Political discussions about everything
By Intrepid
Elkindoofus actually believes this. But it serves to illustrate just how terrified the left is of Donald Trump.

You always know whom the left fears the most by whom they work hardest to destroy.
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By RealJustme
Donald Trump announced today that he denounces the support of the KKK and would also denounce the support of the Black Panthers and Muslim Brotherhood if they were to offer it.

Finally a leader willing to call a spade a spade and if you don't like it, tough shit!
By sillydaddy
Trump disavows the Klan....
But Klan members are free to vote for whoever they want.......don't you think, Clown?

That doesn't mean the candidates share Klan views...

Truman, a Democrat, was supported by the Klan and it is said he was a card carrying member of the Klan.
By Clownkicker
What's your point, sillydaddy?

I never claimed Trump shares Klan views.
Why can't you ever just address the things I actually say instead of attributing ridiculous positions to me?
By Clownkicker
Virtually everything in primary races is a non-issue. It's promises and pablum and mud slinging to get votes.
I mean, have you heard Trump actually say anything beyond platitudes? Has he presented any concrete plans?
Of course not. He has produced nothing but soundbites. Or maybe you haven't noticed.

First of all, I haven't seen anywhere that the Klan actually came out in support of Trump.
I don't know that Duke speaks for the Klan.
For now I take Trump at his word: "“I didn't even know,” Trump told a reporter.” I disavow it. OK?”"
But some agitator at a rally doesn't represent the Klan either. It's unlikely he has any idea what the Klan thinks. He's just there to disrupt things.
And as the video shows, the Trump supporters there were trying to shout him down and get him to leave, presumably because they don't believe the t-shirt to be an honest reflection of reality.

But if the Klan officially comes out and endorses a candidate in the future, then yes, I think it should wake people up to the implications of the things that candidate is preaching.
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By RealJustme
Has he presented any concrete plans?
I'll give you one, he's made it clear, he'll build a wall to protect our border and all illegals will have to return to their homes and apply to come back legally like every other immigrant. Why couldn't or own President think of that very simple and fair solution?
By johnforbes
That approach would be fair, and it would allow illegal immigrants to do what any adult has to do -- enter the system, pay taxes, and function legally.

Who the hell thinks he can sneak into a foreign country and live there illegally?
By Clownkicker
"I'll give you one, he's made it clear, he'll build a wall to protect our border and all illegals will have to return to their homes and apply to come back legally like every other immigrant."-RealTool

No, dummy, that's a sound bite, not a plan.
He hasn't explained how he would get a wall built or how it would be paid for. Congress won't pay for it, and simply saying "Mexico will pay for it" is stupidity for the stupid constituency.
And then he can't explain to anyone how he will get 11 million people to leave the country and come back legally in 80 to 100 years. Only truly stupid people see that as a "plan". That's why you see it as a plan.

Trump can say whatever he thinks morons will believe, but he can't actually tell anyone how it will be accomplished in realistic, practical terms. That would be a plan.
By johnforbes
There are, of course, those who say Mexico won't pay for a wall, and it is true the country won't write a check.

But Trump has explained that Mexico is a big trade partner, needs and wants to do daily business with the US, so Mexico would have to pay any increase in fees related to border crossings and the like.

So Mexico would pay, and be glad to pay for the continuing opportunity to do business.

Mexican drug sellers would be mad, though.
By Intrepid
Only someone with the limited intellect of AssClown Loser Lucky couldn't understand how Trump would force Mexico to pay for the wall. Which has already been required, by an act of Congress, to be built.

Go hit your bong idiot.
By Clownkicker
"...Trump would force Mexico to pay for the wall. Which has already been required, by an act of Congress, to be built."-AssClown Loser Bensipid

And Obamacare is also required by an act of Congress and can't be repealed or unfunded, right I'mStupid?
Remember, dumbfuck, they're both set in stone by an act of Congress according to you.
But somehow it hasn't been built in the 10 years since it was "required".
What's the hold up? It's a sure thing, right?
Is Trump right about the fence, or is Trump right about Obamacare?

This is a good example of why reactionary tools promote such simplistic solutions to complex problems.
Sure, the U.S. can increase fees and whatnot, but you imbeciles think such things happen in a vacuum.
It never occurs to you that Mexico will simply retaliate with its own policies that will more than negate anything we do to "collect money" from them.

Now look at your formidable "wall"....uh, I mean "pedestrian fencing": http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016 ... -fence-act
Everyone knows no Mexicans know how to carry and use a 12' ladder. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You're a hoot, Pinky Boy. That's at least a 5-emoticon idiocy.
And what's another $20 billion, give or take, for this white elephant? I'm sure frugal, hypocritical Republican Tea-baggers should be all over that, right?
By Intrepid
Forbes explained it AssClown Loser Lucky. Your excessive drug use makes it impossible for you to grasp anything more complicated than lighting your bong.

And clicking emoticons.

Junkie pothead loser.
By Clownkicker
It's so nice of AssClown Loser Bensipid to stop in and admit he doesn't know how to use a ladder, and to further admit that he's got nothin, as always. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Intrepid
Silly ass word games from the queen of silly ass word games.

And it appears I've gotten deeper into his wasted mind, where I pay no rent. Perhaps I'm many more posters here AssClown Loser Lucky.

Gimme emoticons bitch.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^Once again, more "nothin" from the AssClown Loser Queen of "nothin".

I merely show up, Bensipid can't refute a thing I say, so he starts dancing for my entertainment. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(Watch this....)
By johnforbes
There are, of course, those who say Mexico won't pay for a wall, and it is true the country won't write a check.

But Trump has explained that Mexico is a big trade partner, needs and wants to do daily business with the US, so Mexico would have to pay any increase in fees related to border crossings and the like.

So Mexico would pay, and be glad to pay for the continuing opportunity to do business.

Mexican drug sellers would be mad, though.
By Clownkicker
Apparently johnforbes hasn't heard of a little thing called NAFTA created by the H.W.Bush group.

You can't stop Mexico from doing business with the U.S. any longer.
If the fees are merely punitive or illegal, they won't stand up.

Try again, johnny.
(And I don't mean self-copy-and-pasting the same old crap. I mean try something new as an argument.)
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By RealJustme
Yep and Obama has hosted Blacklivesmatter functions at that White House as recently as last week. What I don't understand is why any white law enforcement officer would catch a bullet for the racist. He stirs up racism against whites and anti law enforcement hatred then hides behind his white security force. There should a "blue out" in D.C. every time Obama stirs up blacks to take on the police.
By elklindo69
Trump supporters cheered on U-S-A as a KKK supporter came up to Trump's podium.

Trump supporters roughed up a Black Lives Matters protester with Trump's approval. But the same Trump supporters did nothing to the KKK protester. I suppose he will not order his goons to rough up "his base."

And now Trump plays dumb claiming that he doesn't know the KKK???
By sillydaddy
You can't stop Mexico from doing business with the U.S. any longer ~~ Clown
Actually you can....as far as NAFTA is concern......all the US has to do is give Mexico 6 months notice.

In fact, one of Obama's promises back in 2008 was that he was going to repeal NAFTA.

He argued NAFTA was costing the US millions of manufacturing jobs.

This was fully supported by the Democrats...
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By RealJustme
Trump supporters cheered on U-S-A as a KKK supporter came up to Trump's podium.

Trump supporters roughed up a Black Lives Matters protester with Trump's approval. But the same Trump supporters did nothing to the KKK protester. I suppose he will not order his goons to rough up "his base."
Did Trump invite the KKK into his home as Obama did for the Black Panthers and the Blacklivesmatter groups? No he didn't, Obama is an open racist and cop hater, it's little wonder that Americans from all walks of life support Trump.
By johnforbes
Everybody knew that Democrats would stoop to anything -- any wild claim -- in order to help corrupt Hillary.

Amusingly, the Democrats BEGAN by playing this sort of irrational hatred.

Within the week, it was claimed that Trump had a Mafia connection, had orange skin, had a KKK connection, and so on.

All this is total nonsense, as young Mr. Elkin knows very well.

But his socialism is threatened, so off trots little Mr. Elkin throwing mud and telling lies.

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