Exhibitionists meet here!
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By ndbeachcpl
It was nice to visit with you as well Bully. And thanks for the ride to the turn-around too. It was a nice day at the beach, especially considering that it was only our fourth visit this year. Last year we were out at least four or five times a week, by boat. This year it's a different boat, and zero trips to JB with it. We miss it a lot.
By beachguy60
Hey Bully , Sounds like you had a great time and I hope the lady did also. I talked to the guy that was there Tuesday I think . The day the Blues were practicing . He said Mrs. Bully was a little shy but caught her taking a peek at his junk while you guys were talking ... then left early. That guy always stays down close to the circle . Nudecple got a new boat ? cool ... too big to beach down there ?
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By ndbeachcpl
Yeah, it's definitely too big to beach. There aren't even very many places we can anchor and take the dingy ashore, other than out almost to the fort, and then we're so far from the shore that we're kind of a hazard to normal traffic to and from the pass. It's also currently undergoing a major refit; been out of the water all summer.
By beachguy60
Nudecple , she sounds like a nice boat ... by the way , I'm an orphan and can be adopted . I don't eat much but mama N might have to change my diaper now and then . :lol: . Bully , I saw him down there yesterday . He said the same thing but y'all left too soon . Right after you left a lady by herself came walking thru the dune real close and caught him half a sleep naked. He said he thought she took a picture of him before he noticed her. She stood there taking pictures of the Blues for a minute. I ask him if he covered up and he said , hell it was too late and she didn't seem to mind and he said he had his white bag tied ti his umbrella. I said , dumbass , everybody may not know what that means .
By beachguy60
Hey Bully , I know ... After I spoke to him the next thing out of his mouth was "are you Beachguy" ? How did you know and he told me you ask him if he was. Then he ask if I was famous ... I said I hope not !He's a little younger than me .
By popeyemorgan
Hey Cajunsailor - ran into mutual friends of ours. made me want to go back to JB. Pulled up by their boat as she was deep throating him. Brought back a many good memories of those two on JB.

When was the last time you ran into bear and wolf..lol

Love to look at her HUGE tits..lol
By beachguy60
Hey Popeye , I did see a couple in a boat sitting just off shore that was putting on a show for a couple of hours . She was blonde , mid 50's , big tits and could suck the chrome off a door knob ... and proud of it. Black and white Sea Ray run-about . You and Morgan coming back before the end of the warm weather ? Had a couple from Tuscaloosa down this week . She also had some huge tits.
By popeyemorgan
Know that couple and her hairs is reddish/blonde, when you see her up close and down below. She is know as the ANAL loving queen in our group.

Been to JB a few times this year. Been hanging out with our nude boat club this year and just off the back side of JB. We walk over occassionally and hook up with friends.

Will be at J post 10/1 to see who is around.
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I have a 24ft pontoon boat, live in lower Alabama, late wife and I visited JB many times over the years, would love to hear from the other JB boaters, plan to visit this weekend
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By ndbeachcpl
We were out today, but left pretty early. It was a little crowded, but the real problem was the damned flies. We've been coming to JB for more than ten years, and this is the worst we've ever seen them. These are not deer flies; they're just smaller black flies. By the thousands. Off, Gator Juice, and everything else we had did little to deter the little biting terrors. After fighting them for three hours, we gave up.

This time of year, if the wind is from the North, you better be prepared to be eaten alive. Worse yet, the deer flies aren't around.... but they will be soon.
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By ndbeachcpl
In the past, we used several tanning oils to deter the flies. Hawaiian Tropic and Australian Gold seemed to be effective. These products may have been reformulated for some reason, but neither had any effect yesterday. Even Gator Juice only worked for a few minutes, then it became ineffective too.

Either something is missing from the stuff that used to work, or the damn flies have adapted. Either way, we've all become a food source again.
By Titfreak
ndbeachcpl wrote:Either way, we've all become a food source again.
I strongly suspect that there's a good one liner in there somewhere that refers to your wife being good eats regardless what the flies are up to. ;)
By beachguy60
I even bought some 99% dete from Acadamey and used half a can of deep woods off it took and about 30 seconds for them to adapt and sworm even thicker . It is terrible because the weather otherwise is perfect. Nudebchcpl , You should think about marketing that cart you use... it's great !
By beachguy60
Hey guys , Just a little heads up and maybe a "bolo" . A lady down there late today had her bike stolen from the boardwalk at the circle. Took her damn shoes to. It was up off the roadside and up where Tom leaves his bike and wasn't locked . She's from Atlanta and is bummed big time. I told her I'd spread the word for whatever good it will do but you never know. Nice ladies bike , silver and red with a pouch on the front handle bars .
By Cajunsailor
Man that sucks...great hospitality. On another note. For the flies, ACE hardware has no noseeum spray that works wonders.
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By ceecee
We are heading down this morning probabaly by boat looks like it's going to be a good day to get naked. If you see us don't be shy to voyeur her I like her to show to strangers on the beach but not to close ok....

She'll be in either her white WW or green WW and will probably go topless after she gets comfortable and maybe even totally nude :) I hope...me I'm just an old white fat guy...lol. If anyone wants to trade pics of the beach or chat send me an email to secretgolf@gmail.com
By Cajunsailor
Great day at Johnson yesterday. Nice couple in the string things walked past me and the wife. She is NOT into nudism or much of anything else, but you may have noticed, since I was naked, was semi happy to see you ;)
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By RickyStark
Beautiful day at JB yesterday. I hung out around the traffic circle; their were some families out earlier but by 3 they had all left and I had the beach to myself. Thanks to recent cold snaps, their were NO FLIES even though the wind was from the North.
By beachguy60
Where'd everybody go ? I took a walk down the beach yesterday and passed several ladies walking . One lady mid 50's was especially friendly and wanted to talk . She was braless and from Michigan and was really just showing off the girls and of course I obliged by mentioning how I enjoyed her outfit . Just a good winter time diversion .
By beachguy60
I forgot to mention that the road past the pavilion is closed so I parked in the parking lot and walked almost to the circle . I meet the coolest people down there.
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By runstop
first, I don't want to change the topic of this thread at all because I love reading the updates on our 2nd favorite beach after orient, but I'm curious if any others share a concern. we love Johnson beach because what we see and what we show is pretty much on our terms, but with the explosion of the drone sales, you not only have to look left and right, but now up. just us with this concern or???
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