip - day before Thanksgiving, and all. So, well, shit. Turns out, they are one of these too-strange-to-make-it-up couples. Natalie is maybe 5'4" and maybe 110 pounds soaking wet. Her husband, Dave, is maybe 6' in elevator loafers, and probably tips the scales at just under 300 pounds. Jenny and Natalie are in the "parlor" drinking white wine, and Dave is in his home office, well into a bottle of Scotch. Natalie introduces me and he looks up from what he's doing, mumbles "pleased to meet you" and goes back to whatever he was doing. Don't mind me, I think, I'm just the hired help. I tell Natalie that I need to get to work before it gets dark and she says "don't mind him, he's an asshole" and Jenny just looks embarrassed.

Well, I get to work, clean the gutters - takes about an hour. When I'm done, Natalie and Jenny are still in the "parlor" drinking wine - and getting pretty lit - and Dave is still barricaded in his home office deep in negotiations with Johnny Walker. At this point, Natalie tries to get me to join them for a drink, she's putting her hand on my shoulder and touching my chest - definitely getting a little handsy - and at one point brushes her chest lightly against my arm, but with that bulky sweater, it's hard to tell if it was an accident or not. She's definitely a little drunk. I agree to stick around and have a beer, but insist that we move to the kitchen since I'm a bit of a mess from the work - that, and I'm not that comfortable with Dave in the next room.

Long story short (already too late, I know). I have my beer and listen to Natalie bitch about her husband. Somehow, I just can't see how these two are together. She is tiny, works out every day, and obviously takes great pride in her appearance. Dave is morbidly obese, evidently spends all of his time either traveling for business or holed up in his home office - and evidently shit-faced most of the time (he's some kind of national or regional sales manager for one of the big companies here). All the time she's telling me this Jenny is sitting across the table giving me a look like she knows something I don't. After a while, Natalie offers to fix me dinner, but I decline - I am a bit of a mess, broke a sweat cleaning the gutters, and got leaf crap & gutter water on me, on my sweatshirt and down one of my legs. She says - "you can take a shower downstairs and I'll wash your clothes while you're in the shower." I have to admit, the thought intrigued me, but I kept telling myself that her husband was sitting just down the hall. Maybe I'm a fool, but I declined, said "maybe some other time." Well, she didn't want to take no for an answer, kept insisting, but by now was slurring her words, and, quite frankly, was getting a little pathetic.

Anyway, I left, and when I got home I texted Jenny and asked her what was up with all of that. Her reply "Don't take that the wrong way - N is really a great person and told me she enjoys your company"
I'm having dinner with Jenny on Sunday. She says we can talk about it then.

Can't make this shit up.

By Biguns
Awesome story. I can't wait to hear what happens at the next meeting. Please keep us informed. It sounds like she wants more than her gutters cleaned out.
By FDupp
Okay - here's the update.

Went over to Jenny's this afternoon to watch the Panther's game and cook some burgers. Took a 12 pack of beer, figured we'd chill out, watch the game, have a few drinks. Figured about halftime - after a few drinks to loosen her up, I'd ask Jenny what was up with Natalie last Wednesday night. Well, best laid plans go astray, you know.
Got there about 3:00 for a 4:30 game - Jenny hadn't waited for me and was already a couple of drinks in. I don't have to wait for halftime to ask, almost immediately she asks if I've heard from Natalie - I had not. She says, relieved, "Good." Then she goes on to explain (and I'm going to summarize here, because it took awhile with lots of, umms, you knows, and she's really nices).

Natalie and Dave have been married 12 years. He wasn't always a fat, drunken asshole. He started out as a thin, charming asshole. According to Jenny, for the last three years (or so), Dave has been more and more married to his job. When they got married, they were both fitness nuts. About seven years ago he got this dream job with "lots of potential." He traveled a lot - she said at least three weeks a month - and made a shit-ton of money. That's about the time he stopped working out, started drinking a lot, and started getting overweight. Now, he's married to his job and having an affair with Johnny Walker (or whatever single malt brand or blend he favors). Jenny says that Natalie says that they rarely share a bed when he's home. So, while Dave has driven deeper into his job and his scotch, Natalie has taken on volunteer work, become a yoga instructor, practices reiki (some new-age healing massage thing - I really have no idea), and is into cross-fit, and something called "Beachbody" workout. They're pretty much living separate lives under the same roof and with the same bank account - all the drama of a Lifetime Channel movie.

By this time, I'm opening my fourth beer and Jenny has polished off a bottle of wine - and game time is still a half hour away. So we do what any reasonable friends would do, we mix up a pitcher of Sangria (which, Jenny says, is much better with a pint of vodka added in). Now, I have to add an editorial note - Jenny's husband and I were in the Marines together years ago - been through a lot of shit together, and he is closer to me than my own brother - I've known him and Jenny for almost 20 years - so she's like a sister to me as well. He's still in and I got out.

So, I'm grilling burgers and still drinking beer while Jenny has switched over to Sangria - game has started when I bring the burgers in, and Natalie is in the TV room with Jenny, glass of Sangria in her hand. She's wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a warm-up jacket zipped half-way up. As I mentioned earlier - that woman can rock a pair of yoga pants!

Well, we start watching the game (Jenny is a HUGE Panther's fan), eat our burgers, and have a couple of more drinks (first half wasn't very good, so the drinks were flowing). When halftime hits, Jenny says she's going to go clean up the dishes, but refuses any offer of help. So, it's me and Natalie in the TV room (kind of like a home theater room - big screen, sound system, deep sofas and love seats). She gets up from her seat and walks over to stand in front of me - "nervously" shifting her weight from side to side - now, I've read other posts here on this bulletin board where guys have mentioned that their wives/girlfriends will wear semi-see through pants that will show a shadow of their landing strip - and quite frankly I've always wondered how that was possible. Well, let me tell you that these yoga pants, at the right angle and the right light, made Natalie's landing strip more than just a shadow. If she turns slightly one direction, they're practically see through, turn the other direction, they're just black yoga pants. Well, she's standing in front of me, shifting from side-to-side, which, of course, does the little magic trick with yoga pants - one moment they're just black yoga pants, and the next moment her closely trimmed pubic hair is clearly visible just a few feet in front of me, at eye level (and I wonder to myself if she practiced this in the mirror). The warm up jacket is still on, but unzipped all the way. She's wearing a yellow tank top over a white tank top - and her nipples are standing at attention. Now, to digress for a minute - let me just say "holy cow!" I mentioned that she's very petite and fit, and has well proportioned but small breasts - well, her nipples are as big round as a penny, and are poking out about a half an inch - it is all I can do to maintain eye contact during the ensuing conversation!

She says "I want to apologize for the other night, I had a little too much wine and was frustrated with my husband. He can be a real ass, and he was unnecessarily rude to you. My husband, when he's home, isn't really ever at home." (I thought it odd that she never said "Dave" - always "my husband"). I told her that it was no big deal, I was a big boy and had dealt with far worse. She also wanted to apologize if she was "out of line" in the kitchen. She offered to pay me for cleaning the gutters, but I refused, saying that I enjoyed helping out and would be happy to help whenever she needed a second pair of hands or needed some work done that her husband couldn't do or wasn't around for. She brightens at that and says that she wouldn't want to take advantage of my generosity and again offers to pay. I tell her that I don't need the money and am happy to help any time she has a job an old guy can do. She laughs at "old" and says that she'll at least buy the beer and feed me. I say "deal." At that she walks around behind my seat and starts to rub my neck and shoulders, still thanking me for cleaning out her gutters. First, let me say that she could probably bend steel rebar with those hands, and second, she obviously knows something about massage. A few minutes later Jenny comes back into the room and says "I hope I'm not interrupting anything" - Natalie giggles and says that she's just relieving some stress, stops rubbing my neck, jumps over the back of the sofa and sits next to me - not "snuggle up close" - but at a respectable distance - and if I lean forward a little, it puts my view at the right angle for her magic yoga pants.

Well, at the end of the third quarter she says that she has to leave and go help "her husband" pack for his next trip, which is an early morning flight tomorrow (Monday) morning. (It's a shame she left then - it was just becoming a hell of a game - although the Panthers blew it in the end.) She stands up, leans over and kisses me on the forehead, giggles, goes over to kiss Jenny on the cheek and when she bends over to do so, well, the yoga pants aren't see through only on the front!

Natalie leaves and Jenny asks me if we got everything straightened out. I say, "yeah, we're good" and ask Jenny why Natalie puts up with "her husband" and doesn't seek a divorce. Turns out that they have a kid - a boy - off at a boarding school. He came home Wednesday morning, barricaded himself in his room, and left Sunday morning, barely making an appearance except for turkey and leftovers - so he was at the house when I was cleaning gutters and drinking a beer with his mom and Jenny in the kitchen. Evidently she's staying with "her husband" for the sake of the kid - and according to Jenny, for Dave's salary too.

So, at any rate, to keep a long story short (too late, I know), as I'm leaving Jenny says "you really ought to give Natalie a chance, she's really a nice person but is in a difficult place right now." I say that she seems nice enough, and that it's a bummer that she's married to a shit head. Jenny says "Yeah, he doesn't do her any good and doesn't appreciate her at all. She deserves better. I think she's just lonely and seeking affirmation. She really needs a man to help her out - you should give her a chance." I ask her "Just what the hell does that mean? Double entendre much?" She just laughs and pushes me out the door. After I get home, I get a text message from Natalie (pretty certain that I never gave her my number) saying that she really enjoyed this afternoon and our chance to talk privately - that our talk really made her feel good, and hoped that I was serious about being willing to help her out in return for food and "adult beverages." I replied that the pleasure was all mine (and much of it was), and I thanked her for the neck and shoulder rub. She replied - and I quote "There's a LOT that I can do with my hands" (smiley face included). As I pondered that, my mind kept flashing back to her halftime talk, shifting her weight back and forth and wondering if she had practiced that in the mirror or was completely oblivious to what she was showing me.

So, like I said - can't make this shit up.

I'm supposed to go back to Jenny's on Wednesday for dinner - I'll post again if anything else happens.

By Jocko64
Hey man, go for it! It is on the table for you! It is amazing how many women are out there and married to sh__heads. I was given and opportunity many years back with a woman I worked with, I took advantage of it for about 5 years. Wife and I have open marriage so no big deal!
By FDupp
Okay, so I go over to Jenny's for dinner tonight (Wednesday) - no big deal, I usually go over to her place a couple of times a week while her husband is deployed - hell, for that matter, I'm over there about as much when he's home.

Anyway, just the two of us for dinner. Again, my plan is to pry and try and learn a little bit more about her neighbor. Just to set the record straight - I think that Natalie is sexy as hell. I've known her for a little over a week now - I mean, I've spoken to her before when I've been over at Jenny's over the last couple of years - you now, wave across the fence, but it really wasn't until I helped rake her leaves Sunday a week ago that I really spent any time with her and felt some serious sexual tension. Anyway, I'm in a bit of a weird space - one thing I said I'd never do is get mixed up with a married woman. Fucking up someone's marriage is a bad deal, and I'm not up for being a part of it.

Like I said, I think that Natalie is hot as hell - and I have to think that her actions have been intentional - undressing in front of the window when I'm cleaning Jenny's gutters, getting a little too pushy to get me to stay when I come by a few days later to clean her gutters, and then the outfit on Sunday for the football game - I could be reading too much into this, but, I don't really think so...

Dinner tonight was tacos (just thought you'd like to know that) and Jenny had mixed up another pitcher of Sangria (no doubt, bolstered by a healthy dose of vodka - Jenny's secret recipe). Anyway, we have dinner and I get around to asking some pretty blunt questions about Natalie - is her marriage as fucked up as it appears? Is her husband fucking around on her? Is she fucking around on her husband?

Jenny tells me that they fight a lot when he's home. She's heard the shouting inside their house. She's pretty certain that Dave is banging hookers or girlfriends when he's traveling. I ask if he's gotten violent with Natalie and she says no - certain that Natalie would tell her if he did - they're pretty close. Then I ask "What do you think Natalie is looking for? Why do you think she's giving me so much attention?" She replies: attention, company, companionship - she thinks that Natalie is just lonely and is having a bit of a mid-life crisis, and perhaps she's just seeking some form of affirmation that she is still an attractive woman - to convince herself that she isn't a complete fuck-up since her marriage is a wreck and her husband treats her like shit.

As I'm pondering this, there's a knock at the door and Natalie walks in. I hadn't expected to see her tonight, but hey - I don't mind. She came over to borrow some pan or dish or something - she's baking a cake for some charity. Jenny shoots me a glance and offers Natalie a glass of Sangria. She makes a pretense of refusing, but gives in pretty quickly. She's wearing jeans (tight jeans that are very complementary), and when she takes off her coat, a white peasant blouse. (If you don't know what a peasant blouse is, Google it so the rest of the account of the evening makes sense). Now, I'm all for the peasant blouse, which can be sexy in its own right, but I usually take it as more of a warm weather outfit (ladies, am I off base?).

Well, the blouse has embroidery or something on the front - not really sure what it's called - but it's an extra layer of material with designs stitched into it. I'm pretty certain that Natalie isn't wearing a bra, but kind of hard to tell with that extra layer on the front. Well, she sits down across from me at the table, we drink a couple of glasses of wine and talk about some inane crap - Christmas decorations, her charity event, her son's school - all the time, I'm trying not to stare, but am really trying to figure out if Natalie is wearing a bra or not. Well, her charity event is a 5k race and she asks me if I want to come. Now, my running days are long over - I'm still pretty fit and work out pretty much every day, but I haven't run since the Marines. She laughs and says that she'd like to have me as a volunteer at the start/finish line. I chuckle and say "sure" and she offers to write down the address, directions, and start time - she stands up, walks around the to the end of the table, drops a note pad in front of me, leans over and writes out the info and draws a map - of course, when she leans over, that open neck of the peasant blouse falls open and very clearly reveals that she isn't wearing a bra - her small, tangerine-size breasts hanging down capped by her enormous nipples. Now, I admit that perhaps my eyes lingered a moment or two, but I leaned forward and tried to pay attention to what she was writing. She finished writing her directions, said that she'd see me dark and early Saturday morning, promptly put on her coat and left.

I asked Jenny what just happened, and she said "You sir, just got railroaded into working the charity race at OH-Dark-and-Frickin'-Cold-Thirty on Saturday." I said, "yeah, I guess I did." Then Jenny said, "you men are so weak - you must have gotten distracted when all of your blood rushed away from your brain." I said, "was it that obvious?" Her reply was just "Men..." I asked "so, that was intentional?" Jenny's reply "there are very few accidents when a woman's boobs are involved." She then asked me if I was okay to drive, offered me her guest room, and said that she was going to bed and that I was welcome to stay or see myself out.

Jenny texted me later after I got home and said "don't read too much into tonight - N is in a difficult place and giving you a quick look at her boobs probably just helps her feel better about herself." My reply - "Happy I could be of help."

So, I guess I'll be volunteering at a 5k at 0600 on Saturday (BTW, sunrise is shortly after 0700).

I'll keep you folks informed, but would be interested in your opinions on how I should handle this. Otherwise, I'm just going to try and be cool and go with the flow of where it leads.

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By JerryCal
Something very hot is going to happen after the race. I'm sure of it. Just stop saying no when she comes up with an idea. I am looking fwd to reading about it.
By FDupp
Okay - so I went out to the race site early this morning. Got there about 15-20 minutes early (it's what I do). It was dark and very cold. Eventually, about a dozen volunteers including the official time keepers - showed up, and other than Natalie, I was the oldest by at least a decade or two. Natalie was there bundled up like an Eskimo when we started, and she was all business. Not sure what I was expecting, but I guess I got taken down a peg or two.

First off, she referred to me as "Mr. Dupp-----" all morning – “Oh, yes. Mr. Dupp----, you’re Jenny XXXXXX’s friend.” I found out pretty quickly that no one was calling her "Natalie" - it was all "Mrs. XXXX" and “Yes Ma’am”

Okay, I get it - this is a big event, and she's the big cheese. Figured I'd just do what I was asked to do and get the race crap done. Easy enough. Turns out, part of the charity was a canned food drive for the local food bank - which was my assigned duty - collect up the cans and stage them in the back of my truck.

After the race was done Natalie (excuse me, "Mrs. XXXX") took the volunteers over to a local bistro to buy us all "breakfast" - I put breakfast in quotes because the "breakfast" that was ordered for everyone was some kind of pro-biotic, wheat grass and kale smoothie which looked like pond scum and tasted like what I imagine the bottom of my lawnmower would taste like on a July Saturday afternoon. When I ordered my tall black coffee to wash down my vegan breakfast and joked about getting it with a side of bacon, you would have thought that I had just stomped on a couple of puppies based on the looks that the younger folks gave me. That, at least, earned a smile from "Mrs. XXXX" who had been distant and as frigid as the pre-dawn weather all morning.

I took my coffee and said that I was going to take the food down to the food bank and asked Natalie, uh, "Mrs. XXXX" if she'd like to come along. She declined and instructed one of the 26 year old would-be lumberjacks (at least judging by his beard, boots, and watch cap) to help "Mr. Dupp----" take the cans to the food bank. I figured that I was done with this charade and would catch up with Natalie later this afternoon - I'm slated to go over to Jenny's and help her pull Christmas decorations out of the basement and I was sure that Natalie would just happen to pop over - as she seemed to do every time my truck was in the driveway.

Overall, the whole thing just made me chuckle and shake my head.

I'll get an update to you later tonight or tomorrow, depending on how things go.

By FDupp
Not sure if you folks want me to keep posting about my encounters with Natalie because it’s getting a little weird – but since I’ve started, I think I’ll keep going. If you lose interest, just stop reading. If you want me to keep posting, just drop a comment below. If you don’t give a shit, well, more power to you.

So I went over to Jenny's Saturday afternoon to help get Christmas decorations out of storage. First let me say, she's got a shit-ton of Christmas decorations. Second, they were stored at the back of the basement under/behind a pile of other crap. I get all of the boxes out and while I assemble and set up her artificial tree, I tell Jenny all about the morning - including the "Mr. Dupp----" and "Mrs. XXXX", the pond scum smoothies and the wannabe lumberjacks. We're both drinking beer and Jenny's laughing her ass off. I mentioned that I didn't really know what to expect after the "booby show" Wednesday, but it certainly wasn't that. Jenny, of course, called me an idiot for expecting anything other than to work the race. She said "just because a woman lets you have a peek at her boobs doesn't mean that she's going to swoon and plead with you to jump in the sack with her." I said that in my defense, Natalie was pretty damn hot. Jenny smiled and told me to shut up and then asked me to get the ladder out and hang the lights on the front of the house and said she'd start fixing us some dinner.

Well, with no views of Natalie's bedroom window from the front of the house to distract me, it didn’t take much more than an hour to hang the lights. When I got back in the house, Jenny was just putting homemade pizza in the oven and had a blender full of margaritas on the counter. Of course – surprise, surprise - Natalie was sitting at the kitchen table with a margarita in her hand. She was wearing a pair of tight fitting jeans and a flannel shirt tied at the waist - not tied like a halter top, but right at the belt line, but enough to give little glimpses of her tight belly every now and then - and it was pretty easy to tell that she was not wearing a bra again - her big nipples making their presence known behind the flannel. I raise my eyebrows and said "Why Mrs. XXXX, fancy finding you here" which made both Natalie and Jenny bust out in giggles - and I assume that some "medicinal smoking" had taken place out back while I was out front. I complimented her outfit and she smiled did a little pirouette. Well, we had our margaritas and ate our pizza, and mixed up another pitcher. Keep in mind that Natalie and I started our day around 4:30 that morning, so we both got pretty wasted before it got very late. All throughout, Natalie was getting a little handsy like she did the night I cleaned out her gutters – putting her hand on my shoulder, touching my arm, brushing up against me if she needed to get around me to go in or out of the kitchen even though there was plenty of room – and I’d catch her staring at me and she’d look away. Sometimes she’d be staring at my face, sometimes my chest, and I guess sometimes my hands – and she had that “come fuck me” look in her eyes. She would from time to time, start bitching about her husband - he was always gone, he was always shit-faced, he was always criticizing her, and so on.

We finished the margaritas and for some stupid reason progressed to tequila shots – the ladies were pounding those shots, but I was nursing mine – tequila shots are a younger man’s game. We were telling stories and stupid jokes and laughing a lot – Jenny and Natalie were getting pretty lit. Then, out of nowhere, Natalie walks over and looks up at me (I’m about a foot taller than she is), makes eye contact, and says “So Fred, tell me about your wife.” I looked over at Jenny and she looked horrified, but I went ahead and told her – my wife was killed by a drunk driver two years ago – so I told her about who she was, the things she liked, the things she did, the things I loved about her, and how I missed her every day. Sorry, I know that it kind of takes the edge of this thread, and it also took the edge off the evening. Anyway, when I was done speaking, we were all quiet for a minute or two - Natalie said “Fred, I’m so sorry,” walked over, stood on her tip-toes and kissed me, hugged me and pressed her body up very tight against me – including pressing her belly tightly against my crotch, almost like a grind. Then she stepped away and said that she needed to go and asked me if I was coming back to watch football tomorrow – that maybe she’d see me then.

After she left, I asked Jenny what just happened and she said “I have no fucking idea.” After that, Jenny and I sat in silence in front of the fireplace for a while. About 20 minutes later I stood up, raised my empty shot glass and gave my favorite Yankee toast “Well, ain't that a Fuckaroo” and I crashed out in Jenny's guest room in the basement (it's unofficially "Fred's Room" since I tend to crash there rather frequently). I got back to my place about 0700 this morning and went for a workout (best tequila hangover cure that I know of).

The Panthers play at 8:30 tonight, so I guess I’ll be heading back over to Jenny’s around 4:30 or 5:00 to grill something – it’s kind of a tradition. At this point, I have no idea what to expect. I’ll probably stay over at Jenny’s tonight and head in to work from there - wouldn't be the first time. It’ll probably Monday or Tuesday before I can post any update on what happens tonight since I have a shit-ton of work to do.

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By Thinker
Rooting for the Panthers! Hope tonight is a win-win for you. Maybe Natalie will wear the flannel shirt again. She could jump up and down cheering on the game and the knot gets loose... ;)
By FDupp
Okay folks – things have truly gotten interesting.

I get over to Jenny’s Sunday afternoon around 4:00 (it’s an 8:30 game) with a 12 pack of beer and some steaks for the grill (figured I’d do it up right). We get the fire pit lit-up out on the back patio and start drinking. At first the conversation is innocuous - work, what's the latest from Jenny's husband on deployment, holiday plans. Then Jenny starts asking me questions about Natalie - what do I think of her, does she seem okay to me, what has she told me about her husband, and so on. I tell her that I think that Natalie is a fascinating person, I really enjoy her company, she seems intelligent, fun, and very, very confident. I told Jenny that Natalie really hasn't said much about her husband other than when she's bitching about him in front of both of us. Jenny then goes off on a tear, telling me what a class one asshole the guy is - always putting Natalie down, complaining about how she screws up the household while he's gone, blaming her for all of their son's emotional issues (like sending a middle-schooler off to boarding school isn't enough emotional trauma for a kid) - the whole nine yards. Turns out, they had their kid a couple of years before they got married, and Natalie's asshole husband accused her of getting pregnant on purpose to make him marry her. Nice guy, huh? So I listen, I sympathize, and try to be supportive. Jenny makes a couple of comments about how lonely Natalie is, and that's why she's always welcome to come over to Jenny's house at any time and will frequently stay over if her husband is on a tear. She did say that I shouldn't hold last night against Natalie - Jenny had told her about my wife before, so it wasn't an unknown subject. I said that it was alright - yesterday was just a weird day. All in all, I get the feeling that Jenny knows more than she's letting on.

Well, we drank beer and talked for about two hours sitting around a roaring fire pit on the patio – I start the grilling the steaks around 6:00. We both switch over to red wine for dinner, and when we’re done eating we stay out by the fire pit polishing off the wine. Now, to digress for a moment – I mentioned earlier that Jenny is a HUGE Panther’s fan, and I’m a fan too (lived in Carolina for a while), but not as die-hard as Jenny. As with most game days, she’s wearing her Cam Newton #1 jersey, and today I’m wearing my Luke Kuechly # 59 Super Bowl jersey – it’s kind of our thing. We live in "Redskins Country" and there are a shit-ton of Steelers fans all around too. The Carolina fans are few and far between (this is kind of relevant, as you'll see in a minute).

About 8:00, Natalie comes over and we go inside. She said that she wanted to apologize for last night, if her questions about my wife were out of line. I tell her that it's okay. Then she opened her coat and produced two surprises. First is a bottle of Blanton’s – which is one fine bourbon – and she offered it to me as a peace offering, and I gladly accept. The second surprise is that she’s wearing Russell Wilson # 3 jersey - the Seahawks fan is a rare thing in this area. Jenny says “uh, no – you’re not wearing that to watch the game.” Natalie, of course, stands her ground, comfortably dishing out as much grief as we give her. We all laugh, and I say “If they start winning, you’re going to have to take that shit off, you know.” She just smiles and says “uh-huh.” All in good fun. Natalie is wearing jeans this time – no magic yoga pants.

Well, we go down to the TV room and settle into our seats to watch the game and crack that bottle of Blanton’s (for those who know Blanton's, this one was a "T"). To my surprise, Natalie takes about three fingers of it with just one ice cube – and nurses it through most of the first half. During halftime I mention that as I was pulling in to Jenny’s driveway it looked like Natalie’s husband was leaving – turns out he was, an Uber had come to pick him up and take him to the airport for yet another business trip. New Orleans this time. We chat during the commercials and give each other shit when a play goes off or gets blown - and frequently I'll glance up between plays and see that Natalie is watching me and not the game. Occasionally we'd make eye contact and she'd hold my gaze for a few seconds before looking back at the TV. Of course, it was a terrible game for Carolina, so Jenny & I took a fair ration of shit from Natalie. We told her that her Wilson jersey was bad luck - but she just laughed, relishing in the Seahawks win - but we had a good time ribbing each other.

Well, the game ended late, and we stayed up for the post game and to finish off that bottle of Blanton’s - everyone feeling a nice warm whisky glow. I had already stowed an overnight bag in Jenny’s basement guest room – which is unofficially “my room” – and mentioned that I was off to bed, since I had to get up and go to work in the morning. Jenny and Natalie said that they were going to stay up and chat a bit (and I assumed do a little medicinal smoking out back), and Jenny offered to let Natalie spend the night in one of her other guest rooms - it's a five bedroom house and Jenny's kids are all out on their own or at college, and of course, her husband is deployed. I hit the rack more than a little buzzed and doze off listening to the two ladies chatting out on the back patio - no doubt toking up. My alarm was set for 5:45 so that I could get a shower and get off to work in time and hopefully not wake anyone up in doing so.

Now, one thing that you need to know – I’m a pretty light sleeper, and odd noises will wake me up pretty much at full alert (another legacy of my time in the Corps - along with the ability to set off metal detectors at the airport). Well, about 1:15 AM, I pop fully awake as I hear/sense movement. I look over and my door is opening and Natalie is standing there, wearing that stupid Russell Wilson jersey. I prop myself up on my elbows and look over at her and softly say “hey”. She steps into my room and says – “you told me to take this jersey off and it would change your luck…” and she lifted the jersey over her head and dropped it to the floor. Now, it’s dark in the room, but I can tell that she’s standing there wearing only a pair of black bikini panties. She walks over, lifts the covers, and gets into bed with me. I start to say “are you sure” but before I could speak she says “shhh… just let me do this” and she runs her left hand over my bare chest, down my belly, and into my shorts – taking a firm grip on my joint. She then kisses my chest and starts working her way down, kissing over my belly. I raise my hips and she pulls my shorts off, holds my cock at the base with one, very strong fist and takes the rest in her mouth. After working it for about a minute or so, she raises up slightly out of breath and says “It’s been a long time since I’ve done this – especially with a cock like this” and she gets back to it. Now, I'll confess - I figured as she started to go down on me that a small woman like her would be all teeth, but I'll tell you - the only time I felt teeth it was no doubt intentional. She kept one fist around the base of my cock and grabbed my balls with the other hand, wrapping her thumb and forefinger around the top of my ballsack - all the time going to town on my cock, alternating between her wonderful, warm soft mouth and just her tongue. After about five minutes or so, she raised up again, panting and breathing hard, and said "Don't hold back - when you come, I want every bit of it." She brought me to the brink a couple of times and backed off, squeezing with the hand wrapped around the top of my ballsack and switching from her mouth to her tongue. I really don't know how long it lasted, but when I came she doubled down and took it all. Seriously, I can't recall the last time I came like that - if ever. She stroked my wilting cock for a minute or two and then came back up to lay tightly next to me with her head on my chest - we were both beginning to catch our breath. I told her "wow, Natalie, that was incredible" her reply was "I'm glad you enjoyed it - I've been thinking about doing this for a while, and I did that as much for me as I did it for you." She then let loose with a little series of belches and we both cracked up.

We lay like that for maybe another 10 minutes, with her head on my chest, holding on tight. After a short while I rolled onto my side, which rolled her onto her back. I ran my hand up her belly and over one of her small tits, getting hung up briefly on one incredibly large nipple. I then ran my hand back down to her panties and said "let me return the favor - it's only fair" and started to slide down the bed into position, but she stopped me and said that this had been for me, and maybe I could reciprocate some other time. We eventually fell asleep, with her holding on tight.

I woke up before my alarm, turned it off, slipped quietly out of bed, and went to take a shower, careful not to wake her. When I turned off the water, however, my towel was missing from the hook. I looked over and Natalie is sitting on the bathroom counter wearing nothing but her black panties, holding my towel. She slowly and deliberately looks me up and down - her eyes lingering, and then hands me my towel and tells me to dry off before I drip all over everything. I dry off and move to the sink next to her to shave. She takes my towel and wipes the steam from the mirror, and then sets it next to her. So, I stand there naked and shave. When I'm done, she hops down from the counter and uses my towel to wipe the remaining shaving cream from my face. She looks me up and down and runs her fingers over the scars on hip and back, and the back of my right arm and says - "you'll have to tell me some time." I agree, but say "now's not the time." She runs one finger down my chest, across my belly, and halts just at the top of my pubic hair. She raises her head back up, looks me in the eyes and says "we'll have to do this again some time." I say, "yeah, that'd be nice - besides, I owe you one." She smiles and says, "Damn right you do - and it better be good. Now get out of here so that I can attend to my lady business and get in the shower." Like a dumbass I look at her not understanding and she shows me a tampon in her hand (still in the wrapper, of course.) I suggest that maybe I could buy her dinner tonight, and her reply was "Fred, that's sweet. But I'm a married woman, I can't start going on dates when my husband is out of town." She then takes my right hand and places it over her left breast (which looks kind of comical, because I have big hands and she has tiny breasts), and says "I'm sure that we can find time together over here" (meaning at Jenny's). She hugs me, tight, and then pushes me out of the bathroom and hands me my clothes.

Well, I get dressed, strip the linens from the bed and drop them on the washer -my usual routine if I stay over on a Sunday night, and grab my bag. I check, and Natalie is still in the shower but the bathroom door is locked. So I let myself out and drive to work. Needless to say, I couldn't concentrate for shit today at work.

At about 10:30 Jenny texts me and asks if I slept well. Said that she and Natalie were just sitting down to breakfast and that Natalie had evidently slept in that damn Russell Wilson jersey - which brought a smile to my face. She then invited me over to dinner Wednesday night and asked what I thought about the two of us - her and me - signing up for one of Natalie's yoga classes. I smiled and texted back "sure."

So, I'll be back over at Jenny's Wednesday night - and I'm sure that Natalie will just happen to pop over. I have to admit, I'm kind of looking forward to it. Before last night's game I might order Natalie a Panther's jersey for Sunday - but I think I like her Seahawks one.

By FDupp
So, I went over to Jenny's for dinner tonight - we made a big pot of stew, drank a lot of wine, and generally just shot the shit. We commiserated over the terrible football game Sunday night, and I asked about her breakfast with Natalie - hoping to gain a little insight. Like I mentioned earlier, I think Jenny knows more than she's letting on. At any rate, she didn't reveal much other than Natalie seemed in a good mood Monday - happy and well rested. Jenny commented that I probably would have enjoyed breakfast because Natalie came in wearing that damn Russell Wilson jersey over a pair of white cotton panties - I just smiled and said "is that so? sorry I missed that."

As we were working on the second bottle of wine, Natalie comes in through the kitchen door - wearing black pants and a heavy coat. She takes off her coat as Jenny offers her a glass of wine, and she's wearing one of those soft, fuzzy white sweaters (cashmere? angora? hell, I don't know - the kind that cries out "touch me!") - and her nipples are at full attention. She smiles at me, sits down at the table opposite of me and makes herself at home. Jenny brings up the subject about us signing up for one of Natalie's yoga classes after the first of the year and Natalie's eyes light up - she teases me and asks if I'm sure if I'm up for it. I plead for mercy and ask if this is the "old people's yoga program" and she just laughs and promise to be gentle.

After about a half hour, Jenny gets up to use the bathroom and I start some small talk - deciding that I'd just play it cool and see where it led. As we hear Jenny finishing up in the bathroom, Natalie leans forward and whispers "I can't stop thinking about you - I really want to feel you inside me." Then Jenny walks back in the room, and I can't figure out if Natalie is just fucking with me or what. After about another 20 minutes, when the second wine bottle is dead and our glasses are empty, Natalie says - "I have to get back, may husband is home. Fred, would you be willing to come over Friday night and help put up our Christmas lights? My husband usually hires some local day laborers to put the lights up, but he asked me to take care of it this year. I'd be happy to pay you or fix you something to eat." - and no shit, she gets this little sparkle in her eye and mischievous grin when she says "fix you something to eat." My dick says "HELL YEAH" but my mouth says "yeah, I think I can get off work a little early on Friday - I'll swing by then."

Well, Natalie puts on her coat and leaves, and Jenny and I hang out for another half hour or so before I head out. We make plans for Saturday - I'll come over and grill salmon filets for dinner, Jenny will put together the entertainment, I'll stay the night (hell yeah I'll stay the night!), we'll do a late brunch and catch the 1:00 Panthers / Chargers game.
Things are definitely looking up.

By FDupp
Okay folks - things have taken a weird turn...

Went over to Natalie's Friday a week ago to put up her Christmas lights. Got off work early, went over and knocked on the door around 3:00 - her husband answers and says "you the guy for the lights?" I say yes, he says, "my wife's not here, let me show you where the lights are." Not going to bore you with details, but I put the lights up, Natalie hasn't gotten back yet, when I'm done he says "not sure what my wife worked out with you regarding payment - give her a call next week and she'll settle up."

Okay, strike one I guess.

Went over to Jenny's the next day to grill dinner and planned to say over night to watch the 1:00 game on Sunday. Uneventful evening. Drank some great wine, told some great stories, listened to some great music. Strangely enough, Natalie didn't just "pop over" while I was there - Saturday night or Sunday for the game.

Okay, strike two I guess.

Going over to Jenny's tomorrow night for the game (Panthers play the Redskins on Monday night). Weird situation - a lot of flirting over a couple of weeks, one incredible blow job, a rather hot pleading to have me inside her, and then silence.

Just going to play it cool. We'll see what happens.

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By froggy007
Enjoying your stories very much. I would have replied sooner but forgot my password.
I have few stories I posted, about 4, hope you enjoy them if you read them.

I am looking forward to what happened on Monday night and if anything at all happens over the holiday season.
By Ohler
I've been reading your story with great interest. You write well and put me in the moment. I only started reading your account yesterday and I hope that Natalie ends up giving you a well-deserved Christmas present. Please continue your account and know that there are usually more people reading it then bother to register or log-in.
Merry Christmas to you
By FDupp
Okay folks - not much to report. Went over to Jenny's for the Monday night game last week (Panthers / Redskins). Natalie didn't show, but she had left a bottle of Basil-Haden's bourbon for me with a note wishing me happy holidays and inviting me to a New Year's party at their house (Jenny says that their New Year's Eve parties are "epic"). The note said that it was a masquerade - with directions on what type of mask to wear and suggestions on where to buy them. Evidently, we'll unmask at midnight. The invite says "Gentlemen should attend in dignified anonymity. Ladies are encouraged to leave their demure personas in the previous year." This will be a first for me - not the circles I usually run in. Her kid is home for the holidays, so no doubt things will be subdued despite what the invite says - no "Eyes Wide Shut" here. No doubt, her husband will be there too.

Jenny is gone for the holidays - off visiting her oldest, so I stayed home this weekend and watched the pitiful Panther's game Saturday, knocked out half of the Basil-Haden's on Saturday and finished it off Christmas day afternoon watching the Ravens (my other team) lose to the Steelers. Jenny won't be back for Natalie's New Year's party.

This is always a fucked up time of year for me, so I'm not writing much - off all week this week, and I doubt sobriety will make much of an appearance. The New Year's Eve party - now I have to buy a fucking mask. Think just for shits and giggles I'll pull out my tux for the party - and I think I'm leaning toward either a Guy Fawkes / V for Vendetta mask or a plague doctor / bird face mask - if I'm supposed to hide my identity, she'll never guess it's me - even without the mask, the tux would throw her off completely. Of course, it'll have to be a mask I can drink through.

Those of you who commented - thanks. Glad to know that I'm not just writing for myself, although things seem to have slowed a bit after a great start.

I'll let you know if anything else transpires.

By FDupp
Well, sorry to be late in getting this posted back up - not very exciting and not a lot happened - so it's still a long report for those who are interested in what happened.

The party, such as it was, was pretty fucked up. Yes, it was a masquerade - and yes, it was pretty formal dress. Several tuxedos and dark suits for the guys, evening dresses for the ladies - everyone was masked... at least to start. I had gotten a Guy Fawkes/V for Vendetta mask and cut out the chin and lower lip with a coping saw and sanded the edges (so that I could eat and drink - wouldn't be much of a party if I had to do everything through a tiny straw -- although there was one guy there who simply drilled a hole in his mask so that he could us a straw). The ladies were dressed pretty hot - lots of cleavage and leg showing, lots of feathers on the masks.

When I arrived, I was greeted by a guy in a tux, not wearing a mask, who instructed me to find the envelope with my first initial and last name. Easy enough. Inside was a list of questions that I had to get answers to, by striking up conversations with the ladies and asking questions. Everyone had a different list, and it was designed to be an ice-breaker. Yay.... fun...

In reality, after only a few minutes of mixing about it was clear that all of the ladies were in one part of the house, and all of the men were in Dave's man-cave watching the college football bowl games, drinking whisky (or whiskey, if you prefer) and smoking cigars. A very, very drunk Dave literally ran into me in the hall and dragged me into his man-cave and told me "take that fucking mask off" - I did, and he looked at me quizzically trying to place me. I laughed, stuck out my hand and said "Fred" - he brightened and said "Of course I know who you are, good to see you Fred. It's been a long time." Of course, he had no idea who I was. Last time we spoke, I was the gutter guy who his wife had hired to put up the Christmas lights - and if there was any recollection at all, he would never place me amongst the guests at his New Year's Eve party.

Well, I hung out in the man cave for a whopping 10 minutes, got to pick from his tremendous whisky bar and I availed myself of his bottle of 13 year old Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye. Now, you may not know this rye, but you probably have heard of its cousin, Pappy Van Winkle's Family Reserve bourbon. At $120 a bottle, I was happy to drink Van Winkle Rye all night!

Well, I poured a drink and wandered back out to mingle with the ladies. I made a pretense of asking the questions on my list, but kept an eye out for the hostess. I chatted with several attractive but bored and neglected trophy wives - this was definitely not my usual social crowd. (Mike and Jenny had moved into this neighborhood a couple of years ago after Mike got promoted and pulled a plum assignment - otherwise, I'd never be in this part of town. My pick up was definitely out of place amongst the Mercedes, Lexuses, BMWs, and Audis parked out front of Natalie's house). Anyway, a lot of tipsy and lonely women. Lots of cleavage and a few nip-slips as I made the rounds and engaged in strained small talk. I doubt that there would have been anywhere near the number of "accidental" nip-slips if they hadn't been masked. Seriously though - there were maybe two other guys not in the man-cave watching football, and 35-40 neglected women talking about botox, tennis, and Pilates. Evidently, several were Natalie's yoga clients (thinking I might actually enjoy the yoga classes that Jenny signed us up for!)

Well, after about an hour I found Natalie out on her back deck with a three other women sharing a joint. They had ditched their masks but I had mine on when I walked out - and like a bunch of teenagers they tried (poorly) to hide the joint since they didn't know who I was. I walked up to them and just stood there, and after a minute or so, without saying a word, Natalie offered me the joint. I deferred by holding my hand up, but still didn't say anything. This really kind of freaked them out, which was fun - but I couldn't persist and started laughing, which caused them to all burst out in giggles. I took my mask off and Natalie slugged me in the chest and called me a bastard for screwing with her. I said "I'm surprised that you recognized me, it's been a long time since we've seen each other." Her eyes locked on me as if to say "don't go there in front of these folks" - so I let it drop.

Okay - long story short (too late, I know). The party was a bust as far as Natalie's planned entertainment. The guys all stayed in the man-cave even after the game. They came out at about five minutes to midnight, counted down, unmasked, sloppily kissed whoever was nearest (which pissed off some wives and was completely unnoticed by some others). Then the men either drifted back to the man-cave or their wives hauled them off to home, bitching at them as they went. At the stroke of midnight I kissed the two women near me, one of whom lingered a little too long. Then I turned and Natalie offered me a quick "hostess" kiss on the lips but nonchalantly drifted her right hand to brush (and linger) on my crotch - which brought an immediate reaction. Then, without missing a beat, she turned and kissed the woman next to me (the one who kissed just a little bit too long), and made her rounds.

I made several trips into the man-cave to replenish my Van Winkle, but I didn't linger there - the cigar smoke was too thick for my liking. A couple of poker games had started up, and I'd rather spend time with the hostess (or at least laugh at the drunk, neglected, and horny trophy wives).

About 1:30, as the party was winding down, Natalie asked me if I'd stay the night (now, don't jump to conclusions, there were about a dozen folks who were going to crash either in a guest room or on a couch). I said that it was probably a good idea and that I had a key to Jenny's house and would go over and crash in "my" room - I whispered that there was plenty of room over there if there were too many guests over here. She punched me in the chest again and told me that I was welcome to crash there or downstairs in her yoga studio (yoga studio?). Whatever I decided, she'd be fixing breakfast around 9:30 for those who stuck around. Well, I opted for the yoga studio simply out of curiosity and thinking that staying under Natalie's roof was a better bet. Natalie seemed pleased at my choice and showed me to her basement which not only had a yoga studio complete with mats covering the entire floor, mirrors on the wall, and a selection of inflatable balance balls. She also had a small 4 or 6 person sauna in one corner of the basement, along with a full bathroom. I'm sure that the other half of the basement was storage and mechanical and the like. She gave me blankets and pillows, and I found the padded floor rather comfortable (the floor was foam matting, like a wrestling mat, if you know what that is like).

Uneventful night. I had hoped that she'd come visit me once things settled down, but that wasn't to be. Even though I had drank about half that bottle of Van Winkle I was up about 6:30 -- old habits die hard. I wondered up to the kitchen and passed folks sleeping in a variety of rooms and positions. I turned on the coffee maker (it had a note on it saying "Ready to go, turn me on"). I was wearing my tuxedo pants and a white undershirt. The coffee maker had barely started to percolate when a still drunk trophy wife came out of the bathroom wearing a very skimpy thong and an unbuttoned tuxedo shirt. She staggered, leaned against the wall, smiled and clumsily tried to fix her hair, but made no attempt to close the shirt - giving me a nice long look at her shapely tits. Then she staggered off down the hall to a closed door, turned around to smile at me, and went back into the guest room.

I took a cup of coffee and sat at the table looking out over the deck. It was too cold to go outside, so I just sat and went back over the night in my mind - pretty pathetic how these 'couples' lived. About 8:00 Natalie came down stairs in her robe. I offered to help her fix breakfast, but she had some kind of breakfast casserole in the fridge and just put it in the oven. She then got out Bloody Mary fixings - which was a welcome addition to the coffee. We sat in silence for a few minutes, and then she said "holidays and family obligations have kind of taken me away for the last couple of weeks - you okay?" I said "sure - no big deal. I understand." She said "you're not mad, are you?" I told her that there was nothing to be mad about. She then stood and opened her robe - she was wearing just a pair of white cotton panties underneath - and said "I knew that you'd be up early" and walked over to me and pulled my head to her chest. Of course, at that moment we heard someone stumbling down the hall so she stepped back and closed her robe. She said "now is not the time, but I'll make it up to you." A couple of seconds later another couple stumbles into the kitchen and sits down at the table. the guy is dressed like I am, tuxedo pants and t-shirt while his wife (the linger too long on the kiss woman) is wearing his tuxedo shirt buttoned up. She smiles at me and sits at the breakfast bar, turning enough to show me the crotch of her red lace panties. Her husband fixes Bloody Marys (very strong, by what I could tell) and sits with her, and she closes her knees and turns away. A few minutes later another couple comes in and it's a regular hang-over killing breakfast.

Folks drift in and out, so after a while I make pleasantries and say my goodbyes. Dave still hasn't shown (and I'm not surprised - Natalie said that he never made it to bed last night). Mrs lingers too long/red panties gives me a goodbye hug (a little too tight for having her husband right behind her) grinding her ample tits into my chest, and Natalie asks if I'll be watching the football next weekend. I said that I planned to watch the playoffs with my friend Jenny and she lights up and says "maybe I'll see you there."

So - wild card games Saturday and Sunday. College national championship on Monday. Jenny came home on Monday and of course invited me over for the games and offered me her guest room for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights. I'm hopeful, but not expecting too much. Seems like Natalie is talking a good game, but I have my doubts. I'm just going to play it cool and see what happens.

Sorry, not very exciting reading.

Oh - and our yoga classes start tomorrow. We go Wednesday evenings (after work yoga) and Friday mornings (sunrise yoga).

By Ohler
I think the fact that she opened her robe for you at breakfast is more than a "tease". She's obviously hot for you and is testing the waters. Also probably getting the courage up to go the next step. Glad that you are continuing your story. The yoga class (if you enter it) may also bring more interesting stories from the "trophy wives" you met at the party. Sounds as if the one woman who kissed you for a long time may be interested!!
By FDupp
Okay - so yoga class has been interesting!

Jenny and I meet out front and go in together - she's got the whole yoga thing going and evidently has been doing it for a long time. I've done yoga before - mostly as physical therapy to recover from injuries.

First off, on Wednesday, I was the only guy there for a class of 15. Everyone is in yoga gear except me - grey sweats. Obvious that a few of the women were uncomfortable with a man in the class - and one even put a baggy t-shirt on over her tight fitting tank top; others seemed to seek my attention and make a point of stretching in front of me (yes, the one woman in the peacock print yoga pants pretty intentionally faces away from me and then proceeds to put her feet together and bend over, basically putting her face into her knees!).

Natalie starts the class by welcoming everyone to the new year, dimming the lights, and putting Enya on the sound system (yeah, fucking Enya). She's wearing baby blue yoga pants and a matching sports bra. The class is a mix of ages, from early twenties to fit women in their late 50s or early 60s. Natalie makes a point of saying that there are a variety of levels of experience in the room and that no one should try anything that they're not comfortable with. She then asks if anyone has any injuries she should be aware of or any artificial joints. So I raise my hand and mention the screws, pins, and plates in my leg and pelvis. One woman who appears to be in her mid-40s says she has an artificial hip. So Natalie says that she'll help us with some alternative poses.

Natalie gets the class going, demonstrating a pose and having us try our best - some of these ladies are yoga pros, and some aren't. I fall into the latter category.

As the class progresses, Natalie spends a lot of time with me and artificial hip lady, adjusting our form, showing some alternate poses, and doing a lot of 'hands on' - which I don't mind at all. She definitely has a tight little body, and her outfit accentuates it.

At the end of the class, Natalie asks me and artificial hip lady to stay after for a few minutes, so Jenny just says "see you Saturday" and leaves with the rest of them. Natalie asks us if we're comfortable with the pace of the class and offers to stay afterwards and work with us if we wish. I say, "Hey, I'd really appreciate that if it's not too much trouble" - and I'm hoping that artificial hip lady has to go home to put her kids to bed, but... no, she stays too.

So, Natalie has artificial hip lady go into the "child pose" which is basically kneeling on the floor and stretching your hands out in front of you, forehead on the floor and stretching your back muscles. She has me go into the "warrior pose" which is kind of like a lunge with your arms held out level at shoulder height. She complements artificial hip lady on her form and then comes over to adjust mine - and I try very, very hard to not laugh as she stands behind me and pushes up some on my elbows and then runs her hands down my ribs to my hips, adjust my hip rotation, and then runs her hands down both of my thighs, adjusting my position. She then stands in front of me with this total shit-eating grin, keeping up her banter about relaxing and stretching and complementing our form - all the while looking me in the eye. We change poses a couple of times, but Natalie keeps up her eye contact.

After about 20 minutes we wrap up and Natalie suggests that, if we have time, we should consider taking a sauna before showering and going home. I say "oh, is there a sauna here?" Natalie says that there is a sauna in each locker room and that she usually takes about 15 minutes in the sauna after class. Artificial hip lady says that she has to run, but she'll probably soak in a hot bath when she gets home. Natalie says that if we want a little extra one-on-one work to come in a half hour early on Saturday because her classes were back-to-back.

After artificial hip lady leaves, I ask Natalie if I could buy her a glass of wine after she got cleaned up. She smiled and said "that's sweet, but I'll see you Saturday."

So, I shower, skip the sauna, and head out for a beer before heading home. Have to admit, I was pretty sore Thursday morning.

-- So fast forward to this morning (Saturday). Yoga class started at 7:00, so I got there at 6:30 - it's just me and Natalie. She's wearing light gray yoga pants and a gray sports bra under an unzipped warm up jacket (and her enormous nipples are standing at attention). She says "Fred, I'm glad you came in early." I say "I should have taken your advice for the sauna, I'm sore in places I didn't even knew I had." She laughs and says "a deep tissue massage usually helps" and has that shit-eating grin on her face again. I ask if she can recommend a good masseuse, and about that time Artificial hip lady comes in (sometimes I just think I'm cursed).

So, no massage. We work on a couple of stretches to loosen up, Natalie is coolly professional adjusting our poses, and about 10 minutes in, other folks start showing up for the 7:00 class. I'm not the only guy this time, but I am the only one in sweats (I never even knew that they made yoga pants for guys). Miss peacock print yoga pants from Wednesday is wearing a pair of black yoga pants this time, and repeats her routine from the other night, turning her back to me and "stretching" by bending over, putting her face on her knees and her hands on the back of her ankles. These are "magic" yoga pants too, as she's giving me a pretty clear view of her shapely ass and black thong. About that time Jenny shows up and whispers "put your eyes back in your head." About then, Natalie starts the class by dimming the lights and putting "nature sounds" on the sound system (yeah, "nature sounds" - babbling brooks, waves lapping at the beach, that kind of shit). Natalie has also put a double tank top on over her sports bra, and generally (although not completely) obscures her nipples.

Yoga class is uneventful. After it's over Natalie repeats her suggestion of a sauna, and I follow her advice this time. As I'm walking out she walks over and says "what time is the Seahawks game?" I smile and say 8:15. She gets that shit-eating grin again and says "You know I'll be wearing my Russell Wilson jersey - it's good luck!" I said "you think so, huh?" but she didn't reply and started to welcome her next class.

So, I took a sauna, showered, and came home. I'll be heading over to Jenny's for the 4:30 game, dinner, drinks and hopefully I'll be able to talk Natalie out of that Wilson jersey again. I'll let you know how it goes.

By Ohler
Ever considered going to Natalie's second yoga class instead? The view of her afterwards in the sauna might be very nice. So, it's going to be another threesome watching football again. She is really procrastinating on getting past 2nd base. Awaiting your next episode w/interest.
By FDupp
Okay - so I watched both games over at Jenny's on Saturday. Natalie showed up right around 8:00 - plenty of time for the 8:15 kick off of the Seahawks-Lions game. She was, of course, wearing her lucky Russell Wilson jersey and a pair of jeans that looked painted on - and she brought a bottle of George T. Stagg bourbon (if you haven't had this, it's well worth trying). Jenny gave her some shit for wearing the Wilson jersey, but we all admitted that it was a lucky jersey.

We cracked open the Stagg and the three of us settled in to watch the game. There was some good natured ribbing, and a lot of small talk. Sometime in the third quarter, Jenny kept nodding off, so she got up and said she was going to call it a night. She offered Natalie one of the upstairs guest rooms, and the two of them went upstairs. About five minutes later, Natalie came back down stairs and offered to refill my glass. With a fresh ice cube and about 3 fingers poured, she came over and sat next to me on the leather loveseat. She handed me my glass and tucked her feet up under her and leaned in, so I put my arm around her and we watched the game. During the first commercial break after coming back downstairs, she said "I know that things have been a little all over the place after the Carolina game. The holidays made things difficult, and my husband has been being a real jerk." I cut her off and told her, "hey, it's cool. There's no pressure or expectation..." before I could say anything else she put her finger to my lips and said "being around you... I don't know what it is, but it has made me feel... well, has woken up part of me I thought was dead." At this point I shushed her and kissed her on the forehead. The game came back on and she just snuggled in, pulling my arm down around her.

About half way through the fourth quarter, as it was clear that Seattle was going to run away with the win, she got up, refreshed our drinks, and snuggled back in - except she ran her right hand up my leg and stopped just as it made contact with my cock. She didn't grab it or anything, just lightly brushed up against it and stayed there. Needless to say, there was a reaction. She kind of purred and moved her hand up to cover the front half of my erection. After a bit, she shifted her position and put her head in my lap, still watching the game, but with her hand firmly gripping my dick.

When the game ended, she sat up, looked me in the eye, and said "I really need to go upstairs - Jenny's expecting me to use the guest room." Disappointed, I said, "are you sure?" She laughed and said "I'll be back! You go on to bed." I couldn't argue with that.

So I watched her leave, then turned off the TV and went into "my" room. I got some condoms out of my shaving kit and put them on the night stand, put a couple of towels on the floor by the night stand, stripped down, and got into bed. I read for about a half hour and wondered how long Natalie would be. About the time I was about to say "screw it" and turn off the light, Natalie softly opened the door and stepped into the room. She was wearing that Russell Wilson jersey - just like last time - except this time the lamp at the bedside was on, so the room was lit.

I said "you still wearing that unlucky jersey?" Rather indignantly she said "unlucky?!? You think if I take it off you'll get lucky?" I laughed and said "Something like that" and she stood there and took the jersey off over her head. This time, she was completely naked underneath - her tight little body standing there in the lamplight - no tan lines that I could see - her landing strip trimmed tight, about three inches tall and probably exactly an inch wide. It was clear that she meticulously groomed it - and I find that hot as hell.

She came over and got in bed, sliding under the covers and we were immediately kissing, our hands exploring each other. When my had went between her legs, she was practically dripping. I slid one finger in, and she was so hot - she drew in a sharp breath and then let it out slowly, again, kind of purring. I rolled her onto her back and took one of her enormous nipples in my mouth, which caused her to arch and put both hands on the back of my head.

Now, I've always had a theory that women with small breasts had extremely sensitive nipples - I don't know if that's true, but it appears to be true with Natalie. I spent five or ten minutes sucking, licking, and taking her nipples in my mouth before kissing my way down to her navel. I looked up at her, and she said "you owe me" so I kissed my way down, running my tongue down one edge of her landing strip until I touched her labia. She shivered, and I spent the next fifteen minutes or so licking, teasing, and sucking. When I finally moved my tongue to her clit, I slid one finger inside her, exploring the front wall of her pussy until I found that little rough spot. I then flicked my tongue across her clit while moving my finger across little rough spot in a "come here" motion. She lasted less than a minute before both hands grabbed the back of my head and pressed my face into her bucking crotch. She came hard -- and I mean hard. She might have even loosened one of my teeth!

After she settled, I reached down and grabbed a towel to wipe my face and moved back up the bed to be beside her. She was still breathing hard and took the towel from me to wipe the sweat from her chest (which is saying something, since it was about 20 degrees outside and none-to-warm in the bedroom. I moved my hand across her belly and lightly brushed my fingers over one nipple, which caused her to shudder and moan. When she caught her breath, her hand moved to my cock and started stroking it - and let me tell you - as fit as she is, her hands are incredibly strong. She started stroking it harder and faster and I wondered if her intent was to give me a hand job, but she stopped and pushed me onto my back and straddled me. She said "It's been a long time... " I shushed her. She leaned forward and grabbed one of the condoms off the night stand, ripped it open with her teeth (which made me laugh - and that cracked her up). She rolled it on me and said "don't go deep - you're a big man, and I'm a small woman. Just let me..." with that, she slid me inside her - she was so damn hot - almost too hot inside. She slowly lowered down onto me, about half way, then rose back up. She had her hands on my chest and slowly fucked half my dick. She finally slid down until I bottomed out. We fucked slowly , gradually picking up the pace until she started rubbing her clit with her right hand, while reaching around with her left to grab my balls. She wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the top of my ballsack, keeping downward pressure on my nuts. When we were getting close, I reached up to lightly pinch her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers - and that did the trick. She came again -and came hard - practically screaming. As she came, that turned the switch for me and I came too.

She collapsed on my chest, sweaty and breathing hard. After a few minutes, she rolled to one side and I got up and pulled the condom off and flushed it. As I was walking back she said "stop" - not sure what was up, I froze. After about a minute she said "damn, but you are a beautiful man" I laughed and got back into bed. We held each other for a while, but about a half hour later she said "I really should go back up stairs - I don't want Jenny to know." I thought - damn, you don't think she heard you? - but said " are you sure, I'd really like you to stay. We're just getting started." She laughed and said "uh, no." Which, quite frankly, was good -- I'm not 18 anymore.

She collected her Russell Wilson jersey, stood there by the door for a minute and I said "Damn Natalie, you are one beautiful woman." She smiled and said "stop" then giggled, put her jersey on over her head, blew me a kiss and slipped out.

One hell of a night... but...

The next morning I'm up about 7:00 - I'm an early riser and 7:00 is sleeping in. I take a shower, throw on some sweats and go up to start the coffee about 7:30. It's not done brewing when Jenny comes down in her robe. Now, I'm convinced she heard Natalie last night - hell, I think half the neighborhood heard Natalie come. But Jenny makes no indication that she heard. I say "You're up early" and all she says is "did you stay up to finish the game? I'm assuming Seattle won" I told her the score and said that she didn't miss much. She admitted to perhaps drinking too much and stated that Saturday morning yoga might be too early for her. She got out a coffee cake that she had picked up at the grocery store and we sat there and drank coffee and nibbled on the coffee cake until about 8:30 when Natalie came down wearing her Russell Wilson jersey. Jenny got up and got her a robe because it was cold in the kitchen (thermometer said that it was 16 degrees outside).

I have to hand it to Natalie - she was nonchalant as hell - like she had gone to bed right after the game and slept through the night. Hell, Jenny even commented that she looked well rested! We sat and chatted for about an hour, and as I got up to get more coffee I kind of groaned and walked stiffly across the kitchen. Jenny called me an old man and I commented that yoga was making me sore in all the wrong places. Jenny says "I know what you mean - I hurt in places I didn't even knew I had."

Natalie pipes right up and says "what you need is a good stretching session and a sauna." I said "No thanks, I think a trip to the gym is the last thing I need right now." She said "nonsense - you two come over to my house. I'll turn the heat up in my little yoga room, and then the three of us can take a sauna." I did notice on NYE that she had a small sauna in her basement, but never thought of it. I looked at Jenny and she looked at me. Natalie said "I promise to take it easy on you - just stretching and then sit in the sauna for about 20 minutes - you'll feel good as new." Jenny said "that sounds like the last thing I need - think I'll take the Sunday paper and my big mug of coffee and soak in my tub." Natalie looks at me - no trace of that shit-eating grin - and says, "Fred?" Not wanting to seem too eager, I hesitate and then say, "sure, what the hell - take it easy on me." Natalie immediately brightens and says "let me get dressed. you come over in a half hour." She then pops right up and practically dances out of the room.

I look at Jenny and she says "you're a glutton for punishment." I chuckle and say, "in for a penny, in for a pound." Jenny cautions "don't go getting your hopes up." I reply, "Jenny, I think that ship has sailed." Jenny says, "well, too bad. There's definitely something between you two, but I just don't think anything will happen - at least not any time soon."

Natalie leaves, and I grab my coat and follow about a half hour later. She meets me at the back door all decked out in yoga gear - no magic black yoga pants, but bright yellow yoga pants and matching sports bra. We go down into the basement and into her yoga studio - it must be 110 degrees in there, and I instantly start to sweat. I said "you weren't kidding, were you?" She says "I don't kid." She then proceeded to run me through a series of stretches - some by myself, and some with her assisting, pushing on my back, on my leg, pulling my arms behind me. She was tough, but it felt good. We stretched for about 20 minutes and were both sweating like we just ran a marathon.

She said, "go ahead and get in the sauna. There's a towel on the hook by the door, just dump your sweaty gear on the washer and I'll clean them while you're in the sauna." Now, I had expected her to join me, and I assumed that her husband was traveling again, but didn't know for sure. So I strip down, wrap the towel around me, dump my sweats on the washer, and go in the sauna. There was an insulated water bottle sitting on one of the benches, so I took a healthy swig -- cucumber water, and I have to admit, it tasted pretty good at that point.

After about 5 minutes in the sauna - it must have been 150 degrees in there - Natalie comes in wrapped in a towel. She walks over and dumps a ladle of water on the hot rocks, walks to the bench opposite me (now mind you, this is a small sauna that would probably hold 8 people if you sat close), spreads her towel on the bench and lays down on it. She's a small woman, and the bench is barely long enough for her to lie down. She looks over at me and says "you're such a prude - take your towel off and lay down" Well, there was room for me to lie back if I bent my knees. Natalie lay there with her eyes closed and just took in the heat. I lay there and just watched her. After about 10 minutes, she stood up and said "well, I think that's enough of that" and stood there with sweat pouring down here body - and I couldn't help but notice one drop dangling from her right nipple - I was kind of transfixed. She takes my hand and says "now the best part" and led me out of the sauna and we walked naked across the basement to the downstairs bathroom - the shower there was cozy for two, but it had one of those rain shower heads in the ceiling - we stood under that with cold water running down over us, and soaked in the refreshingly cold water. She picked up a bottle of body wash, and we proceeded to lather each other up. Needless to say, it wasn't long before I was up and ready to perform. She stroked me a couple of times and even made a comment that this was impressive for a cold shower. We dried each other off and she put my hand between her legs, and she was hot and wet. I said, "I think we ought to do something about this" and she grabbed me by my erection and led me into their rec room (in the basement). Walked me over to the sofa, and she sat down but kept me standing. She wrapped one hand around the base of my cock, grabbed my balls with the other, and took me in her mouth. She sucked me for about 3 or 4 minutes, then pulled away breathing hard - she pointed at the end table and said "put that on" - I guess she had put a condom on the table while I was in the sauna without her. As I did, she got on her knees on the sofa and leaned over the back saying "I want you to take me from behind" - she was so hot and wet and tight - it was pretty incredible. She came hard, and loud, and when she did she reached between her legs and grabbed by balls - which just made me explode.

We collapsed on the sofa and held on to each other. After we caught our breath, she said - "I told you that a good sauna would make you feel better!" I complemented her on her technique to care for sore muscles, and she laughed saying "I am a professional fitness instructor." She got up, walked to the laundry and put my clothes in the dryer, and came back - I figured that she'd grab a robe or a towel, but she never covered up, obviously very confident with her body. After another half hour or so, she suggests that I head back over to Jenny's, so that Jenny doesn't get suspicious (personally, I think these two are in cahoots and that there are no secrets - just a pretense of secrecy). She gets my clothes out of the dryer and as I dress, she again tells me I have a beautiful body.

Well, I'm on my way back over to Jenny's house tonight to watch the college national championship game - and since it's a late game I'm staying the night. Hopeful that Natalie will too - I do still have a little soreness to work out.

By Ohler
FDupp wrote:Okay - so I watched both games over at Jenny's on Saturday. Natalie showed up right around 8:00 - plenty of time for the 8:15 kick off of the Seahawks-Lions game. She was, of course, wearing her lucky Russell Wilson jersey and a pair of jeans that looked painted on - and she brought a bottle of George T. Stagg bourbon (if you haven't had this, it's well worth trying). Jenny gave her some shit for wearing the Wilson jersey, but we all admitted that it was a lucky jersey.

We cracked open the Stagg and the three of us settled in to watch the game. There was some good natured ribbing, and a lot of small talk. Sometime in the third quarter, Jenny kept nodding off, so she got up and said she was going to call it a night. She offered Natalie one of the upstairs guest rooms, and the two of them went upstairs. About five minutes later, Natalie came back down stairs and offered to refill my glass. With a fresh ice cube and about 3 fingers poured, she came over and sat next to me on the leather loveseat. She handed me my glass and tucked her feet up under her and leaned in, so I put my arm around her and we watched the game. During the first commercial break after coming back downstairs, she said "I know that things have been a little all over the place after the Carolina game. The holidays made things difficult, and my husband has been being a real jerk." I cut her off and told her, "hey, it's cool. There's no pressure or expectation..." before I could say anything else she put her finger to my lips and said "being around you... I don't know what it is, but it has made me feel... well, has woken up part of me I thought was dead." At this point I shushed her and kissed her on the forehead. The game came back on and she just snuggled in, pulling my arm down around her.

About half way through the fourth quarter, as it was clear that Seattle was going to run away with the win, she got up, refreshed our drinks, and snuggled back in - except she ran her right hand up my leg and stopped just as it made contact with my cock. She didn't grab it or anything, just lightly brushed up against it and stayed there. Needless to say, there was a reaction. She kind of purred and moved her hand up to cover the front half of my erection. After a bit, she shifted her position and put her head in my lap, still watching the game, but with her hand firmly gripping my dick.

When the game ended, she sat up, looked me in the eye, and said "I really need to go upstairs - Jenny's expecting me to use the guest room." Disappointed, I said, "are you sure?" She laughed and said "I'll be back! You go on to bed." I couldn't argue with that.

So I watched her leave, then turned off the TV and went into "my" room. I got some condoms out of my shaving kit and put them on the night stand, put a couple of towels on the floor by the night stand, stripped down, and got into bed. I read for about a half hour and wondered how long Natalie would be. About the time I was about to say "screw it" and turn off the light, Natalie softly opened the door and stepped into the room. She was wearing that Russell Wilson jersey - just like last time - except this time the lamp at the bedside was on, so the room was lit.

I said "you still wearing that unlucky jersey?" Rather indignantly she said "unlucky?!? You think if I take it off you'll get lucky?" I laughed and said "Something like that" and she stood there and took the jersey off over her head. This time, she was completely naked underneath - her tight little body standing there in the lamplight - no tan lines that I could see - her landing strip trimmed tight, about three inches tall and probably exactly an inch wide. It was clear that she meticulously groomed it - and I find that hot as hell.

She came over and got in bed, sliding under the covers and we were immediately kissing, our hands exploring each other. When my had went between her legs, she was practically dripping. I slid one finger in, and she was so hot - she drew in a sharp breath and then let it out slowly, again, kind of purring. I rolled her onto her back and took one of her enormous nipples in my mouth, which caused her to arch and put both hands on the back of my head.

Now, I've always had a theory that women with small breasts had extremely sensitive nipples - I don't know if that's true, but it appears to be true with Natalie. I spent five or ten minutes sucking, licking, and taking her nipples in my mouth before kissing my way down to her navel. I looked up at her, and she said "you owe me" so I kissed my way down, running my tongue down one edge of her landing strip until I touched her labia. She shivered, and I spent the next fifteen minutes or so licking, teasing, and sucking. When I finally moved my tongue to her clit, I slid one finger inside her, exploring the front wall of her pussy until I found that little rough spot. I then flicked my tongue across her clit while moving my finger across little rough spot in a "come here" motion. She lasted less than a minute before both hands grabbed the back of my head and pressed my face into her bucking crotch. She came hard -- and I mean hard. She might have even loosened one of my teeth!

After she settled, I reached down and grabbed a towel to wipe my face and moved back up the bed to be beside her. She was still breathing hard and took the towel from me to wipe the sweat from her chest (which is saying something, since it was about 20 degrees outside and none-to-warm in the bedroom. I moved my hand across her belly and lightly brushed my fingers over one nipple, which caused her to shudder and moan. When she caught her breath, her hand moved to my cock and started stroking it - and let me tell you - as fit as she is, her hands are incredibly strong. She started stroking it harder and faster and I wondered if her intent was to give me a hand job, but she stopped and pushed me onto my back and straddled me. She said "It's been a long time... " I shushed her. She leaned forward and grabbed one of the condoms off the night stand, ripped it open with her teeth (which made me laugh - and that cracked her up). She rolled it on me and said "don't go deep - you're a big man, and I'm a small woman. Just let me..." with that, she slid me inside her - she was so damn hot - almost too hot inside. She slowly lowered down onto me, about half way, then rose back up. She had her hands on my chest and slowly fucked half my dick. She finally slid down until I bottomed out. We fucked slowly , gradually picking up the pace until she started rubbing her clit with her right hand, while reaching around with her left to grab my balls. She wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the top of my ballsack, keeping downward pressure on my nuts. When we were getting close, I reached up to lightly pinch her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers - and that did the trick. She came again -and came hard - practically screaming. As she came, that turned the switch for me and I came too.

She collapsed on my chest, sweaty and breathing hard. After a few minutes, she rolled to one side and I got up and pulled the condom off and flushed it. As I was walking back she said "stop" - not sure what was up, I froze. After about a minute she said "damn, but you are a beautiful man" I laughed and got back into bed. We held each other for a while, but about a half hour later she said "I really should go back up stairs - I don't want Jenny to know." I thought - damn, you don't think she heard you? - but said " are you sure, I'd really like you to stay. We're just getting started." She laughed and said "uh, no." Which, quite frankly, was good -- I'm not 18 anymore.

She collected her Russell Wilson jersey, stood there by the door for a minute and I said "Damn Natalie, you are one beautiful woman." She smiled and said "stop" then giggled, put her jersey on over her head, blew me a kiss and slipped out.

One hell of a night... but...

The next morning I'm up about 7:00 - I'm an early riser and 7:00 is sleeping in. I take a shower, throw on some sweats and go up to start the coffee about 7:30. It's not done brewing when Jenny comes down in her robe. Now, I'm convinced she heard Natalie last night - hell, I think half the neighborhood heard Natalie come. But Jenny makes no indication that she heard. I say "You're up early" and all she says is "did you stay up to finish the game? I'm assuming Seattle won" I told her the score and said that she didn't miss much. She admitted to perhaps drinking too much and stated that Saturday morning yoga might be too early for her. She got out a coffee cake that she had picked up at the grocery store and we sat there and drank coffee and nibbled on the coffee cake until about 8:30 when Natalie came down wearing her Russell Wilson jersey. Jenny got up and got her a robe because it was cold in the kitchen (thermometer said that it was 16 degrees outside).

I have to hand it to Natalie - she was nonchalant as hell - like she had gone to bed right after the game and slept through the night. Hell, Jenny even commented that she looked well rested! We sat and chatted for about an hour, and as I got up to get more coffee I kind of groaned and walked stiffly across the kitchen. Jenny called me an old man and I commented that yoga was making me sore in all the wrong places. Jenny says "I know what you mean - I hurt in places I didn't even knew I had."

Natalie pipes right up and says "what you need is a good stretching session and a sauna." I said "No thanks, I think a trip to the gym is the last thing I need right now." She said "nonsense - you two come over to my house. I'll turn the heat up in my little yoga room, and then the three of us can take a sauna." I did notice on NYE that she had a small sauna in her basement, but never thought of it. I looked at Jenny and she looked at me. Natalie said "I promise to take it easy on you - just stretching and then sit in the sauna for about 20 minutes - you'll feel good as new." Jenny said "that sounds like the last thing I need - think I'll take the Sunday paper and my big mug of coffee and soak in my tub." Natalie looks at me - no trace of that shit-eating grin - and says, "Fred?" Not wanting to seem too eager, I hesitate and then say, "sure, what the hell - take it easy on me." Natalie immediately brightens and says "let me get dressed. you come over in a half hour." She then pops right up and practically dances out of the room.

I look at Jenny and she says "you're a glutton for punishment." I chuckle and say, "in for a penny, in for a pound." Jenny cautions "don't go getting your hopes up." I reply, "Jenny, I think that ship has sailed." Jenny says, "well, too bad. There's definitely something between you two, but I just don't think anything will happen - at least not any time soon."

Natalie leaves, and I grab my coat and follow about a half hour later. She meets me at the back door all decked out in yoga gear - no magic black yoga pants, but bright yellow yoga pants and matching sports bra. We go down into the basement and into her yoga studio - it must be 110 degrees in there, and I instantly start to sweat. I said "you weren't kidding, were you?" She says "I don't kid." She then proceeded to run me through a series of stretches - some by myself, and some with her assisting, pushing on my back, on my leg, pulling my arms behind me. She was tough, but it felt good. We stretched for about 20 minutes and were both sweating like we just ran a marathon.

She said, "go ahead and get in the sauna. There's a towel on the hook by the door, just dump your sweaty gear on the washer and I'll clean them while you're in the sauna." Now, I had expected her to join me, and I assumed that her husband was traveling again, but didn't know for sure. So I strip down, wrap the towel around me, dump my sweats on the washer, and go in the sauna. There was an insulated water bottle sitting on one of the benches, so I took a healthy swig -- cucumber water, and I have to admit, it tasted pretty good at that point.

After about 5 minutes in the sauna - it must have been 150 degrees in there - Natalie comes in wrapped in a towel. She walks over and dumps a ladle of water on the hot rocks, walks to the bench opposite me (now mind you, this is a small sauna that would probably hold 8 people if you sat close), spreads her towel on the bench and lays down on it. She's a small woman, and the bench is barely long enough for her to lie down. She looks over at me and says "you're such a prude - take your towel off and lay down" Well, there was room for me to lie back if I bent my knees. Natalie lay there with her eyes closed and just took in the heat. I lay there and just watched her. After about 10 minutes, she stood up and said "well, I think that's enough of that" and stood there with sweat pouring down here body - and I couldn't help but notice one drop dangling from her right nipple - I was kind of transfixed. She takes my hand and says "now the best part" and led me out of the sauna and we walked naked across the basement to the downstairs bathroom - the shower there was cozy for two, but it had one of those rain shower heads in the ceiling - we stood under that with cold water running down over us, and soaked in the refreshingly cold water. She picked up a bottle of body wash, and we proceeded to lather each other up. Needless to say, it wasn't long before I was up and ready to perform. She stroked me a couple of times and even made a comment that this was impressive for a cold shower. We dried each other off and she put my hand between her legs, and she was hot and wet. I said, "I think we ought to do something about this" and she grabbed me by my erection and led me into their rec room (in the basement). Walked me over to the sofa, and she sat down but kept me standing. She wrapped one hand around the base of my cock, grabbed my balls with the other, and took me in her mouth. She sucked me for about 3 or 4 minutes, then pulled away breathing hard - she pointed at the end table and said "put that on" - I guess she had put a condom on the table while I was in the sauna without her. As I did, she got on her knees on the sofa and leaned over the back saying "I want you to take me from behind" - she was so hot and wet and tight - it was pretty incredible. She came hard, and loud, and when she did she reached between her legs and grabbed by balls - which just made me explode.

We collapsed on the sofa and held on to each other. After we caught our breath, she said - "I told you that a good sauna would make you feel better!" I complemented her on her technique to care for sore muscles, and she laughed saying "I am a professional fitness instructor." She got up, walked to the laundry and put my clothes in the dryer, and came back - I figured that she'd grab a robe or a towel, but she never covered up, obviously very confident with her body. After another half hour or so, she suggests that I head back over to Jenny's, so that Jenny doesn't get suspicious (personally, I think these two are in cahoots and that there are no secrets - just a pretense of secrecy). She gets my clothes out of the dryer and as I dress, she again tells me I have a beautiful body.

Well, I'm on my way back over to Jenny's house tonight to watch the college national championship game - and since it's a late game I'm staying the night. Hopeful that Natalie will too - I do still have a little soreness to work out.

Well, glad to see you finally scored a "touchdown" W/Natalie!! Keep it up old man!
By FDupp
Just a quick follow up - Went over to Jenny's Monday night for the college national championship game - Natalie came over briefly but did not stay. Evidently her husband was back from his latest business trip.

Yoga class last night - got there a little early and chatted with Natalie. I'm still doing yoga in my old gray sweats - and yes, I'm catching a little shit for that. Natalie was in her canary yellow yoga outfit again, damn fine yoga pants (with a matching yellow thong) and a yellow sports bra which did little to hide her hard, penny sized nipples. When I came in, there was one other woman present, but she was busy doing her own thing, stretching before class. Natalie is standing there talking to me and I'm trying to maintain eye contact, but with those huge nipples pushing out on that tight sports bra material (lycra?), it's difficult. As other folks start to arrive, she dons a double tank top, which she wears for the class.

The funny thing is, about the fourth person there is "Miss Peacock yoga pants" who is wearing a pair of white yoga pants (ladies, never, EVER wear white yoga pants). She does her usual turn her back to me to stretch, presenting her ass. The white yoga pants aren't particularly flattering - yes, they are slightly see-through, but there's just something about them that isn't quite right. After doing three or four stretches, face to knees, ass on full display facing Fred (yes, she's wearing a white thong), Miss Peacock yoga pants does some upper body stretches and then comes over to make small talk with the only guy in the class. Interesting thing is, yes, her small pencil eraser sized nipples are erect and poking through her t-shirt, but she's managed to give herself an incredible camel toe. I mean, I'm not sure that a middle school bully could give a wedgie that showed more crack than those white yoga pants.

Yoga class was uneventful. Artificial hip lady, Jenny, and I stayed after class and Natalie worked on some positions and stretches -- still sore as hell in areas I didn't know could be sore. As with last time, Natalie was helping each of us stretch - but I admit that I don't think that she touched Jenny or artificial hip lady in quite the same way she would touch me. At one point, Natalie is behind me, pushing on my shoulders as I'm sitting and reaching for the floor by my feet, she puts her mouth right by my ear and whispers - well, it was not very lady like.

She said that since her husband is home she won't be able to see me again until Saturday morning class. The Seattle - Atlanta game is at 4:30 on Saturday and she says she'll see me at game time at Jenny's. Texans - Patriots are the late game and Jenny has offered me "my" room Saturday night. Not sure if Natalie will stay over or not.

Have to admit, this woman has been on my mind almost constantly, and I can't wait to be alone with her again.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

By Ohler
All I can say Fred is this is a very good story. Are you also a member of Voyeurweb Red *****? They have a story site that appears to have more members that love good sexual escapades.It doesn't appear that you have many people respond here. I am loving your story. Very exciting and a good writing style. I Hope you'll switch over sometime and give the rest of the members at Redcloud your experiences.
By Ohler
Well, you've got me hooked on your relationship with this woman. It's been about a month since you've posted - any further episodes with her. Or is she back to teasing you again?
By FDupp
Well, it's been a while since I posted, and things have taken a little bit of a shift with Natalie.

Football season ended with a dud - I had hoped that there would be a great Super Bowl party and after-party, but ends up that Natalie's fat piece-of-shit husband took her to Houston for the game. Jenny and I got together to watch the game, and I did spend the night in "my" room in the basement, but try as we might, we didn't spot Natalie or Dave on the TV at the game.

Unfortunately, things have gotten a little "cold" after Natalie's trip to the Super Bowl. At yoga class, she was friendly, but still professional. No more meeting with me before or after class wearing just tights and a jog bra that did nothing to hide those huge nipples - since the Super Bowl she's usually wearing a warm-up jacket zipped up, or a t-shirt under an unzipped warm-up jacket. While she still helps with additional stretches and positions after class - it's strictly professional... which, well, sucks. I've approached her about everything from going for a cup of coffee to perhaps private yoga lessons - all politely rebuffed.

This past Saturday I did manage to talk with her after her late yoga class, and she told me that, while what we had was incredible -- her words, "incredible" -- it wasn't right and wouldn't happen again. The week before the Super Bowl, we had fucked like teenagers in my room in Jenny's basement - and frankly, I felt 25 years younger. Wednesday night that week (the week before the Super Bowl) at yoga class there had been plenty of flirting and innuendo (and a white yoga outfit that defies description on Natalie! I know, I've disparaged white yoga outfits before, but damn, this woman made it work). We had a substitute lead the yoga class that Saturday because Natalie was in Houston. After that, well, awkwardness ensued.

I still go over to Jenny's most weekends, but Natalie has been noticeably absent. With the weather getting nice again (Spring in February - 70 degrees!) When I went over to Jenny's yesterday to help with some winter clean up around the house, Natalie was out working in her garden and was cordial when we spoke, but still distant. Toward the end of the day, she declined beers on the back patio - which has to be a first. I asked Jenny if she knew what was up, and she just said what I had noticed - that Natalie was distant and like a different person since she and Dave came back from the Super Bowl. Evidently, I'm not the only one getting the cold shoulder treatment. Jenny said that she offered to be there to talk if Natalie ever wanted to tell her what was bothering her, but that Natalie gave her a rather hard stare and said, "thanks." And that was it.

Not sure what's up, or how this is going to work out, but I figure I'll continue to go to yoga class (which officially ends the first Saturday in March - Hell, I may even sign up for the next eight weeks). Likewise, I'll continue to go over to Jenny's (her husband is due back in late March) on the weekends to help out.

The relationship that I had with Natalie was always on her terms, and that's fine. Guess I won't push, but will just play along and see what comes next.

- Fred
By Ohler
My guess is that the husband has caught on to your affair with Natalie and has threatened her w/ divorce, exposure to her son or talked to her about her financial situation if a divorce occurred. Doesn't seem to be any other explanation, other than he knows or suspects. If it's not that - she'll be back again with you to enjoy, a sexual, loving relationship with you to appreciate her as a beautiful woman. Give it another month.
By FDupp
So I went to yoga class tonight (Wednesday). Got a chance to talk with Natalie before class, but it was far from private. I told her how much I appreciated the work she has done to help me progress with my flexibility and overall health over the last two months, and told her that I wanted to continue taking yoga classes. Of course, she was happy, encouraging, and cordial - there were other people around. Jenny said that she was done with formal yoga courses, and was going to stop since her husband was coming home in a few weeks. After class, I did approach Natalie and asked if it would be okay for me to continue in her classes, or if she would prefer for me to switch to another night/time with a different instructor. She smiled a coy little smile, looked up at me and said "Fred, of course not. I enjoy seeing you in class and working with you." Then she reached out and caressed my left shoulder and said "I'm sure that by working together we can continue to make great progress, and I'd be happy to help however I can." All the time, she was looking directly into my eyes with a look that spoke volumes. Okay, maybe I'm reading too much into this - probably am. I guess this is what I get for getting involved with a married woman.

Funny thing is, after grabbing my gym bag and leaving (I didn't do the sauna or shower after class tonight, I just grabbed my bag of street cloths and left in my workout gear), Miss Peacock Yoga Pants was waiting by the front desk of the fitness center and called out to me. She's been making small talk before and after every class, and has gotten to know Jenny as well as me - and yes, she's continued her routine of doing her "warm up" straight leg stretches nearby and facing away from me before each class. We exchanged pleasantries and she said "I hope this isn't too forward of me, but could I buy you a cup of coffee after our Saturday class? Since Saturday is the last class, I thought it would be nice have a coffee and chat a little bit."

Of course, I agreed. I guess I should mention that her name is Jaydee or Jade or Jadey or something like that. And yes, she was wearing her peacock yoga pants tonight - I guess I need to be careful that I don't call her "Peacock Yoga Pants."

Well, when one door closes, another one opens, I guess. Who knows. But I have a coffee date after yoga class Saturday.

- Fred
By Ohler
Does Ms Peacock Pants have a wedding ring? I don't believe you've described her much - approximate age, appearance. Good for you!! Life should never be dull.. Yours doesn't appear to be.
By FDupp
Thanks Ohler - to tell the truth, I've never looked for or noticed a wedding ring. I'll let you know after coffee tomorrow, but I'll tell you - if there's a ring or a mark where a ring usually goes, I'm running away this time.

She appears to be late 30s / early 40s (a little younger than me) - taller than most women, 5'8"? 5'9"? Medium build - not quite slender, but not chunky - well proportioned although carrying a few extra pounds (don't we all?) in her ass, hips, and belly - maybe the term is "full-figured"? Strawberry-blonde hair, usually pulled back in a ponytail, fit. Generally in good shape, but showing a little age around the corners, if you know what I mean. She always seems to be well put-together, never like she just threw on her workout/yoga gear that had been laying over a chair since the last session - usually wearing make-up. Obviously cares about her appearance but not ostentatious, if that makes sense.

Hell, I'm no spring-chicken myself. I carry a few extra pounds since I can't run any more, and I admit, I got a little lazy since the accident (2 plus years), but since I started these yoga classes I've started swimming as well to get in better shape. Maybe I'll even try biking after the weather is consistently nice. But I still like a good glass of bourbon or rye most nights - kind of makes the days worth living. Hell, Natalie had great taste in whisky (or she took great whisky from her husband's stock).

Keeping an open mind for tomorrow.


By FDupp
Interesting day today (Saturday). First off, Jenny didn't show up for the yoga class - not really surprised, she's not much of an early morning person. I got there about 6:30 (class starts at 7:00) and started some warm up - stretching, a little jump rope to break a sweat, some calisthenics - that kind of stuff. About 6:40, Natalie arrives wearing her canary yellow yoga pants and matching sports bra under a black zip-up warm up jacket. She says "hey", goes over to the corner and drops her bag, takes off her warm up jacket and comes over to chat. This is the first time since her Super Bowl trip that she's even casually chatted with me, and definitely the only time she's talked to me without covering up. Needless to say, her enormous nipples are standing at attention by the time she gets over to me.

She starts by saying "Fred, I'm sorry things have been so difficult, it's just that..." and at that point, two more people come into the room - Miss Peacock Yoga Pants and another woman - and Natalie continues, changing the subject without missing a beat "...I'm so glad that you decided to continue with your classes." Then she leans in and says, in a very low tone "I just have to be very careful. My husband is very suspicious." Then she goes over to talk to Miss Peacock Pants and the other woman. She eventually puts on a tank top for class and talks with the other folks as they arrive. Of course, Miss Peacock Yoga Pants (I should explain that I found out that she goes by her initials "J.D." - not Jade or Jaydee), wearing her white yoga pants and a white tank top comes over to ask me if we're still on for coffee after class. I say "of course, I wouldn't miss it" and she smiles, walks about four or five steps away, and starts doing her warm up stretches, including her palms to the floor, face to her knees, straight leg stretch - although this time she isn't aiming her ass right at me - but off at a slight angle. Again, stretched that tight, it's easy to see her white thong through her yoga pants - it's enough to make me chuckle to myself and shake my head (but not really look away - I mean, I'm not staring, but I'm not looking away).

Class was uneventful - only about a little over half of the folks from the previous sessions showed up - I guess with this being the last class, like Jenny, they decided to sleep in. The room was warm and we all broke a pretty good sweat, but after class J.D. suggested that we just go straight for coffee rather than showering and changing. I said "sure" and we agreed on which coffee shop to meet at. Now, let me set the stage for you. J.D. looks to be about my age, maybe a couple of years younger. I drive a four year old pick-up -- by all accounts, a nice truck, but a truck nonetheless. I make good money - but it doesn't really show. I don't "live rich" or anything - I'm comfortable, I live in a modest house, I put money away, and hope to retire early. J.D., however, comes out of the fitness center and I watch her walk across the parking lot to a silver Jaguar F-Type convertible (folks - that's a $80,000 - $100,000 car). She's already hauling ass out of the parking lot before I get to my truck.

Well, when I get to the coffee shop, J.D.'s Jag is parked over to the side, so I find a spot not too far away (if you drive a truck, you know that you don't ever get to park close to anything). I go inside and she's standing there waiting for me - white yoga pants and white tank top under a loose long-sleeved blouse that she's thrown on to cover her shoulders (but not buttoned up). We order our coffee and sit over in the corner at a small table (this is a local coffee shop, not a chain, but they still have those round tables that are ridiculously small). I start the conversation by saying "that's some car you have." She smiles and says "yeah, I always wanted one and decided it was time." They call our names and I go get the coffee, leaving J.D. at the table. Now, I need you folks to picture this, because it still makes me chuckle a bit. J.D. is a tall woman, previously I had guessed about 5' 9" - but now I'd say closer to 5 '11"- with strawberry blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, clear skin and hazel eyes. Her yoga outfit is coordinated and probably costs a couple hundred bucks, while I'm wearing old gray sweat pants and a gray USMC hoody with the sleeves cut off -- and it's probably at least 10 years old. As we sip our coffee and get to know each other, J.D. is perpetually leaning forward, giving me a nice view of her ample and tanned cleavage.

Turns out that J.D. is a lawyer and is recently divorced from her "cheating-son-of-a-bitch-husband-of-15-years." I guess the divorce settlement explains the $100k Jaguar. She currently lives in a gated community about 10 miles out of town -- it's an area of 6000+ square foot houses sitting on probably 10+ acres. We shoot-the-shit easily for about an hour-and-a-half, laughing and talking comfortably. She tells me about her house, her job (corporate / contract law), her childhood (grew up not too far from here), and some limited family (she has no kids and no brothers or sisters). She's known Natalie socially for years, and has been doing yoga for two years and is continuing the classes with Natalie - so, we'll stay on the same yoga schedule. Turns out, she was at Natalie's New Year's Eve party, but I don't think we crossed paths. I tell her my story, about my time in the Marines, about Mike & Jenny (mentioning that they live next door to Natalie), and about the drunk driver that killed my wife. I have to admit, I feel a little guilty about how I had judged her all throughout our yoga classes and before I really had a chance to talk to her.

Anyway, as we wrapped up our morning and walked out into the parking lot, I suggested that if she was free tomorrow afternoon, that perhaps we could spend some time together - we end up settling on visiting several area wineries, and perhaps grab dinner after. I'm heading over to Jenny's this afternoon for some yard work and dinner. Hopefully I'll get a chance to continue the conversation with Natalie from this morning.

I'll let you know how it goes. Life is good.


By Ohler
Well, in one week- you appear to have gone from having no love life on the horizon, to 2 lovely ladies now are interested in you. Lucky man indeed! Please keep us informed of you date with JD. I've found that about every time I thought I was out of the dating game - there always seems to be another woman that "pops" into view.
By FDupp
So, I went over to Jenny's Saturday afternoon to help with some yard work. Got over there about 1:00, about the time that a line of heavy storms came sweeping through, so we sat in the kitchen and watched the rain and wind pound the back yard. It was a pretty severe storm that lasted about 45 minutes - so we sat and drank a beer and watched it rain. Jenny said that she finally had a chance to talk with Natalie - seems that Dave (her husband) as accused her of having an affair with one of his business partners - which Natalie flatly denies.

Here's how fucked up Natalie's situation is -- While they were at the Super Bowl, Dave - shitfaced - accused Natalie of having an affair with one of his business partners, which Natalie flatly denied. They had a huge fight - screaming at each other to the point where someone called hotel security on them. He read her the riot act and threatened to divorce her and throw her out (Ohler, you were right on that account). He then told her that sooner or later, he'd catch her, and "there'd be hell to pay."

After the storm had passed and the sun came back out, we went out back to clean up the broken branches that the wind knocked down. Natalie waved to us from the porch, but went back inside without speaking to us. Jenny and I had dinner (spaghetti and a bottle of red wine) and settled in to watch a movie. I did stay the night in "my room" but it was uneventful. We had breakfast Sunday morning and I told Jenny that J.D. and I were going wine tasting in the afternoon - which brought a big smile to Jenny's face. She asked me if it was anything serious and I just laughed, telling her that we had had coffee, so obviously we were going to get engaged that very evening. She called me a dumbass and changed the subject.

Before I left, I told Jenny to relay a message to Natalie - that if she needed anything, or if she felt threatened, to give me a call and I'd come right over.

I picked J.D. up at about 1:45 and she had a route planned out to hit three different wineries. She was wearing tight designer jeans and a white button up blouse, buttoned low, with a white camisole on underneath (clearly no bra), and a fine gold chain around her neck with a blue teardrop stone (turns out it was lapis lazuli - I had to ask). Her hair was down (first time I've seen her without it pulled back into a pony tail) - and she was stunning. As it turned out, we never got past the first winery. We did the tastings and then bought a bottle of wine and sat on their patio next to the fire pit looking out toward the mountains, and talked and watched the sun go down (of course, it took a second bottle of wine, a plate of cheese and a baguette to make it to sunset). It cooled down considerably by late afternoon, and while the fire pit provided some warmth, J.D. may have regretted dressing so light. Eventually, the winery staff came out and very politely informed us that the winery grounds were closing - so we headed back into town for dinner. I had planned to take her to a nice restaurant that was in an old turn of the century bank building, but she opted for a much more casual nearby pub. We had a good dinner and great conversation - and another drink, but she deferred having anything else since she had to work the next day. Throughout dinner, J.D. appeared to make a point of leaning forward to give me a good view of her cleavage (and I kept thinking about what Jenny said back in December - that there are very few accidents when a woman's boobs are involved).

I took her home about 10:30 and walked her to her door. She said that she'd love to invite me in, but that she had an early morning flight tomorrow, and that she had had way too much to drink. I said that I understood and leaned in to give her a goodnight kiss, which she received and returned with enthusiasm, pressing her body very tightly up against mine. After a minute or so, she pulled back and I stroked her hair back from her face. She said "I'd really like to do this again sometime." I concurred and asked if she'd be back for our Wednesday evening yoga class - she smiled and said, and I quote "absolutely."

Things are looking up - life is good.

By Ohler
Congratulations on JD. There looks like there might be more of a future in a fuller relationship there than with Natalie. The date sounded very romantic. Loved California when I was out there. Is it California?
By FDupp
Not much to share, so I'll keep it short.

(Ohler - northern Virginia, not California. Make some really good "big" red wines.)

Items of note:

- J.D. did show up for class Wednesday night. Wore her peacock yoga pants and a white tank top with a green sports bra underneath. Here's the interesting thing - for the first time in a little over two months, she did not do her warm up, straight leg stretches right in front of me, facing away. She still did them, but off to the side, her ass facing the back of the room.

- We spoke some before class, chatted about her trip (to NYC). Came back this afternoon and pretty much came straight to yoga class. Tried to talk to her after class, but she stuck around only a couple of minutes - had to get to Mass, being Ash Wednesday and all.

- After class, as J.D. was leaving and telling me to give her a call tomorrow evening, Natalie was shooting me daggers with her eyes. Didn't say anything, but gave me a look that could have frozen a waterfall. (BTW, Natalie was wearing her sky blue yoga outfit - including a sky blue tank top - and I have to say, that woman can rock a pair of yoga pants!).

So, I hit the locker room, took about a 15 minute sauna, grabbed a shower, and stopped off on the way home to have a couple of pints. Going over to Jenny's for dinner Friday night, but looking to make plans with J.D. for Saturday afternoon/evening.
By Ohler
Fred, I had a meeting for dinner that sounds similar to your first with JD. I met her through Match.com and she had contacted me. She is a beautiful,intelligent knock-out! We had dinner and we also closed out the restaurant. Time flew and our conversation was continuously flowing. 6 years later, we are still together and very much in love. Thanks for the update -been curious how things were transpiring. So Natalie now knows. The Plot thickens!!
By Ohler
So Fred, any updates on either one of the two women? Nothing happen over the weekend? Yoga class conversations? I hope you haven't given up on keeping us informed.
By FDupp
Okay - Updates: Last Saturday - largely uneventful.

Went to yoga class Saturday morning. Before class, Natalie was cool and professional, nothing but perfunctory small talk before class. J.D. showed up wearing black yoga outfit with her strawberry-blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail and did her usual warm up - though not directly in front of me. After class, we made small talk and went our separate ways, knowing that we were going to get together that afternoon/evening. Natalie was cool and distant, but professional, but I caught her looking at me throughout the class, probably more than she should have been. Still, there's something about that woman.

Saturday afternoon I met J.D. at a small art gallery at a little historic town out in the country around 2:00 (a friend/acquaintance of hers was having a show of her work). J.D. was dressed elegantly, black designer slacks with a billowy floral print top, black leather jacket, nice jewelry and modest, but noticeable make-up, hair down: she looked fantastic. We drank wine, ate hors d'ouvres and made inane small talk with the art crowd. Later that evening, we went to a French restaurant nearby with some of the art crowd and the artist - and older woman (late 50s, early 60s) who thought way too much of herself. We sat and ate and drank wine until about 10:00. We had come in two separate vehicles, and after I had walked J.D. back to her car, she told me she had a great time, refused my offer for another drink and to escort her home - she then kissed me rather passionately and asked me to call her tomorrow (Sunday). Then she hopped in her Jag and took off.

Called her Sunday, we talked for a good bit, but she said that she had too much work to do to go out. I told her I would be traveling this week and wouldn't be in yoga class Wednesday, and asked if we could get together next (this) weekend. She eagerly agreed and suggested that she fix me dinner Saturday evening (always a good sign)!

Headed over to Jenny's tonight (Friday) for dinner and to watch some basketball. Doubt I'll stay over with early yoga tomorrow, but we'll see.

Things are moving slowly with J.D. - and quite frankly, that's okay. She's a little tough to read, but she's really sweet (and a little conservative - I don't think that she had two whole glasses of wine last Saturday).

Hopefully, I won't get back to post any updates until Monday.

- Fred
By Ohler
Thanks for the update. I am Curious to see which of the two women (or both) are going to be competing for your attention in the future.
By FDupp
Thought I'd offer a quick update before heading over to J.D.'s this evening.

Went over to Jenny's last night for dinner - she and Natalie were in the kitchen drinking wine when I got there. Evidently they had started earlier in the afternoon, and may have shared a medicinal smoke as well. This is really the first time that Natalie has been social since the Super Bowl. Natalie was wearing jeans and a grey turtleneck (and no bra). I opened the bottle of wine I had brought and joined them. A lot of small talk, some laughs. At one point I tell Natalie that I've missed seeing her over her for the occasional drink and ask how she's been. She shoots Jenny a sideways glance, then says "I've been okay Fred, it's not like I've been shipped off to Siberia or anything." She then said "Jenny told me about your offer. That's sweet, but there's no need for anything like that."

After a bit Natalie finished her glass of wine and said that she needed to get home to fix dinner. She thanked Jenny, reached across the table to put her hand on mine, and said "It was good to see you Fred, I've missed this." Her eyes stayed connected to mine for a moment, then she got up, put on her jacket and left.

After she left, Jenny said that Natalie had just popped over - the first time in a month, for what had usually happened multiple times a week. She said that Natalie and Dave were now in separate bedrooms. Seems that Dave had confronted one of the guys that he works with and accused him of having an affair with Natalie. This was at a bar, not at their office. An ugly scene, threats made, cops called.

Definitely going to keep my distance.

Yoga class this morning - as usual, got there about 6:30, did my warm ups, broke a sweat. About 6:45 Natalie comes in wearing her black yoga pants and a black warm up jacket. She came over to talk to me, unzipped her jacket revealing a white sports bra - her enormous nipples fully erect. She told me how nice it was to see me yesterday afternoon, her eyes locked onto mine. Other folks come in, so she greeted them, took off her warm up jacket and put on an over sized t-shirt and did her normal routine to start the class. J.D. showed up for class about 10 minutes late.

After class, J.D. (wore her black yoga outfit this morning) came over all smiles. We make small talk and she asks me to bring salad makings for tonight (she's making manicotti). She's all bubbly, acting kind of like a teenager - it's a little unsettling. As we leave the yoga room, and folks from the other class are coming in, I notice Natalie staring at us, looking pissed.

Anyway, I'll be heading over to J.D.s in a couple of hours. I'll have an overnight bag in my truck, just in case.

Life is good - Cheers!

By FDupp
Okay – to catch up anyone who still cares...

Went over to J.D.’s on Saturday afternoon – had picked up salad makings on the way over – put together a winter greens salad with apple and pomegranate – a little mint, a little chickory, and a miso dressing. Not that anyone cares, but it’s a hell of a salad. I normally serve it with a nice piece of beef, venison, or lamb. Also brought over a bottle of Petit Verdot – which pairs well with Italian food.

The evening started with a glass of wine and appetizers followed by meal prep and a little more wine. J.D. was wearing designer jeans and a sky blue, cowl necked sweater, her strawberry-blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Dinner was informal and cozy at a rustic farm table in her kitchen, candle lit, of course. After, we cleaned up the dinner dishes and opened a second bottle of wine. We settled down on the sofa in front of the stone fire place in her great room. J.D. protested what would be a third glass of wine for the evening, but accepted it willingly enough – although she never finished it. We talked about all kinds of stuff, from her job to the designer who put her house together to my job. It was cordial enough, but rather shallow. We were sitting on her sofa, me in the corner with my arm around her and J.D. leaning in. About 10:00, as I was pouring the last of the second bottle of wine into my glass (and J.D.’s glass has barely been touched), she leaned in and kissed me and said “I’d really like for you to stay the night.”

I told her “I’d really like that.” So she stood up, took my hand, and led me upstairs. So far so good, right? We get to the top of the stairs and enter her bedroom. We kiss, passionately, our hands exploring each other’s bodies. I lifted her sweater over her head to reveal a black, satiny bra over her softball sized breasts. As we move toward the bed, still embracing, she backed away and said “wait a minute.” Of course, I oblige. She walked over to the door and turned off the light. Now her bedroom is lit only by a dim nightlight coming from the bathroom. She walked over to the opposite side of the bed, shimmied out of her jeans and stood there momentarily in her matching black panties and bra. She threw back a corner of the bed covers, then reached back and unhooked her bra and droped it on the floor. It is dark in the room, so she’s more of a silhouette, but I can see well enough to appreciate the size and shape of her breasts. She then slid into bed, still wearing her panties, and pulled the covers up. I kind of stand there for a moment like a dumbass, but then finish taking off my shirt and slide out of my pants and skivvies in one move, stepping on and out of my socks as I step out of my trousers. J.D. has raised the covers on my side of the bed and I slide in next to her.

We embrace and pull our bodies together, and after a minute or two I slide down to give her tits some attention. She has nice, softball sized breasts with small, but very hard nipples. She writhes and moans as I lick and suck on her nipples and kiss her breasts, but as I start kissing down her belly she stops me and pulls me back up – okay, I’m fine with that. I really enjoy going down on a woman and have been told that I have some particular skills – but it’s our first time and there will be plenty of opportunity for that later (I hope).

So, we kiss some more and I run my left hand down her side and between her legs. Needless to say, her panties are soaked and her pussy is on fire. She gasps as I gently stroke her, feeling where little tufts of her pubic hair are sticking out of the edges of her panties. As I start to explore down there with my fingers, she started breathing hard but asked if I have protection. I said “of course” and rolled over to pull a condom out of the pocket of my pants lying on the floor – as I do this, I notice that J.D. is holding the covers down so that they don’t pull off of her. I stood there by the side of the bed and rolled the condom on, and J.D. is fiddling under the covers to slide her panties off. I got back in bed and slid over to her, kissed her and moved on top of her. We kissed and I slid my dick between her legs to open her up, and eventually slid inside her. She gasped and moaned, as you might expect – and here’s where it got a little weird. I started slowly, giving her time to open up and adjust to having me inside her. After about a minute, she slid her right hand down between us to start fingering her clit. About two minutes later she starts to pick up the pace, and no more than five minutes into our love making she comes, loud and hard. I’m thinking – well, shit, okay, hope she’s up for more... little did I know.

Throughout our entire love making session, J.D. kept her hand between us, fingering her clit. We made love for about 20 minutes and she came three more times – the last two were probably only about two minutes apart. I finally came shortly after that and we rolled apart. After a few minutes I got up to take off the condom and flush it, and as I did she told me that there are some towels folded on the counter and asked me to bring her one (and get one for myself). I do, and when I come back J.D. is sitting up in bed, holding the sheet to her chest. I hand her a towel and stand there next to the bed. She takes it and sticks it under the covers between her legs. Now, I was wearing a condom, which didn’t break, by the way. She was very wet, but I didn’t think that there would be that much of a mess to clean up. J.D. said “it’s hard to do this and not feel awkward.” I said “hey, it’s a part of life, right?” I got back into bed and J.D. rolled away from me, so I spooned up behind her – which seemed to be what she wanted.

When we wake up in the morning, still spooning, I kissed J.D.’s bare shoulders and her back. She moaned and rolled over toward me, smiling and told me that it felt nice. I ran my left hand up her belly to the base of her breasts, and then back down, over her full bush to between her legs and ask her if she’d like to start her morning on an up note. She reached down and stopped my hand and told me I was "incorrigible." She then sat up, holding the covers to her chest and said "I hope you're hungry, I've got a big breakfast planned." She sat up on the edge of the bed, reached down to the floor and picked up a robe and quickly slid into it. As she walked out of the bedroom she said, "grab a shower if you want. There are towels in the closet in there - breakfast in 30 minutes" and bounced out of the room like a school girl.

I stayed in bed for a few minutes and thought, this may be the first time I've made love with a woman and not seen her naked. While it's not the first time I've made love with a woman who used her hand to bring herself to climax while I was inside her, it was the first time that we started off that way (and persisted the entire time). But, she appeared to be in a really good mood and the morning was still young. So, I enjoyed a hot shower, got dressed, made the bed, and went downstairs before the 30 minutes was up.

J.D. had fixed Belgian waffles for breakfast, with fruit and freshly whipped cream - along with a pot of good coffee. Now, I'm an early riser, but not much of a breakfast eater -- sure, I'll cook bacon and eggs occasionally, but I'm more of a pot of black coffee guy, maybe accompanied with some yogurt and/or fruit. I'd rather grab a light breakfast, get in a good workout, and drink coffee until a hearty lunch.

Anyway, we eat a leisurely breakfast and along about 9:30 J.D. shoos me out of the house so that she can get cleaned up and off to Mass. I think that's also a first for me. We talked on the phone Sunday afternoon for about a half hour - she told me how great last night was, and that she wasn't exactly thinking pure thoughts during the homily. We end up making plans to grab a drink after yoga class tomorrow night (Wednesday). I fly out of town on Friday morning for a conference, so we won't be getting together this weekend.

So, for those still reading, that's how things are progressing.

Life is good, cheers!

By Ohler
Well, a good story is all in the details. You do a very good job with your adjectives and details.JD seems to have some inhibitions about showing her body but none when it comes to allowing her to enjoy her body sexually with a man. That Catholic upbringing may cause her some problems with the "enjoyment" of oral sex. Both her giving to you and her acceptance from you. Too bad if that's the case. Like you Fred, I enjoy the smell, taste and texture of a woman's pussy lips and I relish trying to give a woman a good orgasm through licking and tonguing her. If JD doesn't allow that - she really doesn't know what she's missing. You'll have to inquire if she's ever permitted a man to conduct that sexual experiment on her. It sounds as if she is a sexual, multiple orgasmic female. She may really skyrocket if she has a good oral orgasm.
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By froggy007
I'm sure many people love to hear your updates, I read each one a few times.
My wife is the same as JD always covers her body, doesn't think it is attractive although I wouldn't be able to find one man that doesn't think she is a knock out.
She also loves to finger herself while I am fucking her, at first I thought it strange but then I grew to love the sensation.
She use to only come from oral sex but now comes when she fingers herself while I am fucking her.
She always seems to restrain herself from letting go and holding back her orgasm but eventually she raises her hips and goes wild. So look forward to playing with her. At 65, it doesn't happen as much as it use to. :-(
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