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By nampac
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Sexiest pics in those cameltoe hugging adidas shorts from the 70's and early 80's
By DangerousDi
I don't understand when you have boobs and pussy you go for feet, but every one has their own thing. Once in a while you will see girls that wear special shoes to show their toes.
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By FastFive
DD... :lol:

I LOL'ed. At the office even... where I should't be laughing out loud, particularly at these forums. :D
By Jbe
DD and FF, what does it matter to you what somebody wants to look at? Do you feel good criticizing someone else's choices? It's comments like that that drive people away. You are no better than any of the other bashers we complain about.

By the way, DD, the post says "Adidas shorts"... not shoes.
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By FastFive
Not sure what I did to warrant the moody treatment... I just thought it was hilarious that DD got "cameltoe" confused with a foot fetish. :roll:
By DangerousDi
I wasn't picking I know a porn lady that shoes her feet often, so that proves there are men that like that too.

As for Shoes or feet, whatever, guess I got it wrong.
By DangerousDi
JBE: I wasn't trashing the idea, just wondering why....reread my are being a little hard aren't you?
By DangerousDi
JBE: Does not say SHORTS. So I am thinking sneakers.
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By Coffjr
DD - it may not say shorts in the heading of the thread, but if you read what was said - he clearly says "cameltoe hugging adidas shorts". You really should read beyond the heading before making any comments. And yes, you got it wrong.
By DangerousDi
CoffJR: Wow Coff you made a huge mistake. I did read it. I have worn Adidas as in the TITLE. In the COMMENT it says shorts. So get off your high horse.
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By honora
DangerousDi wrote:I don't understand when you have boobs and pussy you go for feet, but every one has their own thing.
DangerousDi, there is NO MENTION OF SHOES, title or comment. Take the time to understand what the OP is saying before making any responses. And even if you "think" you know what they are talking about, your reply wasn't helpful.
By DangerousDi
Boy you people are offended easily. I made a mistake for Christ sakes are you all perfect?
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By FastFive
I can't speak for anyone else... but myself, only on days of the week ending with "y".
By DangerousDi
@fastfive: You have a great humor.
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