Open Discussions about the site
By Leadfingers
Dax wrote:Thank you VoyeurWeb! I know it's been a bitch for of a month, but I guess you finally showed'em.
By ChiefBalls
VWPublicRelations wrote:
What I am saying is that after 100 days, once you are lured in, he says oh no that other membership that I was going to honor for a year, is not valid, I gave you 100 days and now you need to sign up-- by virtue of engaging in that is what voids out the membership that everyone is believed to have when they first sign on and change that password. Don't you see that. He invites you in thinking that you will have whatever membership days you have now, and plus 100 days, and then after 100 days he says oh no, you need to pay now-- so really you do not reap any benefits from any honoring of any membership from vW- all there is him being able to get you hooked on, steal you as a member, and get you to spend money again, after 100 days -- that is the deal. Of course, his servers are not connected to ours. Of course, this process has no impact on VW- I am just telling you how his scheme of stealing the VW traffic is going to play out-- lure everyone in making them believe that their remaining membership days with VW will be honored over there but then drop the bomb on them after 100 days, and tell them that they have to pay again- whereas here at VW your remaining membership days will 100% honored plus an extension of 90 days.
So why did my login credentials to this board stop working (I had to get a new account under a new nick), and why can I not log in to RC now, using my old credentials? And why is there not a password change or reset utility?

You folks don't seem to get that your credibility is currently zero - and literally hundreds of posters here have told you that.
By redruggers
I am very glad to see the site back up, HOWEVER:

We post on HomeClips because it is accessible only to members, not to the general public. No random person who hasn't paid to join a site with such explicit content should be able to just stumble upon it. Not our neighbors, our children, our colleagues, etc.

Please protect HomeClips and the other member site with a log-on function as it was before. Otherwise we will have to require that you take down our submissions. This situation completely violates the understanding whereby we submitted them to the site.


And please do not ask me to email you about this -- I have already done so at and also a couple of others who work there.
By Rigan
For those of us who have paid our subscriptions there are two questions!

1) Why are RC/HC & FB all unrestricted!
2) When will be getting our new passwords?
By sjkader
Rigan wrote:For those of us who have paid our subscriptions there are two questions!

1) Why are RC/HC & FB all unrestricted!
2) When will be getting our new passwords?
I have to agree with this. Why are they unrestricted? Defeats the whole purpose of a paying member.
When do we get our New passwords?
By Dax
Yeah, Leadfingers. Really. My statement was correct. It was a bitch of a month, and they're finally back up. (I didn't say fully operating, but they are back up.)
By Leadfingers
I was referring to your "you really showed 'em" comment. All they've done so far was restore from backup, and do a word search replace for Igor's name. That's not exactly sticking it to the detractors. And now that all the previously secured sites are open to the world, a case can be made that they've done more harm than good.

So yes... Really?
By redruggers
Last night's "Message from the VoyeurWeb Team states:
So, today, after 4-weeks of down time, we go live and return VW to you, the true people who own VW. The happiness we have in being able to tell you this is truly indescribable.

Many hours of work remain to be done on the site whether it will be apparent to you or not, deep scars were inflicted into the database by the thief which will require a little while longer to fix. We have realized that a “feast” is long overdue after this long 4-week starvation so we have decided to open up RedClouds, HomeClips and FunBags FREE to all VoyeurWebbers for a period of time until further notice.
As a longtime contributors with about 35 videos in the HomeClips database (all copyrighted to us), most of which won prizes, we are presumably among those "true people who own VW."

We object in the strongest possible terms to opening the member sections to free access, not only to all VoyeurWebbers, but to all internet users -- including malicious software designed to harvest precisely such databases -- for any period of time whatsoever. We were outraged that Igor reposted our material on another site without consulting us, but at least it remained behind a pay wall.

Our submissions to HomeClips have all been made with an assumption that they would remain behind a pay wall in order to reduce widespread piracy and access by minors. The same is true for many others who submitted to the explicit pay sites. This may be something that the current management of VW did not understand when deciding to open these sections. Consultation with contributors and members could have prevented this misunderstanding.

Much of the damage may already be done with regard to the mass theft of this material, but we implore you to prevent whatever can be prevented by closing these sections immediately and reopening them only after you have reestablished a membership and member log-in system.

We will be requiring you to take down all of our submissions immediately unless these concerns are addressed by Monday evening.
By Dax
Again Leadfingers...yes, really. You can keep cutting the pie into as many pieces as you want too, but my statement is still correct. Also, the "showed'em" comment referred to the posts that VW/RC would never be back on. Now, "really" you must admit that they have at least posted something that "maybe" they can build on.

So, yes...Really!
By Leadfingers
#7690 are correct...they have "something" up.

But they could have had that up in about 48 hours, rather than the ~30 days that it took. So.. easy on the praise, if you please.
By Stmaryscpl
Why is the free site up before the pay site? It really shows how much the paying customers mean to VW. So far not really all that impressed for a month of down time and a lot of empty promises. Oh and what happened to MFF not coming back?
By Dax
Lead...I'm just trying to be positive for a change here. I'm flusterated too, I can assure you. But I'm going to leave this discussion with the last seven words from my last post, and hope for the best..."something that 'maybe' they can build on."

And I'll leave it at that since I don't want to get into a booger picking contest tonight. lol.
By Pussyhunter
Four weeks. Board finally back up (sort of). Zero new content. MFF remains on the "new" board, despite promises it would go away (sorry stcl, you are my favorite on the boards, and I hope you'll stick around).

I'm starting to feel underwhelmed. Is this what y'all were shooting for? :shock:
By stubborn
Okay, I admit that I was initially duped by the other site. What the fuck did I know about the running of the site. All I knew was that I have been a daily visitor for 13 years or more. If I've lost my membership to Redclouds, well, bummer but I'll get over it. If I have to pay again, then I will. I've been having trouble signing is anywhere but this board.

Congratulations on getting the site back up. And thank you for what is up so far.
By BigRich25
Stacy69 wrote:Good job in getting everything back up VW! Just some tweaking on site loading speeds and you'll be up to snuff again!
Stacy, how can congratulate VW on what they have done today? It is not remotely close to having "everything back up". VW is an interactive community. Basically what they have hear is a 2 month old static photo album... no uploading of new content... no commenting.

Even worse, they have basically kicked the community and the contributors in the (pick your gender) genitals by opening up the members area to everyone including search bots. And no response at all from Kate, Ghost, VW management etc to these serious concerns.
By Leadfingers
Dax wrote:Lead...I'm just trying to be positive for a change here. I'm flusterated too, I can assure you. But I'm going to leave this discussion with the last seven words from my last post, and hope for the best..."something that 'maybe' they can build on."

And I'll leave it at that since I don't want to get into a booger picking contest tonight. lol.
If you are intentionally taking that position, then I won't fault you. I've been known to do that myself. In fact, my friends see me do it all the time. Usually, it's prefaced with me saying "I choose to believe..."

By jumbojetx
All, especially those that are up in arms...

Whenever I have tried to access a RedClouds pic this evening, I get taken to the login page. When I try to login, I get the following message:

Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

Granted, I am not sure if my login is correct or not, but most importantly, it seems you cannot access RedClouds or HomeClips without logging in. All you can see is the preview picture with the naughty bits covered by a black bar.

Is this is response to the complaints? I have no idea. If it is, then kudos to the VW crew listening to valid reasons from posters and acting quickly. Now mind you, I did not attempt to view the site until around 8pm central time. So it could have been different earlier in the day or it could be some issue with my browser--don't think so but you never know--or it could be from too much traffic on the site. Again, I have no idea. Hopefully, Kate or someone else will chime in and offer an explanation.

Now for those of you who are having problems with the preview pictures, I remind you that the old site was the same way. If you clicked on "Contri Rankings" before, you saw the same type of preview with the pubes blacked out. Nothing has changed there.

I realize since the VW went down a month ago, this forum has been mainly a big pissing match with everyone whipping out their nine pounders and claiming to know the scoop. I may get flamed for siding with VW and that is fine. As I stated in another post, we will eventually see how this all shakes out but I tend to side with those having the most plausible explanation. As far as I can tell, that is VW. The story put forth holds the most water. But I could be wrong or the story could be somewhere in between. If so, well I will be the first to admit I am wrong. But until then, I say wait and see.

And to those that are astounded that Kate or Ghost or whoever has not responded to the posts in this thread yet, let me offer this possibility: if they have been working around the clock to get things up and running (albeit not perfect with quite a few glitches--but, hey, those of you screaming for them to at least put something up, well you have something up!), and things went live late Sunday/early Monday, maybe some folks needed some sleep. For christ sakes, it's an internet porn site, not a firestation or emergency room!!!

Now if some or all of you can see the entire posts for RC or HC at this point in time, I would certainly welcome a reply post. At least then I would know the problem IS with my TV and not network difficulties! LOL

Happy jacking fellers...

By DarknLadyJedi
Since VW came back up I have gotten emails from three different contributors all basically saying the same thing.
They posted to pay sites to allow some form of protection towards the content they were posting.

While I applaud VoyeurWeb for recognizing that they needed to do something I now feel that the opening of Redclouds, Homeclips, and Funbags in such an unrestricted manner is a bad idea. Especially in light of what Canada is currently experiencing with Justice Douglas.

I believe that if VW wants to provide a free trial membership to these areas it should at a minimum do so by making people register, even without a credit card. Providing some form of protection in the form of captcha software would at least slow down the more basic bots. Forcing a $1 membership fee for a select amount of time would do much more for providing safety and security for these areas.
By shells
When will we be able to log on to view hardcore BB and Chat. Will I be able to log on with the ID and Pasword I just used to post
By MAStan
Hi Katherine,

So glad you made it back. I have to admit I had my doubts given the extent of the problem. I my business of turning around companies that are in trouble very few make it through the process and thrive. The solution to the problem always seems to start with two crushing needs, cash and time.
I know that lot's of us have great loyalty to to the site and want to help. I for one would be willing to sign up for an immediate extension of my member ship now with an extension of the time (e.g. full payment now for 15 months instead of 12) to enhance your near term finances. A large member participation now would give you a good cash infusion to help defray what must have been a tough situation this last month. (and perhaps give you a a fund to help beat the shit out of the other guys in court)

Just a thought.
By sourdoh
Jumbojetx since Monday morning right through to the present moment (09:30 EDT) I have been able to access Redclouds without any id/password prompt, either from the VW page and selecting the Redclouds tab, or more directly, by entering the URL in my browser. I can't explain why this works differently for you and I, but I think that the contributors' requests to restrict those sections of the site have not been answered.
By sourdoh
DarknLadyJedi, I think your proposal for VW reigning in access to their explicit side makes very good sense. Simple and reasonable.
By PDHorne
I am glad our VW friends are back up. In my case - what I can see - it is only a partial restoration thus far. I have not been able to see new content for today. Yes, site is slow and links don't work, but my guess is that the rebuild is a work in progress that will evolve over coming days. I see no need in being upset about open RC, FB or HC at this early stage. I imagine some programming is necessary to operate the client / password structure. Meanwhile, the client base for these premium features is probably growing which should eventually benefit us all.
By sourdoh
baseballguy, as of earlier this morning when I last checked, there is no sign-in necessary or possible. Everything that has been recovered, VW and RC, is open to viewing without requiring membership. This is a problem for contributors, which you can read about in other threads, but the VW/RC staff say it is only a temporary consequence of the level of this "beta" rollout of the site, and ID/PW will soon be required for restricted areas.
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By Jammer
PDHorne, the objection I have to the explicit sections being opened to the general public is this. The photos uploaded to those sections were uploaded with the understanding that they would be available to members only. This is at least a betrayal of trust on the part of VW due to poorly considered policy...but it more likely a flagrant disregard of with wishes and concerns of the very people that had made the site what it once was. I have never submitted photos to the explicit sections on this site, nor have I ever been a paying member. So one one hand I appreciate the free peek into that mystical world of RC...but that is tempered with a deep and growing concern over what I would consider an invasion of privacy of the contributors. I have posted 'private' pics on other websites where membership is mandatory to view it's easy for me to understand the concerns that contributors now have. I'm sure that the waiver that contributors had to click before uploading their photos gives VW the legal right to do this...but that doesn't make it right. I'm sure that anyone that has been following the events of the last month will no seriously question VW's integrity with regard to what might happen with any uploaded photos...and that will greatly reduce the amount of legitimate content that we get to enjoy for the next few years at least...we all lose. :cry:
By augustwest
For those who have asked whether others can view RC contris and HC vids ... I am able to view content from any of the three (RC, HC, archive). No login is necessary (or possible).

My best guess as to why the content is wide open: VW members were getting impatient with the seemingly constant stream of "short delays." The tenor of the discontent was growing more toxic with each passing day and the credibility of VW was being questioned. It seems to me that they had to prove that they were indeed working toward a solution and the best way to accomplish that was to post content and make it available.

The task of verifying and issuing new login usernames for over 100,000 accounts is daunting, but the members had reached a point where they wanted something tangible to replace the promises and assurances. So, rather than wait until they completed the task of issuing new usernames, they decided to "throw a feast" and open it all up.

I didn't see anything wrong with that option until I read the concerns of members who have content up on HC and they are rightfully disturbed that their videos are open for the world to view. Given that response, my guess is that the open doors will be closed shortly as they slog through the task of sending out new usernames. At least a number of VWbers have been given a peek at their work in progress and that should cut down on the complaints about the delays and give them some breathing room to restore access by registered login while they work on the remaining glitches.

Any other interpretations? Comments from VW?

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By Jammer
Augustwest, I doubt this will do anything but fan the flames of discontent. From my perspective, it stopped being about the return of the site a long time ago, and changed to being a concern over the integrity of of the site, and of it's personnel. To this point, there has been very little to suggest that either have any of that characteristic left...
By jrmarts

I have sent at least three emails requesting my membership to re-instated to redclouds. I've not heard anything back. What do I have to do?
By midwestman
OK I'm happy that you have the site back up but it's got a lot of things wrong with it. Some of links take a very long time to work and some don't work right. I hope you don't think you're finished fixing this site because you're not. It's a real pain to use this site right now. Keep trying please. Thanks.
By BigRich25
Kate... I mean Christina... time to put down the Demerol... and answer all of the questions that have been posted on the BB over the past 36+ hours. You are the "PR Director" after all. So how about it....

- why were winners not paid for months on end
- if your boss/bf (JA) is a perfectionist, what is up with the site (this is not a beta... not even an alpha). Did the Demerol **** his judgement too?
- How could opening the entire site to the internet including search bot remotely sound like a good idea? Definitely does not help re-establish trust with the contributors.
- When will the site have any functionality at all? The current site is basically a photo album.
- Why did the domain name transfer ownership on June 9th? Who bought it?
By VWPublicRelations
midwestman wrote:OK I'm happy that you have the site back up but it's got a lot of things wrong with it. Some of links take a very long time to work and some don't work right. I hope you don't think you're finished fixing this site because you're not. It's a real pain to use this site right now. Keep trying please. Thanks.
Yes of course we will keep working to fix the site.
By VWPublicRelations
jrmarts wrote:Kate,

I have sent at least three emails requesting my membership to re-instated to redclouds. I've not heard anything back. What do I have to do?
I am pretty sure that I sent a reply to an email that resembles this username. You will be getting your new log in information over the next few days. No one has gotten their new log in information yet.
By theaxis2000
leonphelps wrote:congrats on a job well done.

dont let the haters get you down.
I absolutely agree! congratulations and a hearty thank you! Now..... where do i find the lovely Katherines breasts? :D
By Rigan
Right 2 things!

1) Glad that RC/HC/FB are now safely behind locked doors! Just need the key to unlock the doors now but Kate says they are coming!

2) Where the hell is VW? We just keep getting error after error while trying to get our daily fix!
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By mastersam
man what was that saying about you can't please all the people all the time? if you can please some of the people, some of the time..they bitch when it's down, they bitch when it's up. :roll:

As a paying member, with plenty of pay left in the payment I'm glad to see the progress. Still much to do, the whole authentication element is a huge task. Especially when it's recovery, not just have everyone sign up again (and the whole billing issue). I have feelings of delight the sites are up, I know there is a lot more to do, kind of like getting 4 big rocks rolling again, in parallel.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for giving us a little time with RC before dealing with the authentication server. It's been missed. I think I'm OK now for a little while. :D

By traveler
I think its even more apparent now that the people "working " on all this don't have a clue as to what VW and RC was all about. Kate admitted she is new to VW and was just hired after the takedown. Her comment about how awesome the new site will be, is based on no knowledge of what it was.

I suspect the original crew that actually ran VW was a pretty minimum group of folks that brought in contractors to do code when needed.

I also suspect whomever the current owner of teh VW domain didn't have any hands-on experience with this site, meaning at the detail level.

Because. all the brought back, as some of you have already stated, is basically a photo album. Most of us daily visitors have already looked at all those pics. BB aren't working which is a key element of what we use to use.

Opening the pay sites is something most of us object to, for the many reasons stated. One reason, that I haven't seen stated, is, remember all the discussions about multi-nics and the problems that created. Well, that is negated by opening all this up without membership.

Those are some of the indicators that tell me this whole group is largely clueless about VW etc. They are either new or weren't involved in the intimate details.

Many of us viewers are the real experts about what this was all about. Maybe they should consider consulting with some of them. It would be like having some expertise on what VW is in their own camp.

A suggestion for someone that is considerate and knowledgeable and even in your geographic area is Darkjedi. We have met him and know he is that kind of person. VW, get a "clue".

PS. This system is so doggingly slow (the main VW, not this forum) that it appears that are not using their old servers.
By uncadee
who ever is running the show now does not have a clue ! nothing works. nothing is new. it's begining to make more sence to go over to vc . at least they work and maybe i'll find other old rcer's there. we have all waited patiently and you have given us NOTHING ! still no e-mail as promised. still no "better" rc. still non-amateur postings. etc... really ! that dude fucked you up bad(and us too!)!
By shyrlock
Hi folks,
I understand what an arduous task it is to rebuild the site, and I will continue to patiently await the completion of the restoration.
I am posting this because I noticed that another username, sherlock, has commented.
My user name is shyrlock and I have been a satified member since 1999.
I just wanted to clear up any confusion over my "nick" and that I fully support Kathy and the rebuild team.

Eagerly awaiting the return of the RCBB

Thanks for your effort,
By theaxis2000
uncadee wrote:who ever is running the show now does not have a clue ! nothing works. nothing is new. it's begining to make more sence to go over to vc . at least they work and maybe i'll find other old rcer's there. we have all waited patiently and you have given us NOTHING ! still no e-mail as promised. still no "better" rc. still non-amateur postings. etc... really ! that dude fucked you up bad(and us too!)!
So "that dude fucked them up bad" and you are thinking about bolting on over to his website? REALLY?
By coldheartt
I/we have been Voyweb and RC members for more than 10 years, just renewed membership the middle or end of March, we have not received any e mail regarding our new log in info, our screen names were mr coldheartt and Nudiecutie
By VWSupport
coldheartt wrote:I/we have been Voyweb and RC members for more than 10 years, just renewed membership the middle or end of March, we have not received any e mail regarding our new log in info, our screen names were mr coldheartt and Nudiecutie
This is a prevailing frustration of many that I'm trying to get resolved as fast as possible. I sent out emails this morning inquiring about specific details on when passwords and usernames will be emailed, how this will work, etc. I will be making a post as soon as I hear back.
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