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By awatcherguy
So here is my fear and what pisses me right the hell off: Somehow Killary manages to "win" despite trailing in the polls. Then Ryan and all the other RINO's claim there was no fraud and that she is the "legitimate Pres-elect". That is when I quit the Republican party and vote Libertarian from now on! If we cannot trust them to back Trump during and after this clearly rigged election then we should not vote for any of them ever again!
By johnforbes
Well, I think you can pretty much quit the Repub Party now.

Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are totally spineless, and would do nothing whatever to fight Hillary any more than they did Obama.

If he loses, Trump should start his own party -- a new, third party.

Bernie could have started his socialism party, but he settled for being bought off with his -- ahem -- new lake house.
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By RealJustme
One thing this year's race has disclosed is that we need to do away with parties and just elect the best person for the job. It's also disclosed how corrupt, immoral and inefficient our government really is...time for change, REAL change.
By Clownkicker
Really, awatcherguy?

THAT's what it takes for you to realize what the rest of us have known about the Republicans for several decades?

Really? :lol:

This didn't just suddenly appear out of nowhere. Pay attention.
By Clownkicker
You clowns are always telling me what I supposedly think, but you never have a shred of evidence to back it up.

All you need to do is give us a quotation of something I've actually said to make you believe that, sillydummy.
:lol: :o :lol:
By johnforbes
Actually, we got some interesting evidence just the other day when Clownhicker stopped by for an electroencephalogram.

Interestingly, his brain wave activity was identical to that of your average vacuum cleaner.
By Clownkicker
johnforbes booked a table for tonight at an Indian restaurant in an attempt to impress his friends with how cosmopolitan he is.

It's just another sad case of a snooty privileged white man making Indian reservations.
By Grog
If, IF Trump is cheated out of the election, I would certainly expect (and hope) to see his followers out in the streets first thing the next morning pursuing God-granted Second Amendment remedies.

Wolverines! :lol:
By johnforbes
I can recommend Wolverine work boots.

My insulated, waterproof pair is ideal for snow shovel work.

(When I took a vocational aptitude test in high school, they noted that I was Irish and handed me a shovel.)
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By RealJustme
IF Trump is cheated out of the election
Cheated is the key word. Americans are getting REALLY tired of our corrupt government under Obama and the deceit from the Clintons. So will there be cheating, you can damn well count on it, at the highest levels they will be giving their minions the go ahead to do what ever it takes achieve their agenda. You see to them it's for a greater cause, so they don't see it as cheating, they see it as the means to accomplish their goals. They brag of that fact, ethics have been thrown out.
By Grog
That's what I'm saying and what I'm urging you people to do, JustFreedManIntrepidMe:

If you people are swindled out of a Trump victory, then, if you truly are patriotic 'Merica and Jesus-loving patriots, you and millions of True Patriots won't be online or at work or home the next day. You'll be wielding your Second Amendment tools out in the streets to truly Make 'Merica Great Again!

Go Wolverines!!!
By snakeoil
Get a 1920's history book. Change the dates and the players in government and reprint the 1920's hitory book as modern history.
By johnforbes
If Hillary does slither in, the U.S. will follow Canada and Australia and Europe down the road of socialism and stupid immigration policy.

A few years after Hillary is in, you won't be able to even recognize the country's former greatness.

Even today, about 67 million people in America were not born there and probably have no firm grasp on its former values and concepts.

Things always change, but socialism leads to the same mess now seen in Europe.
By snakeoil
JohnForbes...We're half-way there now. There are 46 ,million people receiving food stamps. that's a little more than 1 in 7. I know a woman that has 6 kids by 5 fathers. She is receiving food stamps and has State-paid health care that is better than mine and I pay for mine. It;s complex...we can't throw those kids out on the street and let them starve but how is that my problem?
By Grog
How is it your problem, Snakeoil? I guess you're not a religious person. Especially not a Christian.

On the other hand, I am not a religious person at all, but because I'm a decent human being, I'm certain to one extent or another, hungry kids are a problem I share with other decent folks.
By Grog
Prayer and a Powerball ticket... Although, as long as the odds are, Powerball is more reliable and realistic than prayer.
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By RealJustme
hungry kids are a problem I share with other decent folks
Then you would do something to break the cycle of poverty, the more handouts instead of hands up they receive the more likely their children will follow suit.
By Grog
Typed like a true Christian Conservative or maybe a true Conservative Christian.

As long as you got yours, fuck everyone else.
By johnforbes
"Prayer and Powerball"?

Oddly enough, that is the title of the new country music song I'm writing.

For inspiration, I need a thong picture of Shania Twain, who is Mark Twain's daughter.
By Clownkicker
"Then you would do something to break the cycle of poverty, the more handouts instead of hands up they receive the more likely their children will follow suit."-RealTool

Tool, when all the blacks were demonstrating with their hands in the air and chanting "Hands up, don't shoot" you were still ridiculing them for all the "hands up" they had.
Now you're saying that's exactly what they need more of? :lol:
By Grog
Don't you ever weary of being nothing more than a daily, even hourly twit, on an inconsequential backwater bb on a porn site?
By johnforbes
Does Grog never never weary of being nothing more than a daily, even hourly twit, on an inconsequential backwater bb on a porn site?

Of course, in real life Grog serves to annoy real people in real ways.
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