Open Discussions about the site
By VWPublicRelations
Just wanted to drop in this announcement and thank the thousands and thousands of emails I have gotten from our loyal Voyeurwebbers who have been forwarding me that solicitation scam email they have been receiving from the other site, encouraging them to go and join him.

And as I was sifting through the emails, and reading all of your inquiries, I suddenly realized that this thief is actually asking many of you to give up your 1 year membership with Voyeurweb to gain a a 100-day free membership with him. Just imagine that. Give up 365 days of membership for a 100-day free membership. It took me a while to see through this but I am so glad to see that none of the loyal Voyeurwebbers are falling into his trap.

As for the update for the launch, we have completed uploading all of RedClouds and Homeclips and on the 13th hour of FunBags-- just millions and millions of pictures are getting populated to be released to you. You are gonna have it all, once again!

I know that some of my heavy critics will say well she did not give an exact time give for launch, or she is still jerking us around but I know that there is enough of you out there to know that 4 weeks in the big scheme of things, especially in the big scheme of 15 years of uninterrupted service is not a bad track record at all. But I know and relate to your frustrations as well. I am frustrated and I never even knew VW existed before I was hired for this position.

Anyone who wants to ask me more questions on the specifics of the launch can email me directly at
By annarbor
How can my Redclouds membership be canceled by a differnet site? My membership is with VW, I do not understand your statement.
By jharlowj
I know this has been a nightmare as I am in the technology field. What you all have done in this short time is outstanding, keep up the effort and know we are there with you until all is well again. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
By Hardtaiz4
Thanks for the update.

There will be others with the usual negative comments and the expected attacks on you personally, but we all know who they will be. Plus, we know the motivation for many of them.
By tacoeaterx
Just cut the BS don't play anymore of the blame game and just get the site back up. This is sounds like Obama's "It's Bush's fault". Just honestly say when. BTW It's Sunday, I guess this isn't the Sunday you referred to when you will have the site up Sunday. Baghdad Bob Lives!
By omardune
I now you want a perfect BB, but let's face it we are imperfect beings. So I think you should put up the BB and "fix it on the fly". Right now I think, as do many others I am sure, that you have lost control of the BB and that is why is hasn't reappeared.
So put it up and let the loyal followers decide. So it time to put or shut up.

Omar & Dune
By mroldballs
"I know that some of my heavy critics will say well she did not give an exact time give for launch"

That would be foolish criticism--you've given us multiple exact times for launch.
By Captnmate
I have been a long time member of Redclouds, almost 15 years! Trying desperately to keep this positive, could you help me understand why recovering pictures is at the top of your priority list? About 99.9% of my time at Redclouds is spent on the bulletin boards. Voyeuring the photo contributions by other members and the comments left by mostly appreciative members such as myself. It was my understanding that once those photos fell off the threads, they were gone. I truly enjoyed the format of the bulletin boards and was just getting into enjoying the "chat room." If those images posted to the "bulletin boards" and "Chat Room" are not archived, why can't you get those two features up and running so we can continue to enjoy those features while you repair the other damage? Just a thought from a long time member who is still loyal to your cause!

I realize that we could actually do that now, and have contributed myself, but the current format is not as effecient as the old format.
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0001 pirate flag.gif (6.24 KiB) Viewed 29079 times
By Steve57
Hell of a first introduction to vw!

It'll be good to have it all back; other sites are nowhere close to the quality. Even vc looks like the photos have been pasted up there with some thick varnish or glue or something.

Fuckem. Looking forward to the relaunch, and of course, your tits.

By SantaFe2211
VWPublicRelations wrote: this thief is actually asking many of you to give up your 1 year membership with Voyeurweb to gain a a 100-day free membership with him. Just imagine that. Give up 365 days of membership for a 100-day free membership. It took me a while to see through this but I am so glad to see that none of the loyal Voyeurwebbers are falling into his trap.
Up to now, the "thief" has much more credibility than anyone here. Over-promising and under-delivering are the two unforgivable sins in Public Relations and you seem to have mastered both of them.

At this point, the 100-day membership is much more valuable than what you have delivered: excuses.
By stubborn
Been with Voyeurweb and Redclouds for as long as I can remember. My thoughts go along with Captnmate. What is the value of waiting to upload all the old pictures. I'm happy that you keep us informed and bear the brunt of all the dissatisfaction. I think that no matter what you do someone will be dissatisfied. So the hell with them. Keep on working and I'm looking forward to when the site is back up.
By Txrings
OK, here is what is bothering me. I got the solicitaton email from VC at my old email where I started my RC. I ignored it because I really want RC back! Friday, I sent an email to Katharine about reinstating my account. This was sent from a totally new email addy. I got back a very nice email from Katharine followed quickly by the same solicitaion email from VC. They would have no way of getting that email. How did that happen???
By cutterxx
Assuming that after a month, you have removed his access to your account database, how can he even process such a transaction? He shouldn't be able to cancel your account here, right??
VWPublicRelations wrote:--snip--
but I know that there is enough of you out there to know that 4 weeks in the big scheme of things, especially in the big scheme of 15 years of uninterrupted service is not a bad track record at all. But I know and relate to your frustrations as well. I am frustrated and I never even knew VW existed before I was hired for this position.
Ask someone who has had daily sex, maybe multiple times a day, for 15 years, to go celibate for a month and no clue when he will ever get back to having it daily. You start thinking about other means to release.

You drive the same car for 15 years, and suddenly it dies on you, and your mechanic tells you it'll be a month or longer to fix. You start thinking about other transportation.

You work for an employer for 15 years, and then decide to not show up for a month. Think your job will be there when you get back?

Loyalty carries you so far, but in the modern age, "What have you done for me recently" prevails.

Just when where you hired? Post-June9th?
By bosoxfan
VWPublicRelations wrote: And as I was sifting through the emails, and reading all of your inquiries, I suddenly realized that this thief is actually asking many of you to give up your 1 year membership with Voyeurweb to gain a a 100-day free membership with him. Just imagine that. Give up 365 days of membership for a 100-day free membership.
I dont see how joining any other website should affect our subscriptions to this site.....
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By Sherlock
Explain to us PR Katherine why you receive thousands of supportive emails a day and yet there has been only a few real supporters who actually believe what you say. The thousands of daily emails seems to be another lie. Pathetic.
By perfectfit
What good does the remainder of a membership here do, if you can't get things working? Your logic is flawed. Can't they use their 100 days and have fun at the other place and then come here at some point when you finally get this site working?
By Steve57
Hardtaiz4 wrote:
Steve57 wrote:

Fuckem. Looking forward to the relaunch, and of course, your tits.

Steve57, that is my line!

Ha ha ha, Hardtiaz! Maybe that's why there are two.

By perfectfit
The 13th hour?! Is that why all your deadlines are screwed up??? Tick tock... as others have pointed out you are losing customers daily. I agree with others that I am not overly impressed with VC, but they do have a website. Anybody notice that the timestamps on a lot of photos are really dated? I am seeing a lot of pubic hair in the photos?!
By VWPublicRelations
annarbor wrote:How can my Redclouds membership be canceled by a differnet site? My membership is with VW, I do not understand your statement.

Your RedClouds Membership is not canceled by another site. What happens is this:
1. He has stolen the username and password that you used to use to sign on to Red *****
2. He has then stolen the exact log on system from RedClouds and uploaded it on to this site that he has
3. He then asks you to input your log on info that you had with us so he can verify that you are in fact a member from the stolen database from us
4. Once he verifies that you are a member, then he says Oh Great, now change your password and get a whole new one and become the member of my site
5. Then, you think that the membership that you paid for from us is transferred to him and that additionally he gives you 100 days
6. What really happens is that he voids out the prior membership duration and only gives you 100 days after which he sends you request to pay to continue your membership
7. End REsult: Say you have 300 days left on your membership at the time he lures you in to sign on to his site. You do so, thinking that you will now have 300 plus 100 free days. But the reality is that after 100 days, he asks you to pay again-- ignoring the 300 days of membership that you had already paid for with VW.
8. So he lures you in, thinking that you will have 300 days plus 100 days, and then tells you after 100 days, you need to pay to sign up again for membership

This is the reason we deactivated all of the old username and passwords from our members because all those who would realize that this was a scam after 100 days would be coming back to our site to recoup their membership after using his site. We do not want to engage in allowing this thief any traffic that belongs to VW.

He will be eaten alive by the justice system- his actions constitute crimes of moral turpitude for which he will serve prison time. And the entire thing is going to play out in front of Voyeurwebbers!

Our main focus thus far has been to just return VW to its original owners- you- the Voyeurwebbers and we cannot wait until we do that!
By VWPublicRelations
uncadee wrote:promises,promises,promises,promises,promises,promises.....

Well of course. We have promised, and continue to stand firm on that promise. We will deliver!
By VWPublicRelations
jharlowj wrote:I know this has been a nightmare as I am in the technology field. What you all have done in this short time is outstanding, keep up the effort and know we are there with you until all is well again. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you. We are definitely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This is my first at a job like this and oh boy am I completely floored on the number of pictures there are in FunBags!! Still going!
By Sumfun

as one of those who got the scam email and forwarded to you, keep up the good work. cant waut to see your tits on the new site
By cdl2
Best of luck.....& stop lookin at all those pix in funbags :lol:

When will RC send out the new log in info?

Katy? ;)
By VWPublicRelations
Hardtaiz4 wrote:Thanks for the update.

There will be others with the usual negative comments and the expected attacks on you personally, but we all know who they will be. Plus, we know the motivation for many of them.

Thank you. Sometimes I feel like I walked into a land mine taking this job but this was the first job I interviewed at when I moved down here from New York - like literally the next day- I was still staying at a hotel-- and they gave me the job right away- I was not about to refuse it. And then seeing some of the negative comments, naturally it makes me wonder sometimes but I have worked with the owner and the tech support here for some 18-20 hours, non stop for the past 4 weeks, every day and I really do not see anything wrong or bizarre with anyone here. They all seem very nice even under the most strenous of conditions. I find the owner sleeping on a chair sometimes when I come in early in the morning still in the same clothes as from the day before. So, he cares - as do all the other people here, even the people who do not go on line with you guys, I have never seen so many dedicated people anywhere- I have worked at other jobs in New York where there was a lot of commeradare but never as strong as I have seen it with this group of people.
By VWPublicRelations
cdl2 wrote:Best of luck.....& stop lookin at all those pix in funbags :lol:

When will RC send out the new log in info?

Katy? ;)
Wait-- I was only looking so I can get some ideas in my head on how to pose in front of the camera- there is a lot to learn from these pictures....

When I could not be on the Board last week for a couple of days, I was compiling all of the membership info for RC. I am done with it. I gave it to the tech guys and they are inputting it into the system for automated mail out-- if for some reason it does not happen automated when we launch, I have the ability to manually do it!
By VWPublicRelations
tacoeaterx wrote:Just cut the BS don't play anymore of the blame game and just get the site back up. This is sounds like Obama's "It's Bush's fault". Just honestly say when. BTW It's Sunday, I guess this isn't the Sunday you referred to when you will have the site up Sunday. Baghdad Bob Lives!

But it was Bush's Fault!
By VWPublicRelations
omardune wrote:I now you want a perfect BB, but let's face it we are imperfect beings. So I think you should put up the BB and "fix it on the fly". Right now I think, as do many others I am sure, that you have lost control of the BB and that is why is hasn't reappeared.
So put it up and let the loyal followers decide. So it time to put or shut up.

Omar & Dune

I have no clue what you are talking about. Put up the BB and "fix it on the fly"????? What does this mean?
By Hardtaiz4
So, Katherine is from New York? My kinda girl! I knew I liked her from the start. Keep up the good work and don't let the idiots on this board get to you.
By VWPublicRelations
Captnmate wrote:I have been a long time member of Redclouds, almost 15 years! Trying desperately to keep this positive, could you help me understand why recovering pictures is at the top of your priority list? About 99.9% of my time at Redclouds is spent on the bulletin boards. Voyeuring the photo contributions by other members and the comments left by mostly appreciative members such as myself. It was my understanding that once those photos fell off the threads, they were gone. I truly enjoyed the format of the bulletin boards and was just getting into enjoying the "chat room." If those images posted to the "bulletin boards" and "Chat Room" are not archived, why can't you get those two features up and running so we can continue to enjoy those features while you repair the other damage? Just a thought from a long time member who is still loyal to your cause!

I realize that we could actually do that now, and have contributed myself, but the current format is not as effecient as the old format.
0001 pirate flag.gif
The pictures have been recovered. Everything will be normal as before. The photos did not fall off of anywhere. I saw them get uploaded for RC, HC and now for FunBags.
The VW does not work in piecemeal fashion like that and I know that many of you have wondered why we have not just put up something for everyone to be able to upload to, and a forum for comments. This was a business decision that was made by the owner not to piecemeal it that way. I was not involved in that decision.
By cogener8
I would just like to know when we get e mailed our new user names and passwords as I understood the old ones are no longer valid. This is one more step to encourage us and make us feel we will get the additional 90 days. I do think priority one should have been to get new contris posted instead of worrying about archives.
By cdl2
Thanks,,, I'm lookin forward to your sexy pix

I thought this was the BB's,,,,,,just not the RC BB's ;)

Damn Katy, you had to learn alot of stuff fast to catch up with this crowd....
By VWPublicRelations
soaK wrote:To manually email how many? Just asking..

327,000 by my list. Don't worry I will do it even if I have to stay up for 3 days to do it. But I was just saying that so you guys would know that it is all there in the event that there may be some delay in the computer system in sending out the log on info automatically
By VWPublicRelations
cogener8 wrote:I would just like to know when we get e mailed our new user names and passwords as I understood the old ones are no longer valid. This is one more step to encourage us and make us feel we will get the additional 90 days. I do think priority one should have been to get new contris posted instead of worrying about archives.

With the new log on info, the automated message says "You now have 90 days extended membership to your RedClouds Account. Enjoy!" And if you have more than one account, then it says "You now have 90 days extended membership to your RedClouds and HomeClips Account. Enjoy!"
I am not sure if I understand what you mean about getting new contris posted being priority one. Could you explain? That is our priority always but the format had to be reconfigured for that- there is a lot of stuff involved in uploading a picture, then being able to have a bar that identifies the person, then being able to have a block that others can comment on and rate the picture. We were not held up on worrying about the archives for the contris- if that is what you were asking.
By VWPublicRelations
cdl2 wrote:Thanks,,, I'm lookin forward to your sexy pix

I thought this was the BB's,,,,,,just not the RC BB's ;)

Damn Katy, you had to learn alot of stuff fast to catch up with this crowd....
cdl2- will I ever get to see you?
By soaK
"327,000 by my list. "

According to your wiki, redclouds had 1.2 million members, not counted homeclips and funbags. Please explain the difference in numbers.
By VWPublicRelations
Hardtaiz4 wrote:So, Katherine is from New York? My kinda girl! I knew I liked her from the start. Keep up the good work and don't let the idiots on this board get to you.
Hardtaiz4- are you from New York? If so what part? You can send it to me in a Private Message if you want. Once we launch, I have to go back and get the rest of my stuff- it has been one massive roller coaster ride literally the minute I got off the plane just about 4 weeks ago now!
By cdl2
Sure Katy,,,,,you can see me......hope you like mature, blond, with blue eye's ;)
I'll send you a pic when things calm down.....don't want to distract you now :lol:
By VWPublicRelations
soaK wrote:"327,000 by my list. "

According to your wiki, redclouds had 1.2 million members, not counted homeclips and funbags. Please explain the difference in numbers.

Listen, I knew you were doing this for some type of a trap. I told you exactly what I see on my list. There may be many members who are inactive and that number may reflect everyone who has ever signed up for RedClouds. What I have is what I have- there may be more somewhere but I know that we will not leave anyone behind and judging from the sheer number of emails I have received, I doubt that anyone will let us leave them behind. I went and cross referenced the emails that I got with this list that I was given and that list ended at number 327,000. Now I will get another message saying "oh she does not know what she is talking about". Bottom line no one is getting left behind and everyone who is a member will have access to RedClouds as they did before.
By VWPublicRelations
cdl2 wrote:Sure Katy,,,,,you can see me......hope you like mature, blond, with blue eye's ;)
I'll send you a pic when things calm down.....don't want to distract you now :lol:
Yes I like that.
By VWPublicRelations
Steve57 wrote:Hell of a first introduction to vw!

It'll be good to have it all back; other sites are nowhere close to the quality. Even vc looks like the photos have been pasted up there with some thick varnish or glue or something.

Fuckem. Looking forward to the relaunch, and of course, your tits.


All this talk about my tits - I hope I will not disappoint you guys. And I hope that those who want to see them truly like large boobs-- because mine are huge! Well - to me they are huge because I wish they were smaller- "D" Cup in Victoria Secret's Bras
By VWPublicRelations
SantaFe2211 wrote:
VWPublicRelations wrote: this thief is actually asking many of you to give up your 1 year membership with Voyeurweb to gain a a 100-day free membership with him. Just imagine that. Give up 365 days of membership for a 100-day free membership. It took me a while to see through this but I am so glad to see that none of the loyal Voyeurwebbers are falling into his trap.
Up to now, the "thief" has much more credibility than anyone here. Over-promising and under-delivering are the two unforgivable sins in Public Relations and you seem to have mastered both of them.

At this point, the 100-day membership is much more valuable than what you have delivered: excuses.
Seriously? A thief has more credibility than anyone here! Oh My! The thief had the criminal mind to premeditate and plan this whole thing before he dropped the bomb on us - of course it is going to look like he has his shit together. But his shit was together because of criminal intentions. That will not last long and he will soon lose all of his shit . And of course, we were placed in a position to play catch up for the past 4 weeks- we were never expecting this! And yes there were announcements with deadlines we could not meet but we did not disappear. We explained why and we are still here and we will continue to be here.
By VWPublicRelations
cutterxx wrote:Assuming that after a month, you have removed his access to your account database, how can he even process such a transaction? He shouldn't be able to cancel your account here, right??

Of course he cannot cancel anything over at VW here. His access has been permanently removed. All of his foot prints of stealing the database have been copied and turned over to the authorities and the legal team. And he has been erased from VW. I was not talking about him processing a transaction on our site. I was just saying that he lures people in making them believe that all of their membership time left on VW will be honored plus 100 days-- but that is not the case at all. After 100 days, he is going to be asking for payment and will not honor the remaining days left on your original VW membership
By VWPublicRelations
Txrings wrote:OK, here is what is bothering me. I got the solicitaton email from VC at my old email where I started my RC. I ignored it because I really want RC back! Friday, I sent an email to Katharine about reinstating my account. This was sent from a totally new email addy. I got back a very nice email from Katharine followed quickly by the same solicitaion email from VC. They would have no way of getting that email. How did that happen???
What NO WAY!. Please immediately send that email exchange to me at I want to show it to our tech guys. Please email me right now. I am waiting for your email.
By VWPublicRelations
stubborn wrote:Been with Voyeurweb and Redclouds for as long as I can remember. My thoughts go along with Captnmate. What is the value of waiting to upload all the old pictures. I'm happy that you keep us informed and bear the brunt of all the dissatisfaction. I think that no matter what you do someone will be dissatisfied. So the hell with them. Keep on working and I'm looking forward to when the site is back up.
And we are looking forward to seeing you at the VW pages. No one is letting up here on the hard work, I can guarantee that! We are all on a mission!
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