Political discussions about everything
If that doesn't wake up people to the kind of person Hillary is, nothing will. Imagine a country where a person is arrested and placed in jail for not doing something they disagree with rather than just firing them. This is liberalism at it's finest and leads to dictatorship...which is exactly what Hillary wants.
Hillary Rodham Clinton says that jail was the "right thing" for a Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. "People are totally entitled to their private, personal beliefs, religious or otherwise, but when you take an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, that is your job, jail was the right thing to do." Clinton said
Then one must wonder why half of the Obama administration and Hillary herself are not behind bars.
No, Hillary DIDN'T say she would jail the clerk. Read your own post.
She said the county jailing the clerk was the right thing to do.

"... Imagine a country where a person is arrested and placed in jail for not doing something they disagree with rather than just firing them."-RealStool

No, imagine a country where a person is arrested and placed in jail for refusing to obey the law and do her job that affects everyone.
Maybe YOU don't want to live in a country of laws, but I do.
It happens everyday and it's done by conservative and Republican judges as much as anyone else.

Also, the clerk can't just be fired.
She was elected. She would need to be recalled.
But the county is filled with her kind of religious bigots, and they don't care if she refuses to do the job she took an oath to uphold as long as it doesn't adversely affect them. They're a bunch of hypocrites. But all the rest of the people still have the right to be equally served under the law, regardless of the bigotry around them.

If she refuses to do her job and also refuses to resign, then jailing her for contempt was the only remaining remedy.
If you don't like your job, then quit. It's not my fault or anyone else's.
It's her own fault if she ends up in jail over this. She has an easy choice in this case.

But the easiest of all would be to just quit her religious cult that is causing the problem in the first place.
It's illegal for Obozo to rule by executive order but he has done it and bypassed Congress many times. It is illegal to send, receive or store classified material in an unsecured location but Hillary did it thousands of times and the Useful Idiots see nothing wrong. AssClown Loser Lucky, as all libtards and Marxists, cares nothing for consistency. Political expediency is everything to their ilk.
One funny aspect about this is the Left seeking to elevate gay marriage into some new moral right.

The White House was lit up with special lights to celebrate the Supreme Court making up some right to gay marriage which generations of legal scholars never located before in the Constitution.

The Left actually believes illegal immigrants have some moral right to break America's laws and come here.
Dimwit, there is no "right to marriage" for anyone in the Constitution and the Supreme Court never said there was.

Gays don't care about some "moral right" to marriage any more that heterosexuals care about some "moral right" to marry.
What they care about is an equal rights under the law to marriage.
You're just making it up.

And you pretend you graduated from law school. :lol:
Come on, that's total baloney.

Generations of lawyers searched the Constitution and found no equal protection for gay marriage.

By the same stretch of logic, why can't a person marry his dog?

Look, mankind historically defined marriage as one man and one woman, and the Supreme Court just made up a bunch of nonsense.

A civil union would protect the rights of gay partners, so the only point of gay marriage is flipping the bird to anybody who favors traditional values.

Same thing as burning the flag. It isn't speech, but flipping the bird to traditional values.
Here we have AssClown Loser Lucky demonstrating either poor reading comprehension skills or being deliberetly obtuse (and hoping no one notices) in order to twist what has been written in order to do his little victory dance. Elkindoofus would buy it, but anyone with any education at all sees right through AssClown Loser Lucky's charade. Then he spews some silly ass emoticons in lieu of reasoned, factual debate.
AssClown Loser Lucky reveals more about himself than he ever intends every time he posts his juvinile blather.
"By the same stretch of logic, why can't a person marry his dog?"-johnforbes

Don't be ridiculous. A dog cannot enter into a binding legal contract, which is what civil marriage is.
With a dog there can be no informed consent. Only human beings can do that.
Again, anyone who actually went to law school would know this and would stop dragging around that rotting red herring.

"Generations of lawyers searched the Constitution and found no equal protection for gay marriage."-johnforbes

That's your "total baloney" johnny, because until recently nobody was searching for anything of the sort.
The point of gay marriage is to be recognized as human beings with full and equal rights.
Until Stonewall in 1969, guys like you were content to treat gays as third class citizens.
The fact that it only took 45 years for gays to achieve nearly equal rights to everyone else shows that those "generations of legal scholars" are irrelevant to the argument. 45 years is light speed against the thousands of years of human existence. That shows just how clear the law must be to change things that quickly.
It took 200 years for those "generations of legal scholars" to find equal rights for blacks, equal rights for interracial marriage, or even to find involuntary servitude to be unConstitutional. Where were they looking, fer cripes sake? I found them all the first time I read the Constitution as a kid.
Is that your argument, that those rights don't exist because generations of bigots couldn't find in the Constitution what I easily found without any trouble even as a child?

Gays have had the right to marry ever since 1868. It just took a while to get it to court to prove it.
Guys like you stood in the way.

"Look, mankind historically defined marriage as one man and one woman,..."-johnforbes

It's irrelevant what "mankind" did or didn't do. We are talking about America and the Constitution.
If you don't like America and the Constitution and what they stand for, then just say so.
"Mankind" said we had a right to enslave people for thousands of years, and generations of legal scholars couldn't seem to find anything against it either. But that doesn't mean it isn't in the Constitution.
I guess you must see the elimination of slavery as liberals thumbing their noses at humanity instead of a leap forward for human rights and civilization.

"A civil union would protect the rights of gay partners,..."-johnforbes

And that's exactly what we have now. That "civil union" is called "marriage" on all the documents down at city hall. Your "religious union" hasn't been changed in the least. All your bigotries and petty superstitions still hold within the barricades of your chosen cult. Neither religion nor "humanity" hold some copyright to the term "marriage". Get over it.

"Same thing as burning the flag. It isn't speech, but flipping the bird to traditional values."-johnforbes

It clearly IS speech, johnny. What other reason does anyone have to burn a flag but to communicate one's political views to someone else?
And it isn't flipping the bird to "traditional values".
It is flipping the bird to the current political values, not necessarily the "tradititonal" ones.
They are not the same thing, despite your tendency to drone "my country, right or wrong".
Sometimes you just have to say the country is wrong and stop it, not just tolerate it indefinitely.
Obama is all for gay marriage......why? because it goes along with his agenda to destroy America.

And i'm not talking about morals.....although that's is certainly part of it.

No...I'm talking about health,....cases of HIV and AIDS are on the rise again, especially among gay men.

And many of these infected young men have no idea what these diseases will do! They were either

too young or not born when the AIDS epidemic was in full force.

These diseases is Mother Nature's way of telling us....stop it!, gay sex is detrimental to the species.
I've never held Clowngayer's raging homo-ness against him.

What is difficult to accept is Clownslacker's raging Left insanity.

As to his basic argument that the KY clerk should obey the law, Obama should have conformed to the Constitution, which he said many times made amnesty unconstitutional.

But he did it anyway.
Well, once again johnforbes couldn't refute a single point I made about gay marriage. Chirping crickets-- :lol:

"These diseases is Mother Nature's way of telling us....stop it!, gay sex is detrimental to the species."-unbelievablysilly

You can't possibly be so stupid you are unaware that HIV is transmitted by heterosexual sex also, dimwit.
Is that Mother Nature telling the entire human race that sex is detrimental to the species? :lol:
And what about blood transfusions? Does Mother Nature have an opinion about them as well?
Crud, you're stupid.

To top it off, currently the fastest spread of HIV is among heterosexuals in Africa.
I know, you think that's Mother Nature telling us to stop making niggers, right?

The staggering stupidity of the reactionary Righties..... :shock:
Generations of lawyers searched the Constitution and found no equal protection for gay marriage.

By the same stretch of logic, why can't a person marry his dog?

Look, mankind historically defined marriage as one man and one woman, and the Supreme Court just made up a bunch of nonsense.

A civil union would protect the rights of gay partners, so the only point of gay marriage is flipping the bird to anybody who favors traditional values.

Same thing as burning the flag. It isn't speech, but flipping the bird to traditional values.
Clown....don't believe your own drivel........

The way it can be said that heteros transmit HIV is if one of the partners is not being honest and is actually a bisexual or promiscuous and having unprotected sex with numerous partners.......very risky.

Even then, studies show that homos are three times more likely of being infected and transmitting HIV to other homos.

Stop butt fucking Clown...you're a disgrace to mankind.....plus you're killing yourself ..
Great, so sillydoofus agreed with what I said, that HIV is transmitted by heterosexual sex as well, yet he still tries to pretend that I am wrong and he is right. :lol:

Then he tries to say that "The way it can be said that heteros transmit HIV is if one of the partners is not being honest and is actually a bisexual or promiscuous and having unprotected sex with numerous partners.......very risky."
Well wake up, dimwit, the exact same can be said of gays transmitting HIV, you moron. It doesn't just come magically out of thin air. But you pretend gay sex is somehow worse than hetero sex.

Gays in exclusive monogamous relationships aren't going to get HIV any more than heteros are, you moron.
I've known many gays who have had gay sex their entire lives and never contracted HIV. What is wrong with you, silly?

HIV is not a "gay problem". It's a human problem. It may currently be a bigger gay concern here in the U.S. but it's still a problem for us all and a bigger hetero concern in other parts of the world.

"Stop butt fucking Clown...you're a disgrace to mankind....plus you're killing yourself .."-sillydildo

Actually, I've never had anal sex. Just never had an interest in it. But there are a lot of straights like RealTool who has anal sex with his wife but thinks there is inherently something different between lusting after a female anus and lusting after a male anus.
I think if you see one rectal sphincter you've probably seen them all.
Tell all the straights on this site that anal sex is a disgrace and it's killing them, dimwit. :lol:

And face it, you've got nothing but your self-righteous bigotry telling you that gay sex itself is the problem.
Last edited by Clownkicker on Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Clownslacker, though gay, is not really a "gay problem".

His vapid Left Wing posts constitute a human problem.

Sure, Clownhicker may currently be a bigger gay concern here than elsewhere, but it's still a problem for us all and a bigger concern for those of us who are hetero.
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By tvd
Clownkicker wrote: Actually, I've never had anal sex. Just never had an interest in it. But there are a lot of straights like RealTool who has anal sex with his wife but thinks there is inherently something different between lusting after a female anus and lusting after a male anus.
I think if you see one rectal sphincter you've probably seen them all.
Seen one you seen them all.....ha...
I have colonoscopies once every three years. I never do the anesthesia route, I do them wide awake.
I have the privilege of watching the monitor as the procedure is preformed...often commenting that "Hey you missed a spot" or "Check that wrinkle out again" or other vapid remarks from the novice to the expert....

But one thing I did notice. Camera is turned around at the end of the procedure. The inside of the anus is scoped.
And I noticed this: It looks exactly the same looking out as it does looking in....

:lol: :lol: :lol:
thinks there is inherently something different between lusting after a female anus and lusting after a male anus.
There is something inherently different Clown, plus I don't want a blow job by a dude either.
Clownslacker, though gay, is not really a "gay problem".

His vapid Left Wing posts constitute a human problem.

Sure, Clownhicker may currently be a bigger gay concern here than elsewhere, but it's still a problem for us all and a bigger concern for those of us who are hetero.
Once again, sillydaddy, you are only exhibiting a profound ignorance of nature and humanity.

But fine, if you don't think people like Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Socrates, Tchaikovsky, David Geffen, John M. Keynes, Dag Hammerskjold, Sally Ride, Rock Hudson, and thousands of others contribute anything to society or survival of the species, that tells me you're an ignorant troglodyte. Being grossly ignorant is your right.

Ironically, the very computer you are typing on is here because of a gay man, Alan Turing, creating the first modern electronic computing machine for code breaking that is responsible for defeating the Axis powers in WWII. His theories were important later in creating ENIAC, the first electronic general-purpose computer. Nah, he had no influence in your life at all, did he?

But if you eschew science, mathematics, the arts, and literature as useless due to willful ignorance, then maybe you should read E.O.Wilson concerning Eusociality and learn there are all sorts of human behavior you don't understand that support society and survival of the species.
We may have found the root of AssClown Loser Lucky's rage.
His homosexuality.
He denies being an ass blaster, butt never has he defended anything the way he does this particular perversion. Not his illegal drug use, not his being a Marxist, nothing.
By the way, we hope the flooding there in SC hasn't been too much of a trial for you. Although it may have washed away your single wide trailer house, at least it got rid of all those junk cars in the yard. But losing the outhouse must be inconvient.
Y'all keep grinnin', hear?
Notice how Clown avoided Silldaddy's question by pulling a Hillary. So Clown try and stick to the question this time, tell us what homosexualty has contributed to society or the survival of the species.
Geezus, Tool, you stupid fucker. I just gave you a list of things and people that gays have contributed.

I understand you've never heard of Socrates, Michaelangelo, or Tchaikovsky, but I spelled out Turing's contribution so clearly that even a dimwit like you who doesn't read English very well should be able to understand his contribution to your computer trolling and pornography addiction.

Imagine where you would be without the computer to piss away your life. :lol:
Clown for all your nonsense......you have to see that homosexuals and homosexuality are not the same thing.

You are intentionally saying the patient is the illness.

And E.O. Wilson tries to convince us that humans are born as " totally blank slates" .....meaning all

human behavior is learned and none is inherited.

If you follow his line of thinking than homosexuality is learned and the excuse of homos

of being born gay and we should accept them as they are ....is all bullshit.
Geezus, Tool, you stupid fucker. I just gave you a list of things and people that gays have contributed
Clown what has that to do with question? That's like naming pedophiles who have had accomplishments when asked what pedophilia has contributed to our society. Are you really that dense or just pretending to be dense to avoid the question?
"Humanity does not need gays. I can not think of one thing that homosexualty contributes to
society or to the survival of the species. It is a sickness.....that needs to be eradicated."-sillydaddy
"Clown for all your nonsense......you have to see that homosexuals and homosexuality are not the same thing.
You are intentionally saying the patient is the illness."-sillydaddy

You see, sillydaddy, that's what makes you such a hoot.
You start yakking nonsense without ever considering the implications of what you're saying.

First, you can't eradicate homosexuality without simultaneously eradicating all the contributions homosexuals have made to human society. Even someone as slow as you should be able to understand this.
More importantly, if you consider all the achievements of homosexuals as being unrelated to their sexuality, then you must also consider all the achievements of heterosexuals as being unrelated to their sexuality.
This leaves you in the position of claiming that the only contribution of value to society inherent to heterosexuality is the production of offspring.
Big woop. Gays have children too. And they raise families. And scads of them donate to sperm banks and reproduce in that way. Lots of lesbians bear children. So they can and do contribute to the survival of the species directly and not just indirectly.

But if you are going to cite cranking out children as the sole measure of all the value to society and survival of the species by heterosexuality, then you must be thrilled at all the unwed mothers in this country producing children that are supported by the public. After all, who is doing more to further your sole value of reproduction to the survival of the species? If you can answer that, then you will see the absurdity of your premise.

Now you are faced with the negative aspects of heterosexuality.
The bulk of all rape and pedophilia is by heterosexual males and it is directly attributable to their heterosexuality.
Heterosexuality actually does harm on a large scale. Homosexuality, not so much.
So is heterosexuality an illness too? Or just a necessary evil? Are you calling for heterosexuality to be eradicated? Nope. Because you're just another loudmouthed bigoted hypocrite.

"And E.O. Wilson tries to convince us that humans are born as " totally blank slates" .....meaning all
human behavior is learned and none is inherited."-sillydaddy

As to your take on Wilson, you're simply wrong. He absolutely believes in the case of humans that a number of critical traits are innate to humans, not learned, such as the tendency for altruistic behavior, rare in other mammals.
He never claimed you could escape the forces of your own brain chemistry through learning.
And I would think that all the failed religious programs to "pray away the gay" would have taught you something by now.
But you're intentionally missing the point. He shows us how there are many members of societies that don't reproduce directly but who contribute vitally important values to the survival of the colony or family or species.
The creative contributions of people like Socrates, Michaelangelo, and Tchaikowsky are examples of such important values.
Reproduction isn't the sole measure of one's value to society.
We may have found the root of AssClown Loser Lucky's rage.
His homosexuality.
He denies being an ass blaster, butt never has he defended anything the way he does this particular perversion. Not his illegal drug use, not his being a Marxist, nothing.
Res ipsa loquitur
But you're intentionally missing the point. He shows us how there are many members of societies that don't reproduce directly but who contribute vitally important values to the survival of the colony or family or species.
The creative contributions of people like Socrates, Michaelangelo, and Tchaikowsky are examples of such important values.
Clown, you lost your argument for gays on your first post, now you step in it again. Socrates, Michaelangelo, and Tchaikowsky wouldn't had never been if their fathers were gay like them, they contributed nothing to the survival of man kind, in fact if everyone were gay human kind would end. Now don't you feel silly ;)
"When all you do is blather bullshit no refutation is necessary. "-I'mastupidfuck

As I said, you CAN'T refute a word I said. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You see, dimwit, all you do is blather bullshit and no refutation is necessary for that, but I systematically take your bullshit apart piece by piece and make you look like the igno-rant moron you are, because I CAN refute your blathering bullshit.

The entire bunch of reactionary conservatives here are completely intellectually impotent.
Look at this thread. Not a single one can make a case or argue their point of view.
Not a one can make a case against another point of view and not a one can refute arguments from their opponents.
A bunch of mental limp dicks...
silly, there is no more need to "legitimize" homosexuality than there is to "legitimize" blue eyes or blonde hair.

It's part of the normal range of human genetic diversity, just as it is found in hundreds of other mammals.

But in the case of the artists and philosophers and scientists, it absolutely affected their world views and creative output.

It's not that it wouldn't have been "possible". Anything is "possible".
But it just wouldn't have come out the way it did.
One's sexuality (or asexuality) is a huge part of one's personality, and one's personality is expressed in the creative output.
Not to mention the fact that homosexual brains are physically different from heterosexual brains.
Different brains will produce a different creative output.
It's not that it wouldn't have been "possible". Anything is "possible".
But it just wouldn't have come out the way it did.
So you are saying without homosexuality human creativity is stifled?

Did it ever occur to you that it may be the other way around?
Homo AssClown Loser Lucky ASSerts that one of his fellow Rump Rangers is responsible for breaking the Nazi code of WWII, as featured in a recent movie. Well....there is a little more to the story, but Homo AssClown Loser Lucky isn't aware of anything he hasn't googled or ran past Wikki first.

The Nazis had developed a machine capable of encoding a message in such a way that it was virtually unbreakable. This device was named the, "ENIGMA" machine. One afternoon the Royal navy managed to damage and force to the surface a German U boat. Before the captain was able to scuttle and sink his submarine crew members from the British destroyer were able to board the German vessel and capture, intact, the boat's ENIGMA machine. This was considered such an accomplishment that the German crew were held incommunicado (Elkindoofus, that means they wouldn't let them talk to anybody) for the rest of the war. After the ENIGMA machine was captured the Allies were able to read virtually any message the Germans sent via ENIGMA. In fact, the British intercepted a message detailing the planned bombing of Coventry. Winston Churchill made the decision to allow the raid to go forth unimpeded resulting in the deaths of scores of people and the destruction of an entire city. To have ordered the evacuation of Coventry or stepped up the defenses around the city would have caused the Germans to realize their "unbreakable" code had been compromised somehow.

Homo AssClown Loser Lucky has never heard of any of this. He continues to hail the achievements of one of his fellow Butt Blasters instead.

Shall we talk more of famous British Fags?
Well, there was Kim Philby and Guy Burgess (and three others whose names escape me right now), Ass Bandits all. They were members of the British government who were also spies for Homo AssClown Loser Lucky's side, the Soviets. Sadly, before they were caught they managed to escape to the Soviet Union thus preventing the British from hanging them and turning them into good communists.

Again, Homo AssClown Loser Lucky knows nothing of this.

On to HIV/AIDS, one of Homo AssClown Loser Lucky's greatest fears.

Did you know, Homo AssClown Loser Lucky, that HIV/AIDS is almost never transmitted female to male outside of some anecdotal cases resulting from two men sharing a woman, such as one possible explanation for Magic Johnson becoming infected? Of course there is also the possibility that Mr. Johnson is also a closet Rump Ranger...which was the opinion expressed by the editor of the sports section of the LA Times, in a story that I read. This gentleman asserted the full story of Mr. Johnson's sexual preferences would not be revealed until after his death.

(here we pause for Homo AssClown Loser Lucky's predictable outrage).

Yes it's true. The HIV/Aids virus is present only in blood and semen. NOT in saliva or a woman's vaginal fluids.
This simple fact is what is responsible for the failure of a heterosexual AIDS outbreak in the United States, and this has outraged the Fudge Packer community. They feel that if AIDS is viewed as a Turd Burglar disease, insufficient funding will be allocated to finding a cure (when in fact, there has NEVER been a cure for a virus).

Ass Bandits contribute to their demise by their widespread and well known desire for frequent, promiscuous and random sexual encounters in highway rest areas, truck stop parking lots and in the case of our own Dear Leader, Hussein Obozo, the bath houses of Chicago. Homo AssClown Loser Lucky has the intersection of two interstate highways near his home so it is quite amazing that he is still alive. We must credit his insistence on prophylactic protection for his survival. Although as he stated, "One asshole looks pretty much like another" (at this we will thankfully defer to his extensive experience).

We are left wondering, Homo AssClown Loser Lucky, do you pitch or catch?

Frequently expressed HIV/AIDS statistics claim that the virus infects heteros and homos alike. But once you drill down into the source of these statistics, you find the reason. The HIV/AIDS hysterics use numbers from Africa where health conditions are so poor that many people have open lesions on their bodies, including the genitals which allow blood to blood transmissions. Once you delete those cases, the numbers collapse back onto homos as the primary victims.

In fact, it has been stated that you can get run over by a truck in Africa and wind up as a AIDS statistic, so badly have the numbers been skewed to produce the desired result. In this country the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta has had to change the definition of what exactly IS HIV/Aids to attempt to include as many normal people as possible.

A few years ago it was revealed by the boyfriend of a deceased Pansy HIV positive dentist in Florida, that prior to his death from AIDS, the dentist had been injecting his own tainted blood into his patients along with Novocain during dental procedures. The Butt Buddy boyfriend claimed that his Asshole buddy was so outraged by the failure of HIV/AIDS to appear as an epidemic among normal people that he decided to create a few cases among his normal patients. Several of them did die as a result of AIDS. It was not revealed in the information that I read if the Butt Buddy boyfriend was charged as an accessory to murder. Probably not as Fudge Packers are considered a protected species.

You want some refutation Homo AssClown Loser Lucky? You got it.
Now, try as best you can using your frazzled and fried two remaining brain synapses to come up with a reply that does not mimic me.

Or just go hit the bong.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Insipid agrees that I was right about Turing and then goes on an epic igno-rant to pretend I was wrong. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What a dimwitted fuck.

You didn't refute a single point I've made.

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