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By Skeetz
It would appear, Bree, that you had more than just a lovely time . . . It's written all over your face!
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By BreeOclaire
Skeetz wrote:It would appear, Bree, that you had more than just a lovely time . . . It's written all over your face!
Skeetz - You're so observant! It is true...whenever the cam is pointing at me I'm having a good time and this day for sure as these snaps were taken after being naughty on LIVE CamChat, hee-he-hee!
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By Star
MMM Frisky Friday is just about 2 blend into Sexy Saturday with that hot shot Bree Looking soooooo hot n horny hun. :P :P
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By 327retro
Bree; what ever I say may not be enough. I noticed your perfect heart shaped mouth along with some damn perfect titties after that your lovely lady parts went to a bluer. What can I say, you have that effect on us mere mortals. ;) :)
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By Lothario2
Testes testes... one... two... three??

Is this thing on?

I've been trying to post comments... load an avatar pic... load a contri in Private Shots... ask questions on the board...

does anything work here... or not?

Maybe it's just me.
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By BreeOclaire
Star - You're just too much fun! Speaking of hot n horny...umm, I believe you forgot to post a pic with your comment ;)

retro - Awww, speaking of effects...after reading your sweet lusty words, I am feeling a quite a bit "hot n horny" now ♥

Hope everyone's #SassySaturday is going well!
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By mandadees
Hey there everyone,

I need to get caught up here, how's everyone been?

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

:D :D :D
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By trinityxxx
Sunny.... Hello sexy....Love the pics Hun! Super sexy

Bree.... Grumpy is spot on, you do indeed have the puuuurfect heart shaped mouth. :-)
I loved the cam shots you shared.

I haven't had a chance yet to read thru all the past pages, but I hope all is well with everyone.
Hope everyone's new year is off to a positive start. :-)
Xoxo Trin
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By Thinker
#SeductiveSunday That is what today could be. Had a nice sleep and am wide awake drinking my coffee. In a couple of hours I will head out to go on a (I hope, nude) hike. It will be in the upper 60s here. I am hoping it will be a warm 67. Maybe I can get a massage after giving one after the hike. The small of my back could use it!

Everyone, enjoy today...it will never cum again.
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Just a drive by for me as well but I'm happy to follow such lovely Sunday morning visions as M and T!

That does wonders for me!
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Erm, T as in Trin, Thinker slipped in there lol!!!
By Jbe
I saw that our old pal Lothario posted on Bree's thread the other day. I'm hoping that's a good sign... but I was chatting with him a couple of days ago and he is having some real problems with this site. He can't get a propic posted... couldn't upload a contri... and could get NO assistance from Admin- or at least hadn't at the time we "talked". Rock, you seem to be the "go to" guy. Maybe some assistance?

I hope he can get his issues resolved and that he'll be back on here posting and commenting. Like Grumpy said on another thread, if you haven't seen some of his work, you are missing some good stuff.
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By Star
Be good 2 c him back on here if poss Jbe. :D :) amongst some of his old n some new friends. :)

lets hope his probs get sorted. :)
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By mrdangerous
Step away from the forum for a bit and the conversation will get away from you. ;)

Hello all, and I hope everyone had a good weekend. I spent mine in the woods, and the wife sexted me a titty shot to keep me warm. :D
By Jbe
That does tend to happen, MrD. You never know which way the conversation will go here. Hope you kept warm in the woods.
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By Thinker
RCNCO wrote:Just a drive by for me as well but I'm happy to follow such lovely Sunday morning visions as M and T!

That does wonders for me!
RCNCO wrote:Erm, T as in Trin, Thinker slipped in there lol!!!
I like the other vision of M and T! Perfect in my opinion! ;)
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Jbe wrote:I saw that our old pal Lothario posted on Bree's thread the other day. I'm hoping that's a good sign... but I was chatting with him a couple of days ago and he is having some real problems with this site. He can't get a propic posted... couldn't upload a contri... and could get NO assistance from Admin- or at least hadn't at the time we "talked". Rock, you seem to be the "go to" guy. Maybe some assistance?

I hope he can get his issues resolved and that he'll be back on here posting and commenting. Like Grumpy said on another thread, if you haven't seen some of his work, you are missing some good stuff.
I'll see what I can do to help. For now, here is a couple of Lothar is pics reduced in size to 275*275 pixels
which should post to the forum profile. Main page profile size has to be about 120 I believe.

As for posting a contri. Register on the main page first.

Remember new comments are delayed for the first ten to guard against spam.

Here's a couple Lothario pics I was able to find for him.

Think, Good one!
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Lothario2 wrote:Thanks for all the help ya'll... I'm thinking I'll be able to post here shortly! :)

Good to hear! Give Plantspirit a big hug from all of us!

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By 327retro
Country Cuz, (Lothario) Man it's good to have you back here. Your looking rather dapper in your new pro pic if I may say. I think I can speak for all us old-timers here for hearty welcome back and you have been very much missed on this board.

Hugs to you & Plant.
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By Lothario2
Well thanks Grump and RC... now I've been gone for a while.. is RC Rock Climber? I seem to remember a basset hound? Or was that Jbe's stuffed buddy? :)

In my old age my memory isn't what it used to be.
By Jbe
Lo, you are sorta right. Yes, RC is Rock- though I could have let him answer that himself. But it wasn't a basset hound. It was a beagle- Winston. "Stuffed buddy"? Are you referring to Waldo? :lol: :lol:

Old age? Memory? What are we talking about? :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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By Skeetz
Jerry Tarkanian passed away this morning in Las Vegas! One of the best ever college basketball coaches, and a great man who I was privileged to call a friend while he was here in Fresno.

RIP Tark!
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Yup, I did a second account when I forgot the password, remember ever it and use whichever I happen to log in to. Lest anyone get sick of my constant comments and replies. Ha!

A beagle's love knows no limits...... Winston is my best pup buddie ever. Funny, he almost wasn't adopted, I was going to pick up another from a friend the next day.

Funny how life works.......

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Yep, 2009 I think? Maybe 2010? Odd, I have to give that some thought!

The Beagle paw hug of love greats me everyday!
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By BabyCakes
Hi everyone!!!! Miss being able to chat as much as I was in here! Lol soooon we'll be a "little less" busy. One more weekend of hockey! Which is actually kind of bittersweet for me, as I LOVE watching my son play and having the weekly visits with all the other crazy hockey moms. Haha we really do become a little family. Figured I'd say hi quickly while I could. :) have a few ideas stirring around in my head so as soon as I'm able to, the camera is coming out to play again!
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By mandadees
RCNCO wrote:Yup, I did a second account when I forgot the password, remember ever it and use whichever I happen to log in to. Lest anyone get sick of my constant comments and replies. Ha!

A beagle's love knows no limits...... Winston is my best pup buddie ever. Funny, he almost wasn't adopted, I was going to pick up another from a friend the next day.

Funny how life works.......

There he is! I missed his little look, LOL!
By Jbe
Hey BabyCakes. Nice to see you drop by in between hockey games. And glad to hear the camera is coming out again. Oh, don't forget about the COFF Interview. C'mon... you promised! ;) ;)
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By Skeetz
Rock, you are truly shameless, exploiting Winston's Image just to make the ladies swoon!

Don't encourage him, Manda!
By Jbe
Hello, SpanishBoy. Welcome aboard. This thread has absolutely no topic so feel free to talk about whatever you want... Please just keep it respectful... or as Grumpy (327retro) says, respectfully cheeky. :)
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By Star
SpanishBoy wrote:Hello to everyone!
I'm new here! I'mm very happy to talk and meet more people like me. ^^

Hi hun welcome 3 the madhouse :lol: :lol: :lol: seriously gr8 2 have u here :D its fun n friendly :) so hope 2 c lots of u. :) :)
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By Lothario2
Hello SpanishBoy... I'm pretty new around here myself... although I have been on a long hiatus.

I have the feeling you'll find yourself quite comfortable here in short order... I see you figured out an avatar pic right away! Took me a while to do that! lol

and I wanted to remind everybody... I noticed that Friday the 13th actually fell on a Friday this month! How about that!! ;)
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By BabyCakes
Friday the 13th alright....what in the hell?!! I went to my VW account to post a flash, cause well, that's what I do while in the tub lol, and somehow, my account is not my account??!!! It's showing contris that aren't mine and when I click on them, it says they can't be found. Well, how the heck do I get my own contris back now?! It's still showing my profile pic too. Geez. I tried changing my password there but it said it's not valid now but yet it let me in. Help!!!
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By Lothario2
BabyCakes.... you're in the tub you say... and need help!!??? :o
I'll be right over!!

But really, I wish I knew what to tell you but I don't... I'm thinking Rock would know... can you PM him?
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By BabyCakes
Hahaha yes I am! :P lol this is my VW time usually, except I hadn't had much of that lately. Trying to enjoy it, but that account thing is putting a damper on that. :x I'll try rock, hopefully he can help!
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By BabyCakes
Thanks Lothario!! :D

This is so weird, the only page that does not belong to my account, is the contribution page. Everything else seems normal. Grrr. Haha oh well, maybe I'll just post my flash on the flash thread anyway.
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By trinityxxx
Hi baby cakes..... Just so you know you aren't the only one seeing that glitch.
I too along with Elise are seeing random contris in our profile. So weird and it startled me tremendously. I went to check my current contris I uploaded and they vanished.... Showing nothing but random older contris and such. Elise and I see the identical thing in our 'manage contribution' so it must be some major glitch. We are just hoping our uploaded contris actually publish and of course have appropriate access to our own contris so we can reply accordingly.
I emailed Leo a few nights ago about it, by yesterday late afternoon it was fixed....today it's a mess again.
So I hear you.... We hope it gets fixed soon.

...... Also wanted to chime in here and wish all of you a very Happy Valentines Day!
Love ya,
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By BabyCakes
Oh thank you so much Trin!!! That makes me feel much better, well, not that I can't access or upload my own contris, but that it seems to be a glitch. It definitely freaked me out! Lol some were as old as 2007 I think! I was thinking to myself, what the heck is this?! These aren't mine! Lol hopefully it's fixed soon then, should I email anyone as well then?
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By trinityxxx
Baby cakes..., yes I bet you see a contri from some Diana and so on. Yes some dating back to 2007.
I am sure you see the same thing we do. Then I will see all sorts of current 'incomplete' stuff
Yes it scared the shit out of me..,, cause it's not mine.
Sounds like it's a major glitch and effecting all contributors I would imagine.
If you wish email Leo.
Let's hope it gets fixed soon.
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By Skeetz
A little Holiday Greeting from Ol' Skeetz to all the Ladies . . . . and only the Ladies!


Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Everyday is Happy,
If I get to See You!
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By Coffjr
Trin - happy Valentine's Day to you too. You can make me feel better by cuming over and taking my temperature, I think I'm running a fever - especially after seeing your latest contri! ;) You just keep getting better and hotter! And my thoughts keep getting - well, you know where my thought lay :twisted:

Babycakes - sorry to hear about your problem, I hope they can get it fixed for you soon.
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By BabyCakes
Happy V-Day to you all!!!! :D added a lil something I whipped up quickly for you all! ;)
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